Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Ten:

"The party is wicked cool." Usagi comments.

Solange laughs slightly. "Thanks." She replies. "Excuse me a moment, girls." She adds. She walks away to a group of giggly girls.

Ramya yawns. "I don't see anything to do here if you don't have a boyfriend." She states, partially angry.

"Aren't they the cutest couple!?" Celeste exclaims.

"I call next dance with Haruka! I need to learn how to waltz!" A bunch of girls could be heard fighting.

"They're fighting over you Haruka." Michiru giggles softly as they waltz.

"I know. Amazing how so many girls still think I'm a guy." Haruka replies.

They continue waltzing until the slow music ends. Michiru whisps away from the crowd of girls surrounding Haruka. Her teal dress shimmered as she got a cup of juice.

"Haruka's really popular with the girls." A voice says from behind her.

Michiru sips her juice and sighs. "I know, and there's nothing wrong with it. They're just leading themselves to false hopes, thinking Haruka-san is their prince in shining armor." She replies. "I'm surprised you aren't over there yourself." She adds with a giggle.

"Oh please. I don't go after girls that look like guys." The voice replies.

"Oh really? At first you did." Michiru replies, raising an eyebrow.

"I thought she was a guy at the time! I didn't know she was a girl!" the voice retorts, laughing slightly.

"Ramya-san, why aren't you dancing? Don't you have a boyfriend?" Michiru asks, turning around.

"No, I haven't found him yet." Ramya sighs.

"Don't tell me you're waiting for your prince in shining armor to come and whisk you away. Because if you are, you're living in a fantasy world of dreams alone." Michiru states.

"I know, I'm not waiting for a guy to come and ask to be my boyfriend, or anything like that. I'm just waiting until I meet the right person." Ramya replies.

Michiru shakes her head. "If you say so." She whispers.

"Oh Haruka-san! Dance with me next please!" A crowd of girls could be heard pleading.

"Were we like that?" Minako whispers to Mako, watching the crowd of girls around Haruka enlarge.

Makoto nods her head. "Sadly, yes." She replies.

Solange sighs. "Alright, just to help Haruka." She says quietly. She walks up to the DJ and tells him to put on a fast song. The crowd of girls around Haruka fades.

"Thank goodness." Haruka sighs with relief. She then walks over to Michiru.

"I see they let you breath, for now." Michiru giggles.

"For now." Haruka retorts. "Arigatou Solange-san." She adds as Solange walks up to them.

"Don't think anything of it, Haruka-san. Besides, I felt sorry for you." Solange laughs.

Michiru tugs on Haruka's arm. "Don't get angry." She whispers.


Usa gi clambered around the dance floor, stepping on Mamoru's foot every dance move.

"She hasn't changed a bit." Haruka sighs, with her hand on her forehead.

"Give her some credit, at least she's trying." Michiru giggles.

"At least. You think I'd get a chance to dance with Mamoru-san?" Aisu asks as she walks up.

"Why? Don't tell me you have a crush on him." Michiru laughs.

"No, and besides he's got a girlfriend. I only want to dance with him." Aisu replies.

"I'll get Odango to dance with me, then you'll have your chance with Mamoru-san." Haruka tells Aisu.

"Thank you Haruka-san! I owe you one!" Aisu exclaims suddenly.

"Yeah, I know." Haruka replies. When the song ends, Haruka walks up to Usagi and starts to dance with her.

"Mamoru-san, wanna dance?" Aisu asks, walking up to him.

"Sure Aisu-san." Mamoru replies. ~What are these vibes I'm getting from her?~ he thinks to himself as they waltz around the dance floor.

~Endymion, how come that name just came to mind? And what is this feeling, as if I've known him since long ago?~ Aisu questions herself in her head.

~~Flash Back~~

"Endymion, you shouldn't go to the Moon. It's too dangerous. Through all our negotiations, some of the moon's inhabitants still wish you dead." Aisu tells the prince.

"Sorry Aisu-san, but I cannot obey that order. Tell the others to continue with their negotiations while I talk to the Moon Queen." Endymion replies.

~~End Flash Back~~

"And that was when he died." Aisu whispers.

"Hm? Did you say something Aisu-san?" Mamoru asks curiously.

"Uh, no. You just remind me of that legendary character, known as Endymion, Prince of Earth. But, that's silly." Aisu laughs in response.

~Endymion? How'd she know about me?~ Mamoru questions himself in his head. After thinking for a while about the possibilities, he gets the same flashback Aisu got.


"Ohhhh, they look so sweet together, as if they've known each other for such a long time." Michiru coos as Setsuna walks up.

"They have known each other for a long time." Setsuna tells her quietly.

"What?!" Michiru exclaims in a queit whisper.

"Elemental Senshi, Star Ice. One of the negotiators of peace. She was the oldest. Don't you remember?" Setsuna asks.

"They didn't appear much. But, I do remember now. So, where are the rest?" Michiru replies.

"We don't know. Michiru-san, just keep an eye on everyone." Setsuna replies.