Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 25

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 26:

Ramya clicked on the television.

Ramya's head snapped up. She stopped mixing the pancake mix and stared at the television. There was something about Sakura. . . . she was friends with Rei, no that was not what was unreal about her, maybe it was the fact that she wore a fire shaped brooch with a ruby in the midde. Or was that just her imagination. "Kouseki!"

The small cocker spaniel ran up at the call. "Hai, Ramya?"

"Does she look familiar?"

"That broach does. But if she has been awakened. . . if that is Star Fire, that is, she would've contacted us by now."

"They all have specific orders to come to me if I'm not there when they awaken, don't they?"


Ramya sighed heavily and started making the pancakes again. She had made about twenty before Celeste, Aisu, Altair, and Solange woke up. She place five pancakes on four plates and put them on the table, the girls looking extremely hungry.


Aisu was standing behind a tall pillar, watching Endymion and Selenity closely.

"Have you told her yet?" Selenity asked. Endymion shook his head.

"Iie, my love. I shall tell her tomorrow."

Aisu's eyes flared dangerously. A large light blue beam shot towards Selenity, but Endymion took the hit instead. A large wound now embedded his arm with blood gashing out. Aisu fell to her knees, crying, then ran off.

~*~End Flashback~*~

Altair finished eating one of her pancakes and took a sip of her juice. "You know, we have to protect them with our lives, but, they don't trust us anymore.

Ramya was being held by a male Yaten. She was crying hard. "I can't believe her, she just had to do that, didn't she?"

Yaten was stroking her hair. "It's allright, you'll be okay. She was jealous."

Ramya's tear stained face stared at the entrance to the garden. Celeste was walking towards them, fierce eyes set on Yaten.

"Crescent lightning." She hissed. A large lightning bolt headed for Yaten, but Ramya knocked him out of the way and got hit instead, falling into Yaten's arms.

Celeste's eyes widened. "Why? Why do you always have to rescue them?" she whispered. She held back her tears of hurt. She had hurt her best friend, possibly more than a friend, but nevertheless was a friend.

~*~End Flashback~*~

Ramya clicked the remote control and changed the television channel. There were reporters standing in front of the Juuban Hospital.

Celeste glanced at the TV. "So another one did die. You know, the only senshi they can't kill is Saturn, as she's always reborn. That may mess up their plans."

Solange chuckled lightly. "They've probably thought of that already."

"Never know." Altair added.


Cassie was painting her nails. "Kai-san, Dara and Takoda defeated that pesky fire senshi."

"So I saw." Kai mutters.

"You know, one of the Elemental Goddesses accepted the brooch, but is ignoring orders." Echo giggles.

"What do you mean?" Echo now had both Cassie's and Kai's attention.

"Well, when they awaken without Star Crystal helping, they are ordered to go and tell her. Something like an order from your head, or from the brooch, whatever you may want to think it of. One of them recently awakened, but has not contacted the others." Echo smiled.

Cassie leaned back in her chair, letting her fire engine red toe-nails dry. "Well, how interesting."

"Isn't it, though?" Echo had a large smile on her face.

"Do you know which Elemental this is?" Kai questions.

"No. . . ." Echo mutters.


Sakura fingers the fire shaped brooch with the ruby in the middle. "I'm supposed to report to her? Of all people to be the leader." She had a white eye shadow on and red lipstick. Her short hair was held back from her face by a single clip. A knock was heard at her door. "Come in." she called out.

Bavol walked in, a smile oin his face. "Miss Gami, Miss Ramya Rhodanthe is here to see you."

Sakura turned to Bavol. "Send her in," she muttered.

Bavol bowed slightly and left the room. A moment later, Ramya entered.

"Hello." Sakura sighed.

"Weren't you ordered to let me know?" Ramya asked softly.

Sakura got up from her chair in a huff. "Look I don't accept this stuff about me being a 'superhero' or 'senshi' or whatever you call them!"

"Then why'd you accept the brooch?"

Sakura glared at her. "Because, I wasn't given a warning about everything, like you were."

"If you didn't know what it was, why'd you take it? Curiosity got the better of you?"


"You can't keep on pushing this away. You're. . . ."

"I said OUT!"

Ramya stepped back a bit and let out a sigh. "When you decide that you want to take part in helping others, let me know." She opened the door and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Sakura was trembling with anger. Her dark brown eyes glaring at where Ramya had been. She picked up the flame shaped brooch and threw it at the wall angrily.


Michiru stared at her mirror. Nothing. All she saw was her reflection. Nothing on the new enemy. Nothing on who was next.

Setsuna typed a few more things into the keyboard. "Anything yet, Michiru-san?"

"Iie, Setsuna-san. Nothing."

"Nothing here either. The scan did nothing but detect there was an enemy. Not much help."

Haruka and Hotaru were playing the, 'Grow the Solar System' game. Hotaru had gotten farther than she had since the last time. And the outlook on what was most likely happening/going to happen, wasn't good. Michiru stepped up behind Haruka and leaned down, wrapping her arms across Haruka's shoulders.

"What's going on?" she asked softly.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good." Haruka sighed. "Hotaru."

Hotaru's eyes snapped open and she looked up at Haruka.

"Time to get ready for school."

Hotaru let out a whine and reluctantly agreed. Haruka ushered her off and turned to Michiru. "Did you find out anything?"


"Perfect. I can't believe this. Are we destined to die or something?" Haruka stated angrily.

"Settle down. Right now, let's just concentrate on good things."


Sakura gazed at the sky. A shooting star passed through and she made a wish. Moments later a small ball of fire appeared in front of her. She yelped and jumped back. "What's that?" she questioned herself, as if to reassure herself. She reached out to it, and surprisingly the fire didn't burn her. Her palm faced upwards as the ball of fire 'sat' in er hands. Soon it disappeared and all the was left was a flame shaped brooch with a ruby in the center. As she clenched it in her fist and a large flame engulfed her. As the flame extinguished itself she found herself wearing a dark red, belly baring shirt with a black bow and the brooch in the middle of the bow. She looked down to see a pleated skirt of fire red color and a black stripe at the bottom, with matching fire red heels. She glanced momentarily at her hands to see red gloves with black glove bands. "This isn't happening."

She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip. "When I open my eyes, I'll be standing here in my normal pajamas, no senshi fuku on or anything."

She opened one eye and peeked down. No change. It was surely not a dream.

~*~End Flashback~*~