Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror of your dreams ❯ Opening of possibility ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yourself or Someone like you
By: Haruka-chan

AN: I have been meaning to write this story for a while now, and now on summer vacation I can final focus on it. I know the title sucks, but it was like I couldn't think of anything. The SM characters doesn't belong to me but to the ever talented and brilliant Takeuchi Naoko sensei and the producers. I have to mention that in this fic most of the information will be based on the manga, so if your confused about some things or some things seem different from the anime, you know why. Next I will be using many astronomical phrases, along with some Greek and Latin words. *If you want to flame this story then you know what take it some place where someone cares. I work hard on all my stories so don't come and give me crap*

Sorry it has to be this way but my word doc doesn't support special lettering and formatting so please cope with me.

*....*- Means that it's character thoughts.
*~....~*- Character is thinking about what someone said in the past.
"...."- Means characters are talking.
****.....****- Means dreams of the character.
~~~***...***~~~- Means letters and notes from characters

Opening of possibility...Chapter 2

Last Time...
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"Rest now, we have much to talk about once the maiden wakes" said Helios looking down at Rini once more. "They nodded as they headed towards the hospital, and Helios walked in to the temple. As soon as he walked in Rini's form felt lighter and much more relaxed. Helios smiled as he walked through the various halls of the large temple, which he called home. He finally walked in to the room that he saw Uzme make the bed. "Uzme, you and Sayuri shall clean her and make sure that she had everything she needs. "Yes my Lord" said Uzme. Helios place Rini on the bed, as he about to pull away he noticed her hands gripping his vest like a tiger would hold it's prey. He smile. "Rest assure my maiden I shall be back at your side" he whispered. Uzme glared as she watched. Rini's hand slowly released Helios and went to their limp form. Helios stared at the bloodstain on her palm. "Uzme make sure you tend to her wounds" he said before walking out. Uzme looked at Rini's limp body and a disgust came over her. *Why should I a temple maiden take care of an outsider?" she thought. "Uzme I just heard Lord Helios' request" said a girl with long brown hair done up in to a bun with some hair flying out, she was in a red tube gown, just as Uzme. "Yes Sayuri, we have to watch over this foreigner" said Uzme. Sayuri's eye's landed on Rini's form. "What a beauty she is" said Sayuri with a smile. Uzme glared. "A pig is more like it" she said. Sayuri gave the other girl a look. "Now Uzme you know that those thoughts could ruin your job here at the temple" said Sayuri. Uzme sighed "Yes, I wish Lord Helios would just pick me and get it over with" she said. Sayuri looked towards Rini and smiled. *I think he already has* she thought.
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Her mind was swimming once again she couldn't stop the images that were flowing through her head then that voice spoke once again. Calling her back to a dream she didn't quite understand. She wanted to ask who ever it was that was calling what they wanted, why were they filling her with such a void? But she found her voice die in her throat. She grab hold of her throat as if someone had a grip on it trying to take the air she needed to breath away from her. Then she found herself there once more...

****She was in a forest of some kind she saw the beautiful auroras of the sky the play of pink, blue, and purple. She stood in a gown of pure white, she was confused. "What am I doing here?" she asked. The skies just danced as if to make a mockery of her question. "Return to your true dream! If you don't, I won't be able to find you anymore!" that voice spoke again. "Return to my true dream?" she asked. The voice didn't answer only repeated. She sighed and fell to her knees. "I don't know...I need help" she whispered. Just then the skies quickly changed in to a dark one she saw her ship, and heard the cries of her ship. "You didn't save us" they said in unison, as they started towards her, she screamed "I'm sorry," but they didn't listen they didn't care, as they took hold don her neck, all squeezing hard trying to take away the air she needed to breath. "I'm sorry" she whispered once more as silent tears started to their way down her face.****

She opened her eyes found herself staring once again in to the eyes of the man she had come to meet less then an hour. "I see you have finally awaken" he said. She looked at him confused, before everything came rushing back to her. "Sonika! Where is she?!" she asked. "Your friend is fine she is still asleep, but she will be all right" said Helios. Rini her eyes water once more. "It's all my fault, if I hadn't left the damn ship none of this would have happened" she whispered one hand going in to her hair the other at her chest. "Do you really believe that?" he asked. She looked at him. "I don't know what to believe, I'm wishing this is all a strange night mare, my missions never harmed anyone before..." she whispered. "Yes, but I do not believe that your ship just shut down and then blew up" said Helios. "What do you mean?" asked Rini. "Phobos, Deimos, and I think that someone must have planned for it to happen" said Helios. "What about that shadowed creature?" asked Rini. "I am afraid the shadowed creature turned out to be a bonus" said Helios. Rini nodded as she slowly sat up. Helios eyes took a sweep of her exposed body, in the thin sheer nightgown, she was tempting yes, but it wasn't the right time. "Are you sure you are well enough to sit?" asked Helios. "I am thank you" said Rini with a smile. Helios nodded.

"What you just said could be a possibility" stated Rini quickly. "Yes" said Helios. "How is Sonika's conditions?" asked Rini. "She is still asleep but she should be all right, we got back just in time" said Helios watching as her face took on a small look of guilt and regret. "This is the first time that this ever happened. I always leave the ship to investigate situation that can't be done from the ship. Your force field was an escape from the ship, and I guess this is what I deserve but not those people, my crew..." she whispered her eyes went glassy with tears. "What happen wasn't your fault" he said. "I feel that I could have done more, I was so worried about my identity" said Rini looking down at her bandaged hands. "If I just transformed and just went to save them then I could have maybe saved them" whispered Rini. Helios saw the compassion in her eyes. "Your highness the lady should rest more" stated Sayuri. Rini looked up at the kind looking girl. Helios smiled. "Uzme and Sayuri took care of you while you were resting" said he said. "Thank you for taking care of me, I know it must have been a drag" said Rini with a smile. Sayuri smiled and bowed. "Actually my lady it has been his highness that's been looking after you at night so it is he that deserve your gratitude" said Sayuri. Rini looked towards Helios who looked at Sayuri as if in question. Rini reached out and placed a hand over his. "Thank you" she whispered.

For that moment it was just the two, finding something capture their minds. He stared at her rusty red eyes and smiled. She found herself being draw in to the lightness of his blue eyes. [AN: You know in some places he has blue eyes and in some golden so I'm gonna use the blue eyes] She looked away with a small blush tinting her cheeks. He watched her with an amused look. Uzme who was watching glared towards her, while Sayuri looked happy. *My heart is pounding so hard* she thought as her hands went to her chest. Helios thinking that something is wrong with her jumped up. "Lieutenant Rini?" he asked. She looked at him, well past him and at the beautiful wall. She couldn't look him in the eye. "I'm fine" she said. He nodded and sat back down. "I would like to see Sonika, is she here at the temple?" asked Rini. "No, she is at the hospital, we thought it best to keep her there for a while" said Helios. Rini nodded. "Is it all right if I go see her?" asked Rini. "But lady you just woke, all you had in you the past six days is water" said Sayuri. "Six days?!? I was sleep for that long?" asked Rini. Helios shot her another amused smile. Sayuri giggled while Uzme just 'hmped' sticking her nose in the air. Rini giggled along with Sayuri, before she broke out in laughter. Helios' eyes went straight to Rini's laughing face. Something about her laughter once again reminded him of someone, but at the moment he very much liked looking at her, the way her eye's lit up, and the way her cheeks gave a rosy glow. He found himself join along. surprising not only Rini but also the two maiden of the temple.

She never heard anything so beautiful, his deep smooth voice now laughing in booms. Yes her father's laughter was something she cherished but she felt something different when she heard him. She felt her heart pound again. She couldn't understand why this Arc Angel brought out this side of her, but then again she wasn't really complaining. Helios stood. "I shall give you chance to dress, as much as I like looking at you in that thin gown, I don't think the other men will be gentle" he said. Rini blushed. "Come Lady Rini" said Sayuri taking out a white gown. Rini nodded. Helios took one last sweep of her before leaving. "This gown shall look wonderful on you" said Sayuri. "Is the gown really necessary?" asked Rini. "I don't understand?" said Sayuri. "Well, do you have any pants or lose shirt for me to wear?" asked Rini. "I am afraid that temple maidens has to dress in gowns" said Sayuri. Rini thought it best if she said nothing more, after all she was staying there and best if she didn't bother them. She smiled and nodded. The gown was white over cream A-line gown with a hater V-neckline with ruffled trim, a natural waist. [AN: I'm big on details when I want to be] Rini pulled on the gown and looked at herself. For some odd reason she felt as if she was back in the palace with her a princess. Rini shook of the feeling of regret once more. Sayuri noticed the pain that was shining freely through her eyes. "I am quite sorry about your crew members" she whispered softly. Rini chuckled "It's quite all right" she said. Sayuri found herself envying this stranger, who was strong and beautiful. Sayuri pulled Rini's hair out of there usual rabbit odango, and it to a lose braid. Rini for some reason didn't mind. She smiled at Sayuri. Uzme stood with a small scowl on her face as she brought Rini the shoes. Rini smiled her thanks, as she pulled them on. She looked at herself, and then nodded. "Where can I find the Arc angel?" asked Rini. "He should be in the garden" said Sayuri. Rini looked at the two. "Oh that's right you don't know where the garden is?" said Sayuri. [AN: Yes temple maiden smoking weed] Rini nodded. "I'll show you to him" said Uzme. Rini nodded as she followed after the girl.

Rini looked around the beautiful temple. Uzme just continued without saying a word. She led her down some stairs and through a door, which led in to the green house. She smiled at the flowers that grew there, most of which was found on both earth and the moon, and a few that weren't. They walked through a glass door and in to the large garden filled with flowers just as in the green house only the variety spread. The flowers were grown in an orderly fashion, which left path ways to walk. She looked around and her eyes landed on the Arc angle sitting on the edge of the fountain that was in the center of the garden. Uzme looked towards her and then towards her lord. "Thank you" she said, but got no response out of the other girl. Rini smiled and walked towards the Arc angle who seemed quite occupied, playing with birds. She how ever was occupied with watching him, he looked wonderful wonder the bright rays of the sun, making his sliver hair glow and his wings appear a blinding white. "What a wonderful day" she said as she neared him. His eye automatically went to meet hers as she stood before him. "I must say Lady Rini I believe anything will look good on you" he said. Rini blushed but then a small glare appeared on her face. "I beg that you don't think anything that shouldn't be thought of" said Rini. He chuckled and nodded. "Aji, Deimos and Phobos will join us shortly" he informed her. Rini nodded as she walked around slowly looking at the beautiful plant that grew around the large garden. Her eyes caught on to the red rose bush and she was reminded of her father from the past, her lips curving in to a smile. Helios watched from behind as she bend down to take a small sniff. "What a wonderful scent, just like the one daddy's roses had" said Rini for a second forgetting that someone was with her.

"Your father likes roses?" he asked. "Huh? Oh yes my father loves roses, doesn't matter what kind or color they are all beautiful to him, but his most favorite is the blood red rose" said Rini with a smile that showed the love she held for the man she spoke of. Helios nodded as a new thought quickly started to spread. "Lord Helios" said someone from behind them. Both Rini and Helios turned to find Deimos and Phobos standing looking pretty serious. "Is something the matter?" asked Helios. Deimos shook no. Rini had a bad feeling running up her spine, something didn't feel right. "Shall we show you around?" asked Helios. Rini nodded. They walked around the gardens pointing certain plants that gave of certain elixirs of life, and some that help to heal. "This is magnificent, this planet could be an identical to that of Gaia" Rini stated. "But is it what it seems?" Heilos asked throwing his usual puzzles. "She looked around then she noticed the large dark shadow looming over the city. "This is a mirror" she said. "Your sharp" stated Phobos. Rini looked at Phobos and then back at the black shadow. "But it's like a black whole of some sort, like a lost dimension" she said. "Yes this is a lost dimension of Earth" said Helios. "How did this happen?" she asked out loud. "We believe that some force must have resided in this dimension, but once that force was eliminated the dimension somehow lost itself and took shelter with in the clouds" said Deimos. Rini nodded as her brows drew together in thought. *I heard mother talk of this once, but I wonder if it is the same* she thought before she looked at the four men before her. "Even if this was a lost dimension there is no way that this planet could be so full of natural resources as it is, I mean the planet still needs sunlight, and moon's revolution for the tides. Plus when I entered the force field the planet looked nothing like Earth" said Rini. "All those are true but the dimension is of earth nonetheless" said Aji. "This doesn't fit logically or scientifically" said Rini. "What about magic?" asked Helios. Rini looked towards him. "Magic?" she asked. Helios nodded while the other three men turned to look at him.

"I suppose it could have been some higher force, but the only family that has power close to doing such a thing is the Royal moon family, only the queen has the power, but she would never do such a thing" said Rini. Helios nodded. "The Arc angles of the West heaves have all looked in to, but none could really come up with anything that could explain it" said Helios. *The Arc angles of heaven, yes mother was saying something about them* thought Rini. "I didn't think the elders existed anymore, were they not legends?" asked Rini knowing every well the elder existed along with Arc angles who guarded the entrance to the West heaves. Helios smiled "Some believe so, but only who have magic can really feel their presence" said Helios. Deimos nodded. "Could it be possible that who ever is behind this is actually unknown of their power over it?" asked Phobos. Rini looked up "That could be possible, but the again it could be an evil force too" she said. "That is something to think of" said Helios. "What was that shadow creature?" asked Rini. "Night mare" stated Aji. Rini raised an eye brow. "Want to explain?" she asked. "It literally is a nightmare, combined from all of the people's negative thoughts and dreams" said Deimos. Rini nodded "So is it of only the people here or of the whole galaxies?" asked Rini. "Well, it would be bigger if it was the whole galaxies considering galaxy 1435 is one of the biggest galaxies in the universe" said Aji. "So that shadow is the nightmare of your people, hmm it's no wonder they are afraid to step out of the planet" said Rini. "Huh?" asked Aji. "They fear what's outside, one of the reason why the creature is outside you see. It's like giving a sacrifice to the creature, as if to say you could consume by nightmare if you protect me in return" said Rini. Phobos and Deimos had a thinking look on their face while Helios smiled.

"That is quite right, and until they can over come this creature they will always be trapped in this planet" said Helios. Rini nodded. "Its a demon" said Rini. "Huh?" asked the three men. "What she means is that considering a human can't consume negative energy without having a source of some kind it has to be some other kind of being" said Helios. "Not to mention if it can open the fold of the dimension then it's a genuine demon, and for all we know it could be what caused this dimension to separate from the rest" said Rini. Phobos and Deimos nodded. "You know much for an outsider" said Deimos. *I'm not much of an outsider* she thought. "What magic do you have?" asked Phobos. "What do you mean?" asked Rini startled. "Well, I sense a magic within you, not many humans have it" said Phobos. Rini's body tensed and she looked around as if to find something to say. "Well, I work for the moon family and probably some of their magic somehow resides within me" she said. *Rini your so stupid!* she thought. "Come to think of it actually you look like someone I have seen before" said Aji. "Aaha! I'm around a lot of galaxies and such so you might have seen me on your satellite rings or something" she said. Deimos and Phobos nodded. "We will go and check on the other maiden, we shall talk more later lieutenant" said Phobos as he and his brother bowed. Aji followed suite and walked off. Helios looked at the still nervous Rini. *She is hiding something, and something isn't right about it* he thought. Rini sighed as she finally started to breath again. *A little more and they would have found these people aren't stupid are they?* she thought with a sweat drop -_-; *Got to be more careful* she said to herself and looked up.

"This is where I leave you Lieutenant, I shall join you later for dinner" he said. Rini nodded "Um...Can you show me back to the room I was staying at" she asked feeling stupid. Helios smiled and nodded. Rini followed quietly. He led her back to the beautiful room where Sayuri already had a small lunch prepared for her. Rini smiled "You didn't have to do that" she said. Sayuri smiled and shrugged. "Where is Uzme?" asked Rini. "I believe she is wondering around some where" said Sayuri. Rini smiled and sat down and took a hold of the wine. "Please sit down, or I'll feel awkward" said Rini. Sayuri nodded and sat down on the chair across from Rini. "So tell me about yourself I mean your not afraid of me are you?" she asked. Sayuri shook her head "No I'm not, you don't seem frightening at all" Sayuri said as she smiled. Rini smiled "Good I wouldn't want to be" said Rini. Sayuri watched as Rini ate slowly her eyes distant and pain filled. *I hate this, I'm sitting here fine and eating while...they...* Rini found herself tremble from the lose she felt, in the three years that she had her own crew she had become close friends with them all. Each holiday spend with each other partying and sharing gifts, but now...she had nothing, she would have killed herself from the pain if Sonika wasn't to survive. Sauri watched as tears poured out of her unnoticed and silent. "I wish I could bring them back" Rini whispered. "She looked down at her brooch. "Come on silver crystal can't you bring them back?" she asked quietly. "Lady?" asked Sayuri. Rini chuckled "Look at me, I'm mess. I'm sorry that you have to see me like this" said Rini as she wiped her face of her tears and smiled. Sayuri put on a brave and sympathetic smile for her.

Uzme walked to find Sayuri and the outsider as she like to call her talking, she had been snooping around when they were talking and she had heard that the outsider is close to the royal family. So Uzme considered that she must know how the queen and the princess acts for her lord seemed fascinated by them all the time. Just a few minutes ago he was in the study looking up information on the princess. Uzme smiled and walked towards them. "Sayuri why don't you clean that up" asked Uzme. Sayuri nodded quietly and picked up the tray. Rini looked at Uzme with a questioning look, she knew the girl didn't like her, yet she was smiling at her something had to be up. "Is something the matter" asked Rini. "Yes Lady Rini, you see I was wondering if you could teach me how to dance. "What?" asked Rini. Uzme smiled and looked at her with her best plea. Rini just stared dumfound for a second.

AN: Ok done with chapter 2 and working on chapter 3 come on people review and tell me what you guys think, it'll be boring in the beginning but later it will be better I promise. Sorry about my spelling and grammar and all that stuff which I seem to lack talent for. Please review, and thank you all those who have. ^_^