Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 24

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 25:

"Hello?" Minako answers her phone.

"May I speak with Miss Rei Hino?" came the response.

Minako hands the phone to Rei. "Er. . . hello?"

"Miss Hino? This is Dara Rain, calling from the Juuban Hospital, I have terrible news about your grandfather."

"What kind of news?" Rei stammered.

"He's in a terrible condition, and may not live much longer, please come up here right away."

"O-ok. . ." Rei replied. She hung up the phone and turned to the worried looks of her fellow senshi.

"What's wrong Rei-chan?" Usagi asks quietly.

"Grandpa's in the hospital. . ."

"Want us to come with you?" Michiru questions the raven haired senshi of fire.

"Iie, I'll go myself." Rei put on her jacket quickly and ran out of Minako's house and towards the hospital.

~*~In front of Juuban Hospital~*~

Takoda bounced up and down next to her cerulean haired sister. "Dara-chan!!! She'll be here soon! Won't she, Dara-chan?!"

The young woman smiled down at the girl. "Hai, she'll be here in no time at all." Over her light blue dress appeared a doctor's coat.

Rei reached the two quickly.

"Miss Hino?" Dara asks.

"Where's grandpa?! Is he alright?" Rei asks worriedly.

"He's inside!" Takoda squeels. The little girl floats into the air. "Friendly Tangle!" she yells. Pink rings emit from her raised hands and circle around Rei. They float above her head, then trap her in them.

Dara throws off her doctor's coat and appears in her light blue dress. "Miss Hino, you're such a sap for your grandfather!" Rei gasped as water sprouted from the ground in a circle around her. The water caved in, created a ball of water around the senshi of fire.

~I can't breath. Why me?~ Rei thought to herself. Her eyes were clenched shut and her lips were pressed together. A few bubbles sprouted from both her mouth and nose. Ten minutes passed before the fire senshi fell limply to the ground. Takoda's 'friendship rings' disappeared slowly as the small girl flew down to the ground.

"Dara-chan! We did it!" she squeels. Her chocolate, brown frizzy hair bouncing cutely. The ruby gem flew out of the body and to Takoda. She grasped it in her hands quickly.

"Of course we did it. The senshi don't have a chance against us." Dara laughs. The grabs the younger girl's hand and the two disappear, only to reappear in front of Lana.

"Lana-sama! We did it! We did it!" Takoda squeels. The ruby gem flies from her hands to Lana's hand. "We got rid of that pesky lil' fire senshi."

Lana smiles softly. "So I see. Very well, get on with your duties. Don't just stand here all day."

Takoda frowns. I did so good, she thinks to herself. Why no praise? Echo, Cassie and Kai got praise. . . why not me or Dara?

Dara looks down at her younger sister. Tears filled Takoda's eyes and the little girl disappates into her room, crying softly on her bed. Dara bows quickly and appears on the bed, Takoda's head on her lap. Stroking a hand softly through the young girl's hair she sighs.

"Takoda-chan, you did a great job. Don't let the lack of attention from Lana-sama get you down. You're always number two in my book."

"Who's number one?" Takoda sniffles.

"Well. . . uhm, myself, but that's not the point. We killed a senshi. . . and that's better than Bavol could ever hope to achieve." Dara laughs.

Echo stood in front of the closed door, listening intently to the conversation. A small smirk appeared on her face. "So they think." She laughs quietly.


Altair lay asleep on the plush couch. Celeste watched the girl mournfully.

"Poor dear. I don't think she was ready for her awakening." Solange whispers sympathetically.

"She's tired out from all the energy she spent getting her attacker away. Aisu-san, why don't you bring her into one of the guest rooms upstairs." Ramya states.

Aisu nods and picks up Altair gently. "She's so innocent, unlike us."

"We've shed too much blood, in our past that is." Celeste sighs.

"They turned against us, it was either kill them, or let ourselves get killed. And that's the past." Solange hisses, somewhat playfully, but more seriously.

"She didn't take part in the bloodshed in the past, she'll always be that innocent. Enough talk about the past, please, it's too painful to think of." Ramya intervenes. Aisu walks up the spiral staircase slowly and puts Altair in one of the three extra guest rooms.

"Sweet dreams, little one." She whispers. With that, the ice senshi runs back down the stairs and into the lounge. "Something's wrong, girls, I just got a bad vibe."

"Another senshi has died." Celeste states quietly. She cuddled her knees close to her body.

"Why weren't we warned earlier? What's the point in protecting them if we don't know when they're getting attacked?" Solange asks angirly.

"Don't know. It doesn't make much sense, to tell you girls the truth." Kouseki barks.