Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“How well do you think she'll fair living among the vampires?” Amara took a drink of coffee. Michelle just stared out the window, her tea getting cold.

“Who knows? She must have encountered them in all those years? It's not like her father could have hidden what he was from her for too long. She's a bright girl.” Michelle smiled softly.

“If Selene trusts these creatures, then we must as well.” Trista gazed at her tea. “It's the only way to keep Selene's secret safe.”

“She won't tell them the truth about her parents.” Michelle stated.

“Why not?” Amara asked, confused.

“She's starting to supress her memories.”

“How can she do that?”

“Like mother, like daughter.”

“Just hope she has her own way of letting go or it could kill her.” Michelle sighed.

“Doubt it. She's a lot stronger than we've given her credit her for.” Trista sipped her tea.

“Let's hope you're right.” Amara finished her coffee.

“Of course I'm right.”


“I'm tired of reading. Can't I do something?” She closed the books.

“You're not even prepared to go to school.” Rosalie looked up from her magazine.

“How so? I know this stuff inside and out. I can even translate it into several different languages.”

“So when you write the tests on each subject you'll put down the correct answer?” Rosalie asked.

“You said I had to blend in. I don't want to stand out anymore than I probably will. Besides wouldn't it be strange if I knew all the answers to materials that are suppose to be new.”

“Not in this family, kid.” Emmett ruffled her hair. “We all average perfect scores.”

“And no one finds this suspicious?”

“Sure, but with a doctor as a father, it only makes sense that we'd all be just as smart.”

“So that is what will be expected of me?”

“Yes. Nothing less.” Rosalie grinned.

“Very well. However, I don't know what I will be taking when I arrive at school.”

“Chemistry, Gym, Calculus, and American Literature.” Alice stated, walking into the room. “She'll do perfect on all her tests. She actually has one tomorrow.”

“Speaking of which, we won't be able to accompany you.” Rosalie stated.

“Why not?”

“Sunlight.” Emmett grinned. “We go hunting for the day.”

“So I will be by myself?”

“Bella will be with you and we'll be back the day after.”

“Or you can come hunting with us?” Emmett ruffled her hair.

“I don't know how to hunt.”

“You don't know what your missing, kid.”

“Don't fear, everything will be alright. You'll be a little startled at first, but it will be fine.” Alice reassured her.

“I've never been to school before.”

“Whatever did you do with all your time?”

“I spent a lot of time riding horses in the forest.”

“We're going to have to get you in to some sports.”

“Alright.” Serenity jumped to her feet. “Now that it's settled, I'm going outside to play.”

“Be careful.” Rosalie warned as she ran out the door. “She didn't even pick out an outfit for tomorrow.”

“Of course not. That's what we're doing.”


She raced through the forest at break neck speed, trying to follow the scent of the salt water. She had smelled it when they arrived, but she knew it would have to wait. Although after getting settled, it was all she could think of. What she really wanted to do was go home and there was nothing stopping her at this very moment. Nothing but a promise. A promise she would keep until she could return home. She would listen to the Cullens and keep going on with her life. She wouldn't dishonor her parents with anymore of her unbecoming behaviour. Until Michelle and the others returned or she was capable of being on her own, she would return home to Russia with her uncles. She would return back to her life of simplicity without the fear of losing anything else. Except perhaps her mind.

You are so pathetic.” She froze. She looked around for the voice, her whipping around as she tried to pinpoint the direction. There was no one there. She started walking slowly, focusing on the noises all around her. She chose a different direction to head in.

“This is a ridiculous. I'm the only one here.” She muttered to herself.

And you'll be saying that for a long time.” She froze again, she still couldn't sense anyone around. She could smell the scent of several animals, but that was common in the forest. There had to be someone or something there. Well she wasn't going to run from it. That's when she heard the growling.

“Knew you wouldn't have gotten far without sensing them, runt.” She turned to see Emmett.

“Sensing what?”

“The big bad wolves. You were about to cross into their territory.”

“I'm not disturbing their habitat.”

“Not your average wolves.”

“Then I shall explore later, when these creatures are sleeping.”

“I'm going to like having you around.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I know it's short considering the amount of time it took to put this chapter out, but I kept getting lazy and lacked very little inspiration for this chapter. Hopefully I can get through the rest of this story a little faster.