Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kodai no Seimei Ano Zokuhen ( Ancient Lives the Sequel) ❯ Erev shel shoshanim ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kodai no Seimei Ano Zokuhen ( Ancient Lives the Sequel)
By: Kashu Hoshino (orginally devilangelvana, changed for a few reasons)
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh what-so-ever. If I did, I would see Yami and Yugi as a couple and I would watch Kaiba cower at their feet. Yugioh is owned by Konami, 4Kids Entertainment ( English version) and the great Kazuki Takahahi! Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, or Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, is owned by DIC, Naoko Takeuchi and other people who own it.

Kaiba: What the Hey? What is that supposed to mean! :: starts to chase Kashu Hoshino::

Kashu Hoshino: Hehe ^_^. :: runs away from Kaiba, and sticks out tounge at the rich boy:: This is the sequel to Ancient Lives. Which I am now slowly working on, but I need help though on names. This is also the prologue, so it may seem confusing at first. I suck at descriptions so far warning. And I am using song titles for chapter titles, but most have no relation to the story. I will also post who it is by in parenthesis.

Yami: About how many years does this story take place after Ancient Lives?

Kashu Hoshino: About 6 years, I'm not sure on it. I have posted an Age guide for everyone:

Yami: 18
Seto: 18
Bakura: 17
Saren: 25
Yugi: 17
Ryou: 17
Isis: 30s
Marik: 30s
Nathan: 6 ( Y/Y's son)

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: ( You should know their senshi forms..-_-;)
Serena: 20
Mina: 20
Lita: 20
Raye: 20
Amy: 20
Amara: 24
Michelle: 24
Hotaru: 14
Trista: Unknown, but looks 24
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Prologue: Erev Shel Shoshanim (9)

Near the outskirts of Cairo, a small rat with red eyes was eating garbage. In a flash of light, this rat becomes a woman with black hair and tanned skin. This woman is also known as Isis, who was changed into a rat.(1)

'Curse that brat..' Isis thought, as she gave her body a stretch. ' It had been six years since she turned me into a small mistake and she turned me into a freakin rodent.'

Isis began to walk around the desert. While she was walking, she felt something catching her attention. The once evil woman walked over walked over to see a weird looking shrine. Isis began to walk into the shrine when she saw someone running towards her direction, with two weird objects in it's hands. She also saw two guards running after the thief. Isis got a good glimse of who the theif and took a small gasp at who it was.

"Marik.." Isis whispered, which strangely as it sounds, make the thief stop in his tracks. He turns to her, where purple eyes met blue ones. "Let me come with you, we have to talk."

"C'mon then." said Marik, taking off again. Isis went after Marik.

It wasn't long before the guards caught up to the two runaways. Isis remembered that she still had some of her powers left when she worked for Heishin.(2) She stopped in her tracks and turned around. Her eyes began to glow a bluish color as she sent a brutal attack at the guards, which knocked them back a few feet and it left a huge hole in the desert sand. Isis's eyes returned to normal as she ran after Marik. Once the two were safe, Isis and Marik stopped and took a rest.

"Who are you? How do you know who I am?" demanded Marik, holding the objects possessively. He did not reconize his own sister, for they never had contact with each other for over a decade.

"Are you that stupid?" Isis spat, angry a little at her own brother. She rememebered when Heishin came to their house one day, and he wanted someone with power. Heishin did not like Marik at all but he saw something in Isis when they were only kids. Heishin had taken Isis away from her family, and she never heard anything about Marik or her family again. "Then again, Heishin never really liked you when he appeared at our house that day."

" that you?" asked Marik, noting that it has been a while since he last talked to Isis. And the last time he spoke to his sister was when Heishin appeared and took Isis away. "I thought that I'd never see you again."

"It has been a long time since that day." said Isis, eyeing the two objects that was in Marik's arms: one was a kubikazari and the other was a sao. (3) She looked at Marik again, confused on what he had stolen. "What did you take from that shrine?"

"These two objects are known as senen komoku." explained Marik, showing the two objects to Isis. "There are a total of seven in all but I managed to grab these two before the guards saw what I was doing."

While the two were talking, the two guards that were injured had called for more guards to watch the place while they headed to the city. Inside Cairo, the guards hurriedly ran to the palace and into the throne room, where Yami was talking to Seto, Saren, and Bakura. Yugi, Ryou and Nathan(4) were playing tag in the throne room. The two guards went up to Yami and bowed to him.

"Great pharaoh, we have some bad news." said one guard on the left, which caused the three playing to stop playing. Yugi and Nathan went to the throne while Ryou stood next to Bakura.

"What is it?" asked Yami, holding Yugi's hand.

"Two of the senen komoku have been stolen." said the guard on the right, which made Yami, Seto, Saren and Bakura gasped lightly. "We do not know who he was, but we did get a good look at his face."

Yugi saw this and took Nathan out of the room. He nor Yami wanted their son(5) to hear about what the guards were taking about. Once the two were out of the room, the guards continued.

"He had purple eyes, white hair, gold earrings, a white shirt, and a gold band around his neck." said the guard on the left.(6)

"Is there anything else?" The Egyptian Pharaoh asked the two guards. Neither didn't want to tell him about seeing Isis again, but they feared what would happen if they didn't.

"Yes m'lord." said the second guard, worriedly. "Isis was walking into the shrine when the theif left. She followed the theif instead of stopping him. She also helped him by blasting us."

"Isis was turned into a rat six years ago." said Seto, "How could she be alive now?"

"M'lord, we ask if we should bring you the remaining komoku for your safety." said the first guard. "We fear that they may try and strike again."

"Yes. Bring them here at once." said Yami, as the two guards prepared to leave. "Before you leave the shrine, make sure that they are well hidden from Isis."

"Yes, great pharaoh." said the guards, leaving the room.

Once the guards left the room, Yami began to think on a way to stop Isis. In the corridor that lead to Yami's room, Nathan and Yugi were listening to what the guards were speaking. Unknown to the two eavesdroppers, Saren was at the door and she opened it, making the two fall down onto the ground. Yami, Seto, Ryou and Bakura saw Yugi and the young boy on the ground.

"It seems that they were listening to the conversation." said Saren, as Yugi and Nathan got up. Yugi blushed lightly as the pharaoh chuckled lightly.

"Now what are we to do?" asked Ryou, "It seems that we won't be able to protect komoku at all times."

"Do you think that we should call the senshi for help?" asked Yugi, when everyone looked at him. He blushed lightly. "It would be nice to see them again."

"You're right Yugi." said Saren, "But would we be able to contact them."

"Maybe I could help you with that." A female voice spoked as Sailor Pluto appeared behind the group. She was in the same form that she and other senshi had before they left. (7)

"Sailor Pluto, Were you spying on us?" asked Bakura, jokingly.

"Yes in a way." said Sailor Pluto, "I have watched what happened with Isis. I will tell Serenity-hime about the situation. She and the others may come back to help you fight Isis."

"Yes, thank you." said Yami, as the soldier of time disappeared in a white light, "If the girls do come back, we need to make sure that we have rooms for them."

Seto, Saren, Ryou, Bakura and Nathan went to go get the rooms done up for the senshi, if they return. Back where Marik and Isis were, the two relatives were thinking up a plan to gather the remaining komoku. Only a short while ago, the two were washed over with powerful energy. They smirked evilly as they walked towards the city to test their now-found power.(8)

End of the prologue.
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(1) - If you have read Ancient Lives before, which is a MUST before you read this story, you should have read that Sailor Moon turned Isis and Pegasus into rats. No one knew what happened to Isis after that chapter.

(2) - Isis's power was unknown and no one knew if her powers were gone as she was turned into a rat. I'll clear this up for ya: Isis still has her power, even after she was turned into a rat. She couldn't change herself back to human because Sailor Moon use her own power to change Pegasus and Isis into rats.

(3) - I want you readers to guess what they are. I could make this a little contest. And the person who gets both correctly will get to chose who I should make as a couple. ( ex: Serena/Yami; Seto/Amara ((WTF?!?!)) )

(4) - My niece came up with the name. And it kinda stuck.

(5) - Yami and Yugi are the parents of Nathan. The young boy was given to them by Sailor Moon in the last chapter of Ancient Lives. Don't ask where I am coming up with these ideas, I just do.

(6) - That description of Marik is the best I could do, sincing that I was looking at the cover of TV Guide for the first week of February. I have all three covers and the picture that they put of Marik makes him look like a freakin girl. (WTF is a pic of a guy looking like a girl doing on something that is aimed towards children?!?!?)

(7) - I never really gave info on what the senshi's sailor fuku's were did I? Well, If you look in the Sailor Moon Stars 3 book, where it says: Your next opponent is...Us Sailor Moon. It shows the eight senshi in their final forms, which is something that I have no idea what they are, anywho, that is what their sailor fukus look like. Just add color and BINGO, you have their outfits.

(8) - Unlike the show, the senen komoku are very powerful weapons. They do not have their own powers, but each one does have power in it. They are just like what Rubeus gave Prizma ( Petz in Orginal version) when Prizma and Avery were the last two sisters before Rubeus was killed.

(9) - Erev Shel Shoshanim is a hebrew piece that I sang with the Amelia High School Ambassodors Choir at the NAMF in Virginia Beach in April of 2002. If some of you want, I can try to send you a small piece of the song through e-mail.
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Kashu Hoshino: I wonder how many reviews I'll get...

Akumakoe: None ** laughs like a moron **

Kashu Hoshino: ** glares hatefully at her yami ** Shimaru ama.

Akumakoe: Whatever. ** rolls eyes at her hikari**

Kashu Hoshino: Anyway, as you can tell, Akumakoe is my yami. and her name means devil voice or something like that.