Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heal my wounds ❯ Rainy day ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was a rainy day, so she called him to watch a movie.
He arrived 10 minutes later, totally soaked and stressed. But he tried to look cool,
after all.
She smiled when she saw a packet of her favorite crackers in his hand and his wet silver bangs
hanging over his green eyes, making him look wild and sexy.
"come in, before you get a cold" she said maternally and enjoyed his annoyed look.
After they nestled on the coutch with crackers and sake she turned on the TV
and huddeld up to him at the beginning of "lost in translation".
"why are we watching a movie about foreigners here in Tokyo?"
he asked suprised. "you know, it´s interesting to see Tokyo from a foreigner view", she answered,
hoping he would be quiet now.
Of course he was not.
"How long does this movie take..."
"no matter, you don´t have any dates for today" she said,topping of his glass with sake.
"I see you wanna befuddle me, Minako", Yaten said and took one of her long shiny blonde strands to play with it. She didn´t listen, her eyes were glued to the TV. He made sure,
she stayed like that, then he took her strands and smelled her sweet scent. He didn´t want her to notice his acting.
She didn´t notice or even move, even when he runned his long musician fingers through her endless golden hair. Once again, he wondered why she didn´t see him, notice him. touch him.
love him.....
The movie was interrupted by the advertising. Minako switched to the music-channel.
He heared raising the song "rainy day" by Ayumi Hamasaki, an old song, one of Minako´s favorites. She turned louder and leaned her head against his shoulder. She began to sing with her sweet voice.
He wished profoundly she would recognize all his desires about her one day.
Yaten shook his head. What was he thinking about?
She was just his best friend, a girl that actually annoyed the hell out of him.
He even hated her once because she seemed so much like this by Seiya-adored Odango, whom he had hated even more.
This was long ago, when they were the first time in Japan and were all still visiting school.
After he returned with Seiya and Taiki back to earth, 2 years after the battle with Galaxia,
they all were more like adults but at the same time
still the teenagers they were as they seperated.
Usagi had broken up with her Mamoru and enjoyed from then on lucky days with Seiya.
Even Taiki and his beloved Ami-chan got together. It seemed,
everyone expected him, Yaten, get together with Minako, but suprise, suprise :Minako
had a boyfriend already. Yuu, was his name. He looked much like Yaten with his blonde hair and his green eyes. They split after a time, but Yaten and Minako were "just" best friends.
He closed his eyes and let himself float ,together with Minako´s sweet voice and this Ayumi Hamasaki song, to that time. 2 years ago.... All this memories of them as teenagers, of the summer-days they spent together...and he hated himself because he had ignored all the
chances to reveal his true feelings for her. Even Usagi had showen her feelings for Seiya.
And he, Yaten, a vacant idiot, was thinking, his elusiveness and cool image were more important than his luck with the girl he loved. The only girl he had ever loved.
Now, it was too late. The song ended and so did his desperate thoughts.
Minako switched to the movie again. He stared at the screen but didn´t see anything.
He just felt a lump in his throat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
well, that was the first chapter. Maybe a littlebit sad, but don´t worry there will be better times for them! ^,^
He arrived 10 minutes later, totally soaked and stressed. But he tried to look cool,
after all.
She smiled when she saw a packet of her favorite crackers in his hand and his wet silver bangs
hanging over his green eyes, making him look wild and sexy.
"come in, before you get a cold" she said maternally and enjoyed his annoyed look.
After they nestled on the coutch with crackers and sake she turned on the TV
and huddeld up to him at the beginning of "lost in translation".
"why are we watching a movie about foreigners here in Tokyo?"
he asked suprised. "you know, it´s interesting to see Tokyo from a foreigner view", she answered,
hoping he would be quiet now.
Of course he was not.
"How long does this movie take..."
"no matter, you don´t have any dates for today" she said,topping of his glass with sake.
"I see you wanna befuddle me, Minako", Yaten said and took one of her long shiny blonde strands to play with it. She didn´t listen, her eyes were glued to the TV. He made sure,
she stayed like that, then he took her strands and smelled her sweet scent. He didn´t want her to notice his acting.
She didn´t notice or even move, even when he runned his long musician fingers through her endless golden hair. Once again, he wondered why she didn´t see him, notice him. touch him.
love him.....
The movie was interrupted by the advertising. Minako switched to the music-channel.
He heared raising the song "rainy day" by Ayumi Hamasaki, an old song, one of Minako´s favorites. She turned louder and leaned her head against his shoulder. She began to sing with her sweet voice.
He wished profoundly she would recognize all his desires about her one day.
Yaten shook his head. What was he thinking about?
She was just his best friend, a girl that actually annoyed the hell out of him.
He even hated her once because she seemed so much like this by Seiya-adored Odango, whom he had hated even more.
This was long ago, when they were the first time in Japan and were all still visiting school.
After he returned with Seiya and Taiki back to earth, 2 years after the battle with Galaxia,
they all were more like adults but at the same time
still the teenagers they were as they seperated.
Usagi had broken up with her Mamoru and enjoyed from then on lucky days with Seiya.
Even Taiki and his beloved Ami-chan got together. It seemed,
everyone expected him, Yaten, get together with Minako, but suprise, suprise :Minako
had a boyfriend already. Yuu, was his name. He looked much like Yaten with his blonde hair and his green eyes. They split after a time, but Yaten and Minako were "just" best friends.
He closed his eyes and let himself float ,together with Minako´s sweet voice and this Ayumi Hamasaki song, to that time. 2 years ago.... All this memories of them as teenagers, of the summer-days they spent together...and he hated himself because he had ignored all the
chances to reveal his true feelings for her. Even Usagi had showen her feelings for Seiya.
And he, Yaten, a vacant idiot, was thinking, his elusiveness and cool image were more important than his luck with the girl he loved. The only girl he had ever loved.
Now, it was too late. The song ended and so did his desperate thoughts.
Minako switched to the movie again. He stared at the screen but didn´t see anything.
He just felt a lump in his throat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
well, that was the first chapter. Maybe a littlebit sad, but don´t worry there will be better times for them! ^,^