Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 12:

"ECHO! One of them has awakened!!!!" A tall blue haired lady sneers. She has a flowing white dress and cerulean blue hair that reached past her knees. She sat on a gold plated throne with pearls around her neck and sapphires for earrings. On one hand was a gold banded ring with a heart shaped aquamarine stone in the middle of it, surrounded by luxurious diamonds. Her lips were colored a blood red, the same color as her cold eyes. A single silver tiara sat in a pad of her hair.

"Yes, Lana?" Came the reply from a brown short-haired girl that had been kneeling down in front of her. Her outfit was green and looked as if it were made from large tropical leaves. Her emerald eyes sparkled with terror as she looked up at the Queen.

"Stop the rest from awakening, and if you fail, you know the consequences." Lana hisses. Echo starts to tremble, but bows strongly.

"Yes my Queen." She whispers in reply. A flurry of leaves surrounds her and she appears over the park, where the Outer senshi and Star Ice had been. Putting her arms straight above her head, she floats down into the middle of the lake. Those six were long gone. Although they were gone, she'd still have to hurry, as it was almost daylight.

"Earthen monsters from under their watery prison, rise and obey your master." She whispers. Many monsters that appeared to be made of mud emerged from the lake. A chorus of grunts greeted Echo as she looked among them.

"The one known as Star Ice has awakened. Make sure the next one in line does not. According to Cassie's calculations, which she so absentmindedly told me, the next one to awaken is the one known as Sailor Star Crystal, the leader. Known as Ramya Rhodanthe in her previous life, but it might've changed. Surround the crystal shrine." Echo orders. Another chorus of grunts was what she got in reply. The monsters charged off.

"And another thing!" Echo shouts. The monsters halt. "Destroy anything you wish!" she adds with a smile. "And make sure to get rid of Star Ice in the process."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~At The Hikawa Jinja Shrine~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Dreams can mean many things. Running dreams mean that you could be trying to get away from something in your life." Celeste reads aloud.

"Look! There's nothing in there about our dream, so just shut the book and get back to your homework." Tryphena hisses.

"You never know until you look. Something mom taught me." Celeste retorts.

"Will you two stop fighting? You sound like Usagi-chan and Rei-chan when they get into their quarrels, but I guess their's are much worse." Ramya states. Aisu laughs slightly.

"Aisu-san, would you like to go get ice cream with us?" Hotaru asks curiously.

Aisu glances at Michiru who has a somewhat grave look on her face. "Why not? Let's go."

"Alright, we'll you guys later." Solange calls out from the kitchen, where she's trying to cook something.

"Ie! Solange-chan, you just put too much baking powder in!" Mako could be heard shouting.

Aisu put on her leather coat smiling somewhat and ran out to her motorcycle. "I'll meet you guys there." She says as she speeds off. Haruka, Setsuna, Michiru and Hotaru climb into Haruka's car and follow Aisu, or at least try.

~*~*~At The Park, After They Stopped at The Ice Cream Parlour~*~*~

"I know why we're all here. I felt it as well." Aisu whispers, after taking a bite of her ice cream cone.

"A strong force has erupted from the water." Michiru says quietly.

"What can we do, though? We don't know where it is, nor why it's here. We don't even know it's creator, unless. . ." Aisu starts.

"Unless, what, Aisu-san?" Hotaru asks.

"I remember how I died in my last life, and it wasn't gorgeous. Lana, Queen of water, I'm afraid she may have come back." Aisu replies.

"Then we have no time to waste! No doubt, if this was your enemy from the past, that she has come to annihilate the Elemental Senshi. We need to have all of them awaken, and fast!" Haruka yells. Thankfully, no one was around.

"And the only way for that to happen is to remember more! Aisu-chan, please try to remember a bit more. Just enough to find out who Star Crystal is. She's the one next destined to awaken." Setsuna adds calmly.

Aisu nods and closes her eyes, remembering chunks and bits of her past life, but not all of it. Opening her eyes she shakes her head. "I can't seem to remember." She whispers. "I did have a flashback the other day," she starts. "Ramya Rhodanthe! That's her!" she exclaims suddenly.

"Did you hear that?" Michiru asks quietly.

Haruka nods after another echo of screams penetrated the silence.

"Henshin now!" Setsuna orders. "PLUTO PLANET POWER! MAKE UP!"





In a flurry of colors and ribbons the five normal girls were replaced with bishoujo senshi. They ran to a dense forest part of the park where they came upon five mud youma.

"It seems you were somewhat right, Neptune." Star Ice says quietly.

Neptune shakes her head. "DEEP SUBMERGE!" she yells, aiming her attack towards one of the mud youma.



"Silent Glaive Surprise!"

"Ice Arrows!"

Echo had been watching. "They killed my mud monsters all to easily, Lana won't be happy about this." She mutters.