Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kodai no Seimei Ano Zokuhen ( Ancient Lives the Sequel) ❯ Sweet dreams (are made of this) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kodai no Seimei Ano Zokuhen ( Ancient Lives the Sequel)
By: Kashu Hoshino
Disclaimer: You know the usual, so I ain't saying anything.

Akumakoe: :: bangs head to Metallica's Frayed ends of Sanity ::

Kashu: * mutters softly* I'm at the last end of my sanity... :: Akumakoe fwaps her hikari with a notebook that has ideas for future chapters in it ::

Akumakoe: :: notices that her hikari looks like she is ready to kill:: Uh...gomen?

Kashu: I have a headache now, thanks to you.

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Chapter 2: Sweet Dreams ( are made of this)

At Isis and Marik's home, Marik was angry that someone had made the two run away. But for Isis, she was thinking on an idea.

"Marik, the girl who blasted us." started Isis, who was talking about Sailor Moon.

"What about her?" asked Marik, who was sitting on the couch.

"She used to work for Heishin before she managed to kill him." said Isis, which caught Marik's attention, "She could be of some use to us."

"Like what can we do?" asked Marik, "There is no way for the two of us to get that girl. She is surrounded by four other girls that are her guardians, as well as the pharaoh and his guards."

"You challenge Sailor Moon to a fight. When you get close enough to her, knock her out cold." said Isis, "After that we will be able to make sure that the other brats don't follow us."

"Good idea. If it works." said Marik, as the two headed back towards the shrine.

A few months later, no one had heard anything out of Isis or Marik as the threat of them still hanging in everyone's minds. Serena woke up sleepily as the nighttime moonlight peered through her room. She woke up again, to a strange dream. To her, the dreams were like a premonition more than just a simple dream. Serena sat up in her bed, then realizing that she was naked underneath the covers. She also noticed that her hair was down.

'I guess -that- was part of my premonitions.' thought Serena, as she headed to the washroom.

When Serena came out of the washroom, she looked outside and saw that it is still dark outside.

'Great. I can't fall asleep until later today..' Serena thought, as she went for a walk around the palace, hoping to find the kitchen with out asking anyone for directions.

Later that morning, Luna and Artemis went to Serena's room to go wake up the girl, but they found out that Serena wasn't there. Ryou and Bakura found Serena, sleeping in the throne room. Serena woke up to see everyone staring at her in confusion.

"Sorry, but I woke up a few hours ago and I went walking around. When I came in here, I felt a little dizzy and I ended up sleeping." explained Serena, which was actually a lie. Part of it was true, but the dizzy part wasn't true. It was because Serena had another dream.

"Serena, we know you way too well. Tell us what really happened." said Lita, as Serena looked down sadly. She remembered what happened as she stood up. Serena moved so Yami could sit down with Yugi on his lap.

"I... can't." said Serena, then trying to change the subject, "So, what are we going to do about Isis and Marik?"

"Right now we are going to have the remaining senen komoku here for safety." said Saren, when Serena coughed in a joking manner, "and what is so funny?"

"Isis knows that the guards are going to bring them here." said Serena, and then smirking lightly, "There is another way to get the komoku here with out her even knowing that they are being protected."

"How then?" asked Bakura, "Isis was powerful enough before she got the kubikazari."

"True. But there is one way that we sailors can bring them here." said Serena, as the four girls's eye's went wide. "We can head there now and be back by nightfall."

"Alright then." said Yami, "I wouldn't hold it past them if they manage to find them."

"We do not know where this shrine place is, so someone has to come with us." said Raye.

"I'll take you there. I know my way there and back." said Bakura.

"Okay." Serena said, as she and the girls took out their wands. Before they transformed, Serena told them that the four girls will be holding the komoku. Everyone looked at her in confusion, "Isis might kidnap me to use the shadow realm to her and Marik's advantages."

The group nodded as the four girls transformed. Bakura and the senshi left the palace and headed towards the shrine. When they arrived there, Sailor Moon stood out on guard while Bakura took the four girls to retrieve the other items. Sailor Moon was also deep in thought.

'I hope I am not pregnant...everyone will be furious.' Sailor Moon thought, while looking out into the desert. All she saw was sand that surrounded the shrine. 'If I am....Uranus will be wanting to kill him. Just like she wanted to with Seiya.'

Unknown to the sailor warrior, Sailor Mars was able to pick up Sailor Moon's thoughts. She kept quiet as she continued to listen to her princess's thoughts. Outside the shrine, Sailor Moon saw Isis and Marik walking up towards the shrine.

"Guys, we have company." Sailor Moon called back into the shrine, where Bakura and the girls came walking out. Isis and Marik saw the six at the doorway into the shrine, blocking it.

"Get out of our way." demaned Marik, as Bakura got in between them.

"You are not getting the komoku." said Bakura, as the two villians smirked.

"We are not here for them." said Isis, waving her fingers as a few of the warrior monsters from the shadow game appear, "All we want is Sailor Moon."

"Why would you want someone like me, Isis." snapped Sailor Moon, "You obviously know that I have more power than you will ever see in a life time."

"Your little comment will not help you at all." said Marik, as he and Isis surrouned the six. "And don't make the stupid remark that we are out numbered. As you can see, you are the ones out numbered here. You are also outpowered."

The warrior monsters began to advance on the six. Sailor Moon looked for a way to escape. She knew there was only one other option, and Mars knew right away what it was.

"Sailor Moon, you can't go back to the shadow realm." said Sailor Mars, "If you go back over to the darkness, you won't be able to come back to our side. We will have no other option than to kill you."

"It is the only way Mars." said Sailor Moon, walking up close to the evil people, "I will go with you quietly, but on one condition."

"And that would be?" asked Isis. Sailor Moon looked at her senshi and Bakura, who were desperately crying out not for her to go.

"You must release my senshi and Bakura." Sailor Moon replied, placing a hand over her heart. "I am the only one that you two want and you have no use for the senshi or Bakura."

"True." said Isis, as she ordered the warrior monsters to stand back. The senshi and Bakura were free as they saw Sailor Moon with Isis and Marik, her eyes full of guilt and sorrow. "Open the shadow realm for us."

Sailor Moon closed her eyes as she opened the shadow realm enough for the three to escape through. After the door/gate was closed, the four senshi and Bakura ran back to the palace as fast as their feet could carry them. In the Shadow Realm, Sailor Moon became Serena again as all of the negative energy began to surround her body.

"What is going on?" asked Marik, confused obviously.

In a flash of light, someone was standing were Serena once was. This person was female obviously, and she was wearing a black spaghetti strap shirt, black short shorts, a pair of zip-up boots that end at mid-thigh, a black overcoat worn like a cape, a black choker that had a shining diamond in the middle of it. Her hair was blonde, but it wasn't as she normally wore it. Instead, the hair was put into a bunch of small braids. Her eyes were purple to match her darkness outfit.

"And who are you?" Marik demanded towards the girl, who simply turned around and blasted Marik with the wave of her hand.

"I was known as the goody-two shoes Serena." said Ryoshi, with a smirk of evil on her face. "Now I am Ryoshi."

End of Chapter 2
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Kashu: Yay! Chapter 2 done! ^_^

Akumakoe: About about what 14 or more to go?

Kashu: Yeppers. But I think I might make it more than 16 chapters.

Akumakoe: Yea, but you should be concentrating on how to play pinochle than write stories.

Kashu: I can do both! :: grins evilly:: besides, guess who coming into the storyline besides the outers.

Akumakoe: Who?

Kashu: ***** ***, ***** *** and ***** ***. :: looks to see if any of the outer senshi are in sight, and is relived that there is not :: I hope they come here to kill me... R&R folks, this story strives on peoples review. I would also like ideas for future chapters.