Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13:

"If I fail again, Lana-sama will have my neck." Echo whispers to herself. She sat in front of her vanity that was made from a hollow tree. Twigs made up the frame with small leaves fraying off to some sides. "Those senshi, I swear I'll get revenge on Star Ice. I won't let her awaken Ramya Rhodanthe, or else they'll be too strong." She mutters. As soon as she finishes her make-up her head jerks up. "That's it! Get rid of the planetary senshi, and she won't be able to find the elemental senshi. It'd be too hard for just the two of them, if she awakens Ramya, that is." She cackles.

Cassie was listening from behind the door. Her black eyes glimmered as she listened to Echo's plans. Silently her long red dress flowed, the silk material it had been created from shimmered in the light. She got bored of her formal outfit, and the long dress morphed into a short red dress that faded into orange. On the back was a black bow, and the material was low v-cut.Her long hair had the same effect as her dress, other than the fact that it went from being orange to dark red. It was tied into an elegant, sleek ponytail and swayed behind her.

As Echo gazed into the mirror restlessly, she watched upon a curious little quarrel two girls were having.

"Celeste Lukene! Get your nose out of that book! We are trying to cook and all you're doing is reading!" the black haired girl screamed. Echo seemed amused by this.

"Tryphena! Don't call me by my whole name, you're not my mother!" the blonde one retorts.

As Echo watched on, a new plan devised in her head. One that would use these two as bait, or at least one of them.

"This, Celeste Lukene," her childish voice starts. "This Celeste Lukene. . ." she trails on. Her head jolts up suddenly. "Ramya Rhodanthe's lover! The perfect bait for Sailor Star Crystal!" She yelps. Quickly covering her mouth she disappears.

"She's already figured that out?! Lana-sama is going to reward her for sure if she succeeds! Better make sure she doesn't." Cassie whines.

~~At The Park~~

"Well then Celeste, maybe you shouldn't try to figure out every little part of our life!" Tryphena yells.

"Daddy's made you cold and heartless, just like him! Tryphena, you used to not be like this!" Celeste cries.

Tryphena glares at Celeste. "I'm not going to listen to this." She hisses. With that the older twin storms off.

Celeste folds her arms. "Who cares." She huffs as she reaches the lake in the middle of the park.

Echo appears in the middle of the lake, her childish features surprising Celeste.

"Who? Who are you?" Celeste yelps.

"Why do you ask? You're right you know. She shouldn't be so cold and cruel to you." Echo replies softly.

"What do you mean?" Celeste whispers.

"You know what I mean. She shouldn't act in such a way to hurt Celeste Lukene. She is, after all only the older twin." Echo says quietly.

"H-how do you know my name?" Celeste asks frantically.

"Well isn't that a personal question? I'm surprised you don't remember me. I was there, watching you two pick up the stone sword." Echo replies innocently.

"Nani?! How'd you. . .?" Celeste starts. She then looks frantically around for someone.

"There's no-one here." Echo says calmly. "I've made sure of that."

The young blonde haired girl's eyes flashed. Her naturally blonde hair, that didn't have a single fault in it now had pink highlights streaked through her hair. Many flashes of lightning surround her and soon she emits not as Celeste, but as Sailor Star Lightning. A brooch with the symbol of lightning that has a topaz stone engraved in the middle of it fixates itself in the middle of her black bow. She wore a lemon yellow shirt and the same color pleated skirt. At the bottom of the skirt were two black stripes. She looked at her gloved yellow hands with the black armbands. "N-nani?! What's going on?" she yelps as her make up was painted black.

"Oh. . . my. . . Lana-sama's gonna kill me!" Echo squeels.

As if on cue, words formed in the gut of Celeste's neck and felt like they were suffocating her. To be able to breath again, she decided to shout the words. "LIGHTNING CRESCENT!"

Her body was engulfed in a golden beam of lightning, which almost instantly formed into a crescent. The crescent hurdled itself towards Echo, who dodged most of it, but was hit in the wrist by a small portion of the blade. "That's it! You'll be dead meat when Lana hears about this!" she screeches, holding her cut wrist. A swirl of leaves engulfed her body and she disappeared.

Star Lightning collapsed to her knees. Now holding her head, she once again became Celeste Lukene.Her eyes hazed and she got many, many more flashbacks.


A girl with long white hair tied into a braid was hugging a young (wo)man, Yaten, yes, that was whom she was hugging. Princess Celeste remained hidden in the shadows, cursing herself.

"Have you told Celeste yet?" Yaten whispered. The white haired girl shook her head.

"Ie, ie I haven't." she replies, now crying.

"Ramya, Ramya, quiet down." Yaten cooed. Celeste continued to watch, fury growing in her once calm eyes.

~&~&~End Flashback~&~&~

The young girl was now breathing heavily, and the pink highlights that had appeared in her hair had disappeared along with everything else. Everything else, except the lightning symbolled brooch, which stayed pinned to her chest, reminding her every bit that this was definitely no dream.

~*~*~At the Mansion~*~*~

"Did you feel that?" the tall green haired woman asks.

"Hai, I did. One of them just awakened, without our help." Aisu replies.

"Setsuna-mama, do you know where she is? Or which one it is?" Hotaru asks.

"Ie, Hotaru-chan. Michiru, try your mirror." Setsuna says quietly, shaking her head, her long emerald hair swaying from side to side.

Michiru nodded and her Deep Aqua Mirror appeared instantly in her hands. She looked in it for quite some time. Aisu had gone and taken a shower, and yet, by the time she got out and was drying off her hair nothing appeared on Michiru's mirror. Until she came up right behind Michiru, that is.

"Recognize her?" Michiru asks. It showed the attack sequence of Star Lightning, but cut off who the attacker was.

"Hai, that's. . . that's Celeste." Aisu replied with a shocked tone of voice.

"That's what I thought." Haruka mutters quietly.

~*~*~*~The Next Day~*~*~*~

"This exam will count most of your grade. Take your time." The teacher announces. She looks at Usagi, then back to the rest of the class. "You will have until ten minutes before the end of the period. Good luck." She adds as she hands out the tests.

Ramya sighs heavily. ~~I forgot all about this test. I'm turning into Usagi-chan!~~ she thinks to herself, staring at the exam over the English language.

Altair glances at Ramya, then at Usagi. Both seemed worried. ~~If Ramya's worried, then I'll surely fail!~~ she thinks to herself.