Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“How come you don't drive cars like the others?” Serenity asked as she climbed into the cab of the rusted red pick up truck. She placed her tote bag on her lap. Last night, when she and Emmett had gotten back home, she had found an overnight bag packed. While the others were away hunting, she was to stay with Bella until they returned. Even though Rosalie and Alice had assured her they'd only be gone for the day, she was terrified that it was an excuse to leave. The thought of another family leaving her had left her unable to sleep the entire night. She had spent the entire night reading The Three Musketeers and sorting through the outfits she was left with. She had finally decided on a white tank top, a yellow cardigan, dark blue skinny jeans, and grey suede ankle boots. She had wanted to buy flats, but both of her new sisters were dead set against it.

“Because I like my truck just fine.” Rosalie had complained about her riding in Bella's beat up truck. She said that it didn't suit the Cullen lifestyle, especially where Rosalie was concerned. However, Alice was sure that the students at school would be too busy talking about the new girl to notice the kind of car she arrived in.

“It's very loud.” She brushed a loose curl from her face. Rosalie and Alice had spent half an hour curling her hair, but it took twice as long to get Emmett to not ruffle her hair. She liked having siblings, this family was so much more different from her own. Prehaps things weren't completely looking bad for her future. Of all the people her parents could have left her with, she was glad they had chosen the Cullens. Speaking of being glad, she was wondering why she hadn't felt anymore thing than simple sadness for everything that had happened. Maybe she was going to start losing her mind earlier than she thought. Maybe she might end up like her grandmother, which wasn't a future she wanted anyone to experience.

“You get use to it after a while.” Bella pulled out of the driveway.

“What's this school like?”

“Just like any other school, I guess.” Bella shrugged. “Didn't you go to school in Russia?” Serenity turned to look at her.

“I've never been to school. My uncles' castle was my school. I learned everything from books in their library and whatever my parents taught me.” She smiled softly at Bella's attempt to make small talk, even if she was out of her element.

“So, you've never travelled outside of Russia before?”

“Mainly eastern Asia and South America. Mama was always worrying about me.”

“That's what they do best. My mom freaks out if I don't repsond to an email within the hour.”

“But it must be nice to have choices. Your own personal freedom.”

“Sometimes I wish certain choices didn't exist.”

“That's what makes life interesting.” Serenity rolled the window down a bit.

“Then it was your choice to travel to here?”

“No, but I believe it was a good choice. I love my new family very much.”

“It's hard not to.”

“Is that the school?” She pointed to the red buildings off the highway. The parking lot was filled with people and cars old like Bella's.

“Just relax and it'll be all over before you know it.” Bella tried to comfort her.

“I'm not nervous, not about this anyway.” Bella pulled into parking space. All eyes were on them as Serenity put the window up and climbed out of the car. “What are they looking at?”


“Why?” ;

“Because you're the new girl and we don't get many new students around here.” A girl with long black hair and dark eyes walked towards them. “I'm Angela Weber.” She held out her hand.

“Serenity Cullen.” Serenity took her hand, smiling. “It's very nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. Morning Bella.”

“Morning.” Bella locked her car door.

“I'll leave you two to catch up. I need to pick up my schedule.”

“Alright. I'll see you at lunch.”

“See you later.” She walked through the parking lot towards the main office.”


“My, aren't you just the cutest thing ever?” Silence filled the office as all the occupants turned to look at her. A woman ,with strange looking red hair, standing at the front desk grinned as Serenity stopped in front of the desk. “You must be Serenity Cullen. Never saw anyone look so adorable in curls and pigtails my entire life. You mother must love dressing you up.”

“Yes ma'am.” She nodded, slowly.

“And such manners? I would expect nothing less from a Cullen. I'm Mrs. Cope.”

“Thank you, ma'am.”

“Well here is your schedule. You've got Visual Arts, World History, French, and Algebra two.”

“But I thought-” She looked down at the paper.

“Something wrong, dear?”

“No, everything is perfectly alright.”

“Now get all your teachers to sign this and bring it back at the end of the day.” Mrs. Cope instructed as she picked up more papers.

“Alright, thank you.” She took the rest of her papers and left the office. She slipped everything into her bag and headed to her first class: French. At least it would be a subject she didn't have to think about. She kept walking in silence towards her classroom. All the students staring at her as she passed. She walked outside and headed to building Two for her classroom, feeling a very heated gaze on her. She would have tried to find it, but she couldn't stand out anymore than she did. She didn't want her new family to have any reason to be disappointed in her. Upon entering the classroom, she removed her white trenchcoat and placed it on the hook. She walked up to the teacher and handed her the paper to sign.

“Bienvenus, Serenity.”

“Merci, Madame Olivier.”

“What a beautiful accent.”


“Vous pouvez avoir une place à ce bureau vide.” Madame Olivier pointed to a seat in the middle of the room, where a boy with dark brown hair was sitting on her desk talking to his friends.She walked over silently and stood behind him.

“I believe this is my seat.”

“Sorry, didn't think-” He just stared at her. “I'm Luke.” He held out his hand.

“Serenity Cullen.” She shook his outstretched hand and then sat down.

“Didn't think we'd be getting any new kids around here anytime soon.”

“I'm staying with my uncle and his family.” She pulled out a notebook and slung her bag on the back of her chair.

“Just what we need.” A boy, with black hair and green eyes, glared at her.

“Have I offended you in some way?” She turned to look at him.

“Ignore him, he just has a grudge against the guys in your family.” Luke explained.

“Then I suppose you should take that up with them.” She turned away from him.

“She's just spoken more in a few minutes than her siblings have all year.” A girl with shoulder length black hair stated. “But you're still a Cullen.”

“You know it's quite rude to make presumptions about people without making proper introductions.” The girl glared at her.

“Fiesty. My kind of woman.” Another boy with black hair and eyes grinned at her. Luke glared at him. Boys were such strange creatures. “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?” He grinned. Serenity's expression remained stoic as everyone else around her laughed at the joke.

“Amusing.” She didn't move.

“Don't worry about him, Paul just likes to have a little fun.” Luke smiled.

“L'attention, les étudiants!” Madame Olivier tapped the podium. Serenity inwardly sighed as all the attention was focused on the front. She didn't think she was going to like school after all.


After another unsuccessful class and no closer to having anymore friends due to her name, she didn't think this day was going to get any better. She walked into the cafeteria, ignoring the not-so-welcoming stares. These people were really not fans of the Cullen family. She did a quick scan of the cafeteria, but saw no signs of Bella. She grabbed a tray and piled food on, hoping they would stop staring at her. She knew that was wishful thinking. She paid for her food and headed towards an empty table; prehaps now was a good time to listen to the CDs she had borrowed from Edward. Listening to the music would help to drown out all the voices, good and bad. Before she could pull out her music player, two dark haired girls sat across from her.

“So you're the new girl everyone is taking about?” The girl with dark auburn brown haired smiled, coyly at her.

“I suppose I am. Is there something I can for you?” She stared at her tray, she was so hungry.

“So you're here to replace Bella?”

“Why would I want to replace her?”

“Let's face it, she isn't a beautiful as your family.” The second girl with black hair scoffed.

“Doesn't mean she isn't beautiful.”

“That`s not the point. She isn`t a Cullen, therefore completely out of your league.”

“I understand.” Serenity's frown deepened. “When both of you tried to ask Edward out, were you in my league?”

“Well, we-” Serenity held up her hand to silence the first girl. She laughed softly, recieving glares from the two girls at the table. Her soft laughter caught the attention of a few other students around them, causing people to stop and listen to the beautiful sound.

“I don't see what it so funny.”

“You two, of course. This lingering anger you have towards my brother is all this is. You're both upset that he rejected both of you and even with Bella Swan being part of his family, you still can't be accepted by them.”

“How do you even know any of this?”

“Families talk and I'm very intuitive, at least that's what I'm been told. By the looks on your faces, I'm pretty sure my assumption is correct, however there is a more underlying issue which is the fact that you two are just plain jealous that you may never experience a bond such as theirs.” She stood up and picked up her tray and bag. “Here I thought that I wouldn't have any kind of fun today and don't worry this is just between us.” She walked out of the cafeteria, discarding the empty tray as she disappeared outside.


“These people are all crazy.” She stormed up the hill.

“They are ruled by their emotions.” Rosalie laughed.

“And my schedule isn't even close to what Alice predicted.” She reached into her bag and pulled out another sandwich. She had already consumed half of the things she had bought for lunch.

“I lied. I knew you would be nervous about all the humans.”

“Well I don't want to go to school anymore. The kids here are so mean.”

“You want me to handle them for you?” Emmett asked in the background.

“No, I suppose I just have to get use to being around overly emotional mortals.”

“Where's Bella?” Edward asked.

“I sense her in the forest with...” She took a strong whiff of the air. “...a dog.”

“Stupid mutts.” Rosalie growled.

“Don't worry, she's not in any danger.”

“Keep her safe for me alright.” Edward replied.

“Promise.” She smiled. “I'll call back later. Be safe.”

“Bye.” She turned off her phone and slid it into her pocket. She stopped a few feet away from Bella and a tall bronzed skinned man she was talking to.

“Looks like we have company.” The man stated, looking at her.

“Serenity, what are you doing here?”

“Negative energy is giving me a headache. High school girls are very...strange.”

“Tell me about.” Bella sighed. “This is my friend, Jacob Black. Jake, this is Serenity Cullen.” Suddenly, she couldn't breathe.