Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Laby Moon ❯ The Nightmare begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


By Reanne



Well, Here is the second chapter. Sorry it has taken me so long for this to come out, but it has been a weird year. Took me forever to get a computer again, I got married and a lot more. ^_^. Well, I hope you like this, though I am getting uninspired with this story. Basically, it's the movie lines with my description of what happens and character name changes, still I hope you like it. Thanks to Kat, Moon Bunny, Dani, Aerohead, and Alex Damioh. Thank you for reviewing and keeping me going. If not for you, I probably wouldn't have done this chapter. Thank you. ^_^


Chapter Two

As the words slip past Serena's lips, the room goes quit. Her heart begins to beat faster and faster as her mind starts to race. `No, this can't be happening.' She thinks to herself. She goes to flip the light back on, but it stays off, no matter how many times she flips it back and forth.

"Rini," Serena tries to say calmly, but fails. "Rini, are you alright?" She really starts to panic, knowing that the young child wouldn't stay this quit, ever. "Why aren't you crying?" She says, starting to tear up herself. Serena slowly starts to go into the dark room, over to her sister's crib. She sees movement under the small blanket, but it seemed off, somehow. Cautiously, Serena reaches into the crib and grasps the blanket. She pulls it away very fast, and gasps. There isn't anything there!

Serena starts to whimper in fright. She backs away from the crib, horrified. Suddenly, she feels something bump into her leg and she screams in surprise and jumps away from the offending object. When she looks down, there isn't anything there, but she does notice movement all around the room. "Ahh!" she screams, as the little masses laugh at her. She whips her head around as the dresser drawers start randomly slamming all over the room. Then she notices that a large black raven is trying to get into the room from the big bag window that is in the room. The window seems to open on it's own and Serena puts her arms in front of her face, as the raven came flying at her, wings flapping. She gives a small scream. It takes her a few moments to realize that the bird isn't there anymore.

She slowly puts her arms at her side again, but she stops halfway when she notices a shadow behind her. It was small and bird shaped, but it stats to slowly morph into a man. Not just any man, but the most gorgeous man she has ever seen. He was tall, deep sapphire eyes, and the blackest hair you could imagine. His hair was long and wild, like he had just woken up from a long rest and hadn't combed his hair. He had purple eye shadow (think eighties, people! ^_^). He has a smirk on his beautiful face.

Serena's eyes widen as the realization hits her. "You're him, aren't you?" She says timidly. She pauses to get her composer and says a little more strongly, "You're the Goblin King." The man inclines his head ever so briefly, still smirking at the young girl. "I want my sister back, if it's all the same," She asks the man, looking at him with eyes filled with terror.

The man smiles a toothy grin, showing slightly elongated fangs, and shakes his head. "What's said is said," he says in the most sensual voice Serena has ever heard, making her shiver ever so slightly.

"I didn't mean it!" Serena cries out, hoping that he will listen to reason, needing to have Rini back.

The man smirks to the young woman and raises an eyebrow, "Oh, didn't you?" he says mockingly.

"Please, where is she?" Serena has tears in her eyes, trying not to panic.

Looking a little bored with the whole thing, the man says rather bitingly, "You know ever well where she is."

"Please bring her back," she begs him, "Please!"

Looking at her tenderly, "Serena," he pauses for effect, then his voice gets more cocky, "Go back to your room, play with your toys and costumes," with this he smirks once again. "Forget about the baby"

Serena, entranced with his voice shakes her head slowly, trying to get some composure back. She shakes her head again, to answer his question, "I can't" She shays more firmly.

The man looks a little impressed with her resolve. Then, he grins again and summons a medium sized, perfect crystal sphere. He starts to twirl the sphere back and forth between his two hands in a beautiful and impossible dance made to entrance the audience, which is Serena. In a seductive voice, he speaks softly, "I've brought you a gift."

Serena's eyes never leaving the crystal, she asks in a dazed voice, "What is it?"

The man smirks at the girl. "It's a crystal, nothing more, but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams." He smiles, thinking that he has the girl now, as she smiles at the mention of her dreams. "But this isn't a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of the screaming baby, " noticing that her eyes had a glazed look to them, he whispers into her ear, "Do you want it?" She smiles at him and nods her head. He smirks full on again and says smugly, "Then forget about the baby."

Serena looks crestfallen at this news. She shakes her head and says sadly; "I can't" She looks up into his eyes and notices the anger shimmering there at her refusal. "I appreciate what you are offering, but I want my sister back. She must be so scared" she says pleadingly.

"Serena," the man says softly and dangerously, and the crystal turns into a large snake. "Don't defy me!" He speaks harshly and tosses the snake at her neck.

"Ahh!" She yells as she feels the snake wrap around her neck. She tries to desperately claw at it to get it away from her. As her hands close around the snake's body, she notices that it's lighter now.

As she pulls it away from her, she realizes that it's a scarf and flings it to the ground. She is pissed now, especially when she hears laughter and glares at the goblins that are in the room, mocking her.

He smirks at her again, "You are no match for me," he says in a bored tone of voice.


Yay! ::claps heads and does a happy dance:: I finished another chapter. Woo hoo. Well, That was a difficult chapter because the man didn't introduce himself and It's difficult to find new ways to say he is speaking or smirking, which, in my mind's eye seems really sexy, he he he. Well, R & R. Tell me what you think so far. See yah laters, hopefully sooner then a year. Lol. Bye, bye