Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5:

At the same time, as all that happened to Altair:

"What could it all mean Seiya-san?" A tall dark-haired girl asks.

"To tell you the truth, I have no clue. And are you sure you can't remember the names of the people that died in the dream?" Seiya replies.

"We've been over this a million times! No I can't!" the girl yells.

"Maybe. . . . one of Odango's friend's would know. It's ok Solange, we'll find out what that dream meant." Seiya says, backing away from the angered girl.

Solange holds her head. "Gomen nasai Seiya-san, it's just, that's the third time this week I've had that dream, and, from celebrity to celebrity, I can't go on like this!" she yells angrily.

"Solange, your tennis game is horrible! What happened?" A voice calls from the door.

"I don't know why I'm bothering to talk to you three! You're of no help whatsoever!" Solange starts out angrily.

"I was joking. Rei-san will be able to figure out what your dream means, I'm pretty sure she will at least." Yaten says hurriedly, before Solange can run off angrily like she usually did.

"Actually, their study session should start soon, we might be able to get you a fire reading then." Taiki states as he walks in.

Yaten rolls his eyes. "Yeah right, you two just want a reason to see Ami-san and Usagi-chan." He says with a sigh.

"It's alright Solange, I know these three aren't doing you much good." Kakyuu says as she walks in. "Actually, barging in on their study session might be a good idea." She adds.

"Kakyuu-h. . . . . er... Kakyuu-san, I didn't see you enter." Seiya says with a slight bow of his head. ~Gotta keep our cover, Seiya you idiot, don't call her hime in front of Solange.~ he thinks angrily to himself.

Yaten giggles at Seiya almost blowing their cover. "My word. . . ." he mutters.

"Kakyuu-san, thank you." Solange said with a smile. She stands up quickly, almost reaching the height of Taiki, just a few inches shorter. "Let's get going, shall we?" she asks. Holding up keys to her convertible she glances around the room. "Care for a ride?" she asks quickly.

"A ride would be splendid." Kakyuu replied. As Solange lead the way to the car Kakyuu motioned for the other three to follow. As they piled into the car Solange looked in the rear veiw mirror.

"Out in public vision for two or three minutes and the girls already find their way to us? Hurry up and get us outta here!" Yaten exclaims.

Solange nods with a slight laugh and pushes her foot down on the gas pedal.

"YATEN-SAN!!!!!!!!" some of the girls could be heard screaming.

"SEIYA-SAN!" Another group could be heard yelling at the top of their lungs.

"TAIKI-SAN!" the rest could be heard chanting.

Kakyuu started giggling. "Oh. . . . you three really are popular." She teases.

"Yeah. . . . ." Yaten mutters.

"Yaten-saaaaaaaaaaan!" Taiki coos in a high-pitched voice, then bursts out laughing.

"Don't do that girl voice, it just plain scares me." Yaten retorts.

Seiya starts laughing. "Funny part is, he sounded like those girls back there." He says in between breaths.

"That's the scary part." Yaten says, supressing his laughter.

Solange shakes her head, trying to keep her thoughts on the road. "Stop you guys, I can't concentrate well with you guys making those weird girl sounds in the back." She scolds jokingly.

"It was all Taiki." Seiya and Yaten say in unision. Kakyuu bursts into another fit of giggles.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore, we're here. Everyone get out." Solange says as she stops the car in front of the temple stairs.