Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror of your dreams ❯ Memories of the past ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mirror of your dreams
By: Haruka-chan

Memories of the past...Prologue

Rini sat in her room which was the attic of the Tsukino house. "Rini" said a very deep male voice. Rini turned to see her clarion [AN: little ornament thingy that Pegasus gives her] that was glowing and a beautiful white horse with wings has presented it self there. "Pegasus, hi" said Rini. "What's on your mind, little one?" asked Pegasus. "I was wondering what it would be like when I grow up" said Rini with a dreamy look. "I thought you had a tiny glimpse when you and sailor moon changed places" said Pegasus. "Well, I don't want to know about that, I want to know who I will come to love you know, that special someone" said Rini blushing remembering the kiss they had shared. Pegasus got a distance look on his face. "Life in the future is exciting but, I think I'm looking for something else, someone who makes me feel like sprouting wings" said Rini. "What about that young boy that has favored you?" asked Pegasus. Rini blushed "Robert? To be honest, I don't think he and I have anything in common, I don't know why he evens likes me" said Rini. "Maybe it's your free spirit, and your dreams," said Pegasus *That is what drew me to you* thought Pegasus. "I don't know, but I know that when I grow up I want a life that will be something more then just being a princess," said Rini. "I wish you the best of luck on your dreams" said Pegasus. "Pegasus, you will still be there won't you? asked Rini. Pegasus had a surprised look on his face. "I can't be in your dream when you become older. You won't remember me as you grow up," said Pegasus with a hurt look. "Don't worry Pegasus I'll always remember you, no matter what" said Rini with a reassuring smile.

"I'll see you again, right?" she asked. "Yes, maiden. I will eagerly await the day when I can meet you again. Eagerly." He said with a smile. "Elios! We will! I'll go to see you again!" she said with a wink. Elios smiled and bows in front of her before he disappeared. *Someday in the future...* thinks Rini. *When I've become a real lady... So Elios can be my prince* Yes so he could be her prince. But did the fairy tale end the way it was to? or Has it even begun? So many emotions held inside for so long, yet it feels as if it is an air that's needed to breath. For some the pain is forgotten yet held in their most memories. To hold those days that were of warm tingles and butterflies, yet to forget for the fear of craving more. Two souls lost and forgotten with in themselves, waiting to meet once more just for one last time.

Dreams are like glass, once you drop it they break and they can't be put back together. So small and fragile, yet when they are chosen and given the chance they become so strong and beautiful. I dream for the day that my prince will come and sweep me off my feet and take me to that secret place of the lovers. I await the day quietly never telling, never sharing for it is all mine. Yet as time passes I forget, I forget what I really wanted to keep from everyone, I lose a part of my dream as my heart fill with so many more. Then the question is was that dream really important to me if I can't even remember it. I sat and wondered for so long...

"Return to your true dream! If you don't, I won't be able to find you anymore!" she heard in her head, but didn't know what her true dream was. She tried but couldn't remember so many years had passed how could she? Every night a reoccurring dream telling her that something was missing with in her, but every time she tired to find it, she would only forget more. Driving herself with in herself only to come back up with sand in her hand, sand of time that slowly escaped her fingers, just as her memories, and dreams...