Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 19

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapters 19 & 20:


"Where's Taiki-chan?" Solange asks curiously.

Yaten was about to snap at her, but Seiya interrupted. "He couldn't make it. He said to give his apologies to everyone."

"So, she, er, I mean he couldn't make it? I'm sorry to hear that. I was told two senshi died today and another was found." Solange states, out of the blue.

"She? Well, that's good that another senshi was found, by all means, tell us who this senshi is, and where you heard this valueble information from." Kakyuu responds, somewhat wearily.

"Star Ocean, her name is Solange Thalassa. Aisu told me." Solange replies, her chin held up high. "I know about everything, you guys. No need to keep anything from me now." She takes another bite of her salad and looks around the table.

"That was pretty blunt, Solange-chan. But, I'm glad you remember. I'm afraid I don't have any memories of you, only of your hime." Yaten states.

"Ramya-chan? Hai, she's been revived as well. I'm sorry about Maker and Mercury, I really am. Those two were just as smart as Celeste." Solange sighs.

~*~*~Hoshi & Kepa's Room~*~*~

"She succeeded!? Hoshi-chan! How are we ever going to falter Lana-sama's faith in her?!" Kepa whines.

"I don't know Kepa-chan, but your whining is irritating me! Kyoko, once she gets back, will help us think of a plan." Hoshi replies as she holds her head and fumbles through the restroom cabinet looking for advil.

Kepa was floating in the air on her stomach, her palms holding her chin. A piece of her brown bangs draped over her face. "I know, but still, Hoshi-chan, Echo and Cassie are doing good! Takoda got their leader offguard, and Bavol, oh nevermind about him."

"Another one has been revived. Kepa-chan, they only need three more to remember, then we're toast! It's our mission to rid of the elementals!" Hoshi fretted.

"We'll get rid of them! Since Cassie, Echo, and Kai took our job, we'll rid of the elementals and get Lana-sama's respect back. And then, we'll get a planet of our own to rule!" Kepa responded, brushing a piece of her bangs out of her face.

"We can always hope, but, the fact at us being successful is laughable, Kepa-chan." Hsoshi states, somewhat angrily.


"So, they're gone? Just like that? No warning or anything? This can't be good." Minako sighs. Makoto nods in agreement.

"But we can't let their deaths catch us offguard, that's what the enemy wants." Aisu states sternly.

"Well, I for one think we should go after them, to where they are, after devising a plan." Makoto states, slamming her fist on the table. She was angry, and breathing heavily. She excused herself and walked to the counter to get a drink. She brushed off her khaki shorts and green sleeveless turtle neck type shirt.

"Mako-chan is somewhat right. Although, that's what the enemy is expecting." Rei points out.

"We can't be so obvious for the enemy. We need to cover things, and make sure they don't know our weaknesses." Celeste states.

"In other news. . ." Ramya starts. "Celeste, go ahead, tell them the good news."

Celeste somewhat blushes but looks at the rest, who are pushing her for the 'good news'. "I found another elemental, I'll awaken her soon."

"Well, who is it?" Aisu and Minako chime.

"My sister." Celeste replies, her voice merely a whisper.

"Y-your sister?!" Usagi exclaims. "Tryphena?" she chokes out.

"Hai, Tryphena." Celeste responds. Makoto walks back up to them.

"I have to get going. There's school tomorrow, and if I get to sleep any later, I won't wake up early enough." She jokes. She grabs her purse and walks out of the diner. She reaches her apartment a few minutes later.

As she entered her apartment, a girl with long black hair looked up at her. The girl wore a black tube top and jeans.

"What took you so long?" the girl asks. Makoto looked slightly puzzled.

"Don't tell me you forgot me already! You promised you'd teach me how to cook. Don't you remember? It's me, Kyoko. I finally found out where you were." The girl laughs.

Kyoko? She doesn't seem familiar, Makoto thinks to herself. Kyoko, mirror? How come that sounds somewhat familiar?

"When did we meet?" Makoto asks.

Kyoko presses a finger to her chin. "Lesse, I guess it was sometime in grade school. Remember, in exchange for me not bullying you, you promised you teach me how to cook one day?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't remember you!" Makoto says hurriedly with a laugh.

Kyoko smiles. "It's quite alright." The placed her arms in front of her, her eyes twinkling with delight as they were absorbed in black and she appeared in a short black spaghetti strapped dress. "Mako-chan, I may have liked you before. But, that was before I realized there's a power far much stronger than that of a sailor senshi's."

Makoto stepped back and held up her henshin wand, the crystal on it beginning to glow an emerald aura. "Jupiter. . ."

Before she could finish her henshin phrase, Makoto was surrounded by full body mirrors. Kyoko floated above her.

"You're not feared by us. Not in the least." She states.

"What do you mean?" Makoto asked worriedly. She glances around. She stared intently at each of the reflections, inspecting them closely. Nehelenia had tricked the senshi with mirrors as well. She wouldn't be tricked this time.

"Cassie, Echo and Kai had rid of Star Maker and Mercury," Kyoko starts. "Hai, you remember that well don't you?" she adds, seeing the hopeful glimmer in Makoto's eyes.

An image of Ami appeared in the mirror in front of her. "Mako-chan?" it gasped. Kyoko smiles as an image of Taiki appears in the mirror to the right of Makoto.

"Ami-chan? Taiki-chan?" Makoto whispered. She reached and placed a hand on the mirror Ami's figure was in. The mirrors around her shattered to pieces and she fell over from the incredible force.

Kyoko laughs at this. "Prepare to die senshi." Makoto's henshin wand flew up to her hand and she crushed it easily, the pieces sprinkling over Makoto. Hoshi appeared and sent a meteor shower attack at Makoto, crushing her. A gem floated out of her and Kyoko caught it. After that, Makoto disappeared.