Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Laby Moon ❯ Daydreams and Rainstorms ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By Reanne

*Hi All, This is the third story that I have written. I have ideas for a lot more, but it's just getting them done. It's not often that I get inspired to write. ^_^. This is your lucky day! This is Basically the movie "Labyrinth" with Sailor Moon characters. It just popped into my head and besides, who doesn't want to see Darien with eye-shadow ::Big Goofy Grin:: J/K. Anyway, I am not going to tell you who certain characters are. Some I put in place of others, like Hoggle. But I don't know if I will put Ludo in because there is no character I could think of that would fit, and I think that there are enough characters in it already! This is the most ambitious story to date. I hope I finish it. Just keep bugging me, ^_^. Well, enough of my blabbering and on with the story....

*Standard disclaimers apply. I don't own Sailor Moon or Labyrinth (movie or book, which some of the more famous lines are taken with just the name changes. Most of the words will be mine, though) ::pouts::

( ) ~ lines from the book based on Labyrinth with just the names changed and a few things edited.


There is a young girl in the park. She is wearing a white homespun gown, with a ring of flowers around the two 'meatball's' in her hair. Her hair is golden, just like the sun peaking through the growing clouds. She stands before a beautiful raven. Her cat, Luna, is standing by her side, looking hungrily at the raven. The raven just stares transfixed at the beautiful young woman, the bird's eyes a remarkable deep blue.

("Give me the child," Serena said, in a voice that was low, but firm with the courage her quest needed. She halted, her hands still held out. "Give me the child," she repeated. "Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City, to take back the child you have stolen." She bit her lip and continued, "For my will is as strong as yours ... and my kingdom as great ..."

She closed her eyes tightly. Thunder rumbled. The raven blinked, once.

"My will is as strong as yours." Serena spoke with even more intensity now. "And my kingdom as great ..." She frowned, and her shoulders dropped.

"Oh, damn," she muttered.

Reaching into a hidden pocket, she brought out a book. Its title was "The Labyrinth". Holding the book up before her, she read aloud from it. In the fading light, it was not easy to make out the words. "You have no power over me ..."

She got no further. Another clap of thunder, nearer this time, made
her jump. It also alarmed Luna, who now decided that it was time to go home, and said so with a loud hiss.

She ignored Luna, while concentrating on learning the speech in the book. "You have no power over me," she whispered. She closed her eyes again and repeated the phrase several times.

A clock above the little pavilion in the park chimed seven times and
penetrated Sarah's concentration. She stared at Luna. "Oh, no," she said. "I don't believe it. That was seven, wasn't it?"

Luna stood up, sensing that some more interesting action was due. Serena turned and ran. Luna followed. The thunderclouds splattered them both with large drops of rain.

The raven had watched it all. When Serena and Luna left the park, he
sat still on his branch, in no hurry to follow them. This was his time of day. He knew what he wanted).

"Damn, Damn, Damn, Luna... It's not fair!" Serena's tears start to fall unnoticed as the rain starts to pour down in sheets of rain. Serena dashes to her house, not noticing that she was splashing mud on Luna.

Just as Serena reaches her road, she can see her step-mother, Beryl, waiting for her.

"Honestly, Serena, I mean, really!" Beryl says disgustingly.

Serena just looks defiantly at her. She stiffens her back and lifts her chin. "Come on, Luna." she says as she walks up the porch steps.

"Not the cat, she is filthy. Into the garage with you." Beryl says gleefully.

Outraged, Serena whines, "But She'll freeze!" She notices her stepmother's look. "Luna, go to the garage," Serena tells her beloved pet. She rushes past her stepmother, careful not to touch her in the passing and rushes for the stairs.

("Serena, your an hour late. You know, your father and I rarely go out and . . ." Beryl starts to say.

"You go out every weekend," Serena interrupted rapidly.

Her stepmother ignored that. "-- and I ask you to baby-sit only if it
won't interfere with your plans."

"How would you know?" Serena had half turned away, so as not to
flatter her stepmother with her attention, and was busy with putting
her book on the hall stand and lifting the home-made dress over her head and folding it over her arm. "You don't know what my plans are. You don't even ask me.")

Her stepmother was watching her coldly. "I am assuming you would tell
me if you had a date. I would like it if you had a date. A fifteen-year-old girl should have dates."

Serena bites her bottom lip, tears darting in her eyes. "I can't do anything right!" She flies into her room, rushing past her father, slamming her door.

"Serena, there you are... We were worried about you." her father watches her sadly.

"Leave me alone!" Serena cries through the door.

Serena hears her stepmother walk up the steps to her father. "She treats me like a wicked stepmother in those fairy tales, no matter what I do, Kenji" she puts a fake hurt in her voice, for her father's benefit.

Serena puts a pillow over her head to drown out Beryl's voice. 'Why does she always whine?' Serena whines in her head. She gets out of her bed and goes to her mirror. On the mirror there are many clippings of Broadway review, all mentioning her mother, Ikuko Tsukino. On several of the newer ones, there is mention of a man named Seiya, her mother's co-star. Serena stares off dreamily. 'He's so hot! And funny' Serena giggles. She is remembering her last birthday, when Ikuko and Seiya took her out. It was a blast.

In the middle of her memories, she hears her father knocking on her door. "Serena, honey, can I talk to you a minute?"

"There is nothing to talk about.... You better hurry up, you're going to be late." Serena tells her father, hoping her would just go away.

"Ok, princess, Rini has been fed and she is in her crib. Goodnight Serena" Her father walks away and the front door shuts.

Serena is upset. "You really wanted to talk to me... Practically broke down the door!" She cries, hurt because he didn't try harder. She looks around her room, looking to see if anything was missing. She liked her room as it was. It was the only thing in her life that didn't change. She even cleans it herself, just so that no one would come in here. As she was making the final sweep, she notices that something is missing. "Lancelot! Someone's been in my room again! I hate that!"

Serena rushes into her half-sister's room, looking for the little bear. She sees it lying face down on the floor, abandoned. Serena's face scrunches up in a rage. "I hate you!" she screams at the baby. The pink haired child cries in a loud, annoying voice. She is frightened by her older sister's voice.

Serena leans over the crib. "Why don't you just shut up? What? Do you want a story?" Serena's face has a slightly evil grin on it. "I know a story," Serena picks up baby Rini, cuddling her to her side. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who always had to stay home and watch her baby sister. The baby was spoiled. She wanted everything for herself and the young girl was practically a slave. But what no one knew was that the Goblin King was in love with the girl and he had given her special powers. One day when the baby had been particularly nasty and hurt from the harsh words of her step mother, she could bear it no longer!" Serena was yelling theatrically at this piont, holding Rini high in the air. "Goblin King, Goblin King, where ever you my be, take this child far away from me!"

Lightening flashed and Rini is now screaming at the top of her very well developed lungs. Serena drops the child down to her hips and rocks the child for a bit, trying to soothe her. Rini is just whimpering now. "Oh, Rini, stop." She sets her down in the crib. "I wish I did know what to say."

Suddenly, a phrase popped into Serena's head. "I wish the goblin's would come and take you away" she walks over to the door and flips the light off, "Right now."

Well, this is the first chapter. I hope you all like it so far. I have realized that this is going to take me a long time to write. Even though most of it is going to go along with the movie, it still takes time to write. I really would like to know if people want me to do more. If not, this might be the only chapter. I hope that people really want to read this story. Also, If you have any suggestions of who you think a scout should play (one of the character's from Labyrinth), tell me and I might use it and I will give credit if I use your Idea. I already have plans for Rei and Ami. I am also debating weather or not to use the Outer's. Well, I will stop now ::grins::
