Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstandings ❯ Chapter One ( Prologue )

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Chapter One

The stars were shining brightly in the clear night sky. The evening atmosphere was quiet and serene. But even in this beautiful there was sadness; sadness from a girl who should not be sad. The night was quiet, except for the heartbreaking sobs from the girl. This girl was a sight; her blond hair shining in the soft moonlight and her skin was paled but just perfect for her. But what weren't right were the tears, streaming down her cheeks. And a word that was whisper ever so softly upon her mouth asking, "Why…." The only response she got in return was the soft night wind blowing upon her face. The only thing running through her mind at the moment was the painful image she had in her head when she came over to her lover, her best friend, her hero, her strength, and her everything else to celebrate their on month anniversary…


Usagi was skipping down the street humming a happy tune. She was so excited. Today was her one month anniversary in her relationship with Rei. And she planned on surprising Rei with a wonderful dinner in one of the most expensive restaurant in town and then a moonlight walk on the beach. But she pretended that today was a normal day like every other day and that she had forgotten about their anniversary. She became more enthusiastic as she recalled the day they had express their love to one another.

~*~Flashback within a Flashback~*~

"Why Usagi?" ask Mamoru, Usagi now ex-boyfriend, "Did I do something wrong? I can change. Really I promise I'll change into the person you want me to be!"

"Mamoru… you didn't do anything wrong, it's just that I don't feel the love I used to feel for you. You have to understand that I can't pretend to love you if I'm in love with someone else. You're a perfect guy and you're more than anything a girl could ask for, but I don't feel that we should be together. There is someone who is more suitable for you then I am."

"Well I guess it's over then isn't it?"

"Yeah it is…but no matter what you'll always is my friend and I will always be there for you.

"Yeah I know. *sigh* I'll really miss you. But if that's how you want it then ok. *silence* Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around." And with that said he walked away. And Usagi was left alone standing in the park. But the only thing in her mind was how she was going to confess her feelings to the one she truly loves without breaking their friendship. She gave a long sigh and walked to her lover's apartment.

When she finally reached the door of her love's home, she was nervous. Her hands rose up to knock on the door. She was about to knock until the `what ifs' came. After a few moments, she got too scared and was about to turn around and walk away until the door open suddenly. And there stood no other then the person she longed to see, Rei.

"What are you doing here Usagi?" she asked.

" see I have something to tell you..." Usagi replied.

"Well come in then." Rei open the door a little wider for Usagi. After Usagi came in and sat on the couch, Rei closed the door. "So what did you need to tell me?"

"Before I tell you promise me that you won't get mad at me."

"I promise."

"Well, about two weeks ago I've notice a change in me. Whenever Mamoru called me I didn't feel happy and excited about talking on the phone with him as I used to. And then last week I figure out that I don't love him anymore, but I love someone else. So, today I broke up with him…" Usagi was afraid to continue because she didn't know if Rei had the same feeling or not and if Rei didn't then there would be a slight chance their friendship would be ruined. But she took a hesitant breath and continued, "Rei, you are the one I truly love. And I finally realize that. You make me feel so complete as if we were meant to be. I love you with all my heart and there are no words for me to truly express my love and affection towards you."

There was a complete silence after Usagi's confession. Usagi took this silence as some kind of rejection and turned to leave. She was about to open the door when she heard the slightest whisper of, "I love you too." She didn't even have time to react before a pair of arm had taken her in a tight embrace. And Rei repeated her words, "I love you too." Tears of joy were running down Usagi's face and Rei brought up her hands and tenderly wipe them away.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that," whispered Usagi.

And ever since that incident they have been together.

~*~End Flashback~*~

Usagi sighed as she remembered that incident. While she was thinking she hadn't notice that she had already gotten to Rei's apartment. A soft evening breeze blew against Usagi as she took out a spare key Rei had given her. She opened the door. And the sight in front of her was something that she did not expect to see…..