Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Love Everlasting ❯ The Cruise Part I ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Love Everlasting
*Lemon Chap-If you're to young stop reading at the sexual parts and come back when the dialogue starts again.
The Cruise- Part 1
Scene 1-All Aboard!-Sunday night
“But Princess do you think it's such a good idea to leave so suddenly, what will the people think?”
“I have told you what to tell them. That I am on trip of diplomacy to Earth which is the truth. Our relation with Earth is strained and we have been presented an opportunity to repair it. We owe them so much and I was dismayed at what I saw and felt.” Paris was helping her princess pack but now she stopped and placed her hands on her hips.
“Well why can't I go with you, you will need a lady in waiting.”
“Paris, I will have the Starlights for protection and I will be surrounded by tons of women if I need anything personal. I just told you this is a rather sensitive matter and I don't think bringing an outsider in right now will help any.”
”So…Seiya is going then?” Paris voice couldn't hide the displeasure she felt as she sank down on the bed. Kakyuu looked up and took in the sad young woman.
“I believe he will…I don't see how he can do anything else.”
“Damn her!” Paris said exploding off the bed. “It's because of her isn't it? Why did she have to come back into his life…she'll just ruin everything and make him miserable again. I hate her!”
“That's enough!” Kakyuu said her eyes flashing. Paris instantly stilled, it was the first time she had ever seen the princess mad. “You will not talk that way about our Savior in my presence. I understand your bitterness and I'm sorry for it. But Princess Serena has done nothing wrong…she hurts just like he does.”
”I don't understand any of you. Seiya walked around here for years like a zombie and not one of you will say a bad word against her. I don't understand why you all protect her…instead of protecting him.” Paris said her eyes watering as she struggled to understand their reasoning. Kakyuu walked over and took her friend in a hug and tried to send comforting energy to the girl.
“One day you will be fortunate enough to meet her…and you will see for yourself. I know you worry for Seiya…but he must go his own path and make his own peace with her. If not he could never be yours anyway.”
Taiki was pacing his room. He knew he shouldn't go. He was still angry and confused by Ami's engagement. He shouldn't feel anything after all if she was happy then so be it, so he was having a hard time figuring out why his stomach was twisted and he felt like smashing something. Yeah it was better if he just stayed here and attended to business. He knew that the cruise would be filled with nothing but drama…especially if Seiya went…and he would. Though if his friend was smart he would stay his ass right at home with Taiki
“Hell!” Taiki said out loud, kicking over a trash can in frustration. What the hell was Ami doing marrying a guy she'd known less then a year? And what was with the attitude? He should be the one mad at her. After all she hadn't told him about Mina's wedding or her own impending one. Were they keeping secrets now? He thought they were better then that…close friends.
“Fuck it, I don't need this. I am not going.” As he said it he sat on the edge of his bed and put his head in his hands, not that it did much to calm his throbbing headache.
Ami was pissed and that may have been putting it mildly.
“How could you mother! Go behind my back like that.” Her mother just watched her as she threw clothes into a suit case. Her daughter had came storming in the house, had changed quickly and was now shouting at her.
“Simple, I did it because it sounded like a good idea and I thought you needed a break. I've been worried about you lately.” Ami rolled her eyes and slammed the lid shut on the suitcase with unnecessary force.
“Well I wish every one would take their concerns and stuff it! I'm a grown woman I don't need you or Mina trying to run my life!”
“See this is why I'm worried about you. It isn't like you to be so hostile. To lose it so quickly. You've been snapping on everyone for the last several months, what's going on with you.”
”Nothing! I'm exhausted and tired and just wish everyone would leave me the hell alone.” Ami grabbed her one suitcase and headed for the living room and her mother followed warily.
“Do you want me to take you to the docks?” Kirara asked. Tired suddenly, wishing she could break through to her daughter.
“No, I think you've done enough for me already.” With that Ami disappeared. Kirara blinked and shook her head. Her daughter was going through something and she didn't know how she could help.
Ami felt bad as she handed her luggage to a statesman and joined the few people already on deck. She waved to others but then chose a spot further down from them and leaned over the rail. She felt like a total ass for blowing up at her mother. But she also felt like she was in the twilight zone right now. Nothing felt real. She had the irrational urge to cry and she bit her lip as her eyes stung. She just wanted some rest and didn't want her life to be so complicated. This is why she had always preferred boring over exciting. She looked up and over as Serena came on broad and saw the blond smiling and waving to everyone. Ami sighed and squared her shoulders. She could pretend for one week…she had too. Then everything would go back to the way it was and she could get on with her life.
Serena hadn't encountered that much resistance from her parents after all. Her father had been upset and had left it up to her mother to talk some sense into her. They had stood in her bedroom while she packed and quietly looked at each other.
“So you really need to go on this trip?”
“Yeah mom…I should go…it's no big deal.” Ikuko just nodded barely acknowledging the lie. Finally she placed a hand on Serena's to stop her packing and looked her in the eye.
“Serena…listen to me…I'm your mother. Have fun on this trip. Don't let petty emotions keep you from the good things that are in front of you. Be true to yourself and don't worry about anyone else.” Serena's mother sighed and sat down on the bed next to the case. “I remember when you were younger…you could never stay mad at anyone. It was so frustrating. I always worried about you being to trusting and getting hurt. Remember what I would always tell you. To forgive but never forget. Have you forgiven yet Serena?”
“No. I never learned that lesson right. I used to forgive all the time and forget it all too. Now, I can't forgive or forget.” Serena said in a distant voice and stared tossing her few belonging into the case again. Her mother rose and on a long sigh reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her daughter's face catching Serena's eye again.
“You know Serena maybe it's a good thing you never learned it my way. Just don't miss on out what today has to offer because you're to busy looking at the future or the past.” Those words of wisdom had come barely 20 minutes ago. Now Serena was on the deck talking to her friends and laughing. She saw their interstellar friends walk on board and she waved them over. She would try to forget, just for this week and have fun. After all, she'd already been to hell and back…she could survive this.
Chad stood on the docks getting in one last cigarette and staring into the fog that was rolling in. He was waiting for her. Not that he cared either way it would just be a little duller if she didn't show. After a few minutes, he saw a figure coming through the fog. He threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. Waiting for her to see him.
Rei had counted to 1,020 already and still her temper was bad. She carried her suitcase and laptop on her shoulder as she approached the ship.
“Oh great, did Mina come to her senses and kick you off.” She asked Chad as she saw him.
“Not quite.” Chad responded snatching her bags from her hands before she could protest and turning away. “You're late.”
“I know. At the last moment my insanity came back and I decided to come.” Rei walked behind him, having the strangest urge to trip him, just for the hell of it.
“Am I the last one here?”
“Yep.” Chad handed her bags over to the statesman waiting at the top and told him whom they belonged too.
“Great” Rei said dryly. “Let the festivities begin.”
Music played on the top deck and champagne and wine flowed as they all chatted and mingled with each other. Darien had remembered Lita's earlier comment and provided her with a new glass when ever he saw her hand empty. She chatted loudly and found herself giggling at the slightest thing. He also was consuming his share as he shamelessly flirted with Kakyuu and any other female that came his way. Serena was on her fifth glass of the evening but she had drunk them far apart and all she had was a good buzz. Suddenly she had an urge to say something.
“Every one gather around for a sec. I have something I want to say.” Eventually everyone did, though a couple of people were stumbling as they walked over to her. “I just want to thank Mina for this wonderful b-day gift. All of it. The wedding and this trip. We deserve to let our hair down and who better to do it with then friends. So let's toast to friendship and having fun no matter what.” They cheered and toasted. Most giddy from drinking and the exhausting day. Seiya had watched her…but still they hadn't spoken a word. Now he came up behind her quietly.
“Can I speak to you for a moment? Just a few minutes.” She nodded before turning around and heading to the railing. He followed and they stood face to face again. “Did you really mean what you just said?”
Serena found her voice and answered. “Yeah…why wouldn't I?” As she waited on him to respond she fought the urge to blink. It was still hard for her to believe he was here.
`Well in that case I have something for you.” He reached into his suit pocket never taking his eyes from hers. He pulled out a white box three inches wide and four inches high. “It's for your birthday.” Serena finally blinked and slowly reached out a hand to take the gift.
“You…shouldn't have.” She got out stunned at the box that lay in her hand.
“I didn't forget….anyway it's not a big deal. Open it.” Seiya tried to sound nonchalant when in reality it was a big deal. The gift she was holding was one he'd bought less then a year after leaving Earth. He had bought it for her birthday and had meant to send it to her but his courage had failed. He had kept it for all these years, now he gave it to her. Serena numbly opened the top of the box and looked inside. Her eyes widened for a moment then curiosity got the best of her and she picked the little object up out of the box and laid it in her palm. A smile graced her face and then before she knew it she was laughing. Her musical laugh rang clear in the cheerful night and caught the attention of her ever watching friends. They were extremely surprised but even so it made their shoulders relax at the sound. Seiya felt something in his chest clutch and his lips broke out into a smile of their own accord. He…had made her laugh.
“I take it that you like it?”
“Yes…it's very cute.” Serena said calming down, turning the little gift around as she looked at it. In her hand she held a glass crystal that was made up of two parts. One was a round ball that had what looked like pot holes around the entire thing. On top of it was a little creature laying down on its hunches. A little rabbit. “Where did you get this from?” She asked amusement still in her voice.
“From a little shop on Kinmokusei. It's a bunny on the moon. Nothing fancy but I thought you'd appreciate it.”
`I do. Thank you old friend.” Serena lost her smile as the endearment slipped out her mouth.
“Is there anyway we can be that?” Seiya had been as taken aback as she at her comment. “Friends again.” Seiya asked seriously. Serena lowered her eyes and busied herself with putting the gift back in the box. She used the time to think, remembering her mother's words. Finally she looked up at him again and spoke.
“We can try…for this trip…we can definitely try.”
Seiya nodded and reached out his hand. “That works for me.”
Serena gripped his hand in a handshake and gave him a small smile. She ignored the electricity that seemed to run up her arm into her body at the simple touch. She broke the contact and walked back to the main group. Seiya turned towards the water and tried to breathe, his body tingling from the power of their touch.
Rei had been watching the interaction vividly, not even trying to hide her interest. Serena had just laughed out loud so she guessed that was a good sign, then she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, irritated to be interrupted from her nosiness she snapped.
“You know you could try being a little more subtle if you're going to spy on someone.” Chad said lightly.
“I'm not known for my subtleness.”
”You can say that again.” Chad responded dryly.
“Maybe if you minded your own business you wouldn't notice that I was being nosy.”
“I was minding my business. Anyway it seems like they've buried the hatchet.” Rei whipped around just in time to see the two shake hands, her jaw almost falling open.
“Well…” Was all she could get out. If someone would have told her Serena would be shaking Seiya's hand in this lifetime 12 hours ago she would have laughed in their face.
“Yes, amazing isn't it.”
“It's something alright.” Rei took another gulp of the gin and tonic she was drinking still not believing her eyes.
“You know Rei, I've been thinking.”
”You know…when you think it's bad for everyone.”
Chad pressed on with his original thought refusing to let her sarcasm deter him. “That if they can call a truce then so can we.” He continued. “I mean we are adults. and this snipping at one another is getting kind of old.”
“Really? I was just staring to have fun with the snipping.”
“You would.” He said on a smile. “So how about it. What do you say we try to act like adults for the remainder of this trip?”
“I would love to Chad.” She said sweetly. “I just wasn't aware that you had grown up.”
“Ha, ha, very funny. Come on it won't kill you. If Serena can do it so can you.”
Rei glanced back to see Serena talking to Yaten and Trista, she seemed to be fine. Though Rei noticed she had another drink in her hand. “Yeah well Serena must is a saint or something…I'm not. However I am an adult so I will give it a try if you will. Starting tomorrow we'll call a truce.” That said she reached out her hand for a shake.
“Deal. Come on Rei I think we can do better then a handshake. How about a little kiss? It can be a good will gesture that we're putting the past behind us.”
“Hmmm, okay fine just a little one.” She stepped forward and he did the same, his eyes twinkling and hers lowered. He took hold of her face and was just about to lean in when he felt a tug at his waist. Rei poured the remaining contents of her drink down his pants, melted ice and all. As he stepped back in shock she smiled and waved her glass at him. “Cheers!”
“Damn it Rei, I thought we had a truce.”
“We do.” She said walking away. “It starts tomorrow, and it's not even midnight yet!”
­­­Taiki was trying to figure out how he felt. At the last moment he had met the others and came back to earth for the trip. So far everything had been pretty good. Everyone had seemed to be having fun. Ami seemed more like her self as she talked, laughed and mingled with everyone. He wanted to apologize for his behavior and finally snagged her to do so.
“Ami can I talk to you?” He grabbed her upper arm and gently tugged her to the side. She went along blinking at the suddenness. “Sorry I just didn't think I could get you alone any other way.” He left her arm go and Ami's skin suddenly felt naked. “I wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I was acting before. I had no right to act like an ass.”
“Oh. It's okay, I wasn't exactly acting like a peach myself.” Ami said waving his statement off. She felt guilty as hell for snapping on him earlier.
“No it's not okay. Look, this may be the only time I get to see you for years to come. I don't want us to spend it arguing over nothing. Your news was just sudden, but as long as you're happy, then I'm happy for you.”
“Thank you Taiki, but it wasn't you it was me. I've been stressed and snapping on everyone. I was wrong for not telling you before now, you deserved better then that. I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?” Ami played nervously with the trinket at her neck. Her eyes lowered waiting for his answer. Taiki sighed in relief and tipped her chin up.
“Of course Ami. It's forgotten. Why don't we grab a table and catch up properly. I have so many questions I wanted to ask you but it's only so much you can put into a letter without it turning into a novel.” Ami laughed in relief and amusement.
“Sure I'd love that. I want you to tell me all about Kinmokusei.” Smiling at each other, he took her arm and led her to a table away from the crowd. Ami was very happy now that he knew they were friends again. And with his hand on her arm, her skin didn't feel naked anymore.
At midnight Mina and Andrew announced that they were headed to the honeymoon suit and the group gave them a round of applause and cheers as the couple walked off. It was getting late and very cold out on the open deck and soon others started to turn in also.
Lita had tears in her eyes as she watched Mina walk away. Her tears were mostly there because she was drunk and her emotions were on overload. She was totally wasted and she knew it and didn't care one bit. It was funny though…seemed like when she was drunk everything seemed bigger and better or worse then it really was. She felt so happy that everyone was getting along and that everything was right in the world for once. At the same time she felt like shit because her own life was so empty. Look at everyone with there love…or past love…or new love…or whatever! The point was everyone had someone but her! She downed the glass in her hand and made her way across the deck to the bar to get another. She was weaving, not from the ship but from drunkenness.
Meanwhile Alex was pretty toasted his self. He had wished his brother a farewell with the rest of the group and then made his way to the bar to sit by his self. He had ordered a beer, more used to drinking that in excess then champagne. He was feeling a little down. He was happy that he was here to share this moment with his brother…but how many other moments had he missed? He wasn't drunk yet, but two to three more beers should put him over the top. He figured he'd call it a night after that.
“Bartenderrr, Let me get a-a mart-tini pleassse.”
Alex turned to see Lita slurring her order. She seemed oblivious that he was there as she haphazardly made her way unto the bar stool. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her. Mina's best friend and maid of honor. It didn't take a rocket scientist or a completely sober person to tell she was drunk as hell. He knew she must have had one hell of a long day and didn't blame her for being blasted. Suddenly she turned as if she'd just noticed him.
“Oh…hi. Alexx right?”
“Sorry, I'm a little out of it.” She giggled as if she had just said the funniest thing. He smiled until she suddenly started to fall off her seat.
“Whoa there. I got you little lady.” He said reaching out and grabbing her around the waist. Just then the bartender came and sat her drink down.
“You're so funny. No one has every called me little before.” Lita was still laughing, not realizing she had almost met her face with the deck. Alex could feel his chivalrous side rising up. It was clear that she didn't need anymore drinks and needed to go to bed before she fell over board. She made a reach for her drink but he stopped her by grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss.
“Well pretty lady I don't know why not. You're definitely a little lady.” His distraction worked and her eyes were glued to her hand and his lips instead of her drink. Alex knew the worst thing to tell someone drunk was that they'd had enough to drink. They took that as a challenge and drank even more to prove that they weren't drunk. Lita blinked then blushed. His southern accent was more pronounced from the liquor and he sounded very sexy to her ears. “Look why don't I walk you to your room, it's getting late.”
“Well aren't you a gentleman.” Lita didn't protest as he helped her up. Alex regretted leaving his just opened beer but figured he'd come back to it after he got her settled. They made there way down stairs to the cabins.
“What's your room number sweetheart?”
“Umm, I think 122. Here's my key.” Lita reached into the blouse she had on and groped her bosom. He stared at her as her hand moved round her rather large breasts. He couldn't help notice that as she fumbled around in her blouse her nipples harden. Shit!
“Ah! Here it is.” She produced her room key that said 125 on it. He took it from her and relaxed a little. “Opps I was wrong.”
“It's okay you were only off a couple.” They continued to walk down the hall, with him holding tight to her waist. Swaying form time to time. Partly due to Lita and the other part due to the wind picking up and the boat becoming a little unsteady. They got to her room and he unlocked the door. He held it open for her then stepped in leaving it open.
“Well here you go. You should get some sleep.” Lita had kicked off her shoes and was throwing the pins that had kept half of her hair up. As her long hair fell down her back Alex gulped. He should get out of here. He took a step backwards and the ship lurched a little causing the door to slam at his back. Lita turned around unsteadily and smiled at him.
“What if I don't feel sleepy?” She giggled and took a step towards him. He was so cute! She in her drunkenness she was just noticing how much he looked like Andrew. His hair was longer and his shoulders a little boarder…but he was cute. And so sweet! Was it possible he's interested in me? After all how nice of him to walk me to my room. Maybe…just maybe he walked me here for another reason.
“Well you should go to sleep anyway.” Alex didn't like the way she was looking at him. Running her eyes up and down his body. Though he had to admit it was turning him on.
“Okay…if you insist.” He smiled in semi-relief, she was going to listen to him. Then she surprised him again by drawing her shirt over her head and flinging it to the side. His mouth dropped open as she walked towards him and he stared at her breasts. They were barely concealed in a yellow bra. Maybe it was the liquor but it seemed as if the bra was to small and her breasts were huge. Before he could come up with any rational thoughts she was pressing them against his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck. Lita had been hot, so she had taken off her shirt and didn't think twice about it. She was also horny and decided to do something about it as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Your right I should go to bed…and you should go with me.” She said playfully tugging on his collar
“Uh, I don't know.” No, no. Idiot you were suppose to say absolutely not. Even as he thought it his own arm snaked around her waist touching the flesh above her pants
“Ah, don't be that way.” Lita said as she begin backing them up towards the bed. “At least tuck me in.” She finished her plea by nipping his neck with her teeth. Lita knew she was being very forward but she didn't care. She wanted to do something daring, something wild and unplanned for once. When her calf reached
the edge of the bed she fell backwards taking him with her.
Alex found his self laying on top of the intoxicated, half naked and sexy as hell woman and did the only thing he could do…he kissed her! Lita felt his tongue force its way into her mouth and she shivered. Her hands tangled in his hair as his knee parted her legs so he was between them. Alex was lost as soon as he tasted her mouth. His member had stirred when he had first seen her nipples through her shirt and now it was at full attention. He pressed it to her middle and ran his mouth down her long throat, pushing her hair aside. He rose up a bit as he felt her hands trying to pull his dress shirt out of his pants. He let her as he unclasped the front of her bra. His eyes widened as the bountiful flesh became free. Lita saw his eyes darken with passion, and for once she was glad that she had such big breasts. She withdrew her hands from his shirt and cupped her own breasts, offering them up to him. Alex didn't need to be offered twice and his head bent to lick at both nipples. When she groaned he moved her hands aside and took them in his own, bringing the nipples together and taking them both in his mouth. Lita felt the hot pin pricks of desire shoot through both nipples down to her stomach. As she arched her back to give him more she pushed her hips up rubbing against the bugle she felt in his pants. It had been so long since some one touched her that her body was responding very quickly and wanted to be satisfied. Alex wanted to be satisfied too as he felt her legs wrap around his waist. He wanted to bury his self deep in her until they were both exploding. He left her enticing breasts to move back up to her mouth. He looked at her, eyes half closed, face flushed and went to kiss her. As he drew near the smell of alcohol reached his nose and rational seemed to click back on in his brain.
What the hell am I doing? She's drunk for gods' sake and I'm as tipsy as hell. He closed his eyes and willed his blood to cool. He wasn't a saint but he wasn't a jackass either. He had never slept with a woman while she had been drunk and he didn't plan to start now. Damn what a shame! Lita was busy rubbing up against him and didn't notice the change until he lifted up from her, dislodging her legs from his waist.
“What…what? Don't stop now.” Alex ran his hand over his head in agitation.
“Look…Lita I can't do this.” Lita frowned and scooted further up on the bed to prop herself back on both elbows.
“What? Why not? Don't you want me anymore?”
“No, sweet heart it's not that. I want you all right. Shit but you're…you're not thinking right and hell neither am I.” Lita looked up at him with her hurt gaze. What had she done wrong? Again her drunken emotions took over and she burst out crying.
“Oh, shit…don't do that. Don't cry.” Alex was like the next man and became a helpless idiot whenever a woman started crying. She was mumbling to herself in tears and he reached over to take her in his arms. She went into them crying even louder as he rocked and petted her bare back and said useless words. He felt like scum when he started getting aroused again from her chest being pressed against his. He was about to pull away when she beat him too it. Lita shoved him in the chest and sent him falling off the bed. She was still crying but now she was mad. How dare he not want her, and play with her emotions like that.”
“What the hell?” Alex said from the floor confused.
“Get out! Just get the hell out you make me sick!”
“Okay fine lady…geez.” He pulled his self up and took one look at her angry face and backed up towards the door. She was cussing and crying at him and suddenly he wanted to leave very badly. Reaching the door he fumbled behind him with the knob, finally opening it. Once out he slammed it and made his way quickly to his own room. Any thoughts of going back for his beer forgotten.
Ami and Taiki were oblivious to the people around them as the others slowly left. Now that they were friends again they had so much to talk about. So it was a surprised when the boat lurched and they looked up to find they were the only ones still on the deck.
”Well where did everyone go?”
“They probably had the good sense to go in. It's gotten very cold out here.”
“Humph, they at least could have said goodnight.” Ami said frowning and rubbing her bare arms at the same time. “What time is it anyway?”
“Five minutes to 1. We should probably turn in.” Ami nodded and they stood making there way slowly to the steps that led below.
“I guess we lost track of time talking. It's really good having you back Taiki.” Ami said her back towards him as they walked down the steps. Taiki smiled enormously pleased to hear her say that.
“Thanks, I feel the same way. What number is your room?”
”130 I think.”
“Mine is 110, here I'll walk you to yours first.” They were quite as they walked, not wanting to disturb anyone. When they got to the door Ami went to open it when the boat took a hard lung to the right. Taiki reached out and grabbed her by the waist with one hand and to the frame of the door with the other, stopping them from sliding. As the boat righted under their feet Ami looked up at him. Taiki caught his breath. In that moment she looked so much like the drawing that he had stared at for years. A lock of her wavy hair lay across her face and lip from the toss of the boat. And just like the drawing she looked sexy and vulnerable at the same time. Taiki felt instant desire well up in him and he squeezed her tiny waist in reaction. Ami had turned to thank him when she had been stopped by the look in his eyes. It caused her heart to beat faster and she was very aware of his hand at her waist. She blinked and when she looked at him again the look was gone and she found her voice.
“Um thanks. Do you think we're running into a storm?” She asked while opening her door and walking in, his hand slipping from her waist. Taiki stepped inside the door closing it and put both hands in his pocket. He felt they would be safer there.
“Maybe…the sea just tends to be rougher at night.” Taiki didn't know what was going on outside but he knew a storm was raging inside his body. As he watched her take off her shoes and bend to put them neatly under the bed, his gut clenched. Yes…a storm of desire was waging a war within him and the desire he'd fought to hide moments ago was back in his eyes full force.
“I guess your right.” Ami was trying to keep her hands and mind busy so she wouldn't think about that look he'd given her before. She took off her earrings and her engagement ring and her chocker sitting the items on the bedside table before she turned back to him. She had taken only a few steps before she realized he was staring at her. She looked up at his face and stopped. He was looking at her again…with that look. That look of desire that she hadn't seen on his face in six years. Ami felt a flush come over her body as he continued to stare at her and found her own eyes taking him in. The years had been more then kind to him. Age bringing him into man hood by widening his shoulders and making his jaw line more pronounced. The wind had tousled his hair and it looked as if a lover had been running their hands through it. At the thought Ami instantly wished she was that lover and bit her lip as old images of him caressing her…touching her…ran through her mind. Taiki wanted to groan as she bit her lip. It was so sexy! He brought his eyes up from her lips to catch her eyes and fisted his hands in his pockets. Her eyes were starting to cloud with the same desire as his. He wanted to take a step forward. To reach out and take her in his arms and show her how much he wanted her but he knew that wouldn't be wise. She wasn't his for the taking, so instead he took a small step back.
“I guess I should be going.” He hadn't meant for his voice to come out sounding rough from his longing but it did. She heard it and took a step forward.
“Taiki…” What the hell was she doing? He should leave so these old memories would leave her head, so her heart could slow down. There was nothing else to say to him…not about the passion in his eyes.
“I'll see you tomorrow morning then.” He should have turned around then as the words left his mouth but she took another step towards him and he was transfixed to the spot.
Why do I keep walking towards him? I should be walking away. Away is the other direction Ami! Even as she screamed at herself she took the step that brought her inches from him. Her eyes were at his chest level. After she took a deep breath she looked up to tell him good night.
“Stay.” Was the word that came out of her mouth instead.
“Ami?” The word held so many questions as he looked into her shocked eyes.
Oh my god, why did I just say that? I didn't mean to. “Stay.” Damn…I said it again!
Taiki didn't know what to do, didn't know how to take her one worded statement. He knew what his mind hoped it meant, but dared not hope too much.
“Ami I don't…” He was cut off as she threw herself at him capturing his mouth in a kiss. Ami knew he was confused and so was she, but her body wasn't and it wanted to show him want she meant. Taiki of course met her in the sudden kiss and immersed his tongue deep into her mouth, his senses exploding with the taste of her. Ami was clutching at him as if she was drowning, drowning in the waves of pure desire that was traveling her body. She had never felt so overwhelmed with lust and she groaned under its weight. The one groan was all it took to snap Taiki's thin string of control. His hands that had been holding her close scooped under her behind and lifted her up until she had no choice but to encircle his waist with her legs. In the next instant he spun her around and slammed her back against the room door, still plundering his tongue in the fiery kiss.
Ami should have been shocked at the rough behavior but it only made her desire swell even more and she dug her nails into his neck as the kiss continued. Taiki was lost, his whole brain consisted of one thought and that was to touch her, taste her and to never stop. With that in mind he needed to feel and taste more of her flesh but the position they were in didn't allow it. He spun around and easily carried her to the bed. He knelt down on his knees bringing her butt to the edge of the bed. It was then and only then did the kiss finally break. They were both heaving to take in breathe and Ami felt a sense of loss until she felt his lips on her neck, which she promptly threw back so he could have more access. He kissed the pulse at its base and she became more feverish as his hands seemed to be everywhere at once. Taike wanted…needed more. In one jerk he pulled her blouse off exposing her breasts. She gasped as the cooler air hit her heated flesh and as his hands were already palming her sensitive nipples. Taiki caught her mouth in another kiss as he flicked her nipples through the thin cotton material of her bra.
He wasted no time unhooking the back and dragging the material away from her front. Before either of them knew it he had a breast in his mouth and she had a hand fisted in his hair. As he hungrily suckled Ami felt her stomach clench and warmth flow to her panties. She was dizzy with pleasure and as he switched breasts she closed her eyes and cried out. Taiki couldn't move fast enough, couldn't touch enough to satisfy him. His desire of six years was finally in his arms. His member was rock hard and throbbed against the confining underwear. He wanted to feel his skin on hers. He jerked up from her breast only to tear his polo shirt off over his head.
Ami's eyes took in the terrific site of his chiseled chest, his beefy biceps and his wash board stomach and she felt her self grow wetter. Her mind didn't have any thought that went beyond the next touch. Before he could reach for her again she ran her hands over his biceps then skipped to his stomach which she felt tighten under her hands. She ran both hands upward to his nipples following the movement with her eyes, getting more turned on by the second. Taiki shared that last sentiment as he watched the pleasure she got from touching him. When she played with his nipples he groaned though it came out almost as a growl. Ami gasped as he made her fall on her back by grabbing her waist and tugging. In seconds he had slid the black skirt and panties she had been wearing down to her ankles and unto the floor. Ami felt the hot burn of his eyes on her and shivered with delight. She sat up and ran kisses across his shoulders as his hands shaped her naked back.
Taiki could smell the scent of her and he felt like an animal as his nose flared to take more of it in at once. He ran his hands from her back to her waist to the soft flesh of her inner thighs. So smooth and silky. He couldn't wait to be in between them anymore. He pulled her closer and wrapped her legs around his waist again. Ami followed his lead and held on tight. He took her mouth in a fierce kiss as she clung to his neck and waist. His hands were busy removing his belt and pushing down his pants and underwear. He finally stood up wrapping his arms around her back as he let the clothing fall down his legs were he kicked them and his shoes off. Ami felt the hot length of his member on her exposed butt and grabbed him tighter as he turned and sat on the bed. He laid down flat on his back taking her with him and grabbed her ass, loving the feel of the rounded flesh in his hands. Flesh to flesh they rolled back and forth across the bed. Touching and grabbing at each other in a frenzy. Breathing when they could, licking and kissing whatever was exposed to them.
Finally Taiki pinned her beneath him and clamped his mouth around a breast, while one hand went in between her legs seeking the wetness. He stroked her tingling nub a couple of times before thrusting his finger inside, only to have her cry out in pleasure. Ami widened her legs of her own accord, wanting to feel whatever he gave her. As he fingered her faster and harder so did he suck at her nipple. It didn't take long for her to climax. Her back to arching off the bed, her legs snapping shut trying to keep the waves of pleasure in. Taiki listened to her whimpers of completion and couldn't wait any longer. He withdrew his hand and settled his hips between her thighs, arranging his tip at her opening. She felt him there…and opened her passion hazed eyes to look at the ones above her. Taiki filled her in one sure stroke and watched the emotions that went through her wide blue eyes. He watched as she bit her lip and grimaced even as the sheer ecstasy of being sheathed inside her threatened to destroy his mental ability to understand. The knowledge registered in his brain before the tightness of her walls blocked everything else out. He groaned and lowered his head to her neck.
“Open for me, my little butterfly.” He whispered in a chocked voice. Ami nails were in his side and she let out the breathe she had been holding and made a couscous effort to relax. When he started to move she bit his shoulder to stop the cry that threatened to come from her lips. He was whispering encouraging words in her ear, but she didn't understand them as her body stretched and her mind focused in on the feelings he was creating inside her. After a moment she began to meet his thrusts and she moved her head so she could lick his ear. He took her signal of readiness and rose above her increasing the pace. Together they moved until the pace matched the wild beats of their hearts. Ami closed her eyes as the first rolls of her climax snuck up on her.
“Taiki!” She screamed, her back arching and her muscles clenching. The sound of his name wrenched from her throat was enough to send him over the edge and as she convulsed around him he drove into her deeply…releasing into her warm womb. When he could move again he rolled over and brought her to his side where she snuggled against him. They were sweaty, exhausted and satisfied. After long minutes Taiki's brain begin to function as the haze of sexual pleasure subsided. He kissed her forehead that rested on his shoulder and she looked up at him, her eyes bashful.
“Ami we should-“ She cut him off by placing a finger to his lips.
“Just hold me.” He nodded and she lowered her head and got comfortable. Her mind was clearing too but she refused to think…she couldn't bare it. So instead she lay there and let his hand stroking her back lure her into peaceful sleep.
Scene 2-Monday-Nagoya
Breakfast was served and most people including the bride and groom were there to enjoy it in the main dinning hall. Lita dragged herself in around 9 am. Being drunk and crying all night had produced a headache that she still had. She quietly took a seat at the furthest end of the table from Alex as she could get. She ate even though her stomach felt queasy. Luckily Mina's attention was being held with conversation, otherwise the blonde would have probably called her out.
Conversation flowed but Lita couldn't get the other night out of her head. Maybe if her head wasn't so clogged she could think better. She went to the serving line and poured herself some more coffee. She was so focused on the task that she didn't notice when someone walked up to her.
“How's it going little lamb?”
“Haven't I outgrown that stupid nick name yet? I thought you had stopped calling me that.” Lita didn't even bother looking up at Amara, as she added cream to her coffee.
“I only did it because you were over here looking like a lost sheep. Anything I should know about?” Amara watched as the other woman sighed heavily and turned to face her, wrapping the mug of coffee in her hands.
“I look that bad huh?”
”I've seen you look better. You were pretty toasted last night. It was kind of Alex to take you to your room.” Amara had had her eyes on everything last night.
“Do you know everything?” Lita replied sarcastically.
“Yep. So your mood wouldn't have anything to do with him would it.”
“Sadly it has everything to do with him.” Lita said before realizing who she was talking to. She almost spilled her coffee as she reached out to grab Amara's arm as she was already stalking across the room to her prey. “No! Amara it's not what you think. It's not his fault.”
“Okay, convince me. Tell me what's wrong.”
“Fine. He was kind enough to walk me to my room. Once there however I proceeded to make a fool of myself by literally throwing my self at him.” Amara smirked getting a good picture of what had gone on?
“What? Are you having after morning regrets?”
“I would be…if anything had happened…he turned me down. Said I was to drunk to know what I was doing.”
“Okay…so what is your problem? Are you mad because he was nice enough to turn you down in your drunkenness? Or would you rather he took advantage of you so you can feel like crap this morning?”
”Well gee when you put it that way you make it sound stupid.”
”Cause it is.” Amara said shrugging, after stating the obvious. Lita bristled, Amara didn't understand.
“It's not that simple. My pride is hurt. I feel inept as a woman. Here I am can't even get a guy when I take off my shirt and throw my self at his feet. Plus just believe me I made a big fool of myself. My behavior was very erratic…I get like that when I'm extra drunk and now I feel like a total jackass now.” Amara was smiling again and looking at Lita's chest.
“You mean to tell me to he turned those down? The man has some will power.”
Lita couldn't help but blush. “Amara! I'm serious here. How am I suppose to ever face him again. He must think I'm a desperate slut.”
“I was serious. I'm just saying you have a nice rack.”
“Amara focus on the issue. By the way if you weren't a close friend of mine, you'd have a black eye for that remark.”
”There's the spark I was looking for. What's the big deal? Talk to the guy, apologize for your drunken behavior and thank him for being a gentleman. Case closed.”
“It's not that simple.” Lita gave another heavy sigh, looking into her coffee.
“Sure it is. That's one of your problems little lamb, you make things more complicated then they have to be.” Amara gave her ear a tug and massaged the back of her neck and Lita looked up and smiled at her. Just then Alex still at the table looked over at the two and raised an eyebrow. Lita caught him looking and a blush rose to her cheeks. Amara noticed and laughed removing her hand.
“Ah…I see the other part of the problem. You still want him.”
”No I don't!” Lita said lamely.
“Hey, he seems like a nice guy if last night was an indication of his personality. This doesn't have to be complicated either. If you want him go for it.”
“Hey thanks for the coffee.” Amara ignored her and nipped the mug out of her hand walking back to the table. Lita shook her head as a little smile played on her lips. Pouring her self another cup she went back to think on Amara's simple words of wisdom.
The sun poured through the little port window on the couple. Taiki had been up for a while and was propped on one elbow looking down on his new lover. He was in awe as a little smile of wonder played on his lips. He was in a state of disbelief even though the evidence slept right besides him. As the sun warmed his bare shoulder he frowned. With the coming of the day how would she feel? He knew how he felt…wouldn't deny it any longer…couldn't. But Ami was a different story. Behind him on the bedside table lay the proof that she wasn't his…her ring. Her abandon of last night was the last thing he'd expected from her. Would she feel like him or was he merely a loose end from the past she had tied up before she went on with her future?
Ami felt heavy with rest and resisted opening her eyes. Her dreams and sleep had been the most restful she'd had in months. On a sigh of resignation she opened her them and blinked more in confusion then to clear them. She was staring at a muscled chest…then it all came rushing back to her.
“Oh my god!” She jerked back and up and paid for it, as sore muscles she didn't even know she had validated the fact that she'd had sex last night.
“Ami…” He reached out to touch her face and she flinched closing her eyes. She never felt the hand touch her face as she flushed, clutching the sheet to her chest. Ami let the loud silence hang in the air as she tried to gather her thoughts. What was I thinking! What should I do! How could I do this! Think Ami think! Shit, shit, shit!
“Taiki” She said straining to get each syllable out. “Maybe you should go.”
“What? Ami we need to talk.” She finally opened her eyes but stared at his throat she couldn't bare to meet his eyes.
“I…can't talk…right now. You should just…go.” Taiki couldn't describe what he was feeling when she wouldn't even look at him. He slowly got out of the bed and stood looking at her.
“We…will talk Ami.” He had so many questions that needed to be answered.
”I know, just not now, please…just go.” He heard her voice crack and started putting on his clothes, when he really wanted to hold her. However he didn't want to hurt her…especially right now.
“Okay.” Was all he said as he quickly finished dressing and walked out the door.
Ami made it to breakfast around 10. She had made it out of the bed and into the shower willing her mind not to think. Only to have the water sliding over her body as a reminder of Taiki's hands. She had placed back on her engagement ring. Letting it be a firm re-minder that last night shouldn't have happened and wouldn't happen again. Beyond that she hadn't let her mind think any further. She wasn't surprised to see that Taiki had made it there before she had, and tried to push out the irrational thought that everyone was staring at her. Unfortunately her entrance did not go unnoticed. She had grabbed a bagel and some juice and had barely sat down when someone spoke to her.
“Hey Ames. I'm surprised I beat you up.” Serena said cheerfully. Slipping easily back into the comradery they had shared in their younger days.
“Yes…well I guess all the late nights are catching up with me.”
“Huh, would think you would be used to it.” Rei said popping another cherry in her mouth.
“Apparently I'm not.” Ami said tersely. Rei hiked up an eyebrow and Serena just shrugged. “Anyway” Ami tired to lighten her tone. “What's on the agenda for today?”
“Ohhh, I was hoping we could all go shopping. Nagoya, has a sea side little village that has the best shops.” Mina gushed.
“That sounds wonderful Mina. I would love to see them.” Kakyuu said.
“It sure does, I'll go too.” Ami, needed to get off the boat, needed time to think.
“I'm always down for shopping.” Serena and Rei said at the same time.
“We'll no thanks, I'll pass. I think I'll stay here and sun on the deck.” Amara had no patience with discussing clothes for twenty minutes, only for people to decide the piece is wrong for them after all. She couldn't imagine what shopping with all of them would be like…on second thought yes she could…it would be hell.
It seemed Yaten shared her thoughts. “Well I'd rather cut my throat then go shopping will all of you.” He said cheerfully.
The rest of the guys murmured something similar.
“Oh but honey what will you do with me gone?” Mina playfully pouted at Andrew who gave her a kiss on the lips before standing up.
“I'll figure out something. Maybe we'll play poker. It will keep my mind off how much you're putting on our credit card.”
“Fine, stay here and do your male bonding.” Mina also rose up, ready to go. “Okay ladies, let's meet in 15.” She said after Lita, Michelle, and Trista all said they would go as well.
Amara caught Michelle and gave her a short list of things to pick up for her while they were out. That done she went and changed into her bathing suit then headed to the top deck to stretch out and soak up the sun. She would use the time alone with everyone gone to relax and try to take her mind off of worrying. She had also witnessed Seiya and Serena's display and didn't like the possibility of them getting close again. She knew there was nothing she could do if that was the case…but she worried all the same. Seiya and Serena meant trouble in her eyes and no one could tell her different. This whole trip was making her uneasy and she was counting the days.
The guys took another table in the dinning hall and decided to start a poker game after all. They had enough for a game since Yaten decided not to join them.
“I'll be back in a little while.” He'd told them and headed off. Now he was on the top deck looking for Amara. He found her and stopped in his tracks. She was stretched out in a deck chair, with a pair of dark sunglasses on. That wasn't what stopped him. What stopped him was what she was wearing. She had on a yellow two piece bikini that left little to the imagination. He wouldn't have guessed that she owned something so reveling. He walked over and took the lounge chair next to her without asking settling his self into it. He waited for her to acknowledge him and didn't have to wait long.
“Can I help you with something?”
“No, just came to get some sun like you.”
“Hmmm.” Amara wasn't buying it but just shrugged. She wasn't in a hurry for him to talk. She knew once he got started it was sometimes hard to shut him up.
“So what do you think of this little trip so far?” He asked conversationally.
“I think…it's to early to tell.”
“Me too though I think it's been interesting already. I mean take Seiya and Serena for instance.” He knew he was baiting her but couldn't help it. Plus he wanted to know where she stood on that issue, though he could guess.
“Don't go there. I came out here to lower my blood pressure.”
“Okay that topic is off limits. Let's try this one. What happened to you and Michelle? Ami's letter only mentioned that you two were apart…for good?”
“Another topic that's off limits.” A hint of warning in her voice this time, he just ignored it.
“Come on. Give me a break. I just have a mild curiosity.” Amara started to ignore him but figured he would only push harder. She sat up and lifted her sunglasses to look at him.
“Okay. We got back together then somewhere in there she decided that she likes men. That she likes and wants only men. We went our separate ways for a while then we ended up being friends again. No hard feelings. End of topic.” She watched his eyes waiting for the first sign of pity or sympathy so she could knock it off his face. When all he did was grin, she lowered her glasses and lay back down. Yaten did find it amusing but he also knew that it must have been a real blow for Amara.
“I see…well that does explain it. All's well that ends well. So…did you every try the other side for yourself? You know out of curiosity.”
“I'm not the curious type. Nothing that your species has to offer interests me.” She said dully.
“A shame then. Not for you of course…but for all the men whose dreams are dashed.”
“Yes a pity for them…not that I give a fuck.” Yaten laughed and she only frowned getting tired of the conversation already. “Look if you don't mind, I came out here for some quiet time.”
“Hey fine with me. I'll shut up and just lay here.”
“Good.” Silence ensued as she closed her eyes and tired to block his whole presence out. Yaten on the other hand tuned in to hers and took the moment to study her. Amara had a long lean graceful body that the bikini showed off beautifully. The size of her breasts shocked him as it had years ago. Unless she was wearing the right clothes they were almost non-existent. But the top did them justice and showed their true size. Her stomach was flat and toned. The muscles slightly visible under her pale skin. Her long legs seemed to go on forever, the shine of the sun bouncing off them. His eyes roamed back up to her breasts, as they rose and fell with even breathes. He felt his manhood twitch and smirked. He wasn't surprised or shocked. After all, he was a healthy man and he was looking at a hot woman…even if that hot woman was Amara. A woman who would surely throw him overboard if she could read his mind. Yaten felt it coming…the impulsive itch he got when he was about to do something stupid or rash. In his maturity his mind had started giving him warnings when these moments snuck up on him. Every once in a while they worked to keep him in check but not this time. He had two seconds of pleasure as he reached over and groped her right breast before he felt the fist slam into his face. The blow turned his head and almost his chair before he righted it. The blow put him in his place but it didn't wipe the smile off his face as he turned around to face his attacker.
“Hey what did you do that for? I was swatting away a fly.” Amara ignored the stupid question and the flippant lie. She still seemed to be relaxed eyes closed and didn't even bother to turn her head towards him as she spoke.
“Yaten…I don't know if the sun is frying your brain but listen I'll only say this once. If you ever touch me again I'll break both your wrist.” She said it in a deadpan voice.
“Hey come on. I can't help it. Unlike you I'm the curious type.” He said still smiling at her, even as his left eye stung.
“Yeah well curiosity can kill. Now get away from me, before I really wake up and beat the shit out of you.” Yaten smirked but took her seriously as he slowly stood up.
“Fine, I can see you're not in the mood for conversation anyway. Catch you later.” She didn't reply and he didn't expect one. He walked away hands in pockets with a slight grin on his face. He was surprised he was able to walk away. “Oh well, you live and learn.” He decided he'd go join the rest of the fellows. Playing poker would be a lot safer.
Meanwhile the shopping expedition was going well. Ami had been surprised and dismayed when she had come back from getting her purse to find Taiki with the rest of the group. It was too late for her to back out, so she had put on her shades and set out to avoid him. She didn't have to work to hard for he mainly stayed by Princess Kakyuu's side and seemed to speak to everyone but her. Damn him. Could he so easily forget what they'd shared? Ami get it together. You should be happy he's not making a big deal out of this. After all that's what you wanted right? Right! It would be best for both of them just forgot last night.
Taiki was aware of Ami's every step. He knew Ami wished he hadn't come but he'd needed a couple of items, plus he needed to talk to her. They had unsettled business. To help take his mind off her he immersed his self in the others conversation. He listened as they talked about girly things. Wisely though he didn't comment when asked his opinion on clothing. He was extremely pleased to see how happy his princess was. Her laughter which often rang at home seemed somehow sweeter in this carefree environment. Taiki imagined it was a relief for her to leave the burdens of running a kingdom behind for a little while. Mina had been right about the town and they all took in the sights and sounds as they went along. When he saw a shop that looked it would have what he needed, he excused his self and went in to make his purchase. He caught back up with the women in a market plaza at the end of the block. After searching out and finding each woman with his eyes to assure his self they were safe he moved in on Ami. She was at a booth looking at necklaces made out of flat colorful rocks.
“Amazing what time, sand and water can create isn't it.” He said from behind her back and watched her stiffen.
“Yes, amazing.” Ami didn't want to turn around and face him but did it anyway. “You disappeared. I'd thought we'd lost you.” She said lightly.
“No…you didn't lose me Ami.” He said more meaning in his words then there should have been.
“Taiki…now isn't the time.”
“I disagree. We need to talk…now.” Ami looked at him for a moment then decided that it wasn't worth making a scene. She nodded her head and headed to one of the little tables set up behind the booths. He followed and they sat down across from each other both waiting for the other to talk. Finally Taiki broke the silence.
“About last night-“
“A mistake.” She said softly. “It was a mistake.” She repeated more firmly looking directly at him. Taiki's lips firmed into a hard line and he wished her sunglasses didn't block her eyes from him.
“Is that really how you want to classify it?”
“Yes, since that's the category it falls into” Ami held up her left hand and wiggled it at him. “You see this, that's why it was a mistake…and one that can't happen again.”
“Damn it, you don't have to wave it in my face.” He said tightly. “I'd have to be blind not to realize you had it on this morning…but it wasn't on last night. It also didn't have to go on this morning.” He left the meaning hanging in the air and for a few seconds she didn't answer.
“Taiki listen to your self. It did have to go back on this morning. It belongs on my finger. I…am…engaged.” She stressed the words. “And last night…doesn't change that.” Ami was surprised to here the words come out her mouth. Until now she'd had no clue what she would say to Taiki when the time came. Taiki tried to digest the information.
“Look I know you wish now that last night hadn't happened…but it did. I for one don't regret it, but I can understand why you do…I don't like it but I can understand it. All I know is that I enjoyed it and wouldn't change it for the world. I didn't plan it, wasn't expecting it, but I'm glad it happened. I didn't come here to mess up your life.”
”You may have already.” Ami couldn't help the bitterness that came to her voice. “You do realize that we didn't use any protection…that I could be-.” Ami couldn't finish the sentence and turned her head away. He covered her trembling hand with his own and she finally turned back.
“I know Ami…and I am truly sorry for that. I never meant for things to be this complicated. Even with that possibility I'm still not sorry. I got a chance to be with you last night…I want to be with you again.” Ami gasped at his admission and pulled her hand from his.
“I…we…it can't happen again Taiki. You have to understand that.” She said desperate for him to accept the fact.
“I do.” He sighed heavily and took the small bag with his purchase out of his pocket and slipped it into one of the three bags at her feet. “I understand that the choice is yours. I won't approach you about this again. You have to decide. I'll just say again that I don't have any regrets.”
“I've made my choice…what did you put in my bag?”
“I don't think you've made your choice yet… but when you do I'll abide by it. Don't worry about what I gave you. Open it when you get back to your room.” He stood up and turned his back to her for a moment, scanning the area for Kaykuu. When he'd found her he turned back. “Remember Ami the choice is yours.” With that said he walked off to find his princess. Ami sat…very glad she wore sunglasses so he couldn't see the tears in her eyes.
Serena and Rei, had watched as Taiki and Ami took a seat across the plaza from them.
“I wonder what that's about?” Rei said suspiciously. Serena narrowed her eyes at the couple before turning back to Rei. She could feel waves of distress coming from both of them.
“What ever it is it's none of our business, come on.” She grabbed Rei and led her in the opposite direction.
“What? I'm just saying they got buddy, buddy real quick.”
“You're just nosy. Anyway you were pretty cozy with Chad.” Serena turned the subject on the one thing she knew would make Rei forget Ami.
“Humph, if you consider me wetting his pants cozy then yeah, we got real cozy.”
“Yeah that was funny. Then again I was half gone so everything was funny. By the way I'm never drinking again.”
Liar.” Rei said and Serena gave her a playful shove.
“Who are you calling a liar? I'm not the one hot in the pants for Chad and won't admit it.”
“You have that backwards. He's hot in the pants for me. That's why I cooled him off last night”
Liar. I still can't believe that you two were a couple for all those years and how should I say it…never …got busy.”
Rei didn't mean to blush at Serena's words but couldn't help it. “Well, there you go. It's not meant for us to have sex. It's fate.”
Serena rolled her eyes. “It's not fate it's just two stubborn heads. You two want each other bad. Everything else aside I just don't see why you two don't get it
out the way. Who knows, maybe if you sleep with him, you'll get over him for good.”
“I am over him!” Rei eyes flashed dangerously but Serena didn't seem to mind. “Besides I wouldn't sleep with that jackass for a million dollars. He's a sleaze.” Serena just nodded as if she agreed.
“Okay…your right. Ohhh, lets go look at those skirts over there.” Serena let the subject drop. She knew Rei would stew and think about it for most of the day. She also knew she was wrong for baiting her friend. She just believed that the things keeping those two apart were trivial. Besides thinking about someone else's problems helped keep her mind off Seiya. She had caught him looking at her more then once this morning at breakfast. Last night they had talked some more but always in a group discussion. She had gotten slightly drunk so that she could fall asleep without dreaming about him. Luckily it had worked. She couldn't help wondering when he would approach her next. Wondering what would be said…what she would say. She didn't like the fact that she felt as though she was winging this whole situation. However she refused to worry about things. So far she was having a good time and had no complaints. There was no need wishing trouble on one's self. Besides it was like Trista always said. “What is meant to be…will be.”
Darien, Seiya, Chad, Alex and Andrew sat around the table playing poker while Roger watched. They were having a beer or two and chatting in the way men do. About trivial things, safe topics everyone could enjoy. Darien was on his best behavior and made civil conversation with Seiya who was surprised to say the least. Seiya had been wondering how he would be treated when none of the ladies were around but so far everything was going smoothly. But he didn't let his guard down. After all he was still uncertain of Darien's and Serena relationship. It was obvious that they were close again. Very close. He had watched them last night and they were very comfortable around each other. Seiya wasn't under any delusions. He knew he had no claim what so ever on Serena, but still he was curious. Darien's behavior alone bothered him. The man seemed to flirt with anything in heels. Seiya also wasn't pleased with all the attention he had showered on Princess Kakyuu. He had spoken to her about it briefly before turning in last night. She had laughed at him and told him it was harmless flirting. He wasn't so sure and his job was to protect her. That meant physically and emotionally when possible. Seiya frowned as that thought registered. Is that why everyone seemed to hate him? Well not everyone. But even those that didn't look at him with malice looked at him distrustfully. He didn't blame them, they were just doing their job…protecting their princess. How much emotional pain had he caused Serena?
“You in or out Seiya.” Darien's voice broke through his musing. He looked up into the dark and probing eyes and quickly hid his own feelings.
“I'm in.”
Darien stared at him a minute longer then nodded. Just then Yaten entered the room. As everyone looked over to acknowledge him they stopped.
“Damn? Where the hell did you get that shiner?” Alex asked not bothering to be polite. Yaten just smiled and pulled up a chair besides Roger.
“Oh, this little thing? Well, I was catching up with Amara and got curious about a couple of things.” He paused for effect. “It seems she doesn't like curious people.” Everyone but Alex and Roger laughed. The two couldn't see what was so funny about getting hit in the eye.
“So she just hit you? Whatever happened to saying `I'd rather not talk about it?” Roger asked a little appalled.
“This was Amara's polite way of telling me that. You just have to know her.”
“Well that looks like a painful way of coming to an understanding.” Alex said thinking the whole thing odd.
“Don't worry, I heal fast. She didn't hit me as hard as she could have, she was half sleep. I'll be okay by tomorrow.” Yaten shrugged and everyone nodded putting the whole matter aside as if it was an every day occurrence except Alex and Roger.
“What ever you say pal. I have to say little bro all the women you hang around with are…interesting and feisty.” Alex said thoughtfully, remembering his encounter with Lita.
“You can say that again.” Andrew said dryly.
“Speaking of women, a couple of you missed a slamming bachelor party.” Darien cut in with a devious smile.
“Ah…yes. You gotta tell me about the women that I missed out on.” Chad inquired. That started the bachelor tales flowing amid hoots and hollers. And for the next hour they recounted their escapades in detail…that is until they were interrupted.
Mina had stood there for the last two minutes listening to a tale about someone named “Delight”. For once in her life she wasn't trying to be nosy. The men had simply not noticed her, so caught up in their juvenile tales. So she had stood there with her arms full of bags and listened. She didn't like the way the storing was going and decided she'd better make her presence known before she heard something she didn't want to hear.
“Um, excuse me gentlemen.” They all jumped like burglars. Andrew almost knocked over his chair he stood up so fast.
“Mina…honey I…we didn't know you were there.”
“Obviously.” She saw the stricken look on his face and laughed as she walked over to him. “Don't worry, I stopped you before you could say anything incriminating.” She rose up on tip-toe and gave him a peck on the lips, flawlessly transferring the many bags to his hands. “Besides I know that anything you did was Darien's fault.”
“Hey, don't blame me. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.”
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, sorry but I must steal my husband away.” She turned from the men and faced Andrew. “I need your opinion you on some of the things I bought.”
“Mina I'm sure it's all very nice.” He said with disinterest.
“Yes, but I want to try them on for you. One…by…one…and see what you think.” She hiked up her brows trying to get him to get her message. Andrew frowned in confusion until Roger spoke up.
“Um partner even I got that one. I believe your wife wants to give you a private…fashion show, for your viewing pleasure.” Andrew's eyes got wide as comprehension dawned and smiled down at her, giving her his full attention.
“Oh, well why didn't you just say that?” Mina poked him in the side before putting her arm around his waist.
“I did you idiot. For once I was trying to be discreet.”
“Sorry, I'm not used to discreet on you. It went right over my head.” She pinched him and he grinned harder. “Uh see you guys later.” They turned and Mina gave them a wave over her shoulders. After that the men played a few more games but soon it broke up and everyone went their separate ways.
Dinner was served around 7 and they had it up on the top deck in the fresh air. Conversation flowed as the women told the men about the town. Around 8 Ami surprised every one when she stood up and announced she was going to bed.
“What? You've got to be kidding?” Lita said.
“No, I'm feeling tired. I think I'll try reading for a while then turn in early.” They had put up a slight fuss but she soon told the group good night and went on her way. That seemed to start the trend. At 9 Mina and Andrew who hadn't been able to keep their hands off each other all day decided to call it a night also. Everyone knew they wouldn't be sleeping though. Trista said she was going to get a couple hours of work in and went down to her room at nine-thirty.
“Well I don't want to work and I don't want to go to bed.” Rei announced to no on in particular after Trista left.
“Me and a couple of the guys are about to head in to town and check out the night life. Come with us.” Chad offered.
“I don't want to go clubbing with you!” Rei pointed out testily.
“Who said you'd be out with me? I said go with us to town. Didn't say we'd stay together once we got there.”
Lita saw an argument brewing and stepped in before it began. “Hey I'll go with you Rei.”
“Yeah, I'll even go with you. I feel like stretching my legs.” Amara said surprising most of them. “What are all of you looking at? I do like to go out when the mood hits me.” After some laughter, everyone settled down.
“If you wouldn't mind I'd love to go to a club.” Kaykuu said it as if she'd never been to one which she hadn't causing Alex looked at her strangely.
“I think that's a bad idea.” Seiya said. Not wanting to think about strange men hitting on the princess.
“Well I think it's a splendid idea. I'm sure you'll have a great time.” Serena chimed in and he frowned at her while the princess smiled.
“So does that mean your coming too?” Rei asked.
“No…I don't think so. I have an idea in my head for a book. You know how I am when that happens. I have to sit here and think it all out.” So Amara, Chad, Reii, Lita, Roger, Alex, Yaten, Kakyuu and Darien went to get dressed for the club close to ten. Taiki decided to call it a night and Serena walked down with him to grab her notebook.
“Yes Serena?”
“How…are you doing?” She knew she shouldn't ask but couldn't help it.
“Huh? I'm pretty good, just a little tired. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, no reason.” She grabbed him in a quick hug. “Have I told you it's nice to have you back? I know Ami's happy about it too.” He looked at her oddly for a moment before answering.
“It's good to see you again too. Ami is…” He stopped. He knew Serena was making an opening for him to talk. As much as he would love to, he and Ami needed to work this out on their own. Ami…needed to work her feelings out by herself. Even so he couldn't help but ask. “Do you really think she's happy to see me?” They both knew what he meant.
“I'm positive.” Damn Serena you've said too much. This is none of your business. She didn't know what to say as they stared at each other. She could tell he was waiting on her to say more when she had already said too much. Who was she to speak for Ami? “Uh, I should get that notebook before my ideas run out my head. Good night.” She gave him a hurried wave and walked away. In her room she cursed her self for speaking out of turn. She grabbed her notebook and headed back up deck. A little later she waved good bye when everyone came back up dressed to go out.
“Don't forget you guys. The boat leaves the port at 5 am.” Serena reminded them.
“Don't worry, I doubt anything stays open that late here.” Rei said dryly. “Don't you stay up all night writing.” Rei knew Serena could and would stay up all night if the writing took her over.”
“Promise mother. Now get out of here!” She was at one of the small tables that sat directly by one of the deck lights. She knew Michelle was on the other side of the boat sitting by the pool. She seemed to be resting and enjoying the night. That was just as well, she wasn't good company when she was trying to write. She focused and started writing down her ideas again. Before long her pin was flying across the paper.
Seiya had watched her unnoticed for the last 15 minutes. He hesitated to bother her for it was clear that she was highly engrossed in her work. However, he knew that this was one of the rare times he would probably have to spend with her alone. He watched her for another ten minutes then approached her.
“Serena I'm sorry to interrupt.” At first he didn't think she'd heard him as the pen continued to fly across the page. Only after she put a period at the end of the sentence did she look up.
“Oh, no problem. Sorry I had to finish getting that last thought out.”
“I see. I can come back later if I'm disturbing you.”
“No, have a seat I can use a break.” Serena glanced at her watch and saw that she had been writing for an hour and it was now 11:30.
“Are you sure?”
”Yeah, have a seat.” She should have let him leave. But writing always put her in a good mood. And staring a new story was a high for her. Seiya sat down across from her his eyes hooded. He wasn't sure what to do now that he did have her alone.
“So…tell me about your writing?”
“You don't know?” Serena asked amused. She knew that he was uncomfortable and thought better him then me.
“I do. You write fantasy. But I want to hear it from you.”
“Okay, fare enough. I do write fantasy/adventure and romance. I have a continuing Series that's called Tales of the Moon.”
“It's on the bestseller's list right? That's the one you're doing your book tour for?”
“Right.” Serena was surprised and pleased that he knew so much about her work. “Yes it's the third installment of it. Then I have a couple of straight romance books to my credit.”
“How did you find the time to write so many? I thought you were only first published three years ago?”
”Yes, I was in my last year of college. I don't know, writings my life. When the mood hits I write. Just like tonight an idea hit me about a new idea for a romance and I have to run with it.”
“What is it about?”
”Oh, two extremely stubborn people who are in love and the only real thing that's standing in their way are themselves.” As soon as the words were out her mouth Serena wished she could take them back. The idea was loosely based on Rei and Chad, but it also hit to close to home for comfort. She saw that he had taken it the same way and they stared across the table at each other. Great, now I'm uncomfortable. “I don't really like to talk about a new idea so soon. It's not even formed all the way.”
Seiya knew a cop out when he heard one but let it slide. He didn't want to talk about their past relationship right now either. It was enough that he was in her presence and they were getting along. “I can understand that. Well tell me about the process. I mean you got an idea tonight but tell me how one idea turns into a best selling book.”
”Hmm, I'll try. I don't think anyone has every asked me that before.” She took her note book and showed him how at first she started by just writing every idea concerning the new book down, in no particular order. She then separated the ideas into different parts, that would apply to different sections of the book. Then she would start outlining a time sequence of what scene or plot would come first and how the book would progress. Seiya was enthralled as he watched her talk about her life's work. Her whole expression changed and her face glowed with the happiness that writing brought her. It reminded him of how happy she used to be all the time. The glow that was in her eyes right now. She was so beautiful under the moon and the lights on the deck. He felt his throat getting tight and was glad she was doing all the talking. Get a hold of yourself Seiya. You can't push things with her. Keep it light. Be happy that she's allowing you in her presence. Serena took notice of his distraction and laughed.
“I'm sorry, am I boring you with all the technical details?”
”No, never. You seem very passionate about your work.”
”I am.” Serena said softly and after looking down at the words on her notebook closed it. “Still I didn't mean to bombard you with all that.”
”No that's exactly what I asked for.” He was hiding his eyes again, Serena thought right before he looked at her. ”Come take a walk with me around the deck…unless you want to get back to writing?”
“Uh, sure. It's getting to late to write, but a walk sounds nice.” Stupid. You should have lied and said yes you wanted to write. They stood up and Seiya lightly put a hand on her back to guide her before he soon realized his mistake. The electricity shot through them both again and Serena clenched both hands around her notebook.
“Don't you want to leave your notebook here?” Seiya asked, more for something to say.
“Uh no, if the wind picked up and blew it away I'd be devastated. Now that it's on paper I'm committed to the story and must finish it.” Seiya nodded and they began walking around the deck close to the railing, passing Michelle as they went. The woman seemed to be sleep. They were mostly silent as they walked…both caught up in their own thoughts. From time to time they would talk about mundane things like the weather or the food on the boat. Here and there one person would stop and lean over the rail and the other would wait patiently until they were ready to move on.
Seiya had never felt so peaceful yet so wired at the same time. He had felt as if he was walking a tight rope without a net this whole trip. One wrong step and he would fall to his demise. He had gotten little sleep last night. Afraid that he'd wake up and Serena would be gone, instead of mere feet down the hall from him. He knew he had no right to think much less hope but it didn't keep his mind from doing both. He knew there was a lot to be said between them but didn't know how to go about saying it. Right now in this instant he knew saying anything would be a mistake. Would shake the thin rope of tolerance from her he was walking on. He was angered by her indifference and wary of her acceptance. This all because of what he imagined what her feelings towards him would be! His feelings were a whole other bag of tangled mess. Part of him wanted to get and stay as far away from her as possible. To avoid any hurt that she could cause. There was something different about this Serena…and he didn't know if he liked it. Couldn't even figure out what was different yet. Another part wanted to shed tears of joy that he could even look upon her face. How often had his mind conjured up her depthless blue eyes and corn silk hair? There was one part of him that wasn't confused though. He knew he wanted her and would take her on the cold hard deck right now if he could. His passion for her apparently had not dulled but in fact had become sharper. Part of him was dying inside to touch her! He didn't voice or show any of this. He settled for walking quietly around the deck with her. Beggars couldn't be choosy.
Serena was perplexed at how easily she had fallen back into sharing with him. Even now while there was slight tension between them because of the touch she mostly felt at ease. Part of her wanted to scream at him, tell him all the things she had practiced in her head for years. She wanted to cry, rant and rave until he understood the heart ache he'd made her feel. Another part wanted to hurt him. Kick, punch and cut until he begged for her mercy, which she wouldn't give, so that he could understand some of the pain he'd made her feel. Yet another part of her, wanted him to hold her in his arms, to comfort her and make everything all right…erase away the years that lay between them. She was partly frustrated because she couldn't do any of those things. All she could do is walk peacefully around the deck with him. She hadn't forgotten the spark between them either. It had gone straight to her belly and she cursed it. Why did her system still respond to him? He had no right to make her feel that way and her body should know that. Unwillingly her conversation with Rei earlier came back to haunt her. Was the solution to her problem as simply as taking her own advice?
They had walked around the deck several times and now Serena stopped and leaned over the rail crossing her arms and he leaned over next to her.
“What are you thinking Serena?” He said quietly. He had seen the thoughtful expression on her face. Now she turned to him as she answered.
“I was thinking how crazy my thoughts are sometimes. And how it's a wonder I can string two sentences together much less a book.” She said lightly.
“Don't say that. You don't give yourself enough credit…you never did.” Seiya hadn't meant to refer to the past but he had and now it hung between them. Serena wanted to look away but didn't.
“Well…something's and ideas I don't want to take credit for. Besides the world is so full of wonder and fascinating things. Little miracles happen every day. Compared to all of that I'm nothing special.” Serena said earnestly still not able to turn her eyes from his, even as he reached over and placed a hand on her cheek.
“You are special. You have always been special. You will always be special.” He voice was thick with conviction and it was the first real emotion she had heard in his voice so far. The hand on her cheek was sending shivers down her spin, just as the deepening of his eyes were doing the same thing. Seiya knew he should take his hand away but it seemed to be stuck there. He felt his face being drawn closer to hers like a magnet…and he was helpless to stop it even though he knew it spelled doom. He's not going to…he wouldn't…he can't be that crazy? Think Serena think! Move away. Damn his lips are so close, they look so tasty…no! Move your head Serena…move it! Her last mental scream had her jerking up and back from the rail and that's when it happened.
Serena's notebook flew up and over the rail. They both watched it arch up in the air and even though only seconds had passed it seemed like an eternity…that is until it started to fall.
“No!” Was all she could get out before the notebook, followed by Seiya tumbled over the railing. “Seiya!” She grabbed a hold of his lower hips as the rest of him disappeared over the railing. She pulled and jerked on him until his body re-appeared. “Seiya you fool! What did you do that for!” Seiya saw the panic on her face as he breathed hard. He was a little winded due to his stomach slamming into the rail but was not hurt But the look on her face was worth it. He saw real emotion…for him.
“I was saving this.” He held out her page blown but otherwise undamaged notebook. She looked from the notebook then back his solemn face.
“Seiya it was just a notebook, why would you risk your life for it.” Incredulous in her voice, as he stepped even closer to her.
“I saved it because it was important to you. You matter.” He said it as a simple statement of fact. Serena hooded her eyes and took hold of the notebook. Trying to figure out what she could possible say to that? Finally she looked up at him again.
“Thank you.” Her words were simple also but they meant a lot to the person who received them. She stepped up and gave him what was meant to be a simple, quick kiss of thanks to replace the “almost kiss” that had caused all the trouble. But at the slightest brush of flesh their lips fused. The notebook was dropped as her hands went around his neck and his arms jerked her waist to his. The spark had caught fire.
Less then fifty feet away two pairs of eyes watched them in shock. Darien had called it a night at 12 and headed back to the boat. He had been about to go down stairs when he'd heard Serena's raised voice and came to investigate. He had not been prepared for what he'd found. He'd had to blink his eyes just in case he'd drunk more then he thought. Serena was kissing Seiya? Once his mind wrapped around the fact he had felt several emotions. Anger and helplessness.
Michelle had indeed not been asleep. She had been communing with the sea and was aware of Serena and Seiya walking around the deck. She had also been aware when Darien had made his way on board. She had gotten up to follow him, wanting to speak to him when she too had heard raised voices. She stood behind Darien as shocked as he was. She could feel the emotions coming off him and his anger was building ever second. She placed a calming hand on his shoulder which seemed to work. Then right before their eyes the pair disappeared.
“What should we do?” She asked.
“Nothing.” He got through his clenched teeth. Still looking at the spot Serena had just stood in.
“I could fake an emergency and go to her room.” Michelle said only half joking. Finally Darien turned around, shaking his head no smile on his face.
“No…we can't interfere…can we.” He seemed unsure and so Michelle got very serious.
“No we can't. We can't protect her from herself. I listened to the waves tonight. They told me that a clash of strong lights would happen and apparently it has.”
“But he'll-“
“There's nothing we can do. From the moment he stepped foot back on this earth you knew that they would collide somehow. Whether is was now or later. All we can do is wait and hope she weathers this storm.” Darien knew Michelle was right, but it ate at him that he could do nothing to protect Serena from the possible pain she was causing her self.
“I know your right Michelle. I just had a very bad feeling about this.”
“Cheer up Darien. Some storms produce rainbows.” She gave him another smile before she turned and headed down the step leaving him to his dark thoughts. Here smile disappeared. She did hope for the best but hope only went so far.
The outside world had ceased to exist had they had kissed. She hadn't felt the wind blowing her hair…only his hands tangling in her strands. Finally she had felt their presence. She didn't care that they saw, she just didn't want them to interrupt the sweet pleasure that flowed through her body. With a thought she transported her and Seiya to her room and the notebook…she couldn't forget the notebook. Once they were in the room Seiya broke the kiss, breath ragged as his hands still ran up and down her back. Serena didn't want words to cloud the moment so she looked him in the eye as she began to unbutton his shirt. His face held an expression she had never seen. A look of intense passion along with intense pain.
Seiya was in pain, the pleasure was so intense and he had barely touched her. There was no doubt that they would be together…tonight…now. It had been out of their hands the minute their lips touched and the passion had consumed them. Her task complete she leaned in to place feather light kisses along his collar bone as he shrugged out of the shirt. The seconds his arms were free he dragged her head up for another searing kiss. Serena didn't have his shirt to cling to anymore so she dug her nails into his waist and hung on tight. Seiya welcomed her nails as the lesser pain then the one in his groin. Spinning her around he pressed her body against his front kissing her neck from behind. His hands moved from her waist to her back and started working on the buttons of her summer dress.
Serena felt the length of him pressed up against her and started to pant like an animal. She wanted him and that was all that mattered in her world right now. As he unbuttoned each button he kissed her exposed skin. Each kiss had her grasping for air. He undid her bra with his teeth, scrapping her flesh, making her moan. As the top of her dress and bra fell forward he ran his hands up her front to push the material down to take her warm globes in his hands. Serena's head dropped back as if it was on puppet strings. He ground into her bottom as his thumbs played with her already rock hard nipples, his mouth nipping at her shoulder.
“Yesss.” She hissed as his hands slid down her skin then under the clothing bunched at her waist. He pushed the dress and her panties down and she kicked the bundle aside as it reached her ankles.
He ran one hand up to her breast and one between the damp vee of her legs. He played with her curls and ran his fingers along the sides of her clit. Serena was lost. As one hand firmly griped his behind pressing his sex harder against her and her other hand toyed with her remaining breast. Her eyes were closed, her head was thrown back and her chest heaved as she tired to breath! Seiya was gritting his teeth as the pain and pleasure built in him. He forced his eyes to remain open so he could watch her face. Every gasp and shiver she had traveled to his body also. Finally his brain couldn't take it anymore and pressing his palm against her sensitive nub he inserted two fingers into her heat.
“Ohhhh, yessss.” Serena almost buckled right then and he had to remove his hand from her breast and hold her around the waist to support her. Each stroke caused friction with his palm against her nub. In minutes she melted around his fingers, crying out her delight. He bit her shoulder as her firm muscles grasped his fingers. She did buckle after that and he bent and lifted her in his arms. She sought out his mouth blindly and sucked the air from his lungs as he carried her to the bed and laid her down.
When he tired to move away Serena pulled him down and held tight. When she broke the kiss she was heaving as if she'd run a marathon. Luckily her sweet torture wasn't over. He clamped his mouth over a nipple and suckled, bringing more throaty sounds of pleasure from her. He was trying to keep it together but he felt as if a virus was taking over his body and he was helpless to fight it. His only complete thought was that if he didn't enter her soon he would die. Apparently Serena was having thoughts along those same lines. As her fingers scraped and pulled at his waist to free his belt…to unzip his pants…to push them out the way. She wasn't satisfied until she held the long hard length of him in her hands. She stroked him fast and long, her patience long gone.
Seiya had stopped his breast kissing to throw his head back in pleasure as her small hands wrapped around his member. Her hands were cool compared to the heat of his flesh. He kissed her again trying to show his appreciation. Then he maneuvered his clothing further down his legs until he could yank them off with one hand. Serena let him go only to grab his hips and try to drag him on top of her. He obliged her since nothing in the world would make him more happy at the moment. She opened her thighs… eager for him. He looked down at her and she looked up at him…then he entered her in one firm stroke.
“I'm complete” Serena thought before her wide eyes drifted closed on pure pleasure.
“I'm home.” Was the thought that ran through Seiya's mind before the primal need to move took over. She rose up to meet him as soon as his hips moved. They moved as one and the rhythm was hard and fast right out the gate. Neither would deny their bodies what they had craved for so long. Pants and soft grunts filled the air. Hands and mouths sought flesh in an attempt to connect more of their bodies with each other. Seiya could die happy now and just might as the pleasure and pain threatened to take him over the edge. He felt as if tiny beings were inside his body racing over his nerves. Each stroke inside her hot entrance brought him a step closer to completion. Serena was shaking from the inside out as her pleasure climbed to mountainous heights. She was blind and mindless, all she could do was feel him inside of her. She only breathed because each breathe was timed with his strokes. He leaned closer and came deeper insider her and she cried out with joy. So close….she was…so close.
“Seiya please don't stop! Don't stop!” She knew she was begging and didn't care. Her life seemed to depend on him helping her reach the peak. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. He could see her lips moving but couldn't hear over the blood rushing through his body but he instinctively got the message and went about delivering what they both needed. Serena's head thrashed back and forth, as she pushed her hips and pulled on his back. And in an instant she fell from the mountain.
Seiya!” Was her last call as she plummeted from heights unknown. Seiya felt her walls collapse and squeeze him and he willing gave the life of his loins.
“Serena…my…god!” Was all he got out as everything went black for a split second.
Ami had fallen asleep after reading for an hour. She woke up and saw that it was a little after 11. Her room was a mess. Her bags from earlier were still unpacked and thrown across the floor. It wasn't like Ami and after using the bathroom she started straightening up. She had bought a couple of wrap around skirts and blouses for the reminder of the trip. She had also purchased a bathing suit which she had put to good use when they had gotten back. That had been the only thing she had snatched from the bag when she got back. She had spent an hour in the pool doing hard laps to relieve some stress before dinner. Michelle had joined her mid-way and they'd had a couple of races like they used to do in the old days. Now she picked it up from the bathroom floor and folded it up. In the process of unpacking she came across the little bag Taiki had slipped in her bag. She started not to open it. Better yet she should through the whole bag away. Of course she didn't. She dumped the contents in her palm and inhaled when she saw what it was. That thoughtful bastard! Ami knew it was a contradicting phrase but it was apt as she looked down at his “gift of choice.”
Two hours later Ami felt like a spy in enemy territory as she made her way in the shadows down to room 110. She knocked softly but loud enough to be heard…and waited. God please let him be sleep or not in his room, have mercy on me. Ami thought her prayer had been answered and had just turned her back on the door when it opened, only to whip around.
“Ami?” Taiki stood rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, standing only in his boxers. He had tossed and turned but finally fallen to sleep.
“I…uh…what I mean…oh here!” She struggled to say anything as she took in his body and ended up extending her left hand to him. He was trying to get his brain to function as he slowly glanced down at her hand. In it she held two of the blue condoms from the pack of twelve he had slipped in her bag. For a long moment he stared down at them as Ami nervously glanced down the hall.
“Well…” She got out, wondering if she had interpreted his message wrong. Knowing she would die if she had, wishing he hadn't put the decision in her hands at all. Now he looked up at her and smiled.
“Only two?” He asked playfully and she blushed at his teasing even as he quickly pulled her into the room by her ring-less hand.
Scene 3-Tuesday
Serena was wrapped in a pair of strong arms and intended to stay there for a while longer. She had been up for a while now but lay with her eyes closed enjoying the feel of skin against her own…it had been so long. She should have felt shy or nervous or a number of other unpleasant emotions but she didn't feel any of them. She wouldn't deny…even to herself that she had enjoyed every minute of his love making. Everywhere that touched him still tingled she wished this moment would never end. But she knew better then most that all good things must come to an end.
Seiya was up and stared at the serene face so close to his, as his fingers played with the silky hair on her shoulders. His mind struggled to come back down to earth. It was hard…for he had thought he'd never lay in her arms again…ever. He took a deep breath and prepared to break the illusion.
“Serena…I know your awake.” Her lips smiled before one eye popped open.
“I know you know Seiya.” She looked at his face and chest and her body responded as her mind remembered their passion from the night before.
“We should talk.”
“Should we?” Serena said before pulling away from his embrace and sitting up against the headboard…he followed suit. “About what?”
Seiya was surprised at her half amused tone. He didn't know what he'd expected but it wasn't this calm and unconcerned Serena.
“About last night.” He said watching her eyes closely.
“What about it?” She said while running the tip of her finger down his chest and over a nipple.
“Serena!” He gasped in pleasure and grabbed her hand in his. “I'm serious. I hope I didn't interfere…with any current relationships you have.” Seiya hated the fact that he even had to ask the question. Hated the thought that she could be someone else's. Serena's smile faded some as they looked at each other but after a moment she laughed.
“Don't worry Seiya, no one will be looking for you with an axe to grind.” Now she became serious and lowered her eyes. “What about you…won't your girlfriend be upset that your sharing your…uh affections with me?” He squeezed the hand he still held and she looked up.
“What has someone told you?” He asked very serious.
“Nothing.” She was a little startled by his reaction.
“Then why do you think I have a woman?”
“I…okay fine I'll tell you.” She took her hand back from him and pushed some of her tousled hair off her forehead to stall for time. “About two year ago I looked in the connection mirror.” Serena blushed despite her self as she remembered the scene she'd seen and suppressed the pain it had caused then and now. “I saw you with a woman…in bed. Of course I immediately put the mirror away. I just assumed she was your girlfriend.”
”You must mean Paris.” Seiya said softly in shock that she had seen them together.
“What a pretty name…” Serena murmured and closed her eyes.
“Serena let me explain.”
“There's nothing to explain.” She smiled and opened her eyes looking at him. “It doesn't matter either way. Look Seiya last night was amazing. Lets not ruin it by over talking it. I assume you knew what you were doing…your other personal business is none of my concern.” Serena stood up from the bed and Seiya forgot what he was about to say as he looked at her magnificent body. He found his thoughts by the time she crossed the room to the bathroom door.
“And you're okay with that?”
“Yep. Look we're both on vacation…things happen. It doesn't have to be complicated…can't we just enjoy it?” Seiya didn't know if he liked what he was hearing. On the other hand what had he expected? One night together couldn't erase the past. He shouldn't question the joy he'd found in her arms and should count his self lucky she hadn't cried bloody murder after the passion had died down.
“Okay…I can do that.”
“Good. It's late, we should probably make our way up” Seiya nodded and figured he would take his lead from her though he knew they needed to talk for real. But if she wanted to keep things light then so be it.
“You wouldn't need help washing your back by any chance would you?”
Serena smiled ear to ear. “I thought you'd never ask.”
Rei was in her room, her laptop open as she responded to some emails from work. She was irritated but figured it came from not getting a lot of sleep the night before. She and the other's had went to a couple of clubs in town. At one point they had ended up at the same place as the guys where she had been forced to look at Chad all night. He had been recognized by several of the women and they flocked to him like bees to honey…it was sickening. She ignored him as best she could, which thankfully wasn't that hard with the others around. She was kept amused as she watched Princess Kakyuu dance to the funky house music. The princess reminded her of how Serena used to be…before everything had happened. So wide eyed and full of joy as she took in the new and exciting things around her. Then there had been Amara. In all these years Rei had never been to a club with the woman…it was an eye opening experience. Amara romanced the women of her choice as smoothly as any man would. It was both amusing and amazing to see her pull the interest of women who Rei would have sworn didn't swing that way. Though she couldn't blame the women for falling under Amara's spell. She was beautiful and her confidence showed in everything she did.
Another shocker had been seeing her dance! She was great and sensual, which of course got the attention of more then a few men as well. Of course she ignored them completely. Then there was Alex who could certainly hold his drinks! Rei liked Andrew's older brother. He was laid back and had a quirky sense of humor. She noticed that he had been staring at Lita a couple of times but her friend was acting like he didn't exist. Lita had been in a weird mood last night…well at least half the night. The last but not least amusing person had been Yaten. Sometime in the years since he'd left Earth he'd become a big flirt. He appeared to have loosened up a lot. She never remembered him smiling so much when they were younger. A stifled yawn interrupted her thoughts of the pervious night.
“I should have left when Darien did.” Instead she had come back at 2 and had tossed and turned all night. Something had been tickling the edge of her mind but she hadn't quite been able to catch it. It hadn't been a disturbing sense just the opposite. She had felt a sense of happiness from somewhere in fact from a couple of directions…but her mind was still worried. It was times like this that she hated being so sensitive to the moods of the others. So when she woke up she had blamed it on Chad and his very presence on the boat. Her cyclone feelings for him didn't help when she was being bombarded with everyone else's too. Being in the foul mood that she was in, she had decided to spare everyone her vipers tongue and stayed in her room got the morning. So far she hadn't gotten much done…but take her foul mood out on a couple of people through email. She hoped her attitude got better before dinner tonight.
Darien was on the top deck and laying in-between two beautiful women by the pool. Princess Kakyuu to his right and Michelle to his left. They were all relaxing and soaking up the sun When Serena closely followed by Seiya came up the stairs and on the deck. Serena waved and smiled at the three and Seiya nodded to the princess. It was a good thing all five of them had on sunglasses and Darien had to turn his face away from the two as he worked on suppressing his emotions. They didn't walk closely together of do anything to show that they had become lovers last night, but it was written all over Serena's face or rather her aura. He watched as they continued on then parted. Serena going to talk to Ami and Lita and Seiya went around the other side of the ship.
“She's…glowing.” Michelle said unable to keep the awe out of her voice. It had been so long since Serena had shinned.
“Don't get used to it, this can only lead to trouble.” Darien responded. They had both forgotten that Princess Kakyuu was still there until she stood up.
“You know…where I come from we tend to enjoy the sun whenever it shines.” The two looked up at the princess as she raised her glasses to look down at them.
”Don't worry about what may come after. After all clouds and storms are needed in life as well.” She gave them a gentle and wise smile. “Excuse me I think I'll go to my room now.” And she walked off leaving the two alone.
“How'd she know?”
“She's his princess, besides she's a woman…we have a sixth sense about these things.”
Now Darien grinned at Michelle. “Is that right? Then how did I know? It's possible they could have talked all night.”
“Doubtful. You knew because you're so close to Serena.”
“Yeah…I just don't want to see her get hurt again…especially by him.”
“Try not to worry Darien. We'll be there if she needs us.” Darien nodded. He couldn't help but worry but for now there was nothing he could do He was glad Michelle had been there last night, or there was no telling what he might have done. Michelle…it was good seeing her along with everyone else. They had lost touch when he had decided to go back to America after that summer. They used to be such good friends.
“So Michelle tell me what's been going on in the sensual world of music?”
“I wouldn't exactly call it sensual.”
“Why not? Music has the power to turn and mood romantic, sexy, playful. You can invoke all kinds of emotions from a good melody.”
“True. But sorry to disappoint you I haven't been using my skills to entrap any men.” He raised his sunglasses and ran his eyes up and down her scantily clad body and smiled.
“Pity…I believe most men would love to be entrapped by you.” She smiled back at him, enjoying the easy banter between them.
“Darien your way with words is almost as smooth as my music.”
Trista had ended up working for an hour then turning in for the night. She had another bad dream and had not slept well. After breakfast she had decided that she would do some work up on the deck. It was around 2 and maybe the sun and fresh air would help her shake the weird uneasy feeling left over from the dream.. So now she sat with her laptop and folders at one of the deck tables, failing to concentrate.
“Excuse me? Would you mind if I sat here?” Trista looked up a little surprised at the interruption. “I promise I'll be quiet” Roger said sheepishly holding up his own briefcase of work.
“Go right ahead, and don't worry about disturbing me. I'm not having much luck concentrating anyway.” Roger took a seat and got settled in starting up his own laptop and arranging his papers. True to his word he spent the next forty minutes quietly working. Trista's mind was still not focused and she found herself studying the man across form her more then the budget for the fall year. He didn't seem to have a problem focusing as he frowned down at whatever he was reading. To bad she couldn't say the same for herself.
Roger wasn't as focused as Trista thought. He had sought out the green haired beauty on purpose this morning, finally gathering the balls to approach her. Seeing her sitting by herself had been the perfect opportunity to talk to her alone. Roger had quietly watched her the entire trip and liked what he saw. She was much more quite then the other women and he didn't believe it was because of the age difference. It was clear that they were all very close and that she felt a part of the group, no her quietness seemed to be a part of her personality. It was clear that she put a lot of thought into everything before she said it. He admired such a trait, seeing as how lawyers have to be careful of every word they said. That aside she had a natural grace he found appealing, and quite frankly her body was a knockout! He had wanted to talk to her and find out what made her tick. It had been a while sense any woman had caught his intellectual interest and he couldn't let the opportunity pass to find out more. He made a show of being disgusted at the papers in his hands and threw them down. In reality he was disgusted. He didn't like the terms of the contract he had just been reading. They needed adjusting. He sigh of disgust however had the desired effect and Trista lifted her head to look at him.
“Sorry, I guess I broke my promise to be quiet.” He stated giving her a smile.
She waved it off and sat back in her seat. “It's okay, I'm still not having any luck working the way you are.”
“I guess. I'm finding it a bit hard to work with all this sunshine. Makes a person want to play hooky.” Trista actually gave a small laugh
“I thought that's what we were already doing already.”
“Yeah I guess your right. So tell me Trista are you having fun on this spontaneous trip?” Trista looked at him a moment and then she answered.
“I am. I didn't really plan to but I am.”
“That's good. Why didn't you plan on having a good time?” Roger asked curious why someone wouldn't like a vacation.
“Hmmm. I know it sounds silly but I have a lot on my mind right now. I didn't think I could get over it and enjoy myself.”
“Pardon me for saying so but you look like a woman who always has a lot on her mind.” She narrowed her eyes at him and he thought he had stuck his foot in his mouth, until a small ironic smile came on her lips.
“You have a good eye. You're hardly one to talk though. You're pretty quiet yourself.”
“I have a legitimate reason. You've know all these people for years, I've just meet everyone. I'm not used to taking a vacation with virtual strangers.”
“So are you saying that you're normally more rambunctious?”
“Yeah something like that. How about you? Are you always this reserved around your friends?”
“Yes. It's my nature. As I've said I also have a lot on my mind.” She said defensively, even though she had no reason to be.
“I didn't mean anything by it. I was just calling it like I saw it.” Trista nodded acknowledging his statement but said nothing. Roger found his self smiling at her and the more he did the more serious her face got.
“So tell me about your self.”
“Excuse me?” Trista wasn't sure she had heard him correctly.
“You know, what you do, what's your favorite color things like that.”
“Is this an interview?” She asked slightly annoyed.
“Sort of, but I'd prefer to call it polite conversation.” She shook her head in amusement before answering him.
“I'm the Dean of the College of Science at Tokyo University and my favorite color is private.”
“Fair enough. Hmmm, begin a Dean must be a lot of responsibility.”
“It is…but I enjoy it.”
“I see. You also have a daughter right?”
“Yes I do. Hotaru she's fifth teen going on 30.” They shared a smile at the comment.
“She seemed like a nice young lady. Do you mind if I'm blunt and ask you another personal question?”
”You might as well.” Trista looked at him soberly. “You've been blunt so far.”
“Well you don't look old enough to have a daughter her age.”
“I guess I should say thank you. I adopted Hotaru but I love her like my own.”
“I know you do…it's easy to see. Is she part of the reason you have a lot on your mind. Teenagers problems?”
“Yes and no. Hotaru doesn't give me problems. Though I am concerned about leaving her this week. I think I'll call her today.”
“Don't. Here's a piece of advice you didn't ask for. But kids her age want to know that their parents trust them. Don't call her let her be. If she's as well behaved as you said and she seems to be then she's fine.”
“You're right, I didn't ask for your advice…but I think I'll take it. I do trust her and I want her to know that. So tell me counselor how much is that advice going to cost me?” Trista said seriously. It took Roger a minute to realize that she wasn't serious as he found the little twinkle in her eye. She…was joking with him.
Between class and work Sammy had forgotten about Hotaru. He had gotten off his morning shift and was making his way over to the house to pay her a visit around five o'clock. He knew he didn't really need to check up on her, it was doubtful that she'd get in any trouble but he was doing it for two reasons. One he'd given his word and two he knew it would annoy her. He rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer. Anxious to get this over with so he could tackle his homework. Hotaru hadn't heard the any car drive up so she was confused when the doorbell rang. She opened it cautiously then sighed in disgust when she saw who it was.
“What do you want?”
“Well hello to you to.” Sammy said breezing by her before she could shut the door. Hotaru slammed the door and folded her arms as she watched him saunter through the house looking in closets and peaking around corners.
“What are you doing?”
“Checking for any knot headed guys you may have hidden in here.” Sammy said still looking.
“You are such a dimwit. If I really had someone in here do you think I would have opened the door?” Sammy finally turned to look at her and came up short.
“I guess your right. Besides I doubt any guy would be here while you're looking like that.”
“What? What's wrong with the way I look?” Hotaru frowned looking down at herself. She had on some shorts and a tank top. Both of which were splattered with paint, along with her face and hands.
“No offense but you look horrible. Just what the hell are you doing anyway?”
“What does it look like? I'm painting outside on the patio.” Sammy shrugged letting her anger bounce off his shoulders. “What do you want?”
“I came to check on you. Why are you even home? Don't you have a job or some friends? What kind of teenager are you?”
“Look, I do have a job, I tutor kids who have to take summer school M-W-F and I'm taking a college class T and Th that lets out at 2. If you're nice to me
maybe I'll do your homework. And for the record I do have friends but they have jobs too. We're not losers like you were at my age. You have a lot of nerve to talk. What kind of college student are you to have time to come bother me? Shouldn't you be somewhere dulling your brain cells with beer or something?”
“To early in the day for that but thanks for reminding me.” He said cheekily. Hotaru threw up her hands and marched back to the door and he followed more slowly.
“Whatever. Okay you've done your duty now get out. I was busy.” Sammy stood looking at her smiling. She was holding the door open waiting on him to depart. She was cute when she was mad, at least she was less prissy with him when she was angry.
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” Hotaru was thrown off by the change in direction the conversation took.
“No, but don't worry mother, I plan on eating within the hour. Now will you leave?”
“Well grab your keys, We're going out to eat. I'm starving.” He walked out the door and Hotaru just stared at him.
“You're taking me to dinner.”
“Yeah…if you hurry up. I haven't eaten all day.”
“I…I can't go looking like this.” He looked her up and down and shrugged.
“You look fine to me. Come on. We're not going anywhere special, I just want some food.” Hotaru usually wasn't spitefully but he seemed to bring out the hostile side in her.
“Well…I guess your right. My keys are in my pocket. Our patio door locks automatically so I always keep them on me when I work out there so I'm ready to go.” She locked the front door and they were almost to his car when she spoke again. “On second thought….what kind of a teenager would I be if I didn't care about my appearance, so I better go change, be back in a minute.” She said brightly and dashed back to the house before he could say anything. Hotaru took her time and left him waiting for thirty minutes. Sammy was stewing as he waited on her. He cursed his self for trying to be nice to the brat in the first place. His stomach was rumbling and by the time she came walking out with the same paint splattered jean shorts and a clean shirt he was furious. She was smiling and opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off before she could talk.
“Just get in the car Hotaru, before I lose it.” She just turned her nose up at him and got in the car crossing her arms. They were silent all the way to Applebee's but
Hotaru didn't care. She didn't have anything to say to him anyway. She was secretly happy that she'd finally made him as mad as he usually made her. Though by the time they walked inside she kind of felt guilty. After all he was being nice by taking her out to dinner. They sat down and she was about to apologize when he smiled at her. He started joking around and soon all was forgotten as he made her laugh as some stupid stories. They ordered and actually had a nice meal. Their waitress had just left to go get there check when he turned to her with a serious face.
“Okay, is it me or has our waitress been flirting with me?”
“Huh, I guess. She has been smiling a lot.” Hotaru thought about the curvy blond who had served them. “She's pretty…if you like airheads.”
“They work for me. I think I'll ask for her number when she comes back.”
“Whatever.” Hotaru shrugged and finished her drink. What is he telling me for? I don't care if he hits on the ditzy blond. The blond in question came back and handed the check to Sammy and she did seem to be smiling awfully hard at him.
“Miss you wouldn't happen to be free this weekend would you.” Sammy blurted out as soon as he'd signed the slip.
“Excuse me?” Hotaru rolled her eyes as the blond blushed and tried to pretend that she didn't know where this was going.
“You know, do you work this sat? If not I was thinking I could take you out or something.” Sammy said flashing his best smile. The girl, whose name tag said Mandy, looked from Hotaru back to him several times and looked uncomfortable.
“Uh...I…um.” Finally Sammy figured out what was bothering her and started laughing.
“You think I'm with her?” He said pointing to Hotaru. “No she's just a friend of the family. You know a kid I'm looking after while her folks are out of town.”
“Oh how sweet. Well in that case…” Mandy gushed and proceeded to give him her phone number. Hotaru was appalled and slipped out of the booth unnoticed as they conversated. She was leaning against his car when he came out two minutes later, an unreadable expression on her face. Sammy was oblivious to it all and went on about his upcoming date the entire ride back to the house, while Hotaru looked out the window. As soon as he parked, she ripped off her seat belt.
“Thanks for dinner jerk!” She said as she slammed out the car and hurried to the house. Sammy sat there dumbfounded for a minute then got out to caught up with her at the door.
“What's with you all of a sudden?”
Hotaru spun around after unlocking the door, dark eyes flashing. “How could you do that to me!”
“Do what?” He said truly confused. He had thought they'd had a very civil and nice dinner.
“What you said to Mandy, how rude!”
“Huh, What, I told her the truth? We're not together I know you can't be mad about that.”
”Of course not dimwit! But you didn't have to belittle me like that and embarrasses me by calling me a kid. Hell you made it seem like I was some helpless waif that you were helping out!”
“I confused. I don't see what the big deal is? You are a friend of the family and you are a kid. I just told the truth.”
“Ahhhh, you make me sick!” Hotaru screamed getting madder by the second. “And if you call me a kid one more time I swear I'll hit you so hard you'll be knocked out for a week! I know what I am, and you didn't have to talk about me like I wasn't even there. You are an insensitive ass hole! Stay away form me.”
With that she slammed the door firmly in his face. Sammy stood there in shock. Not because she'd slammed the door and not because she was over re-acting about nothing, after all she was a teen age female. No he was in shock because she'd actually cursed at him…she must be really pissed.
“See that's the thanks you get for doing something nice for the brat!”
Dinner, downstairs was lively on the ship, as most people seemed to be in a good mood everyone except Rei. She was worried. As soon as she had come up for air she had felt something from Serena. She couldn't put her finger on it until she had seen Seiya whispering in her ear…something had changed between the two. Rei didn't know what and it worried her. She wanted to ask Serena about it and usually she would have but Serena was avoiding being alone with her for any length of time. Which said to Rei that something was going on…and that Serena didn't want to talk about it. Rei let it go since Serena seemed to be fine…in fact she seemed to be more then fine. While most people would have thought their friend being happy was a good thing…in this case Rei knew better. She was sipping a martini at the bar when Chad sat besides her.
“What's with the long face?” He said quietly.
“Nothing…I'm just a little irritable today.” Rei waited for him to say something smart. Right now she just didn't care.
“I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do?”
“No, but thanks. I'm just a little edgy.”
“Well a drink won't fix that.” He plucked the drink out her hand and sat it down. “But I know what will.” He took her hand and dragged her to the shinny little dance floor in the middle of the room. No music was playing but he began to spin her around in ballroom steps anyway.
“What do you think your doing?”
“Dancing of course.” Chad said smiling down at her.
“You're crazy!” But Rei couldn't help but laugh as he continued to spin her around the room. Before she knew it, upbeat music was playing and the majority of the crowd was dancing.
It quickly turned into a party. Everyone danced for a couple of hours and talked and laughed. At some point a rich Latin song came on and Lita begin to do the steps to the salsa. She loved Latina music and dancing in general. As she started to more with the first beats of the song she was surprised when she felt hands on the back of her shoulders.
“Don't stop Senorita keep dancing.” Alex whispered in her ear as he moved with her. Soon he spun her around by one hand and they shuffled back and forth with the dance. Alex had been giving Lita plenty of space since there “episode” on Sunday night. It was clear that she was embarrassed and frankly so was he. But seeing her swaying hips with the sexy beat had been to much to pass up.
“I didn't know you knew how to salsa.” Lita said for something to say. She was trying to stay cool even though she hadn't expected to be dancing in his arms.
“I know a lot of things.” He said in that half amused half serious voice that Lita found extremely sexy. She couldn't help the light blush that crept up on her cheeks at his double meaning.
“I see.” She desperately wished she could lower her eyes. But the etiquette of the dance called for eye contact. It wasn't long before the others noticed the gracefully moves of the two and soon the dance floor was empty as the others watched the pair move across the floor. The salsa was a sensual dance and everyone was captivated as thier feet and bodies moved together. Lita was getting hot…and not from the dancing. Looking into his eyes as their bodies bent and swayed with each other was very intimate, especially considering the other night. Alex was more then a little hot under the collar as he dipped her low and then brought her up slowly. He was surprised again at his body's quick and hard reaction to the woman he held in his arms. Her dark caramel eyes were making him think very naughty things and her naturally pouty lips made him want to do unspeakable things. When the dance ended they only broke apart because of the applauding that started. Lita was thankful that they playfully took a deep bow so she had time to collect her self. As he let go of her hand she walked off.
“Hey Lita why haven't you ever danced like that with me?” Lita turned and grimaced at Darien and shook her head.
“Because you are the biggest pervert I know and I didn't think you could handle it.”
“Well when you put it that way I can understand.” Everyone laughed at the two and Amara brought Lita a glass of water. Her eyes twinkling as she caught the younger woman's.
“That was hot Lita, you'll have to teach me that one day.” Lita blushed at Amara and wished that she was somewhere else. She didn't like having all this attention on her.
“Your one to talk Amara. You probably already know how.” Rei said and then she began to tease Amara about her behavior at the club the other night. Lita smiled thankfully at Rei as the crowd began to rib Amara and leave her alone. Her heart was just now beginning to slow down when she looked up from her water to see Alex staring at her. She turned her back to him and tired to forget about it as her heart sped back up.
Lita's heart wasn't the only one going faster then it should. During the dance Serena had become aroused and her thoughts had turned to the night before. Her and Seiay hadn't discussed their situation today though they had had several conversations. Now she felt the hungry for him deep in her stomach and wanted to be with him tonight. She didn't know how to broach the subject or when she would have a chance with everyone around. Luckily as she continued to watch the dance for lovers she had an idea. She should be able to do it…and the only way to find out was to try. She focused her mind and reached out…
“Seiya” Seiya eyes widened as he heard Serena's voice in his mind.
“Sorry to intrude.”
“No, you just startled me. Is something wrong?”
“Maybe…I was wondering if you'd be keeping me company tonight.” Serena was shocked at her boldness but her desire would allow nothing else.
“Is that in invitation?”
“Then I'm there…when” Seiya felt his heart beat hard against his chest at the thought of being inside her again filled his head.
“Twelve…just transport there.”
“I'll be there…Serena-“ She cut off the connection and focused back on the dancing. Serena wondered if Lita knew the sexual vibes she was throwing off? Probably not, Lita was never aware of her sensuality. But if the way she moved with Alex was any indication, Serena would guess that someone had a crush on Andrew's big brother.
Like every night people started to drift off at different times and by 11 the main dinning hall was empty. Ami had just stepped out of her shower when there was a knock on her door. She frowned but figured it was one of the girls. Even so she asked who it was as she neared the door.
“It's Taiki.” Ami hurriedly snatched open the door and looked quickly down both ends of the hallway before jerking him inside.
“What are you doing here?” She said wide eyed and clutching her towel to her breasts.
“I wanted to tell you good night…does your reaction mean I'm not wanted?” Taiki eyes were roaming her towel clad body. He watched as droplets of water trailed from her neck down between her covered breasts. Ami saw his eyes darkening with lust and fought for her resolve.
“Yes, you shouldn't be here. We can't keep doing this.” She hissed and hated that her voice sounded as if she was trying to convince herself.
“Why not?” He said huskily.
“Because…well…since you're here I guess I can't send you back out…someone might see you.” Taiki grinned at her hollow excuse and took a step forward and
hooked a finger in the top of her towel.
“What ever you say Ami.” Giving the towel a tug it fell to the floor.
Rei was tossing and turning on top of the sheets. She couldn't get to sleep and her bad mood had returned.
“Damn Chad!” He had walked her to her room earlier and it had ended in disaster. As she thought back to it she balled her fist.
“Thanks Chad for cheering me up.”
“No problem. The depressed look doesn't suit you.”
“Gee thanks and here I thought you cared.”
“I do.” She had looked up at him and blinked. They were standing in front of her room door and he was standing so close to her.
“Yeah…well…” She hadn't known what else to say, he had caught her off guard. She stepped back and ended up with her back against her door as he reached out as hand to tuck her hair behind her left ear.
“What's wrong Rei maybe I can help.” He said softly concerned about her mood. Seeing her sad always brought out his protective side where she was concerned.
“I…thank you but you can't help.” His eyes clouded over and he'd stepped back. Rei hadn't meant to sound so clipped when she'd answered but the way he was looking at her had made her nervous.
“Okay…well I'll see you in the morning. Good night Rei.”
“Good night Chad.” He had turned and went back up the hall to his room…106.
Rei had watched him until he got to his door. They had waved at each other and then he had entered his room. Now she was tossing and turning from frustration.
“Rei, you are such a fool. Why couldn't you say something witty like `want to come in for a drink'. Though that would have been stupid since your room doesn't have drinks. Still I could have asked him in. We could have talked…yeah right. Shit.” Now she would have to lay here wondering “what if”.
Lita had thought she had slipped away unnoticed. She stood in front of her door, her mind far away when she saw the hand in front of her face. Jumping she turned around.
“Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” Alex said laughter in his eyes as he stepped back. Lita frowned at him, more upset at herself then him. It was unthinkable that she was so distracted that someone could sneak up on her in a deserted hall.
“You didn't scare me you just startled me.”
“Sorry.” Lita nodded waiting on him to say something else but he just looked at her. She braced her feet and waited looking him in the eye. Finally he smiled again then spoke. “So where did you lean to dance like that?” Lita had expected something else and it took her a couple of seconds to answer.
“I studied cooking in Spain for three months. Someone there taught me.”
“I see…then they must have been your lover.” Lita crossed her arms and deepened her frown at him. She didn't know what he was playing at but she wasn't in the mood.
“And why would you think that?”
“Because the dance of lovers can only be taught well by a lover and I think you were taught well.” Lita merely blinked. She wouldn't tell him that he was right and her second and last lover had been a man named Carlos. He had indeed had taught her the dance of lovers.
“That's an interesting theory.”
“Oh it's more then a theory. I was taught by an old lover of mine.”
“How lucky for you.” Lita said dryly. “I'm sure she taught you several things.”
”She did…yes indeed.”
“Well Alex while talking about your old lovers in the middle of the hall in the middle of the night is fascinating I really must be turning in.”
“Right, actually I was wondering if I could come in for a minute.”
“For what?” Now Lita's voice lost some of its confidence.
“I thought we should talk about the incident that took place between us.” Alex could see that she was about to bolt, so he tired another tactic. “Unless you'd like to discuss it out in the middle of the hall in the middle of the night.”
Lita smirked warily. “You think you're smart huh. Okay fine you can come in for five minutes.” She turned around and proceeded to open the door. She kicked off her shoes and after walking only three feet into the room she turned to face him, blocking him for coming any further.
“Look Alex we do need to talk. Let me first say that I'm terrible sorry for the way I acted the other night. I don't think I've ever been that drunk in my life
Still, I apologize for throwing myself at you like that and then blowing up at you. All I can say is my emotions got the best of me in my drunken state. It's been a stressful…to say the least last two weeks. Please forgive me.” Lita took a deep breath after she'd finished and was proud of herself for being honest and blunt and to the point without using to many excuses. He wasn't looking at her though. He was leaning against the door his legs crossed at the ankles finally he looked up at her, his eyes serious.
“Apology accepted though you didn't need too. I was the lesser of the drunk between us, I knew you had had too much and should have stopped it before anything happened. I'm the one who's sorry.”
“Please! Lita waved his reasoning away. “You're a man, I can't blame you for reacting when a half naked woman throws herself into your arms.”
“Sure you can. I'm not an animal.”
“I noticed…you didn't have to much trouble turning me down.” Lita couldn't quite meet his eyes and he took a step forward but didn't touch her.
“Trust me it wasn't as easy as it seemed. I wanted you…I still do. I just didn't want you when you were in a state were you couldn't be sure you wanted me. I'm not in the business of taking advantage of women. I don't find it necessary.” Lita looked up at him and wanted to take a step back but her feet were glued to the floor. What the hell to say to that?
“Well…I thank you for being so honorable.”
“Your welcome…but you didn't address the rest of my comment.
“What is there to say?”
Alex shrugged and stepped a little closer. “I don't know. You know how I feel. I still want you…now when I'm fully sober. You could tell me how you feel.” Lita opened her mouth then closed it. She wasn't used to dealing with someone so straightforward. The guys that usually approached her were idiots and tired lame lines that couldn't hold her attention for two minutes. Usually she cut them off at the knees and went about her business but what did she say to him.
“I suppose I am attracted to you.”
“You suppose.” He grinned at her and her knees weakened a little. Damn him for being so sexy. “Wow what a way to stroke my ego.”
“I didn't think it was your ego you wanted me to stroke. Look what difference does it make?”
“Because I want you and if you want me…then maybe we can do something about it.”
“Like what.” Her voice came out a little softer then she'd wanted.
“Like finished what we started.” He reached out and grabbed her face with both hands and leaning only his face forward kissed her lips in several soft, sweet kisses. Lita's mind became murky the moment he touched her. “All you have to say is the word.”
“The word…” She said drowsily. He laughed and let her go, stepping back so her mind could clear. She frowned and he became serious.
“Lita…I can't make you any promises. When this trip is over I have to go back to America, so I want you to be sure.” Lita lowered her eyes and willed her heart to slow down. His kisses had been so sweet. Here again he was being honest. No fake words and promises that he never meant to keep. He wasn't offering her love ever after which was fine, at least she knew what she was getting.
“I don't need or want promises. Promises are only good for being broken. I'll take what you can give me.”
“What we can give each other.” He said stepping forward to take her in his arms again. This time she met him wrapping her arms around his waist. He stroked the roof of her mouth with his tongue and felt her shiver. She was so responsive that he imagined he could feel her heating up in his arms. He palmed the roundness of her behind and pressed her to him. He left her mouth reluctantly and trailed kissed down her long neck. He slid his hands up her sides then brought them around to the front to unbutton her sleeveless blouse.
Lita was realizing what she had agreed to and was in mild shock. It had been three years since she'd been with a man…and now her next lover would be Andrew's long lost brother. Being in shock didn't stop her from pulling his shirt from his pants and feeling his abs right before he kissed the top swell of her breasts. It seemed her nipples remembered him and they ached for him to take them in his mouth. Lita reached up and dragged her bra down. He gave her a smile of appreciation and after her blouse fell to the floor he dipped his head to lave her nipples with his tongue. She grabbed at his head even while his hands were busy unzipping her tight capri's. She felt the material being dragged over her hips and sliding down her thighs and her stomach clenched. When her pants reached her ankles she stepped out of them and he came up he kiss her. Only this kiss was heated and more intense.
He begin pushing her towards the bed and somewhere in-between he unsnapped her lace bra and it joined her other clothing on the floor. They fell to the bed and Lita glorified in his weight on top of her. In her arms she felt delicate and womanish. He wasn't extra wide or large but he exuded strength and manliness. She wanted to feel his skin on hers and moaned in frustration that he was still fully clothed. He seemed to understand what she wanted as he rose up and moved away from the bed. Lita first instinct was to feel shy as he looked at her but the heat in his eyes let her know that he liked what he saw. He stood looking down on her as he began to unbutton his shirt. Lita felt as if she was watching a strip tease and every inch of skin he exposed made her breathe a little harder. He seemed to know what he was doing and took his sweet time. By the time his shirt hit the floor by the side of the bed she was licking her lips and clenching the bed. He caught her eyes as his hand went to his pants. As she heard the sound of the zipper her eyes snapped downward and one hand absently came up to play with her right breast as her eyes awaited the unveiling of his manhood.
It was Alex's turn to groan as he watched her long fingers sweep over her breasts and he quickened his actions needing to touch and kiss her again. Her body was magnificent. Long lines and lush curves. The yellow lace of her panties were all that stood between his eyes and her center. He let his jeans drop first and watched her pinch her nipple in frustration. His penis jumped at the thought of her squeezing him the way she was squeezing her nipple. He had never been so turned on by a woman who wasn't even touching him! Finally because it was clear that Lita couldn't wait any more and neither could he, he let his boxers fall as well.
Lita sat up in the bed as he came back and ran her hands over his chest and shoulders greedy to touch him everywhere. She ran her hand down his back to his non-existent love handles as she kissed his jaw and ran kisses down his neck. When he dipped his head to capture her lips in a deep kiss her hands reached for him. She wrapped one hand around his hot enlarged flesh and captured his groan of pleasure in her mouth. She stroked him, tightening her grip at the base as she went up and down. Alex was going to go insane if she continued to touch him. He broke the kiss and pushed her down on the bed until he lay over her. Then he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them to her sides.
“If you don't slow down sweetheart you'll make me explode.”
“But I want…”
“Tell me what you want.” He said as he slid down her body still holding her wrists.
“I want you…” Lita got out over her heaving chest.
“Didn't anyone ever tell you…good things come to those who wait?” He said in that slightly amused voice she found so sexy.
“No…but I'll take your word on it.” He kissed her stomach and trailed kisses down her center and over her all lace underwear. Lita was glad she'd given in to her secret treat of wearing sexy underwear as he kissed along the inside of her thighs. Her eyes were closed but they popped up as he pressed a chaste kiss on her clit through the lace. His tongue followed, licking at her with long wet strokes. The sensation of the lace being rubbed against her aroused center was sublime. She begin to twist and whimper as he loved her with his tongue. He still held her wrists which was a good thing, other wise her hands would have been buried in his hair.
He continued until her hips were coming of the bed in pleasure. Then and only then did he raise his head and release her wrists.
“Told you good things come to those who wait.” He said huskily he own desire almost became to much. He finally slid her wet panties from her body.
“Yes, yes now I want more.” She said breathlessly.
“I aim to please.” He leaned over the side of the bed and picked up his jeans extracting his wallet. He opened it and in seconds pulled out a condom.
Lita rubbed his back as he leaned over and when he returned she smiled and lifted a brow.
“You always carry a condom in your wallet?”
“Yep, it's an American tradition.” Lita rose up and kissed him as he put on the protection for both of them. Her kiss quickly became feverish as they both knew they were so close now to what they both wanted. He rolled on top of her and brought her back down to the bed. He nudged her legs open without breaking the kiss and settled in between them. Lita heard her heart in her ears and she sucked on his wonderful tongue as he entered her. It had been so long that her body tightened then loosened to take him in. When he was fully inside her he broke the kiss and looked down at her. Her rich brown hair was spread over the pillows and her eyes were half closed and the most peculiar look of wonder was on her face, and then she smiled at him. Something shifted inside him and he bent to give her another kiss as he began to move.
Their pace quickened as the pleasure they gave each other grew. His hands gently stroked and pulled on her body while hers greedily grabbed and pushed at his. Lita didn't ever want the feelings he was bringing her to stop. And even as she welcomed her climax she pushed it away, trying to prolong the inevitable. She arched her neck and grabbed the back of his head as the orgasm took her over the edge.
“Oh yesss!
Alex felt her walls wrap around him and kissed her throat as mumblings of ecstasy left it. He tired to hold out and continued to stroke deep inside her But then Lita raised up and kissed him as if his lips contained the secrets of life. The kiss broke him. She kissed him with such passion and longing that it broke the last of his control. He thrust hard into her one more time and then two things happened at once. He released his seed and he felt the condom break. There was nothing he could do as the waves of pleasure shook his body and her legs wrapped around her waist held him tight. He tried to break the kiss to tell her…or shout his climax…which he didn't know, but he didn't succeed as she had a death lock on his neck. Finally when his moans subsided she lets his lips go but her legs were slower unwrapping from his body. Heavy breathing emitted around the room as Lita rubbed his moist back and a feline smile played on her lips.
Alex was pulling oxygen back into his lungs and brain and the significance of what had happened rushed back to him. He had to tell her now, he wasn't a man that ran from his troubles.
“Yes.” She said on a purr opening her eyes to look at him. She wasn't ready for the extremely serious face that looked down at her.
“Shit…I have to tell you something and I don't know how to say it.” Lita stopped her back rubbing and her eyes got wide. What…what could it be? Did I do something wrong? I thought it had been good for both of us.
“Just say it…like you do everything else.” She was frowning and he hated that he had taken the smile from her face.
“Sweetheart, I'm sorry…but the condom broke.”
“What?” Lita just blinked at him.
“I said the-“
“I know what you said! How…why didn't you say something earlier?”
“Honey it happened-“
“Don't call me honey!” Lita was numb with shock but alive with fury. “You bastard you kept going and didn't tell me!”
“No it wasn't -“He never finished because she pushed him off of her and unto the floor. For the second time in three days he found his self laying on her room floor.
“How dare you!” Lita screamed as she got out of bed and stepped over his body to the bathroom door. “I want you out! When I come out of this bathroom I want you gone or I won't be responsible for what I do.”
“Lita you're not listening to me.” He said pissed to be on the floor again.
“Get out! Just get the hell out you make me sick!” With a slam of the bathroom door that seemed to make the whole room shake she was gone.
AN: Okay there you have it. Feel free to speculate what will happen in the story though for the most part I already have it mapped out. For anyone out there who thought there was too much lemon…what can I say? That is what the story called for. Warned everyone in chapter one that this is an adult story with adult characters. To be honest I did tone them down but only because I was saving some more explicit language for future scenes that call for it. Don't worry not every chap will have sex…or at least detailed sex…the majority will not. I like my stories to be plot driven not sex driven. Now don't worry there is the Cruise Part 2. Also, if you haven't noticed I use slang in my stories so some words may not be misspelled but merely slang. Okay can't think of anything else to say that can't wait until next time. As always THANK YOU so much for reviewing. AND REPEAT reviewers really do keep me going. With all that in mind I hope you enjoyed and came back to read more. Review.
BTW-hate long author notes but felt it was called for.