Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moon beams and Magic ❯ PURPLE LIGHTING ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer I do not own Sailor moon or Harry Potter please don't sue me you wouldn't get much anyway except maybe my sailor moon video collection or my Sweet valley high book's anyway please enjoy the fic and please review and tell me what you think but no flames please I don't mined tasteful criticism but I prefer that unnecessary calments and insults be excluded in your reviews of my work thank you.

AN ok just so you know this fic will have nothing to do with the fifth Harry Potter books story line because when I thought this story up the fifth book had not bean written. also this will take please right after Sailor Moon defeats the Dark moon family and the doom phantom.


Serena, Rie, Amy Lita, and Mina: 14

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Draco Malfoy: 15

Darien Shields: 21


~ Diarin Shileds (A.K.A. tuxedo mask's) apartment ~ 7:30 A.M. ~

Darien smiled to himself everything was going according to plan soon Serena would be out of the picture and he would be free to be with his new lover, and when he got bored of her he would move on to the next girl or more specifically the next sailor scout. but there was still one more thing to take care of before he rid himself of the moon princess, he would see to it that Rini was born weather Serena liked it or not!

Just than there was a knock on the door he opened it to reveal his present lover and he stepped back to let her in.

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~ Somewhere in Tokyo ~ 11:45 A.M.

Serena ran dawn the street to word Rie's temple her blond pigtailed styled hair flying out behind her as she went. as was vary normal for the young moon princess she was running vary late and quit warred about the young priestess's reaction, oh Rie's gong to kill me she thought unhappily, what am I gong to do? She asked herself as she hurried dawn the street. Suddenly the sky began to grow cloudy and storm like and a strong wind picked up. Serena became vary frightened at the thought of a storm ( AN Serena's worst fear is lighting ) Just then the sky over head rumbled and a shuck of bright purple lighting struck dawn right in front of Serena and though the lighting disappeared very quickly a very scary blackish purple portal appeared in it's place about a foot in front of Serena.

~ <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><> ~

a young girl of about Serena's age sat cross legged on a bench across the street from Serena she was dressed in a flared mini skirt with a bow on the back and another bow on her chest, she also had a gold tiara on with a jewel in the center. She smiled to herself, what do you think? She asked the man standing next to her in a tuxedo with a cape and a mask over his face.

It should be quite interesting, he answered

do you think she can do it?

No. not alone at lest.

Then we will just have to help her out.


What about the other scouts?

For the time we will leave them in the dark. He said

They will ask questions when there princess disappears.

We will take care of that when the time comes.

And with that he jumped into a tree and disappeared with her close behind him.

~ <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><> ~

~ Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry ~ Potions class ~ 11:52 A.M.

Harry Potter fifth year student sat in his seat listing to professor Severus Snape talk about moon beams and the use of making potions under the full moon, Snape was Harry's least favorite teacher but on the first day back to school Harry was in such a good mood that not even Snape could get to him. Harry sat back in his seat and just enjoyed the feel of being back and the feel of knowing that he wouldn't have to see the Dursleys till June. Harry couldn't help it a silly grin spread over his face as he thought about it. Just then he herd a scream he looked up in time to see a purple shuck of lighting strike dawn into the middle of the room and though the lighting disappeared very quickly it left a strange portal ware it had bean in the middle of the class room, did I miss something in the lesion? He wandered as he stared at it with a frown.

~ <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><> ~

Serena stared at the portal with a frown she was very shaken but when you fight monsters and save the world in your spare time I would guess that you could get over the shock of almost getting struck by lighting relatively well "I'd better call the others she thought oh well at lest I have a good excuse for being late" she snapped open her communicator and pressed the red, blue, green, and orange buttons on it and the small circular screen immediately split into fore with the faces of the sailor scouts Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter one in each corner of the screen.

~ The cherry hill temple A.K.A. Rie's temple ~ 12:01 P.M.

Rie looked into her communicator ready to blast Serena's head off for being late but before Rie could get a word in edge wise Serena's voice could be herd coming though the communicator, guys I was running dawn Dove St. when I was almost hit by this shock of really scary purple lighting and it left this really scary blackish purple portal thing behind and and and, Serena stopped to catch her breath, and I need your help you guys please come as quick as you can? She finished

~ <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><> ~

~ Dove St. 12:34 P.M. ~

Information ran be so fast dawn her V.R. viewer that sailor Mercury barley had time to read it. This portal thing had powers like nothing she had ever seen before and from the look of it the Mercury computer was just as unfamiliar with it.

So ware's it go? Asked sailor Venus leaning over sailor Mercury's shoulder

That's just one of the problem's sailor Mercury answered one minute its leading to alternet dimension #289005634812 and the next its leading to alternet dimension #32906645 it keeps rotating at an impossible rate.

So do they all go to alternet dimensions? asked Artemis

No answered sailor Mercury as she typed on her key bored some go to other plaices in this dimension or some even go to limbo.

What's limbo? Asked sailor moon

Limbo is the space between dimensions sailor Mercury clarified for them.

Well what are we gong to do to keep people from noticing it? Asked sailor Jupiter.

Well that shouldn't be to hard said Luna you can just use the Luna pen.

But Luna I thought the pen only worked on humans said sailor Moon.

No it will transform anything Luna answered.

Ok then hear goes sailor Moon said holding up the Luna pen, DISCISE POWER TRANSFORM THIS AREA INTO A……….. CONSTRUCTION ZONE! She ordered it. There where flashes of light and stars and suddenly they were standing in a construction zone.

Well that's done lets go get some burgers. suggested sailor Venus

YES yelled sailor Moon happily FOOD!!

Sorry guys but I cant I have to get back to the temple said sailor Mars.

Me nether said sailor Jupiter, I have to apply for a job.

And I have to get to work on this portal sailor Mercury chimed in.

Oh well it's your loss said sailor Moon cheerfully as she detransformed all the more yummy food for me.

Ya lets go said sailor Venus as she changed back to Mina and the two ran of together.

Well that's it for chapter 1 hoped you liked it! Please revew, thanks
