Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9:

"Celeste is on her way, so are Sakura and Tryphena." Ami says as she hangs up the phone.

"Great!" Minako exclaims as she plasters more make up to Usagi's face.

"Are you sure this looks ok?" Usagi asks as Minako applies more eyeshadow to her face.

"You look great!" Minako exclaims happily. She takes a step back and admires her 'work'.

Rei gasps and covers her mouth as Mako runs out of the room.

"What?!?!" Usagi screeches. The girls just giggle and point at her face. Usagi quickly grabs a mirror. The red lipstick appearantly hadn't made it to her lips as it was all over her cheeks. Her dark blue eyeshadow was up to and over her eyebrows. Mascara had been smeared around her eyes, appearantly missing her eyelashes by a great distance. "MINAKO-SAN!!!!! YOU RUINED MY FACE!" Usagi yells angrily.

Minako scurries through the cluttered room, trying to avoid being spotted by a maddened Usagi.

"Woah! What's the hurry?" Ramya asks as she comes out of the kitchen. She spots an angry Usagi and tries to supress her giggles. "What happened Usagi-chan?" she asks, letting a few giggles slip accidentally.

"She happened to me!" Usagi screeches while pointing at Minako. "I let her do my make up and end up looking like a youma!" she adds.

Ramya covers her mouth. "Now, let's see. I can fix this problem easily." She replies. "Come here." She says as she pulls Usagi to a mirror. Taking a wet washcloth she carefully cleans the mess off of Usagi's face. Carefully, she applies a silver eyeshadow and tomato red lipstick to Usagi's face. Quickly, before Usagi can ruin it by shutting her eyes, she applies a thick coal black mascara to her eyelashes.

"Now what do you think?" Ramya asks, holding a hand mirror up to Usagi's face.

Usagi stares in awe. "It's great! Thank you Ramya-san." She replies.

"Hmph. I still think that if she would've sat still the make-up I applied would've looked fine." Minako pouts. Rei rolls her eyes while Mako emerges from the kitchen with a batch of cookies.

"So, what are we gonna wear? We're totally broke! So we can't go shopping." Minako observes as she eats one of the cookies.

Sakura opens the door followed by Celeste and an angry Tryphena.

"That's what I'm here for!" Sakura says as she holds up hangers, each with a unique party dress on it. "I got the part! And. . . . . they let me borrow these dresses. Ami mentioned you were broke." She adds happily.

"You're a life saver!" Minako exclaims as she holds up an orange sequined dress.

Sakura smiles triumphantly. "Now let's get ready for that party!" she yells happily.

"We are now seeing a side of Sakura that we've never seen before." Ramya laughs. "What part did you get?" she asks before Sakura can yell at her.

"Juliet." Sakura replies shortly as she pops a cookie into her mouth.

"Ooooooooooohhhhhhh who's playing Romeo?" Minako asks, her azure eyes gleaming with unknown curiosity.

"Don't know yet." Sakura replies as she takes a sip of her tea. "Did Solange say who was going to be at her party?" she asks.

"A few of her friend's and us." Seiya speaks up.

"She also said something about worrying about reporters being there." Usagi chimes.

"There ~are~ going to be reporters there." Michiru states.

"And you know this because?" Rei asks.

"I can just feel it." Michiru replies flatly.

"It's like you feel EVERYTHING!" Tryphena comments.

"We need a babysitter for Hotaru. Who's not going?" Haruka asks, ignoring Tryphena's last comment.

"Chib Usa-chan isn't. I'm sure the two would be fine by themselves." Usagi replies. "Or, we can leave them with Shingo and Ikuko-mama." She adds.

"I'd feel better if they were with Ikuko and Shingo." Michiru states.

"Rei-chan, can I use the phone?" Usagi asks. Rei nods her head. Usagi walks out of the room and few minutes walks back in. "Ikuko-mama said that she'd be delighted to babysit them." She says in a releived voice. "She just said to drop them off on the way to the party." She adds.


2hrs. Later:

"Now you be good for Ikuko. We'll be back soon." Michiru tells Hotaru. She kisses the toddler on the forehead and sends her inside with Chibi Usa.

"Arigatou again Ikuko." Haruka tells Ikuko before she shuts the door.

"Oh, it's alright. I love Hotaru-chan, she's so adorable. Have fun at the party." Ikuko replies happily as she shuts the door. Haruka walks with Michiru to her yellow convertible.

"Now we can go have some fun." Michiru giggles.

Haruka shakes her head and laughs as she starts the car.