Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7:

Celeste put her book down. "I can't believe this, nothing in this library has anything about deciphering your dreams!" she complains angrily.

"Just keep looking, you might find something!" Tryphena whispers back.

"Celeste-sama, Tryphena-san I couldn't help but overhear that you two are looking for a book that helps you decipher dreams. Well, I think I happen to have one at Rei-san's temple." A kind voice tells them as she walks up.

"Arigatou Ami-chan, you're a life saver." Celeste sighs.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you searching for a book with those qualities?" Ami asks curiously.

"Miss Mizuno, as I'm sure most other people have no problem recollecting their dreams for you, we are surely different." Tryphena states as she picks up a pile of books. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be going somewhere. Sis, Daddy told me not to stay out long." She adds coldly.

"Daddy always tells you that, he doesn't give you the freedom Mother would." Celeste retorts, somewhat angrily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way, Tryphena-san." Ami apologizes.

"I'll call you when Daddy goes to work. Good bye." Tryphena says. Ignoring Ami, she quickly walks out of the library.

"Ami-chan, please forgive my sister, she's been like that lately. Ever since we started having the same dream." Celeste apologized hurriedly.

"It's quite alright, Celeste-sama. Do you mind telling me about your dream?" Ami says with a slight tinge of curiosity in her voice.

Celeste nods her head and tells her whole dream to Ami.

"And the Queen's name was?" Ami asks, wanting to know if her ears had heard the name right.

"Queen Serenity." Celeste replies quietly.

"Then I did hear you right. Is that the only name you can recall from this dream?" Ami asks quickly.

Celeste nods her head slowly. "Yeah, it's the only name Ami-chan." She answers. She looks down at her pile of books. "Your friends go to Rei-san's for a study session around this time, right? I was wondering if I could accomponay you." She adds with a smile.

"Of course. I'm sure Rei-san wouldn't mind. You're having trouble with your sister aren't you?" Ami replies with an almost worried tone of voice.

"Well, sorta. . . . . . . she's been very rude lately, and you know she's never been like that before. She told me Daddy's been yelling at her because she doesn't have straight A's. Mother most likely doesn't know about this, unless she decided that she wanted to talk to our Dad for the first time in three years." Celeste explains.

"Grades aren't everything, they are very important, but unless she's getting C's or lower, he shouldn't be yelling." Ami says quickly.

"Well, she's getting all A's and B's, I don't know what our dad's problem is." Celeste replies shortly.

"Well, we'll talk later Celeste-sama, now let's go to Rei's temple." Ami tells her comfortingly as she picks up her briefcase and a reasonable stack of books. Celeste nods and picks up a few books herself.


"Tryphena-san! " Minako yells, bursting out of Rei's temple as Tryphena walks by.

"Oh, hey Minako-chan." Tryphena says, lifting her head from her book only momentarily to see who it was.

"You seem really into that book? What's it on Tryphena-san?" Minako asks curiously. "Is it on, the Three Lights? Or. . . . . is it on. . . . . ." she starts guessing. She stops to think and a few seconds later snaps her fingers. "I know! It must be on becoming an idol!" she exclaims.

Tryphena supresses her laughter. "Actually, it's about what dreams can tell you." She replies.

"Oh. . . . .well that's cool too." Minako tells her. "Hey, do you wanna join our study session today? I'm sure Rei-san won't mind." She asks.

"Uh, sure. Why not?" Tryphena answers with slight enthusiasm in her voice.

"Great! Come on!" Minako exclaims. She grabs Tryphena's arm and pulls her up the stairs. "Rei-chan! Is it ok if Tryphena-sama joins the study session?!" she yells when they reach the door.

"Sure, I told Sakura she could come too. She should be here any time now." Rei replies.

"I'm here! Did I miss anything?" Sakura exclaims as she plops herself on an extra pillow.

"No. . . .not really. No one's really here yet." Mako says with a slight laugh as she comes back into the room. "Alright, we can't eat these until the rest get here. Got it?" she orders as she arranges a big feast of sweets on the table.

"One sec, the phones ringing." Rei says hurriedly as she rushes to answer the phone.

"Oh please Mako-chan, just one?" Minako asks curiously, slyly trying to make her way to the rice balls.

"No Minako-san!" Mako yells angrily.

"But!They look so good." Minako pouts.

"MAKO! MINA! Stop fighting!" Rei yelled angrily.

Minako backs away reluctantly from the sweets.

Rei hangs up the phone and walks back over to the rest. "Haruka-san and Michi-sama are bringing Ramya-san over." She tells them. "Now, I wish everyone else would just hurry up and get here!" she adds angrily.