Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 16

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 16:

~*~*~Hoshi's & Kepa's Room~*~*~

"Did you see that?! Bavol didn't succeed!" Kepa giggles.

Hoshi nods. "I did! And that's hilarious! I guess Kai really is the better of the two."

"Echo's soooo lucky. She gets Kai to train her. We had the baka, Cassie, train us." Kepa sighs angrily.

"Echo gets all the luck." Hoshi states angrily.

"That's why we oughta get Lana-sama angrier with her." Another voice states. A tall shadowed figure appeared in the tall mirror. As she stepped out, she wore sneakers and jeans. A black tube top with long black gloves also showed on her. This was her civilian form. Only Lana, Queen of Water, had seen her in her formal form.

"Kyoko!" Kepa squeels. Kyoko was hers and Hoshi's older sister. Hoshi was about age 16, Kepa around 14. Kyoko, though, was around 20 years of mortal age. She treated her younger sisters fairly, giving them the respect they deserved. She has black hair of which she takes care of the best she can.

"Good evening Kepa-chan, Hoshi-chan. Dreadful news. You probably already know, but now we have three elementals to deal with. I will rid of Bavol and Echo for what they're causing us. Echo awakened Lightning, and Bavol didn't rid of the three when he had the chance." Kyoko starts out with her voice nice, turning angrier near the end.

"Is our mission, truly just to kill the elementals and all sailor senshi? Or are we also looking for something more important, Kyoko-chan?" Hoshi asks curiously.

"Hoshi-chan, sis, you know as well as I do, that if this were only to kill the elementals and all sailor senshi, Lana-sama would be doing it herself. Us elder generals were told another mission. . ." Kyoko starts.

"Oh! Tell us please, Kyoko-chan!" Kepa begs.

"It's none of your business, Kepa-chan. Yours either, Hoshi-chan. Lana-sama will tell you when she wishes to." Kyoko states angrily.

~*~*~Lana's Throne Room~*~*~

"Dara! Takoda!" Lana yells. Her thin red lips morphing from a straight face to a frown.

Two girls appear. The taller one wore a short cerulean blue dress, that was the same color as her hair. She wore tall boots that went to her knees. The second girl looked as if she were only seven years of age. She had frizzy black hair and wore a cute flower printed dress.

"Lana-sama, my plan worked!" the little girl exclaimed. "They're off guard now that their leader got a B on that test!"

Lana smiles wickedly. "Good job Takoda." She compliments wearily. "I hope that was the only test you changed the grade on, we can't make it look like Usagi is going smart."

The little girl nods, her frizzy hair bouncing with her head. "Yup, that was the only one, Lana-sama."

"I made sure of that." The girl with the cerulean outfit states.

"Well done Dara. You two remember what you're supposed to do. We can't have any interference in your department." Lana tells the two.

~*~Celeste's Apartment~*~

"Mom's at work, she should be there for at least another hour, if not longer." Celeste states.

"So we can hold our meetings here?" Aisu asks.

Celeste nods. "Hai, we can hold them here until we find a more private place."

"Do they know you identities?" Ramya asks curiously.

"Nope, they won't until it's necessary." Aisu responds.