Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kodai no Seimei Ano Zokuhen ( Ancient Lives the Sequel) ❯ Turn back time ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kodai no Seimei Ano Zokuhen ( Ancient Lives the Sequel)
By: Kashu Hoshino
Disclaimer: You guys know the usual disclaimer so I won't say it. This chapter may be a bit confusing, but if ya get lost just e-mail me and I'll tell ya what is going on. I might change my e-mail and if/when I do I'll post it.
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Chapter 1: Turn back time

* Note that this chapter is set in the year 199X. It is also placed at the exact same time when Isis became human again and headed towards the weird looking shrine. The outer senshi do not appear, except for Pluto, until chapter 3.*

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Serena was walking towards the temple, dazed. The previous night she had a strange looking dream. (1) It wasn't much of a dream unless you count that dreams attack you in your sleep. Serena walked up the stairs to the temple. When Serena was at the temple grounds, Serena sat down next to Lita., who brought lunch for everyone. Amy looked at Serena and thought that something was wrong with the blonde girl.

"Serena, are you alright?" The blue haired girl asked, which caused the other three senshi and two felines look at the leader of the infamous sailor senshi. " You look a little...pale."

"I'm fine." replied the blonde girl, standing up to prove her point. A few minutes after Serena stood up, Serena closed her eyes as she fell backwards.

At the last minute, Lita jumped up and grabbed Serena before Serena could hit the ground. (2) The girls went into a slight panic mode, considering that this is the first time Serena has fainted. Amy whipped out her computer and began to check Serena's body. Suddenly, the brooch on Serena's chest began to glow as a figure appeared behind Luna and Artemis. This figure was, infact, a Sailor Senshi.

"Sailor Pluto, what's wrong with Serena?" asked Artemis. The soldier of time looked at her princess and gasped lightly.

"It seems that the shadow realm wasn't closed all the way." said Sailor Pluto, as her eyes narrowed lightly. The four girls looked at the taller girl in disbelife. "I am here to ask you if you girls would like to help Yami and the others stop Isis."

"Wasn't she dead?" asked Lita.

"No. Serena only turned her into a rat, but Isis may have turned back to normal." said Amy.

"What are you girls talking about?" asked Luna, as the girls looked at the two advisors.

While the girls were explaining to Luna and Artemis what they are talking about, Pluto was checking over Serena's semi-conscious body. Serena's body was shallow, and her pulse was starting to get weaker. She knew what has to happen in order for Serena to get better. The two cats understood what was going on when Pluto stood up.

"Are you girls ready?" The sailor warrior asked the group of girls. The four girls nodded to each other as they preapred to leave for Egypt again. The four girls transformed into their sailor forms and waited for Pluto to open the time door.

"Let us come with you." said Luna, as the two cats startled the soldier of time. Sailor Pluto nodded as Jupiter placed Serena on her back.(3) The two cats jumped up onto Venus's and Mars's shoulders.

The Senshi stood in a circle, with Sailor Pluto was in the middle of all of them. In her hands she held the Time Staff. The Senshi held each others hands and began to concentrate.

"Gateway of before me.." Sailor Pluto whispered. The Senshi were surrounded with white light and they felt themselves being pulled upwards. There was a brilliant flash, and when it slowly faded away they found themselves in a strange place. All around them were doors.

"So, which door is it?" Sailor Mars asked looking around her. Sailor Mercury took out her computer and busily began working. Sailor Pluto brought out a key-chain with several keys on them.

"I don't know...but, here's the key.." she said holding up a rusty, old looking key. "This is a key to the past, but we just have to enter the correct door."

Sailor Jupiter looked at the door in front of her, it was a large door made of gold. She looked at the soldier of time quizzically.

"Do you think that this door might be it?" Sailor Jupiter asked, shifting lightly so Serena's body wouldn't fall off. Sailor Pluto looked at the door that Jupiter was refering to and shook her head.

"Hey..what about this one?" Sailor Venus asked, she stood before an old looking door with strange designs on it. Sailor Mercury was standing before it with her computer.

"I think it is.." Sailor Mercury said, agreeing with Venus.

"I know it is, look here.." Sailor Mars said leaning her head sideways as she observed the carved frame of the door. The side of the door had a carving of an upside down pyramid that had a strange looking eye in the middle of it.

"Well, let's try.." Sailor Pluto said slipping the key into the lock, it fit in perfectly, she turned the key carefully and there was a clicking noise.

"I think this is the right door.." Sailor Venus said nodding, not realizing that everyone had already come to that conclusion. Mars glanced at Venus for a second.

The four senshi, plus Luna and Artemis walked through the door. A white light blinded the group momentarily before the door behind them began to close lightly.

"I will go after Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. I will meet up with you in a little bit." called Sailor Pluto, as the door closed all the way.

***** Year XXXX *****

Seto, Yami, Saren, Ryou and Bakura were talking about who should hold the komoku. Unknown to them, Nathan was watching them talk. He wanted to tell them about something very important. Nathan was afraid of that if he told them about the dreams he's been having, then they'll be upset at him. Nathan walked up towards the adults, ready to tell them when Isis and Marik appeared at the doorway.

"Well well well, with defenses like this, anyone could easily take over Egypt." smirked Isis. Which caused Ryou, Bakura, Saren and Seto to get infront of Yami and Nathan protectively.

"Why are you here." Bakura spat hatefully.

In the corridor that led to the throne room, Yugi was heading towards the throne room. He wanted to talk to Yami about Nathan's strange behavior. Behind Yugi, a bright light took the form of a door. The door opened to reveal four figures standing, one on the back of one of the standing people and two cats. Yugi raised his hand to sheild his eyes from the light as the light itself died down. Yugi's eyes went wide as he saw people he'd never see again.

"Sailors, why are you doing here?" asked Yugi, startling the girls. The door behind the four girls vanaished a few seconds later. He saw Serena on Sailor Jupiter's back, slipping towards unconsciousness. "What happaned?"

"We think that the.." started Sailor Mercury when everyone heard a loud crash coming from the throne room. Sailor Jupiter placed Serena on the floor next to Luna and Artemis as the girls ran to the throne room.

When the girls arrived in the throne room, they saw Isis and a guy they don't know, and Nathan and Yami being protected by Ryou, Bakura, Saren and Seto. The girls nodded as the senshi ran to the group of six.

"Venus Love me Chain!!" shouted Sailor Venus, unleashing her chain of hearts directly towards Isis. Isis, on the other hand, dodged the attack and sent a blast towards Sailor Venus. (4)

While the fight was going on in the throne room, Yugi was looking at Serena. Luna and Artemis looked at each other with concerned lookes in their eyes.

"We have to figure out why Serena fainted like that." said Artemis, as the two felines turned their heads to face Serena's body, which was giving more shallow breathing than before.

"Didn't Sailor Pluto say something about how the Shadow Realm wasn't closed all the way?" intrupted Luna, which made Yugi look at the purple and white cats.

"What about the Shadow Realm?" asked Yugi, making the cats face the small boy.

"Sailor Pluto told us that the Shadow Realm may not have closed all the way." said Luna. While the three were talking, no one saw the faintly lit symbol on Serena's forehead appear.

"We have to talk to Yami and the others about this." said Yugi, "But right now he is at a meeting with Saren, Seto, Ryou, and Bakura about the komoku and the threat of Isis."

"What happened.." came Serena's voice, as the three looked to see Serena fully awake now. "Young Yugi, where am I?"

"The senshi brought you back here to Egypt." said Yugi, as Serena stood up.

Once Serena stood up, she felt a rush of pain in her body. Luna and Artemis looked at Serena in panic.

"The Shadow realm..someone is using it's power." gasped Serena, making her wand appear in her right hand and raising it up in the air, "Silver Moon Crystal Power...Make Up!" (5)

In a flash of light, Sailor Moon stood where Serena once stood. She made her staff appear and walked towards the throne room.

"Luna, Artemis, Be prepared to protect Yugi." ordered Sailor Moon, walking into the throne room. The two felines nodded as the sailor warrior left.

In the throne room, the sailor senshi were trying to fight Isis while Seto, Bakura, Ryou and Saren were fighting Marik. Isis prepared to blast the whole group when everyone hears something that is sounding like bells, freezing Marik and Isis in their tracks.

"Where is that annoying noise coming from." said Marik, looking around the palace, trying to find who is making the noise.

Everyone, including the senshi, were looking for the person making the strange noise. Suddenly out of the blue, Marik and Isis were knocked backwards towards the door of the throne room. Everyone looks to see Sailor Moon, standing with her staff in hand, and her body was outlined with dark energy. Sailor Moon blinked a few times, causing the dark energy to vanish and she misstepped weakly. Sailor Moon was about to fall when she used her staff to support her body from falling. The senshi ran to their weak leader with the Egyptians behind them.

"Sailor Moon, are you alright?" asked Sailor Venus.

"I..will be.." Sailor Moon sputtered, in between gasps of breath.

"You should rest Serena." said Sailor Mercury, as the five senshi reversed their transformations. Serena nodded as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Yugi, Luna and Artemis walked into the room and saw the throne room a mess. Seto picked up Serena's unconscious body and took the girls to their rooms, with the two cats behind them. After the girls were dropped off in their rooms, Seto carried Serena to Serena's room. When Seto placed Serena's body on her bed, Serena looked at Seto with sleepily eyes. She smiled at the High Priest, as Seto turned to leave.

"Seto..please stay with me." Serena said, sadly. Seto, much as he didn't want to, climbed into bed next to Serena.

End of Chapter 1.
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(1) - Serena has been getting strange dreams that caused her to wake up and she doesn't get any sleep from it.

(2) - As I said before, this is taking place at the exact same time Isis went to the temple. What this means here is that Isis used her powers, which gave Serena a reaction to it.

(3) - Just like in the show, where Jupiter has Moon on her back after Moon changed from Princess back to sailor.

(4) - The senshi will shout their attacks from the orginal dub, not the English version, only because it makes them sound more stupid.

(5) - Like I said once, Serena had another reaction to the Shadow Realm. As you read in the prequel to this story, Serena is the only one who can use the Shadow Realm.
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Kashu Hoshino: Does anyone wanna know why Serena asked Seto to stay with her? ** no one answers her** Fine then. ****** **** ******** ** ****.

Akumakoe: What the hell is with the damn **** things.

Kashu Hoshino: Instant spoiler blockers. No one can find out what it means. Only I know what it means. I am thinking on starting a club/group thing at If I do, it would be talking about future chapters of Ancient Lives the Sequel AND MAYBE the final part, cause I want to make a trilogy out it. IF anyone is interested, let me know via e-mail, subject Ancient Lives ideas. And if there is someone who is really really good at making webpages...nah never mind.

Yami: Why you stop?

Kashu Hoshino: Cause I've asked before and no one will help me. I might do the mailing list and the group thing. But I know my luck, I won't get many reviews and I'll just take my stories off of the net forever and go back to playing pinochle.

Akumakoe: That would be wise...since that live pino thing in Cleveland, Ohio is in 50-something days. And you need to know how you mom plays, considering that she is your partner for it. R&R please, we strive for your reviews.