Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moon beams and Magic ❯ The after math ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor moon or Harry Potter please don't bother to sue me you wont get anything except my Sailor moon card collection.

AN I know this chapter doesn't have that much of Harry Potter in it but please be I'm working up to that. Also I would really apreashyate it if you would check out my web site theURL is But enough babbling please enjoy the chapter and don't forget review!!

Chapter 2 * CHOOSING SIDES *

~ Hogworts school of whichcraft and wizedry ~ potions class ~ 3:13 P.M. ~

I don't know what to tell you Serves except that I have no idea what it is or ware it goes, professor Albus Dumbledore informed Snape.

Well what am I gong to do about my class's?

We will have to move potions to a new room until we can find a way to get rid of this.

Very well Headmaster but I for one think it's probably just some practical joke to get out of my potions class. Snape said

~ <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><> ~

~ Hogworts school of whichcraft and wizedry ~ the gryffindor comin room ~ 3:15 P.M. ~

what a stroke of luck potions canclled for two days Ron exclamed happly.

yes and the discuvery of a new magicle transporter Hermione said.

but thay didn't say it was a transporter did thay? Harry asked.

Well no but I would have thought it was obvious after all it dos closely resemble the magic portal that appeared in Canada in the early 1700.

Well I don't care what it is if it gets us out of potions. Harry said happily

Definitely, Ron agreed.

What I don't understand is what its doing in the castle it shouldn't be able to appear on the grounds, Hermione said oblivious to the other conversation gong on in the room. Just then Hermione got a vary troubled look on her face.

What's the mater Hermione? Harry asked

I just thought of something what if you-know-who made that portal?

Ron choked on the chocolate frog he had bean eating and Harry got a look that was somewhere in-between fear hate and anger.

I don't think, Ron started

But Hermione interrupted him, actually I don't think you have to worry about it Harry you know who wouldn't dare to try anything so close to Dumbledore.

Well that's just grate Hermione go and scare the life out of me and Harry and then tell us you don't think it could happen Ron yelled at Hermione.

I'm sorry Ron it was just a thought. Hermione said looking very upset

Ron mumbled something like sorry got up and left the column room.

well that was weird Hermione said looking at Harry who just shrugged.

~ Dawn Town Tokyo ~ The Crown Arcade ~ 12:45 P.M. ~

Mmmmm YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY Serena said happily as she started to eat her third burger and drink her forth milk shake.

So Serena anything new with you and Darien? Mine asked

Not really but Darien's is taking me to a movie tonight.

Oh that's nice Mina said with a somewhat strained smile.

So your getting along ok?


You haven't bean fighting at all?

No not really, why?

it nothing forget it.

Serena put her burger dawn and pushed it away from her. You know Mina I'm not as ditsy as I was when we fought the Negaverse I've matured a little so if you want to tell me something you can.

DarienischeatingonyouwithAmy ( Darien is cheating on you with Amy ) Mina blurted out all in one word.

I know. Serena said siting back in her seat with a sad smile.

Mina's jaw draped onto the table, WHAT????? She yelled

I said that I know Serena repeated sadly.

But but but if you know then why haven't you stopped it or broke up with him or something?

I don't love him Mina I don't think I ever did or ever will but if I don't stay with him and marry him Rini wont be born and I would have killed her.

a tear fell onto the table and Mina watched sadly as her bast friend cried.

~ Dawn Town Tokyo ~ The Crown Arcade ~ 1:13 P.M. ~ three tables from Serena and Mina's ~

a young girl about Serena's age sat cross legged with elbows on the table and a cup of tea in her hands listening to every word that Mina and Serena said. she was warring a tight brawn dress that had a turtle neck and no sleeves across from her sat a young man probably about 21 he wore a black jacket and white dress pants, black sunglasses covered his eyes and a gold ring with a crescent moon carved into it on his left hand.

Well, well, well, it would seam that Lady Venus has chosen a side, the man said.

It would seam so, the girl answered with a smile.

The man looked over at girl, I think perhaps I mite have underestimated are moon princess I didn't expect her to know, he said truthfully.

You always did think of her as a little girl but she's much more then that she's an intelligent young woman and I think that given the chants she will accomplish grate things far more then what her so called court expect of her.

More then queen of the earth?

What good is it to have all the power in the world except that over your own life?

Your right but are you shure this is the only way?


Have you spoken with Pluto?

Yes she will do all she can to help us.


~ Darien's apartment ~ 1:04 P.M. ~

a portal? Darien asked ware's it lead?

That's just the thing it leads to a different place every milla second and it hardly ever comes back to this earth Darien it's the perfect way to get rid of Serena wants she's threw the chances of her getting back are one in 1.6 million. Amy said with a grin.

Do you no ware it came from?

No idea.

Do you no if it will last?

No but I wouldn't worry I don't think its molecular energy will just disparate with you an elemental reason Amy said.

Good then all take care of Serena tonight. Darien said with a smile.

What time should I get hear?

About 12:30 I should be finished with her by then. But if you want to come earlier I wont mined if you watch.

All bring my camera. Amy said with a smirk

~ Serena's bedroom ~ 1:33 P.M. ~

Hello Luna it's bean a long time said a young man in a black jacket and white dress pants, black sunglasses covered his eyes and a gold ring with a crescent moon carved into it on his left hand. A girl several years younger then him was at his side she was warring a tight brawn dress that had a turtle neck and no sleeves and a stylish black Jeanie jacket.

To long your majesty. Luna answered him.


Want to know who the mysterious man and girl are? Well then review and tell me what you think and don't worry chapter three will be out as soon as I can right it.
