Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ chp. 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon(but I can always dream)
A/N: sorry people about the last chapter being so short, didn't mean it. Just had a limited amount of time (like 15 mins.) and I had to do a chapter for my other story too. So im going to make sure that this chapter is going to be longer.
Chp. 7
He shook her and roared, “you are mine! How can you look at another man when we are engaged?!”
Serenity. “Excuse me, when mother was still around, what about all those other women you had in bed nightly when we were already engaged?!”
Endymion. (his eyes narrowed and his voice dropped to a deadly cold whisper) “How did you find that out? Only the generals knew that, who told you?”
Serenity. “Oh, I didn't hear it from them, but the maids, when you were staying at my castle. Did you think that my own servants would betray me? Well think again!”
Endymion. “Whether I was faithful or not, it doesn't matter. The wedding still is on even though we are not in the silver millennium anymore.”
Serenity sobbed. “That's the problem with you! You're so cold and heartless! How can you demand my love and loyalty when you are not faithful to me?”
Endymion shrugged. “That's not important at the moment, but the thing that is important is that we have been awakened. What is your true identity? You strangely remind me of someone that I know….”
Serenity. “Serena Tuskino…you?”
Endymion. “How can this be? The Odango Atama that I know, can't even walk a single step without tripping over her shoes!”
Serenity shrieked. “Darien Shields?! That Jerk?! I should have known that he was you! You both are the same: cold, arrogant, and heartless! Well, just to tell you, not all girls will fall down at your feet! Come to think of it, even the senshi fell to your cursed charms, but that's not important at the moment. We need to revive the senshi first. Do you still have the golden crystal with you?”
Endymion. “Yeah…They got pretty torn up…It doesn't even look like Mars is breathing.”
~Next Day, Back at the arcade…Darien and serena meet up and the girls are already inside. As Serena and Darien meet up, there's an awkward silence between the two, instead of their usual fighting.~
Darien. “Look, I'm sorry how I acted last night, and I was a jerk, forgive me?”He tried to grace her with one of his best charming smiles…but it didn't work.
Serena smirked. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. When will you ever learn, Endymion? I'm immune to your charm. It doesn't work on me. Go charm someone else today and for the rest of your life. Your very presence disgusts me.”
Darien. “But I've finally found you! Every night, I have dreams of the princess! I've finally found her, errr..I mean you!”
~As they tried to walk in, They found that two people couldn't walk through the door at once, so Darien held the door open with her and Serena walked in with a curt, “Thank-you”.
The senshi were unsure how to greet the two and were whispering to each other nervously while nudging each other. The didn't know if they should greet Serena like they normally did or treat her like royalty, along with Darien.
Serena just slid inside the booth wordlessly beside Lita without sparing Darien another glance. She flashed a weak smile to all the senshi. “So I guess we have to train harder against the new youma… You guys feeling better?” There was a round of nods at the table. “Ami, did you manage to catch any data or information on your computer before you blacked out?” Ami nodded at this.
Lita, being the outspoken one, asked, “Hey Serena, you okay? You don't look so good and you're kind of pale with bags under your eyes.” She felt Serena's head, just to make sure that she was all right, and found out that Serena's head was warm.
Serena slapped her hand away halfheartedly and murmured tiredly in a soft voice, “Nothing's wrong, it's just that I didn't get any sleep last night. Stayed up thinking about that jerk…Why him? Why couldn't it have been someone else?”
A/N: Okay people, how's that for the chapter? I'm still working on my Falling Into Oblivion 3rd chapter, so please try to be patient! I know that the previous chapter was kind of short, but please don't be too mad… Special thanx to Serenathy! I really appreciate your great idea and advice! It really helped!
And as for the rest of you readers, I would really appreciate if you could send me your ideas, flames, questions, advice, or comments.