Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Lovers ❯ I Turn To You ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Notes: This is my fave couple. Don't ask. If you don't like the couple then don't read. Simple Thanks in advance for the reviews I can't wait to get! LOL

Midnight Lovers

My only wish was for you to be happy.

My only regret was that you were not.

Haruka sat staring at the stars. She was dressed in baggy black slacks and a snug white tank top. The wind blew through her short honey locks of hair as she leaned against the railing of her balcony. She had just witnessed another fight between Mamoru and Usagi. She could barely stand it anymore. She just didn't understand why her princess would put herself through such pain.

Haruka sighed as she turned away, walking into her clean kitchen to make some tea. A knock on the door let her know she had company. Contemplating whether to answer it or not, she looked through the peephole. Easy choice. She swung the door open to find a trembling Usagi. Her long golden hair was a mess and falling out of the buns she held them in. Tears stained her cheeks, mixing with the rain that had started only a few short minutes ago.

Haruka pulled her inside, wrapping a warm blanket around her and sitting her on the couch. "Tell me everything."

* * *

A sound of a slap rang through the cold night air. "I don't love you!" A strong male voice sliced through the young woman's very heart. "I never did! Can't you get it through your head?!"

"What about our past, Mamoru?" She asked shakily, bringing a hand to her now stinging cheek, tears already streaming down mixing with the rain. An air of heavy sorrow hung about her, plastering itself to her body.

"Our past is just that: the past! And who's to say I even loved you then. No one remembers what really happened. Leave it alone, Usagi." The man walked away from her, without even a glance back.

Before she could fall to her knees, Usagi raced to the first place that came to mind. Her heart pounding and she didn't even notice her feet hitting the ground, the water splashing up her already soaked legs, the wind chilling her to the very bone. She was in her white summer dress, the one with orange flowers on it.

She glanced up at the tall, imposing building in front of her. She looked up twelve floors and two windows over. She was home. Her light was on, illuminating her figure leaning on the balcony railing. A sob of relief escaped from her mouth as she ran into the building, not bothering with the elevator, and dashed up the stairs.

She reached the door, panting, and knocked.

* * *

"Shhh, It's going to be alright Konekko." The older woman ran her hands soothingly through the girls hair, whispering nothings in her ear, and rocking her back and forth. "Shhh."

They sat that way for a while and eventually Usagi drifted off into a troubled sleep. Haruka got up from the couch, careful not to wake her. She paced angrily across her living room floor, running her hands through her short hair, plotting Mamoru's death. Oh it would be slow and painful. It wasn't until Usagi stirred that Haruka noticed her shivering. Cursing herself a thousand times over she picked her up, bringing her into her room and laying her on the bed. She set to removing her wet clothes and drying her off. She was freezing to the touch and Haruka climbed into bed beside her, wrapping her in her arms. Usagi snuggled into the warmth, making Haruka smile.

It wasn't until the next morning that anyone stirred. Usagi woke up to find herself in bed naked. She felt warm and safe and for a moment wondered where she was. As she turned her head to see who was holding her so close she smiled. Haruka. The one person she could trust with her very soul. She turned her body towards her and wrapped her arms around her. Placing her head against Haruka's shoulder she drifted back into sleep, feeling lips against her forehead and a whispered endearment in her ear.

* * *

"Konekko?" Haruka bolted awake when she realized Usagi wasn't in bed. She heard soft humming and followed it to the kitchen. The sight that greeted her pulled at her heart. Usagi was standing on tiptoes trying to reach something in her cabinet. She was clad in an oversized button up shirt she had found in Haruka's closet and appeared to be making breakfast. She was humming a soft melody that was very pleasing to the ears.

Haruka went up behind her and grabbed what she was reaching for, surprising Usagi in the process. Usagi gasped at the arm that went around her waist and the hand that came into view to grab exactly what she couldn't reach. She was just about to get the stool.

"Ne, Haruka, did you have to scare me?" She clutched at her heart dramatically and Haruka laughed.

"Gomen, Konekko." Haruka said, still laughing a bit. Usagi hugged her around the waist, laying her head upon the taller woman's chest. Haruka returned the embrace, "Good morning. Feel better?"

Usagi released her with a bright smile, "Much, thanks." She grabbed the pancake batter that Haruka had gotten for her and turned back to her mixing bowl.

"What are you doing?" Haruka looked suspiciously at her clean kitchen that would soon be destroyed if her guess was right.

"Making breakfast." Usagi chirped. Haruka sighed and resigned herself to her fate.

She looked at Usagi as one would the Grim and stated, "My doctors number is by the phone, and of course there's always 911." She laughed as Usagi smacked her upside the head and shooed her out of the kitchen. She decided to read the paper while she waited.

She had just finished with the crossword puzzle when Usagi came out to place two plates, napkins, silverware, and two glasses of orange juice at the dinning table. Haruka went over and sat down in her seat as she waited for the food. She wasn't disappointed. Usagi came back out balancing a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon and a bowl of blueberries. Usagi sat down with a huge grin on her face while Haruka looked wide-eyed at the food.

"Well don't just stare at it." Usagi scolded, "Dig in!" She started to fill up her plate, two pancakes, some eggs, three pieces of bacon and a scoop of blueberries for her pancakes. Haruka did the same but with slightly less. Usagi waited for her to take the first bite.

"This is good!" Haruka gasped out as she swallowed her bite of pancakes. "Where did you learn to cook like this, Konekko?" She took a bite of the eggs and munched on the bacon as if she hadn't eaten in months.

Usagi giggled, "Makoto gave me a couple of lessons. Your my first customer." She winked at Haruka and started in on her own food. Needless to say, they cleaned their plates off. Usagi moved to take the plates back into the kitchen to clean them when Haruka stopped her.

"I'll do dishes since you cooked. See if you can figure out the word jumble in today's paper. Its a tough one." Haruka smiled as she took the plates from Usagi and moved into the kitchen. Usagi smiled as she sat down where Haruka had been before breakfast and lifted the paper. She chewed on the end of the pen slightly as she thought of what they could be.

DEUXE. Usagi got a scrap piece of paper and started writing out things it could be. None of them were right. Then it hit her. Exude! The next one was a bit easier to get. Haruka came out of the kitchen drying her hands on a towel and then looked over her should at the last one.

"Lizard." Surprised, Usagi jumped a bit. Haruka laughed, "The next one is Lizard." Her mouth formed an 'O' as she quickly scribbled the word in and put the paper down. Haruka sat down beside her. "So what do you want to do today?" She asked.

"Haruka, why am I not desirable?" Haruka's eyes widened at the unexpected question. "Mamoru can't stand me. Or is it because I don't deserve to be loved?" A tear rolled down Usagi's cheek as she replayed the events between her and Mamoru the night before...and the rest of her life.

"Don't ever think that, Konekko. Everyone deserves to be loved, you especially!" Her voice sounded angry that she would even think that. "Gods what has he done to you." Haruka pulled her into a hug, crushing her against her body.

Usagi clutched at her shoulders and cried. "I want to be loved, Haruka. Why can't anyone love me?"

"I love you, Konekko." Haruka pulled back a little to look into her eyes.

"Yes but I mean as a lover. I want the love that shoots fireworks, speeds your heart, and feeds you soul. Why can't I just have that one thing? It's all I've ever wanted." She had tears staining her cheeks and when she returned Haruka's gaze, she gasped.

Haruka pressed her lips, gently, but passionately against Usagi's. The kiss was sweet and they were both gasping when they parted, "You already have it, Konekko. I told you that. I love you." As if realizing what she had said, Haruka turned, putting her head in her hands. "Gomen."

As soon as the whispered apology touched her ears Usagi jumped off the couch to kneel in front of Haruka. She sat on her knees, hands on Haruka's legs, begging her to look at her. "Why? Why are you sorry?"

Haruka looked up, surprised. "I- I thought that-" She didn't get to finish her sentence however, as Usagi laughed and threw her arms around her. Haruka fell back against the couch, Usagi curled in her lap. "Konekko?" Her fogged mind had trouble comprehending what was going on. Usagi looked up at Haruka and, without warning, kissed her. It was more demanding than the first kiss, and Haruka happily complied. She ran her hand up Usagi's back, settling it at the base of her neck. Her other hand rubbed at

Usagi's lower back, earning soft moans from her. Usagi moved her legs so she was straddling Haruka and continued the kiss. When they parted Haruka asked one question, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." It was upon hearing the one word that Haruka threw caution to the winds. Screw Fate. She could deal with Pluto later. But for now, she would enjoy basking in her princess's light.