Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Kindness ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heart of Kindness

By Lady Sylver

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Chapter 1

I walk down the street with a smile on my face. I just left the most wonderful man in the world. I can still feel his tender kiss on my lips and his strong arms wrapped tightly around me. He is my life, my love, and my being. Without him, I would be nothing.

As I continue to walk, I think about how wonderful life is. Setsuna and Hotaru will be back in a couple of month, just in time for my birthday. Mamo-chan and I are together and nothing has been trying to tear us apart. I have my friends that love me, even if we have our disagreements and I have my family that stands behind me.

On top of all that, there have been no enemy attacks to bother us since Sailor Galaxia was defeated. Sailor Moon and the other Senshi have finally been able to retire, at least for a while. We all know that one day we will be called upon again, but it's nice being able to be a normal teenager for a change and being able to spend time with my friends.

I continue to walk down the street when the smell of the nearby rose garden catches my attention. Roses always remind me of my Mamo-chan. I look at my watch and see that I have time to go see the blooming roses before I have to be home. "The roses are so beautiful this time of the year." I whisper to myself as I look to cross the street.

A group of children play near the garden. I sit where I can drink in the smell of the roses and watch the children play. My heart aches as I watch the children play. My Usa, my child that I have spent time with and yet she is not even born, is not among them. I miss her so much when I see other children playing. By the time she is born none of this will exist and I will not get to watch my Usa play in the park with other children.

My thoughts of my future daughter are interrupted by a child's scream. I glance up and see the ball the children have been playing with bounce into the street. I'm on my feet before I even think. The youngest of the children runs into the street after the ball without even looking. I'm almost there as I hear the horn of an oncoming car coming down the hill.

I make myself move faster. I know that I must get to him before it's too late. I grab the child and pull him close. I hear the car horn getting louder. I know instantly that it is too late to get us both out of the way. I turn him in the direction of his friends and push him toward them.

I hear the thud of the car as it impacts with my body and I feel the wind surrounding my body as I fly through the air. I feel pain race through my body and the wind being torn from my lungs as I hit the ground. I hear voices all around me, but I can't understand what they say. I try to open my eyes to look at them, but my eyes won't open. I can feel the cold and the darkness surround me, and I hear nothing more.