Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11:

Ramya walks up behind the two. "Setsuna-san, Michiru-san, what's wrong?" she asks curiously.

Michiru whisps around. "Nothing." She replies. "We were just thinking about something."

"Really? Oh, hey! Take a look at Aisu-san and Mamoru-san! They look so kawaii together!" Ramya squeels quietly.

"Kawaii indeed, but they aren't meant to be." Setsuna says quietly.



~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~

"When did you meet Usagi?" Aisu asks curiously.

"A few years back." Mamoru replies shortly.

"The two of you seem very close. By the way you talked of her, I expected her to look exactly like the legendary princess of the moon." Aisu giggles.

A chill struck Mamoru once again. How did SHE know of him and Selenity? He had never heard any legends of himself.

"I see there's more to you than meets the eye." Mamoru jokes.

"Oh puh-lease Mamoru-san." Aisu laughs. "I'm just interested in myths."


"When will she awaken?" Michiru whispers to Setsuna, out of Ramya's hearing range.


"So, we should make sure she's not in public, then?"

"Yes, whatever it takes, do it."

Michiru glanced at the clock. "Well then, we better hurry." She says as Ramya gets bored of them and walks away.

"Grab her away from Mamoru, and ask her to come outside with you." Haruka says as she walks up.

"Two's better than one, darling. You're coming with me." Michiru replies. She tugs Haruka over to Aisu and Mamoru. "Aisu-chan, we need to talk to you. Come take a walk with us."

"Ok. . . . . I'll see you later, Mamo-chan." Aisu says as she walks away with Michiru and Haruka. "What is it that you two needed to talk to me about?" she asks as they stop by the lake in the park.

"You'll find out in a minute." Michiru replies softly.

"Gomen ne, I'm late. I took the liberty of picking up Hotaru-chan and Small Lady." Setsuna says as she walks up with the toddler and ChibiUsa. "All of the outers have the right to watch." She adds quietly.

"Michiru mama, Haruka papa, when will we find the others?" Hotaru asks, her large eyes looking curiously up at two of the three women that had taken care of her.

"What do you mean?" Aisu asks curiously.

"Just, watch the lake." ChibiUsa instructs.

Aisu fixated her eyes on the lake, and right before she was about to complain, an ice blue light emitted from the center.

"Wh-what's that?!" Aisu yelps.

A snowflake shaped brooch with an icey colored sapphire in the middle, floated towards her.

"Only touch it if you want to face your destiny." Michiru advises.

"Only if you want to dedicate your life to it." Haruka adds.

Aisu reaches out her hand to take it, but quickly retreats it. "Why me?"

"You don't choose when to awaken, it chooses you. Since you are the eldest, it chose to rekindle you first." Setsuna tells her.

"Yoo'd be able to help us a lot, please?" Hotaru says in a childish tone of voice.

"Hotaru-chan, we told you not to talk like that anymore." Michiru scolds.

"Gomen ne, Michiru mama." Hotaru says quietly.

"So, I get to choose if I wish to help you?" Aisu recollects.

"It decides yours, ours, and the world's fate." Setsuna replies, nodding her head.

"Well, it would be great to help people out. . . ." Aisu says quietly. She reaches towards the brooch and her hands wrap carefully around it. The sapphire in the middle of the brooch glows ice blue, and the light engulfs Aisu. A chill rushed through her body as if she was just engulfed in an icey chamber. Moments later, she emerges with a white highlight down the right side of her hair. She was now wearing a belly bearing ice blue shirt. Her skirt was completely white other than the fact that there was a dark blue stripe at the bottom of it. Her shoes were the very same, an icey blue coloured pair of heels with an ankle strap.

"And, this is myself, but, the long ago me?" Aisu asks.

Michiru shakes her head. "No, this is your senshi form. It's a part of your old self, but only the part that wished to help and save the Elemental Universe, as well as ours."

"So, what was I like in the past? Do you remember?" Aisu asks.

"You were betrothed to Prince Endymion, but he fell in love with the moon princess. You couldn't stand it, yet, you still did your job." Setsuna told her.

"Where are the others? Aren't there at least eight more sailor senshi?" Aisu adds after listening to the small fact of her past life.

"They need not to know of your awakening until later. But, we will tell you the identities of them openly. You cannot act any differently around them, than you do now." Michiru instructs.

"Usagi is Sailor Moon, Ami is Mercury, Minako is Venus." ChibiUsa starts out.

"Seiya is Star Fighter, Taiki is Star Maker, and Yaten is Star Healer." Hotaru adds.

"Makoto is Jupiter. Rei is Mars." Setsuna adds.

"We are the outer senshi of the solar system." Haruka states. "Uranus Planet Power! Make UP!"

"Sworn to protect the prince and princess from all evil." Michiru adds. "Neptune Planet Power! Make UP!"

"In the future and the past." Setsuna chimes. "Pluto Planet Power! Make UP!"

"Sworn to protect their daughter, as well as many others." Hotaru says quietly. "Saturn Planet Power! Make UP!"

"Moon Crisis Power! Make UP!" ChibiUsa adds, not knowing anything to say.

"Tell me this, Star Ice. Have you never pondered the meaning of your name? Ice Queen?" Neptune asks.

"Well, yeah. . . I've thought about it before." Star Ice starts.

"The others have names that mean something important to their stature as well." Pluto tells her.

Star Ice nods. "So I guess, it's kinda like my duty to find who they are, and do the same thing you are right now when they awaken?"

"Exactly. You now will come to our meetings. Not the inner senshi meetings, until they know of your identity." Uranus replies.