Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I'm happy that so many people have been reading, so I apologize for making everyone wait so long for a new chapter. So hopefully you aren't disappointed with the end result.

“So, how much longer are you going to hide from her?” It had been three weeks since Jacob had met Serenity and he hadn't left the Reservation since.

“From who?”

“Just because the others won't agree, doesn't mean you have to deny yourself.”

“Even if she's a leech?” Jacob sighed.

“Didn't you say she had a heartbeat?”

“What difference does it make? She's one of them and it's only a matter of time before she's turned.” He threw a rock into the water.

“I can see this is difficult for you, but you only have this feeling once. In this life, we have to make tough decisions and this is one of them. You just need to decide what's important to you.”

“And if I chose her?”

“We won't stand in your way. The others won't be happy, but they'll get use to it. They won't have much of a choice.” Sam grinned.

“She's not just going to leave them for me.”

“You don't even know her to say that. All you have, my friend, is a name.”

“What if this turns out to be one-sided?”

“What if it doesn't? It's worked out pretty well for us that have found someone.”

“She probably knows about Bella.”

“You can find every reason not pursue her, but the longer you wait the more time you miss with her. She'll age and become old or she'll be turned into one of them.”

“I don't see why things can't be easy.”

“If life were as easy as we wanted it to be, we wouldn't be wolves and those bloodsuckers would be wiped of the Earth.”

“I wish for once that I could meet a girl who wasn't completely weird.”

“Just be happy that she's still breathing.” Jacob stood up.

“Guess it's time to face the firing squad.”

“Might want to change first. Bella may be understanding, but you've made this girl wait a long time.”

“They won't be happy to see me.”

“I'm sure the feeling is mutual.”


“ ;Just because you don't like my family doesn't mean you can keep me waiting.” He stopped moving and looked up to find her sitting in a log, reading a book. It was very windy, but she was sitting there in shorts and a tank top.

“No one was forcing you to wait.” He stepped back as she stood up. Her scent was masked by the scent of those bloodsuckers, but he could pick up traces of lilac and water.

“Well it would have been rude not to acknowledge what had happened.”

“The same could be said for trepassing.”

“I am aware of the rule. My family has made it quite clear about the consequences. However, we are on neutral territory.”

“You call them your family. Are you not aware of what they are?”

“Of course I am. They're good people. They've been taking very good care of me.”

“You're a human.”

“I don't understand.” She looked at him curiously at him. “What does being human have to do with anything?”

“It's only a matter of time before you outlive your usefulness and they get rid of you.”

“They would never do that.”

“It's in they're nature.” He growled. How could she be so naive?

“You don't know anything about them! Your assumptions are based of nothing but your hatred for them.” She snapped. She was only a few feet away from him, and the vampire scent only made him angerier.

“At least I'm thinking clearly. There nothing more than bloodsucking monsters!” The next thing he knew, he was flying into several trees.

“You will not insult my family.” Her eyes were turning black. She was nowhere close to being human and she couldn't possible be a vampire, he had never heard of them having glowing yellow hands. He stood up, his fist clenched tightly. If it had been any other person, he would have already changed and tearing into someone's flesh. With her, he had the overwhelming need to kiss her and he would have done it, if Paul and Jared hadn't shown up.

“Don't attack.” Jacob held out his arm.

“This isn't any of your business.” She glared at them.

“If I were you, I'd stop the glowing.” At least now she couldn't attack unexpectedly.

“You are in no place to give me orders.”

“Enough.” It was Edward and the big guy. “You don't want to hurt him.”

“But I-”

“Let's go, kid. You're still going to be mad later.” The big one picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

“This isn't over, Jacob Black.” She snapped as she disappeared into the forest.

“Far from it.” Jacob sighed.

“If you hurt her, I'm not the only one you'll be dealing with. Her sisters will finish you.” Edward disappeared. Jacob sighed.

“Thanks alot.” He glared at Jared and Paul before heading back home.


“She's met the one.”

“You know I'm getting pretty tired of this waiting game. We are missing too much.”

“It won't be long, my love.”

“You know what will happen soon?”

“We shall be freed. If they ever want to find and control her, they'll keep us alive.”

“They only need one of us, love.”

“She is untrained. She could do serious harm to them. My brother is aware of this. If the power has corrupted her, she will be a very valuable asset for his armies.”

“What in the world would he need armies for?”

“Wherever there is power to be gain, there is war. Our little girl has a substantial amount of power.”

“Then we will bide our time.”

“I just want my little girl back.”

“We'll see her soon.”


"You've got to be kidding me." Jared scowled at him.

"What are you talking about?" Jacob threw another rock into the ocean.

"That girl. You could have picked anybody in the world and you picked her. She's living with those bloodsuckers and you like her."

"It's not like she's one of them, she still has a heartbeat."

“As far as she's concerned, she's already one of them. There's nothing you can do to change her mind. For all you know, she's taking Bella's place.”

“She's not and it doesn't matter because you idiots ruin everything.”

“I think you did that on your own, pal. She looked ready to fry you ass from where we stood.”

“She probably would have too.”

“Once she's cooled off you better go get her. Once she's bitten, there's no going back.”

“She was pretty admanant that they weren't going to hurt her. As much as I don't trust them, I have to believe her.”

“You realize this will only end badly for you, don't you?”

“Yeah because it started off so wonderfully.” Jacob replied, sarcastically.


“Hey Ren.” She turned to face Luke. The closest thing she had to a friend in this school. She hadn't really progressed much since the first day.

“Are you going to the Spring Formal next week?”

“I wasn't planning on it.”

“Would you want to go with me?”

“I'd love to.” For the first time in a month, a Cullen had finally shocked the student population.


I really couldn't think of anything else to add and I know I will once I post this, so I'm just going to leave it as is.