Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 20

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 21:

~*~Throne Room~*~

The emerald gem glittered with luminous brilliance as it leaped from Hoshi's out-stretched hand to Lana's.

"Whose gem is this?" Lana asked, her blue eyes twinkling with delight.

"It is Kino Makoto's soul gem, I also found the soul gems Cassie, Echo, and Kai failed to get." Kyoko replies. A sapphire and dalmation jasmine gem emitted from the gold chained necklace she wore.

"The sapphire is Mizuno Ami's and the dalmation jasmine is Kou Taiki's." Hoshi explains.

"I suppose you girls did good. Well done." Lana comments. Hoshi and Kyoko smile triumphantly and appear back in their quarters as they're dismissed.

~*~Solange's Apartment~*~

The door to her apartment was quite easy to open, far from the usual. It seemed that now that she remembered she was Princess Solange Thalassa from Enkai, all the things that went wrong seemed perfect now. The light on her answering machine blinked impatiently. She walked over slowly to it and pushed the play button.

"Solange, it's me Kai. Was wondering if you were free tomorrow night. Give me a call when you can."

Solange looked up from her mail. Kai? How'd he get my number? Her thoughts were endless. She thought she had gotten rid of everything that reminded her of her ex-boyfriend, including changing her phone number. A loud beep brought her back from her thoughts.

"Solange? It's me, Bavol. Thought I'd take you up on that offer for dinner. Call me."

Solange's eyes lit up. Since when had both Kai and Bavol requested her attention?


"Solange? This is Ramya. Meeting at my mansion tomorrow. Very important. Talk to ya later!" the cheery voice broke off and Solange was left only with her thoughts.

Deciding now was not the time to worry about it all, she went back to reading her mail. Bill. Another bill. Advertisement. Bill. Yet another bill. Ah, here was something different. Only the 'To' field was filled out. No 'from' field or anything. Tossing the rest of her mail aside, she opened it.

Dear Ms. Thalassa,

You have been spotted by one of our siting agents! They thought you'd be perfect for the model show that's coming up! The number is at our site, that is listed below. Please give us a call when possible!


~*~Ramya's Mansion~*~

"Miss Rhodanthe, when shall your guests arrive?" a maid asked over the elegant playing of the grand piano.

"Soon, Christine, soon." The sixteen year old replies as she continues to compose a slow, sad piece. She marks more notes on the paper in front of her.

"Alright, Miss Rhodanthe. Shall we ready the guest rooms and lounge?" Christine asks.

Ramya nods and gets up from the bench, her hair tied into a neat bun. "I'll help."

She leads her maids to three empty rooms. "This one I expect to look like an ocean." She tells a few of them at the first room.

At the next one Ramya sent a few maids in and smiled at them. "An ice theme would be nice here." She bid them good luck and lead the rest of her maids into the last room.

"This one should have a nature theme. But, there must be something to represent lightning. After you finish the room, you're all free to go home." She orders. "I'll work in the lounge and dining hall."


"Okay, move that chair to the right. Fran, make sure the appetizers are here when they arrive." Ramya orders. A smile taunts her face. "Perfect. You're all dismissed."

~*~Next Day~*~

Usagi's eyes flooded with tears.

"Ja ne, minna-chan." ChibiUsa stated as she waved goodbye to everyone. Mamoru had a hand on Usagi's shoulder. Hotaru was sniffling. ChibiUsa yelled many words and was sent back to the future in a flash of pink light.

Usagi turned to Michiru. "Michiru-san, do you know where Mako-chan is? I haven't seen her since last night."

Michiru shakes her head. "Ie, Usagi-chan. I don't know."

~*~On the way to Ramya's Mansion~*~

"So. . . . . what's this meeting about? Do you know Celeste-chan?" Solange asks, curiosity flooding her eyes.

"It's about awakening my sister and finding out more about the enemy." Celeste replies quietly.

Aisu rings the bell at the large gate to the driveway. In the distance, Ramya could be seen running towards them.

"Aisu-san! Solange-san! Celeste-san!" she calls out. The gates open and she leads them inside, to the lounge. It was like walking into a tropical jungle. Gorgeous large plants were everywhere and there were torches for light. Celeste sat on the right side of the plush couch. Ramya curled up on the leather chair next to it. Aisu and Solange took spots on the couch across from the one Celeste was on. After a long period of silence a maid entered.

"Miss Malka? Miss Lukene? Miss Thalassa? Would you young ladies care for anything?" she asks.

Aisu nods her head. "Maybe some rice balls, sushi, and tea would suit us all." Celeste and Solange nod in agreement.

"Very well m'am." The maid rushed out of the room, only to return half an hour later. The girls still hadn't spoken a word to each other. "There you go girls."

"Please inform everyone else not to enter. Do you understand?" Ramya states quietly. The maid nods and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. Ramya adjusts herself so she's sitting up some.

"Are we going to get to the meeting now?" Aisu asks impatiently. Ramya nods.

"Hai. As you know, we only have three more elementals to find. But we've also lost three senshi. Kino Makoto-san's life was taken yesterday." She responds.

"We know the one next to awaken, so why can't we just go and revive her now?!" Celeste asks impatiently.

"Because, now's not the time. She refuses to see past her own nose, we need to get her out of that stage. Therefore, we do not know how long it will take before we get our next elemental." Solange explains.

"What do we know about the enemy?" Aisu asks, changing the subject.

"They're obviously searching for a way to get rid of the planetary senshi. We must protect our equivalents, if possible. I know it's not possible for you, Celeste-san, but choose someone else to protect. Aisu, I know it's impossible for you to do the same, so you protect Endymion." Ramya states.

Celeste snuggled against the couch some more. "I'll protect the starlights and their hime."

"Shall we start practicing then?" Ramya asks.

"What do you mean?" Aisu and Solange chime.

"Practice our powers, to get a better hold on it." Ramya explains.

"Ice Star Power! Make UP!" Aisu screamed, clutching her brooch and raising it upwards. She was now in a fetal position as shards of ice surrounded her. Her body slowly stretched out, it was now glowing a luminous colour of ice blue. Her fuku appeared on her as the ice shards disappeared. Before her eyes opened, a mist of white eyeshadow appeared on it and pink lipstick lathered her lips. Her hensin piece was finished off by her doing her signature pose. Her arms crossed over her chest, her head tilted, and her legs spread small amount apart.

Celeste clapped quietly. "My turn." She giggles. "Lightning Star Power! MAKE UP!" she yelled, holding her brooch upwards. Her arms spread out and her legs stayed clasped together. She quickly brought her hands together, which formed a large lightning bolt that engulfed her body. As the bolt cleared away, her senshi fuku was now on her body and her hair was streaked pink, as it usually would've been. She put one hand to her hip and let the other hang loosely at her side.

"Ocean Star Power! Make UP!" Solange yelled, also holding her brooch up. Her body turned a luminous color of teal. In the background, a wave could be seen forming into a ball. The wave engulfed her and washed away, leaving her senshi fuku on her. A swirl of black swirled around her waist and ended up in a chain belt. Both hands were positioned on her hips and her legs were clasped together tightly.

"Crystal Star Power! Make UP!" Ramya yelled finally. Her brooch twirled around her body and burst into glimmering crystals. The crystals attatched themselves to the aura surrounding her body and encircled her. They began disappearing at her feet, until her whole body appeared, with her senshi fuku on it. A large staff appeared in her hand and she held it above her head horizantally.