Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Cat ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: My Cat

Rating: NC-17- so if you can't this stuff...DON'T READ IT!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailormoon characters or any of the popular names mentioned in the story...too many to write (names like Charlie Chaplin, Clara Bow, Cecile B. DeMille etc. I do not know these people and what I write aren't based on their lives.) I also did research on some songs from the 20s...I don't own the songs as well.

AND JUST BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY SMOKES THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU HAVE TO SMOKE EITHER...PLEASE DO NOT TAKE UP SMOKING! One more REMINDER: READ THE WORD LIST BEFORE READING THE CHAPTERS...1920S IS A DIFFERENT TIME WITH A DIFFERENT LINGGO...GOTTA UNDERSTAND THW WORDS TO GET IT WITH THE STORY. And for other things, the edited version of 'From Girl to Mistress 6' is coming out. 3 or maybe 4 more chapters to go, but I planned it to be three more. Well please enjoy this story and email me comments. R and R okay!


Chapter 1

"The parties were bigger...The pace was faster, the shows were broader, the buildings were higher, the morals were looser..."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The event...a titanic Hollywood party. The hosts...METRO GOLDWYN MAYER, Cecille B. DeMille and William Randolph Hearst. The guests of honor...Professor Orenstein and his Project Etruscan crew. The venue...Hearst castle. Loud jazz music floated everywhere. Every corner filled with beautiful people, men clad in their tuxedos and women in their latest evening formals and fringe rayon outfits. It was just another one of those lavish Hollywood parties that we always hear about.

"Flappers are we

Flappers are we

Never too slow

All on the go

Petting parties with the smarties

Dizzy and dangerous glee

Puritans knock us

Because the way we're clad

Preachers all mock us Because we're not bad

(Unknown song author but Flappers loved to sing this.)

"HURRAH!...HURRAH!...HURRAH TO YOU...AND YOU...AND YOU...AND YOOouuuu!" A handsome sandy haired man clapped and cheered to the approaching young flappers who had just finished their song.

"RELAX ANDREW!" His equally handsome blonde colleague smiled. "This is a Hollywood party, there are a bunch of these broads everywhere you look!"

"I can't help it Jed! This party has got to have the best looking women I've ever seen in my life...I'm tempted to pick any of these broads and park somewhere so we can have our own lil' petting party'!"

"WHOA...easy Jazz Bo! The Doc wouldn't want us to go crazy while we're the guests on honor in this party."

"I'd feel so much better if prudish Hearst served up some booze in here...JEEZ, what's a party without a little bit of that moonshine?"

"Wakey wakey Mr. Flaky! Our Joe College days were over 3 years ago buddy!"

"Yeah, well I feel like wearing my old 'Coon-skin' coat all over again!" He grumbled.

"Oooohhh...if it isn't Joe College one...and two!"

The tiny female voice took the boys out of their conversation and were greeted by the sight of cupid-like pout-y lips, dark bobbed tresses, long sexy eyelashes, slender body clad in a fringe dress that reached mid-thigh and creamy long legs that was accentuated more by their rolled black doubt about it, this woman was no ordinary flapper...this was the 'IT' girl herself...


"Down with the drooling Jazz Bo's." She winked, then took a puff out of her cigarette. "I'm looking for the Sheik that you fellas hang out with...the one with the Rudy Valentino looks!"

"Oh you mean Darien?" Jed asked. "Is there some special reason as to why you wanna see?"

"Well my reasons are none of your business, but Mr. DeMille's reasons he really has gotta hear, the guy's been looking for yer friend since ya'll arrived and he wants to talk about a proposition!"

"Sorry toots...he ain't with us now!" Andrew said while staring at her legs. "Last time I saw him, he was busy erm...'talking' to Millie the former child star."

"THE EX-MRS CHAPLIN?" She screeched.

"Absolutely, Positively, Posi-lootley!" Andrew grinned.

"Well, do you boys think that he'll be back soon?" She asked hopefully. "I mean why did he have to leave the party crowd right now?"

"He probably won't be back anytime soon," Jed smiled. "But I'm PRE-TTY sure that good ol' Shields is parked somewhere in the vicinity and makin' WHOOPEE... REAL... GOOD... WHOOPEE."

********************************************** **********************

Hearst Castle Rose Garden:

Two hours had already passed but the same Black Model-T was still parked and rocking next to the rose garden entrance, the only difference is that this time the groaning and the moaning coming from within was much louder



"Darien..erm...uh, sir!"

A young boy who looked about 16 years old stood next to the locked driver-seat door, trying to make out what was going on within the car's fogged up windows.

"SCRAM KIDDO!" And angry voice boomed from within.

"Er...but the Doc wants to see you!"

The fogged up window rolled down to reveal two naked figures, both sweaty and flushed from all their exertions.

"Tell him I'm on my way."

********************************************* **************************

Back at the party:

"So...ah...Miss Bow...maybe you'd like to see a change of scenery right now and..."

"You're a cutie!" Clara said pinching Andrew's cheek. "But I'd rather mingle with the guests right now...tata snugglepups!"

And with a turn of her heel, she left the two with a good view of her swaying hips.

"God...what-a-woman! Jed, did she really do it with the whole USC football team?"

"That's just a rumor...she'd been called a nympho for that."



A tall and lean man with a short gray and pointy beard, who looked to be in his early 50's, approached the two. His manner of scratching his balding gray hair and the British accent coming from his mouth could only mean one thing...

"WOW...Professor look like the devil himself!"

"That is enough with the jokes Andrew, though some of them may be silly, others can be quite insulting!" The Prof. Spoke with seriousness in his tone.

"Has anyone seen Darien?"

"Join the club DOC! Everyone's been lookin' all over for Darien tonight!" Jed laughed.

"I sent Michael out to look for him...what's so funny?"

"You sent lil' Mickey out to look for him?" Jed snickered. "Boy, is he in for a surprise!" Andrew added.

"I do not find the humor in this conversation...please tell me what you meant by that?"

"Oh nothing!" Both young men grinned, feigning innocence.

"Darien is like a son to me, so it wouldn't be a surprise if I heard another story concerning his 'active' libido, although personally I hope he gives it a rest sometimes!"

"Speaking of Mr.'s Darien right now!" Andrew said waving at the dashing ebony haired figure approaching them.

"Hey Doc! Drew! Jed! Did I miss anything important?"

"By that smirk on your face it would seem as if you hadn't missed anything 'important'." Drew teased.

"I have some very important matters to discuss, but before I tell the whole crew I wanted to talk it over with the three of you first." The Professor started. "As you know, this is a Hollywood gathering, and we are the guests of honor..."

"I don't find anything wrong with that!" Andrew joked then winked at a group of beautiful ladies passing by and smiling at them.



"WILL YOU JUST PAY ATTENTION FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE...JEEZ!" Darien cried after smacking his friend's head.

"EHEM!...As I was saying, we are guests of honor at this party, we also made quite a hit with the American media because of our recent findings. This guest of honor attention could only mean one thing..."

"That we're idiots?" Jed asked.

"You're the idiot Jed!" Andrew teased.



"Sorry Doc!"

"As I was saying...this could only mean that the American cinema are bribing us into helping them make a movie based on our research."


"Will it be a silent film or the new talkie type films?" Jed asked. "Personally I think that talkies are the way to go..."

"Hold it you guys! It is a movie BASED on our findings and NOT on us!" Darien corrected.

"Well we are all involved in making the movie." The Professor spoke. "But only one of us is being considered to be in the movie, and that is you Darien."

"Darien you Jazz Bo'll end up being a star!" Jed smacked his head in congratulations.

"Why me?" Darien asked, smacking Jed back in the process.

"Well since Rudolph Valentino died about 2 years ago Hollywood hasn't found anyone like him...until you of course."

"Where did you hear all this nonsense Doc?" Darien asked.

"Through Charles Laughton, MGM has been hounding him to ask me to convince Darien since Laughton's British like me and they think that all Englishmen are alike...pathetic!"

"Do you have anything to say about this proposal Doc?"

"As a matter of fact I do Darien...I DON'T LIKE IT!"

"Bu...but its HOLLYWOOD! MOVIES!" Andrew cried.

"It's just too soon, we aren't even done translating all the artifacts, we have no solid information yet."

"The Doc is right!" Darien explained. "We're not all done observing all the artifacts that we have collected, we haven't translated all the ancient text that we have found, and we can't pinpoint the true Etruscan culture, all we base our information on for now is coming from the Roman artifacts."

"Maybe we could ask them to work on the movie later after we've uncovered everything in our research?" Jed suggested.

"I...don't know..."

"Oh Come on DOC...this is Hollywood we're talking about!" Andrew whined.

"I'll think about it."

"Well Doc, you better think quick because Louis B. Mayer and DeMille are heading for us now."

"ARTEMIS...Just the man I wanted to see!" Mr. Mayer bellowed.

" can call me Professor Orenstein."

"NONSENSE...we're good friends now and good friends call people by their first names."

The man went on as he and DeMille pulled a reluctant Professor Orenstein over somewhere to talk.

"So...Darien my good ol' buddy ol' pal," Drew started. "How was the Mrs. Charlie Chaplin?"

"I don't kiss and tell!"

"Well she's over there with her group of broads drooling over you now." Jedite informed. "Probably kissing and telling?"

"Millie's too boring, plus she's a dumb dora!" He grinned remembering how easy it was to order her around to please him. "We didn't talk much because she was wonder Charlie dumped the dame so easily...anyways I'm happy about it because I could just go start knocking her up without all that seduction scene and everything." He caught Millie's stare and gave her a wink.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah Dare-she sure enjoyed it by the look of her disheveled appearance...but what Jed and I really want to know much she rates in our 'Whoopee Scale' from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest."

"She's a 7...wait...a 5!"

"Why a fiver?" Drew asked.

"Not much of a challenge...too easy!"

"Did you get to use other kinds of positions?"

"Yeah and it didn't do anything to make it more exciting."

"Maybe you can do Clara Bow next!" Jed snickered. "She's been looking for you all night!"

"Another easy target, no challenge in that." Darien yawned. "If you've fucked the whole USC football team then that means that you are insecure about your sexual performance."

" didn't forget about protection right?" Andrew asked.

"Course not!" Darien grinned. "Jed was right, these new condom products are really working out for me."

"I told you Trojans were the best!"

"DARIEN...There you are! Where have you been hiding snugglepup?" Clara squealed as she and a bunch of her flapper friends approached Darien's group.

"You are just the CUTEST!" A redhead giggled as she planted a wet kiss on Jed's lips while hugging him.

"Not as cute as Drew over here!" Brunette bellowed as she clutched Drew's arm and pinched his cheeks.

"Hey! I found him first!" A strawberry blonde woman cried as she tried to push the brunette away.

"Ladies...ladies...RELAX!" Andrew smiled. "There's enough of me to go a long...looong...way!"

Clara and 4 other women fought for Darien's attention but to no avail.

"Darien...let's do the Charleston!" Clara whined.

"Sorry...I'm to tired at the moment." Millicent flashed Darien a knowing smile.

"You know...we might be involved in a movie sometime in the future!" Andrew boasted.


Darien rolled his eyes in disgust. 'What a bunch of gold diggers!'

"Maybe you broads would like to star in it?" Jed teased.


"YOUNG MEN...I BRING FORTH GOOD NEWS!" Professor Orenstein said, coming back with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"What is it Doc?" Jed curiously asked. "We will be working overtime with our research everyday and..."


"You didn't let me finish young man!" The Professor smiled. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted...Mr. Mayer, Mr. DeMille and I have come to an agreement over an upcoming movie based on our research, so starting tomorrow we will have to work, work, and work on our artifacts with the screenwriter always with us."

"WE'RE DOING A MOVIE!" The three young men cheered.

Loud jazz music took them out of their reverie and guests started to fill the dance floor.

"Come on boys...let's SHIMMY!" Clara Bow squealed as she led the group to dance.

The remainder of the night was filled with dancing and glee.

******************************************************* ***************

Darien's 3rd Floor Apartment:

"Don't waste your time waiting up for the man!" A floating figure with long black raven locks groaned as she whirled around the art deco style living room for the umpteenth time.

"Ray's got a point Sere...go to sleep!" A similar figure, but with blonde hair, spoke while she floated down to the love seat.


"CAN IT with the CAT acting Princess Serenetinemia! You may be a cat but we all know that you are a magical one and you can TALK!"

"Well what if I don't feel like talking to you Ray!" The angry white cat blurted out in anger.

"Well Princess over here obviously doesn't want any company so let's leave her to her master and go get something to eat...I'm starved!"

"You're a SPIRIT FORM RAY!" Serena countered. "Whatever you eat just goes through you...and it isn't very pretty!"

" least I don't have to worry about my figure unlike a certain lazy cat over here. Maybe you should've just been turned into a suits you more!"

"GIRLS...GIRLS!" Mina cried, putting an end to their bickering. "Please, let's not get all sensitive here...we've only got each other so we have to stop all the fighting!"

"Sorry Mina." Both spirit and kitty apologized.

"Well, it is pretty late and we do have to leave now." Mina said.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay Sere?"

"I'll be fine...just go get some rest!"

"Sure thing Sere...careful not to scratch Darien...see ya!" Ray winked, their earlier argument already forgotten as she disappeared.

"Bye!" Mina waved as she disappeared to wherever they were cursed to stay in.

"Oh Darien...please be safe." Serena whispered to the dark as she gently laid her paws in the soft loveseat and waited for her master like a loyal pet.

********************************************** ******************

Much later in the apartment:

All Darien could think of that night was his nice warm fluffy bed and some SLEEP. He and his colleagues had done some heavy partying earlier, plus he had to get up bright and early the next day to do more research. Everyone agreed that the legend of 'Serenetinemia' was perfect for the movie.

As soon as he entered the foyer, he caught sight of a furry silvery white figure glowing on his love seat.

" little Serena!" He whispered and smiled at how adorable the little feline looked.

He slowly approached the figure with quiet steps as not to wake her, and gently picked the sleeping feline up in his arms.

"The love seat is no place for you to sleep in my little belong next to me in my bed...what do you say?" he whispered.

Serena purred in contentment and Darien smiled taking that as a yes. He gently carried the cat in his room so they could both dream their wonderful dreams together.

To be continued.

First of all...I'm a DOG PERSON, I like cats but dogs are for me!

AN: Okay and reviews! I don't know anything much about the Etruscan culture or the 1920s either so please do not bash me for mistakes, but if you guys do find some wrong stuff please email me. R and R please!

I want to say thanks to Hikari-chan for editing my work...THANK YOU!

Also another tidbit---the 1920s was the first time Trojans came out.
