Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 14

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 14:

~*~*~*~Lana's Castle~*~*~*~

"Kai! Bavol! Approach me at once!" Lana orders angrily. Her blue eyes turning silvery-gray.

Two tall young men approached Lana's throne and bowed. One of the had dark skin and light blue hair. The other was tan skinned and had teal hair. Both wore uniforms that made it look like they were in the army.

"You called Queen Lana?" the teal haired one questions.

"Of course I called Kai!" Lana hisses. "You are to train Echo. The little girl needs it!"

Kai nods his head understandingly. "May I ask of what she has done this time?" he questions.

"Star Lightning awoke out of fury. We have one more elemental on our hand now!" Lana says angrily.

"What do you wish me to do, Lana-sama?" Bavol asks.

"Make sure the two elemental senshi that are awake, don't stay that way for long." Lana replies evilly. Bavol nods and disappears along with Kai.

"That takes care of those two." Lana whispers. "Hoshi! Kepa!" she then screams.

A tall girl with cream white eyes and long white hair appears, her skin as dark as Bavol's. Another girl appeared right after her. She was lightly coloured in her skin and had chocolate brown hair that reached her ears.

"Nani? What do you wish of us, Lana-sama?" the white haired lady asks.

"Hoshi." Lana says, stretching out the name. "I want you, and Kepa to rid of the inner senshi of this solar system." She adds evilly.

"As you wish, Lana-sama. They shall be easy for us to rid of." The brunette, Kepa, responds with a smile. Hoshi nods her head in agreement and the two girls disappear.

~*~*~Hikawa Jinja Shrine~*~*~ (after school)

A tall dark girl runs up the steps, her white hair flowing behind her as if trying to keep up.

"Hoshi-chan! Wait up!" The smaller girl with short chocolate brown hair called out.

"Kepa-chan, we don't have all the time in the world. My energy reading says all the inner planetary senshi are there." The taller girl hisses quietly.

"We need a plan, Hoshi-chan." Kepa replies, somewhat angrily.

"It's a shrine. Lots of rocks. You can build your golem, while I distract them." Hoshi replies as she walks up to the prayer bell. "I wish for our victory." She whispers. She then walks over to where the charms are to be sold. "Uhm, hello? Anyone there?" she calls out.

Kepa, on the other hand was sitting by a tree, carefully molding stones into an unknown figure so far. As she moved her hands around, the stons floated into place. "There, the bottom half is done."

"I'm so sorry for not getting here sooner." Rei says hurriedly as she reaches the stand.

Hoshi smiles and glances to where Kepa is. Looking back at Rei, she replies, "It's quite alright. I didn't have to wait too long. I was wondering if you have any charms that bring good fortune in battles."

"Uhm, of course! Here lemme go find one for you." Rei replies, somewhat warily.

Meanwhile, Kepa had finished the middle section. "And there you go! Now the top's complete! Time to give you life!" she squeels quietly. A brown aura emits from her palms and flows towards the golem. The golem begins to glow as well and opens it's rocky eyes.

"Go and kill the inner planetary senshi." Kepa orders. The golem nods as Hoshi and Kepa float into the air and return to their original clothes, jean skirts and a tube top, the tops in their signature colors, brown and white.

Rei walked back out holding the charm. She dropped it as soon as she saw the golem tearing up a tree. Opening her communicator she yelled, "Get out here now! We have big trouble!"

"MARS CRYSTAL POWER! MAKE UP!" she yells, turning into Sailor Mars after a swirl of fire engulfed her. "Flame Sniper!" she screamed, aimong the attack at the golem. It bounced off as soon as it neared.

"Aqua Rhapsody!" a voice called from a shadowed corner followed by more voices.

"Oak Evolution!"

"Love and Beauty Shock!"

The three attacks slammed against the rock golem, only making it stagger back a few steps. "Die inner planetary senshi." It could be heard muttering.

"Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" Eternal Sailor Moon screamed, hoping to finish off the monster.

"I don't think so! I spent too much time on that one!" Kepa yells. "ROCK WALL!" she screams, forming a wall that deflected Eternal Sailor Moon's attack.



The two attacks hit the golem. Not knowing they were heading for him, the golem stumbled back and landed on his back side.


The attack froze the golem quickly, and a bolt of lightning crashed down on it, breaking it back into the rocks it had been made of.

"Hoshi! This isn't fun anymore, let's go!" Kepa squeeled angrily. Hoshi nodded in agreement and the two disappeared.

Eternal Sailor Moon turned to face the two senshi that finished off the golem. "W-who are you?" she asks warily.

"You should be more careful next time. They're out to get you." Star Ice warns.

"You'll know of us, when the time comes." Star Lightning adds. With that the two senshi turned and walked away, disappearing before the other senshi could stop them.