Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 17

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 17:

~~Hikawa Jinja Shrine~~

"And there were, two of them?" Setsuna recollects.

"Hai. And then, after they left, Celeste and Aisu came up, but that was after Ramya told Usagi-chan that she had actually passed a test." Minako states.

"Usagi-chan, passed a test?! Are you sure?" Haruka asks in a loud voice. Michiru giggles.

"Hai, I passed a test, why is that so hard for you to believe?!" Usagi exclaims.

"Hey everyone!" came a squeel from the doorway. Usagi and Setsuna turned their heads, as the rest looked up to see Aisu, Ramya, and Celeste standing in the doorway.

"Setsuna-chan told us to come, so here we are! Usagi-chan, don't get too excited about passing that test, ya know." Aisu states.

"Why are they here?" Minako asks.

"You'll see." Hotaru replies knowingly.

"Uhm, Setsuna-san, why'd you invite them here?" Usagi asks quietly.

"Girls, I'd like you to meet your rescuers, plus one." Setsuna responds.

Ramya curtsies as the other two bow. "I'm glad we can finally let you know."

Celeste nods in agreement. "The only people who don't know now, are the Starlights, and their hime. And it seems Mercury as well."

"S-so you're the ones who. . .? But, I don't understand! Setsuna-san! I'm confused! How'd you know?!" Usagi wails.

"They awakened me, that's how they know." Aisu explains. "And I told them about Ramya-chan and Celeste-chan."

~*~Juuban High School Library~*~

Ami glances at her taller friend, with his lush brown hair. He looked so confident. She could never be like that. She always fretted over tests, yet he seemed so confident. Just once, she thought, I would like to be that confident. Just as confident as him, he never worries about much, unlike myself.

"Mizuno-san, you look lost in thought. Are you sure you're awake enough to concentrate on studying today?" Taiki asked, somewhat worriedly.

"I-I'm fine, Taiki-san, just thinking about a small problem." Ami choked out. Great, she thought, that sounded so unlike me! What is he going to think now? That I choke over everything I say?

"Worried about the new enemy? I am as well, it almost got hime." Taiki murmers.

"What would they want with her?!" Ami gasps.

"Don't know. I think they're trying to pull the senshi apart." Taiki responds quietly. There was a moment of silence after he said that.

"You two are the top scores in my Lit class! Oh my! I can't believe you're here the exact day I am!" a girl with long red hair exclaims, she wore the same unform as Ami, with minor changes. Accompanying her was a tall fair skinned teenager boy. He had teal hair and wore the high school uniform of those attending Juubankoukou high. (AN: Lemme know if I got that wrong, I only assumed that was the name, as I heard it in Yaten's prologue)

Ami sweatdrops. "Uhm, yeah, that's us."

"I'm Kai, this is Cassie. We wanted to study with you two, if it'd be alright, that is, because we want you to help us with our grades." The young man states.

"Sure, it's fine with me. Take a seat." Ami responds as she scoots her chair over a bit. I don't like the feeling I get from those two, she thinks to herself, and I think Taiki feels the same.

"I actually have to go. I told Seiya and Yaten that I'd be home early." Taiki says quickly.

"Oh my! Kai-senpei look at the time! Echo needs to get to her practices!" Cassie squeels quietly. Kai nods and excuses himself and Cassie and they follow Taiki out of the library.

"Kou-san! Oh please do wait up!" Cassie calls out. Taiki turns around.

"We needed to have a litte chat with you, away from that Mizuno girl." Kai adds. Cassie smirks as Taiki is encricled by flames. A silver staff appears in her hands with a large ruby orb at the top. In Kai's hands appeared a katana. The blade was made out of black water.

Taiki took a step back, but quickly stopped when his skin met with the fire, assuring him it was real. "Who are you?!" he yelled.

"You know our names already, hun. I'm Cassie! That's Kai. Echo should be joining us soon, and we want you to stay for the main feature." Cassie resonds. Her silver staff was floating horizontally in the air, and she was sitting on it. Balls of flame leaped from one hand to another.

As if on cue Ami Mizuno walked ouit of the building, her books clutched tightly to her chest. "Taiki!" she yells when she sees the wall of fire around him. Her book splatter to the ground and Kai turns around.

"So glad you could join us, Miss Mizuno. We've been waiting your arrival." He sneers.

"Go ahead, henshin, it's not like we're clueless on the identities of the senshi." Cassie states evilly. Her eyes shining in the light of the fire balls.

Hesitantly, Ami raised her hand into the air. "Mercury Crystal Power! MAKE UP!" she screamed. Her fingers, with now blue nails, wrap gently around a wand with a blue orb on top of it. Enscribed on the orb was the symbol of Mercury, above a harp. She twirled it around her body, as it created a shimmering stream of water. In a dazzling flash of light, where Ami Mizuno once was, stood Sailor Mercury.

"Just what we were waiting for. Kai-san, I'll take care of her!" Cassie exclaims. She tosses her fire balls towards Mercury.

"Aqua Rhapsody!" Mercury screams as a harp made of water appears in her hand. She strums a few of the wires and out flows a generous amount of water to douse the fire balls. A great flash of black occurs when the two attacks hit, but miraculously (spelling?) the fire balls had survived and knocked Mercury into a wall.

"Mercury!" Taiki screamed. He tried to run through the fire, but the heat was too immense and he barely made it halfway through.

"Oh boo hoo. Too bad. It seems our magic is much stronger than yours." Cassie giggles. "Kai! Finish her off!"

"No! I want to have the honor of killing a senshi!" came a quieter, yet firm voice. "Earthen vines!"

"Echo! Where have you been?!" Kai exclaims angrily.

As vines emit from the forestry behind her and entangle Mercury, slowly draining her energy, Echo replies with a giggle, "Taking my time."

"Will someone just rid of this star senshi?!" Cassie screams in a frustrated tone of voice.

"Gladly!" Echo squeels cheerily. More vines emit from the forestry behind her and grab hold of Taiki. Tears slip down Mercury's cheek as she's forced to de-henshin from lack of energy. She was limp in the strong vines and slowly slipped out. She hadn't had a chance to call for help, and everyone was meeting up. So this is what it feels like to die as a whole, not just as flesh? (AN: you know what Yaten says in manga when starseeds are stolen, only your flesh is dead, not the senshi inside the sailor crystal)

And so, was the end of Sailors Mercury and Star Maker.