Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 22

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 23:

~*~Inside the Mall~*~

"Are you alright, Ramya-chan?" Altair asks curiously, her blonde hair getting in her face. She brushes it away impatiently. "You look so thoughtful."

"I'm sorry Altair-chan, I just have a lot on my mind right now." Ramya sighs.

"Like what? Don't worry, you can tell me. I promise I'll keep whatever it is a secret."

"It's nothing." ~How could I tell her my worries about my senshi? It's too much trouble~ "Promise, it's not truly important."

"Promise? Alright. . . HEY! Look at that store!" Altair squeels. She points at a store with a large sign. 'Dress Like Your Idol' the I in idol was blinking, the light bulb was obviously going to go out.

"Do you want to go in there?" Ramya asks. She didn't really want to, but Altair had been nice to her for giving her company in the mall.

"Nope, just thought it looked kinda funny." Altair responds.

Ramya giggles. "You're different than most of my friends. Most of them don't have a nice bone in their body."

"You mean Solange-san and Aisu-san? I know what you mean, but they can be nice if they want to be." Altair sighs.

The two girls venture into the pet shop.

"I mean, you can't let them get to you." She adds.

Ramya picks up a cocker spaniel pup and cuddles it close to her. "You're right, Altair-chan." She sighs. The pup loks up at her with its large brown eyes. "This little fella is so adorable."

Altair smiles. "Yeah, she is. Why don't you get her? You could use some company around that large mansion of yours."

"Good idea." Ramya giggles. The pup, as if knowing what she had said, licked Ramya's chin playfully. She paid for it at the cash register, where they put a white bow around it's neck as well as giving its collar to Ramya.

"So, what are you gonna name her?" Altair asks, looking down at the adorable pup on the leash.

"Cherry Soda? I dunno, what do you think I should call her?" Ramya jokes.

"How 'bout. . . . Kouseki?" Altair asks.

"Kouseki. . ." Ramya mutters. ~My planet, Kouseki, or once translated, Crystal.~ the thought dwelled in her head. "Hai, Kouseki it is, then."

Altair bent down. "How do you like that?" she asks cutely, petting the dog's head sweetly. Kouseki responded by licking Altair's face. "Seems she likes it!" she giggles.

'Can you hear me, Ramya?' a soft girls voice questioned in Ramya's head.

'Hai, what is this? Who are you?' Ramya's thoughts responded.

'Kouseki! So glad you found me! Speaking of finding, you just found another elemental that's ready to awaken.'


'Altair, Star Wind I believe she is. She's much more worthy at the moment than Tryphena is. But, don't worry, Thunder will awaken soon, she'll come to realize the truth.'

'Altair's an elemental?'

'Hai, indeed she is. Oh, you don't remember me a bit. I can't speak outloud now, but I'll be able to once we get to the other elementals and them alone. The senshi are going to be attacked soon, I can feel it Ramya.'

"Ramya-chan? Are you ok?" Altair asks.

Ramya's head jerks up. "Of course." She laughs. "What made you think otherwise?"

"You were silent ever since we named Kouseki, we're out of the mall now." Altair says quietly.

"Oh, gomen nasai, I was just in deep thought again." Ramya apologizes. She lifts Kouseki into the passenger seat in her car and walks around to the other side. "Ja ne for now, Altair-chan."

"Ja ne. . ." Altair sighs. She gets into her own car and drives off. Ramya slowly but surely entered her own car.

"So. . . are the others that you have found at your mansion?" Kouseki asks.

"I feel weird talking to a pup. But, hai, they're at the mansion. Let's hurry up and find out where the attack is going to take place." Ramya responds. She carried the pup into the mansion and took off its leash.

The door to the lounge banged open and Celeste jumped from her spot. Aisu merely looked up and Solange didn't flinch the slightest.

"What's up?" Aisu asks.

Ramya sets Kouseki on the ground. "Let's get this straight. The enemy isn't going to just be standing by. They're planning something, something big."

"Why'd you get the pup?" Solange asks.

"This is Kouseki. She's our guardian." Ramya states.

The pup bows its head cutely. "Konnichi wa girls." It barks.

~*~Kepa, Hoshi's and Kyoko's room~*~

"Lesse. . . If we attack Mars, Sailor Moon will be more vulnerable." Kepa states.

"Mars controls fire, right?" Hoshi asks.

"Hai, but I control rocks, you control the stars, and Kyoko-chan controls mirrors. Not one out of the three of us control Water!" Kepa sighs.

"Dara controls water. Besides, she's somewhat related to us." Kyoko responds softly.

"But if we ask Dara's help, Takoda is sure to tag along. She always screws up everything." Kepa states harshly.

"That's what you're here for, Kepa-chan. You can keep the little runt busy." Hoshi states.

"I'll ask Dara. I'll be right back girls." Kyoko tells them. She disappears and reappears next to Dara.

"What do you want now, Kyoko-san?" Dara sighs.

"Dara-chan. . . we need your help. We need to rid of Mars and bring shame to Echo, Cassie, and Kai." Kyoko states.

"Really?! You want me, to kill a senshi?" Dara asks hopefully.

"Of course, why not?" Kyoko responds.

"No." Dara states dryly. She giggles at Kyoko's odd face. "Just kidding! Of course! I've always hated that fire senshi in the first place!"