Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Cat ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: My Cat
Rated: R to NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or some DC characters if I used their name in this fanfic.

Notes: All right another fic. I just wanted to write this fic down before I forget it. Once inspiration hits you, ya gotta take advantage of it! I got this idea after reading Collette's "The Cat" and watching "Mannequin". Unlike FGTM,this fic won't be similar to the ones I based it on.

Please read and enjoy!
Oh and reviews PLEASE!


There once lived a fair maiden amongst the erotic lovers of life in this age of wonders.

The Etruscans, as immoral as their heated blood runs, held the greatest treasure of all.

This treasure, their fair maiden...the lovely princess...

With flowing silvery locks that flow like the sea...

With eyes that reflected the crystalline blue sky...

And a body that rivaled that of our love goddess Venus.

She was created to give love and pleasure beyond limits to men...

And to receive the same in return.

Her name is Serenetinemia, the name as peaceful as her nature.

She could be a goddess,

But alas she was mortal with all mortals' weaknesses.

And just like a mortal she is not immune to the powerful beings that were jealous of her...

And like any tragic tale the maiden fell into a curse by one of these jealous goddesses and turned into a creature...

Damned into a creature for all eternity.

A curse that that poor Serenetinemia will have to endure for she will live eternally in the shape of a creature forever...

"Hmmm...according to Professor Orenstein, the Etruscan version of the legend, according to recent findings in Tuscany, say that the princess was turned into a wild ferocious cat. Tuscany the province of Pisa used to be ancient Felathri an Etruscan city where the princess was supposedly from..."

Darien Shields snickered at the fantastic stories the ancient people came up with as he was laying peacefully on his king-sized bed reading some notes translated from Roman artifacts that talk about the Etruscans.

Two years ago, on a sunny March 1925, Dr. Darien Shields, along with other fellow archaeologists, went on a mission to collect the newly discovered ancient Etruscan relics. The founder, Prof. Orenstein and his crew was an immediate hit with the media since there had been no trace of Etruscan relics since the Romans vanquished them. The story had been as sensational as the discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb on November 1922. Darien, like his other colleagues, are caught up with this new sensation for discovery and are deeply involved with the project. Now that the discovery of the ancient Etruscans had been uncovered, everybody involved in the project had turned into media darlings overnight especially Dr. Orenstein for discovering it, and Dr. Darien Shields for his dedication to the project and of course his "Hollywood Latin lover" looks. People dubbed him as 'Better than Valentino' because of abundant female attraction towards him.

"People from the past sure are naïve huh Serena?" Darien whispered to his companion and gave in to his temptation of caressing the figure that was cuddled next to his lean muscular bare physique.

He then flipped to the next page in the notebook.

"Orenstein's side note says that simple folk from the Toscana region still believe in the legend and swear that they had seen the cursed creature walking amongst the ruins of the old city of Felathri. WELL...I was there two years ago and all I found was you my pretty little Rena!" He sighed in contentment as he felt his companion's touches tickling his chest.

"Some people sure are superstitious!" He laughed. "I am curious about this princess though...if she did exist. I wonder if she participated in all those Etruscan banquets or should I say orgies?"


"Oh Serena!" Darien smiled feeling her dainty little claws sting his chest in anger. He finally stood from his enormous bed and carried his precious little cat to the kitchen.

"If you were hungry, you didn't have to scratch me that hard. Come on, I'll get you some milk Serena."

To be continued.


Okay so I don't really have much knowledge about the Etruscans so I'm just coming up with anything here. Do correct me in the reviews if you know a little something about the Etruscans.

Anyways please review and email comments are wanted.

