Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Rider Rei ❯ The Rabbit burned by Hellfire ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Part 3

Later that day the teenage heroines met up at the Temple to discuss the incident from last night.
"That creep got what he deserved! I outta thank that biker dude" Makoto protested loudly, making a fist. Rei was pleased that the fighter of the Inners didn't see her new side as a threat. During the night Rei had seen flashes of memories from the Ghost Rider of the incident. While she didn't approve of the methods, she had to admit they were very effective. That guy sure won't harm anyone again...if he's ever let out.
"I second Makoto this is nothing the police can't handle if they feel they need to take action" Rei declared, which must have come to a surprise to some, as she would normally hate vigilantes. This did settle down the others. With that each of the Scouts left until only Rei And Usagi remained.
"I saw you" she suddenly said, startling Rei who froze. Surely she couldn't mean?
"W-what?" she asked, trying to cover up the tremor in her voice but failing. She turned from arranging her manga to look at her best friend with a tightening feeling in her throat. Now that she thought about it Usagi was unusually quiet during the meeting, not even meeting the mikos eyes.
"Last night, I went to the temple.." She started, looking down at her folded hands in her lap.

Sheer terror seized Rei as she already knew what she was going to say and simply stared in fear as Usagi began her story.
Usagi shivered as she walked swiftly towards the temple. After leaving the temple earlier that day. She couldn't settle down, Rei was acting strangely even is she herself didn't know. Her common sense tried telling her she should wait till the morning to confront her friend, she would probably be sound asleep by now. But that bike, something about has to go.

Her feet made light tapping sounds on the steps as she made her way to the top, guided by the lanterns only. But a bright flash of yellow light lit up the top of Cherry Hill. Usagi panicked, was the temple on fire? She took the steps two at a time until she reached the top, desperate to save Rei, her Grandpa and Chad. But she saw that the temple was perfectly fine and the light was coming from the shed...where the bike was stored.

Before she could investigate she saw Rei run out the temple and enter the shed, not noticing the blonde just feet away. After a few seconds of silence Usagi started to move forward until a huge fireball escaped the shed and she stumbled to the ground in shock. A cry caught in her throat, fearing the bike had exploded and killed her best friend until she realized there was no explosion, not even a scorch mark on the shed. Then it walked out.

Usagi had scrambled behind the bushes as the Ghost Rider and the demonic bike left the shed. The Moon Princess stared at the cold empty sockets of the skull who she believed to be a women judging by the curves of the leather biker outfit and then it hit her. This thing was...was Rei! As the flaming skulled woman rode off the hill leaving a fire trail after her.

End Flashback
Rei watched as Usagi lifted her face, tears welling up in her blue eyes and Rei was speechless. Usagi was there? At that time of night? Well there was no use denying it now was there? But now she would tell the others and they would stop her from being Sailor Mars, stop her from protecting Usagi, her light. They would also not trust her and treat her like the youma they have slayed for years. Kami they would even try to cure her of the Ghost Rider!

Rei didn't know why but she knew she couldn't let that happen! She wasn't simply possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance...she was Ghost Rider, of that she was sure. Her own father had trusted her with this power, to save innocents from human beings themselves. When was the last time a Sailor Scout stopped a bank robbery or stop terrorists? The Ghost Rider, regardless of her methods could stop crime cold, she could feel it!

But her Princess could stop that and Rei couldn't allow her, for her own good. So even if it hurt her on the inside rei had to convince Usagi she was not the Ghost Rider.
"You-you ditzy blonde baka!" she screamed, her brow furrowed in anger. Usagi had jumped back in shock. She had not expected this, not even from Rei.
"How could you think such a cruel and heartless thing about me? I thought we were friends" she continued to yell, making angry gestures with her hands as Usagi stood.
"You're accusing me of being that-that thing! Are you insane! What right do you have to accuse me of being a freak just because the news said fire was involved!?!" Rei was relentless in her verbal assault, forcing herself to ignore the tears of sadness pouring from Usagi's eyes.
"If what you're saying was true don't you think Grandpa and that baka Chad would have noticed!? Is this because of my bike? Are you jealous or something?"
"N-no rei, it's not like" Usagi whimpered uselessly, her feeble voice failing in stopping the miko's face turn red in anger, her fists tightening into fists but she did stop to ask something.
"And just what did you do after my supposed demonic transformation? Call the cops? The Scouts!?" she demanded, her face right next to the small girls.

The Champion of Love and Justice cast her eyes downwards in shame as she answered.
"I-I ran home and back to bed" she offered meekly and Rei, if possible got even more mad then Usagi has ever seen her.
"Yeah trust you to run and hid like a chicken!! You're whole life revolves around your bed! You dumbo you had a nightmare!! A stupid nightmare and when you saw the news your wild imagination cast me as the bad guy!!"
By now Usagi was heaving in great sobs, her confidence shattered. Her best friend, the most important person in her whole life hated her. Probably wishing they never met. She couldn't take being ripped apart like this and so she ran past the miko, wishing she was dead as abuse was shouted after her.

As soon as Usagi was out of sight Rei dropped to her knees and started crying herself. She couldn't believe has nasty she could be, maybe the Ghost Rider wasn't a demon, maybe it was her, for driving away the love of her life.

Meanwhile, in another dimension. A large demonic figure sat on his throne, watching the fight though a shimming screen. His black empty eyes narrowed as he lifted his red skull, alight with a light blue flame.
"That's it Ghost Rider, drive your allies away so that you will be easy pickings...for Zarathos!"