Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 23

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 24:

~*~Minako's House~*~

Minako stares at the eight senshi in her home. "Michiru-san, what is it that happened, again?"

"Makoto was killed." Michiru starts.

"It's the elementals fault! They brought this enemy upon us!" Haruka states angrily.

"They didn't mean to, though, Haruka-papa." Hotaru responds.

"The enemy killed Taiki and Ami as well! We can't stand for this! Call their leader to a meeting with Usagi or Kakyuu-hime." Seiya states angrily.

"You know their leader is weak. . ." Yaten mutters. "She's not sure what to do."

"If she doesn't know what to do, then she shouldn't be leader." Rei hissed angrily.

Usagi was sitting on a pillow in the far corner of the room. Her knees were cuddled closely to her chest as she hugged them closer.

"Rei-chan's right! Who is their leader?" Minako states.

"Ramya Rhodanthe." Yaten states quietly.

"Let's not bother poor Miss Rhodanthe." Kakyuu interferes.

"She shouldn't be leader, Yaten-chan said it himself! She doesn't know what to do!" Setsuna says angrily. Yaten's eyes swell with tears.

"Enough! I will not hear anymore of this! We'll leave the elementals be right now!" Usagi screams. She glances sympathetically at Yaten and returns a harsh gaze at the rest. "I wasn't the best leader on earth, and I guess I'm still not! That doesn't matter! Who's destined to be leader is destined to be leader, that's that."

Rei stares at Usagi. "Usagi-chan, you can't possibly mean that."

Usagi turns to Rei. "Of course I mean it Rei-chan!"

Michiru sighs. "Usagi-chan, you have a point. But, she's not worthy of being leader."

Usagi's face grows sour.

"How do you know that? You don't even know her!" Yaten states angrily.

"We do know her! She's Hotaru-chan's babysitter!" Haruka yells furiously.

Kakyuu's face becomes harsh and punishing. "And she spent plenty of time with Yaten-chan!"

Yaten begins to tremble. "Onegai, don't bring that up, hime."

"Alright, Yaten-chan." Kakyuu repsonds softly.

~*~Ramya's Mansion~*~

"They don't trust us! Why are we even helping them?" Aisu states angrily.

"They blame us for the deaths of three of their senshi. They were so supportive at first!" Celeste sighs.

"Hold on one second." Ramya states. She picks up the ringing telephone. "Moshi Moshi." She answers.

"Ramya-chan. . . . I'm scared. . . something weird just happened." Came the response.

"Altair-chan? Oh, well. . . come over right away." Ramya states quickly. "You can talk about it over here, alright?"

"Alright. . ." Altair responds. The two girls hang up the phones at the same time.

"What did Altair call about?" Solange asks.

"She said something freaky happened. Where's Kouseki?" Ramya responds.

"Right here." The dog barks as she walks back into the room. "I was thirsty. And Altair has just figured out she's an elemental goddess."

"I see. . ."


Altair ran as fast as she could towards Rayma's mansion. Flashbacks occurred in her head.


she was knocked in the back of the head and screamed in agony. As that happened though, a tornado engulfed her and she emitted from it in a powder blue skirt and belly baring shirt. The bows on them were black and her hair was tied into a ponytail with light blue streaks in it.

~*~End Flashback~*~

She stumbled over a rock. She picked herself up quickly and kept on running.


The attacker was dark and had sky blue hair. "You can't win, Elemental, you have no back up." He hissed.

Her hair blew across her face and she didn't pay attention to a word he said. "Kaze ni nari tai. . ." she whispered. A gust of wind picked her up and rocks fell on the dark attacker. He retreated in fear and she collapsed to the ground.

~*~End Flashback~*~

She rang the bell on Ramya's mansion gate hurriedly and waited impatiently for it to open. As it opened she ran inside and into the lounge. "Ramya-chan!" she cried. She collapsed on her knees near the door. Tears now spilled down her face.

"Shhhhh. . . it's alright, Altair-chan. Tell us what happened." Ramya coos.