Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Cat ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: My cat
Rating: R to NC-17, Underage people you have been warned! If you are under the age of 18 and do not like this stuff then don't read it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the actors and actresses or other trademark stuff mentioned here like KLM, Greta Garbo etc. Also this story has NOTHING to do with 'The cat's Fancy' by Julie Kenner because I haven't even read that book. I was already writing chapter 2 of this when I saw the book on all of you should know, I got the idea of this by reading Colette's Le Chat (The Cat) and watching Mannequin.

Other stuff:

Yeah they did have sex in the Model-Ts back then. Yeah, Model-Ts were hella tight in the back, I don't know how they could stand it, but that was the period were making love in the backseat of the car started because that's where the term making 'whoopee' started or 'making out' or 'putting out' but not all cars back then were that tight either, my grandmother's old Jaguar sure has got a lot of space in the back the size of an SUV's back seat and the cars in the movie Great Gatsby sure had a lot of space in the back. This was the age when kids wanted to break away from the old Stuff of the past. I got the idea for having sex in cars from all the documentaries that I saw from that period plus where did they get the idea of petting and petting parties?

Some fans did tell me to lay off on some old slang and just use modern words. Actually I'll have you readers tell me what you want before I write Chapter 3.

Review me and tell me if you want me to use Modern words only.
Review me and tell me if you want some old slang and some modern words.

I also changed my summary because of the confusion of last time. For anything else I'd like to thank people for pointing out some of the facts that I have in the story, it really helped.

So everyone can get an idea of the period WATCH:

The Great Gatsby
Auntie Mame with Lucille Ball or the Rosalind Russel one
Thoroughly Modern Milly-with Julie Andrews and Mary Tyler Moore.
Annie-the older version with Telly Savalas

Also this is not a Setsuna and Darien fanfiction!

Now read and enjoy!

Chapter 2:

"The reason I came to Hollywood is for a chance to fuck the divine Gary Cooper."

-Tallulah Bankhead

To: Professor Orenstein

Event: You are invited to a 'Bring your Pet' tea party. Bring a pet if you have one.

Date: May 25th, 1928

Time: 11:30 am

Venue: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grayson's Lakeside Garden.

Attire: Formal luncheon attire. Pets should be similarly dressed as their masters.

Cricket, Golf and Pet games will proceed after the luncheon.

The days following the lavish celebration at Hearst's was indeed very busy as the Professor had predicted. His crew worked day and night sucking out any new information they could find from their artifacts.

Now it was another weekend and another lavish gathering for the professor and his three young assistants.

"Ooh...isn't he just so adorable! Wherever did you get him Mary?"

America's former sweetheart, Mary Pickford smiled at the squealing redhead host of the party, who was about ready to cuddle her little pug.

"Douglas bought little Brewster from his trip to London with Charlie. Charlie was absolutely steaming mad when Douglas beat him to Brewster. Charlie wanted the dog as a gift for Edna Purviance."

"Well you are definitely a better master for little Brewster!" Barbara giggled as she gave the pug a good pat on the head.

"You and Dick have got quite a crowd! So many interesting people! Tycoons, Directors, Modern educators, Athletes...oh and even archaeologists!" She said spotting Andrew and Jed at the corner.

"Well it is always good to be friends with people of knowledge."

At another corner of the garden, Jed and Andrew busied themselves with the buffet table.

"Hazelnut crème cake sirs?"

"Thanks!" Both men answered, grabbing the cake from the server.

"Is it just me, or does it feel like we don't belong here?" Jed asked as soon as the server had left.

"Relax, it's just the snooty atmosphere...aside from the fact that this is a PET party and we DON'T HAVE ANY PETS!"

"BLAST THAT DARIEN! Where is he and his cat, we need someone with a pet here!"

"I'm right here fellas!"

Approaching them was Darien in his pressed khaki wide trousers, striped button down long-sleeved shirt underneath his knitted navy blue V-neck sweater vest. Cradled on his arms was his cat Serena with a navy blue ribbon tied around her neck and a striped blue shirt to match Darien's.

"Boy, you sure are getting into the spirit of things!" Jed snickered.

"Well it isn't everyday that I get to bring Serena to gatherings such as this even if I wish I could."

From another corner, Professor Orenstein was fast approaching their group with a man who looked about their same age with curly sandy colored hair and sporting thick lensed spectacles.

"Boys, I'd like you all to meet Zachary Mitchell. He will be writing the script for the upcoming movie DeMille wants to do with our project. The producers want Mr. Mitchell to work closely with our research for the benefit of the movie."

"It would be a great honor to work with prestigious gentlemen such as all of you." Came his gentle soft voice while shaking hands with Darien, Andrew and Jed.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you too!" Darien smiled.

"How long have you been a screenwriter in Hollywood?" Drew asked.

"About a year." He answered. "But I'd really like to become a famous writer and join the Algonquin Round Table."

"Oh Ho! So you'd like to rub shoulders with the likes of Agatha Christie, Robert Benchley and George Kaufman!"

"Definitely! Even Harpo Marx is a member!" He smiled as the others laughed. "I have a friend who is a new member of the club, she could help me get in, she thinks I have potential!"

"Well if DeMille wants you to write the script for our movie, then that means that you do have potential!" Darien replied. "But I really have to go now, my Serena might be hungry. See you guys in a few!" He motioned towards Jed and Drew.

"That Darien and his cat!" Drew said as soon as Darien and his cat left the group. "You'd think that they were both married or something!"

Catching site of a familiar figure in her trademark blue waving for his attention, Zach excused himself from the group and thanked them for giving him this opportunity to write for such a big production.

"My, my, my...aren't we the busy little bee!" The delicate looking girl giggled as she clipped a fresh orchid to her baby blue cloche hat.

"You are looking amazing as ever Amy!"

Zachary's eyes lit up as he examined the girl's navy blue dress with a white sailor collar, her black polished maryjanes and the babyblue cloche hat that covered her black bobbed hair.

"Why thank you..." she blushed. "I convinced the other members to take a look at your part work and they are absolutely impressed!"

"Thank you so much Aimee...I couldn't have done this without you, I am truly indebted to you now!"

"Oh hush!" Aimee winked. "I know how truly talented you are and...oho how pretty!" She gushed as she notices the sparkling stone hung around Zachary's neck.

"It's a Zoisite." Zach couldn't help but blush as Aimee drew herself closer to his pendant.

"That's my favorite stone." Her voice was husky, as she slowly looked up to Zachary, their faces only a few inches apart.


Zach broke their heated moment by pulling his pendent off his neck.

"This is my gift for you because you are truly deserving of it."

"No...I couldn't accept such a gift, it must be very sentimental to you!"

"Please Aimee!" He said, grabbing her white-lacy gloved hand and enclosing the pendant within her palm. "I want to give it to you because you are so a...thank you gift to you!" He finished, relieved that he hadn't blurted out his true feelings for her.

"Somebody's IN LOOOVVVEE!" Drew snickered as he continued watching the scene going on between Zach and Aimee.

"Leave the lovebirds alone Drew!" Darien grinned. "You'll have enough time to tease Zachary on Monday!"

"For a minute there I thought that he was actually queer because he was such a softy!" Andrew chuckled.

"But I guess that lady in blue changed everything huh!" Jed winked. "And you owe me a dollar for the bet that we made on his sexual preference Drew!"

"Some people have all the luck!" Drew grumbled handing over the money to Jed.

The boys' attention was then turned to an approaching Prof. Orenstein.

"Darien! Are you going to be available for the next week?"

"Well aside from out project and feeding my cat...I guess I have time to spare!"

"He forgot to save some time for his conquests!" Drew whispered to Jed.

"I heard that!"

Giving Drew the 'eye' the professor went back to the matter at hand.

"I was wondering if you'd join me in London since you've studied there and know your way around the Archaeology department. I am meeting with Professor Wellington to discuss about loaning his equipment for the betterment of our research."

"Sure...maybe I could drop by my dear Mum over at Paris as a side trip."

"SPLENDID!" The doc cheered. "We will be meeting early Monday morning at the USC faculty offices, then we will be travelling in something new and modern!"

"What's that?" The three young men asked in unison.

"It is very fast and very modern I might add, not a lot of people are trying it out yet...we will travel via a KLM TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT! From California to New York, then New York to London by an AEROPLANE! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! An aeroplane actually travels further these days!"

************************************************* *****************

The Pet Corner

"Like master like pet!"

An invisible Ray snorted as she eyed the crowd.

"There yonder is a skinny buffoon and his chimp lookalike, a white fluff ball, overly pampered, poor excuse for a poodle and it's poodle haired mistress!"

Her dark violet eyes scanned the crowd once again.

"There's a giraffe and it's long necked bozo, a gorilla and his chump...oh dear you'd think we were at a Roman Coliseum again what with all these exotic animals and ever more exotic masters that they belong to!"

"Can the sarcasm Ray!" Serena whispered. "You didn't have to come with us if you really didn't want to!"

"Well, beats floating in the house all day and not making one's life a living hell!"

"MY OH MY...Darien sure has godly looking friends!" Mina squealed as she eyed Andrew.

"The blonde wise-ass one ain't so bad either!" Ray said as she was checking out Jedite's figure working his flirting magic with some of the giggling single women in the party.

"Just as long as you BOTH know that I've got first dibs on Darien!" Serena reminded the two.

Ray grinned and pointed toward a humungous electric orange cat, with the word "CUDDLES" written on his nametag, coming their way. The cat who is obviously spoiled and dangerously overfed by its ignorant owner is definitely not a CUDDLY thing. His black stripes made him look like a gigantic orange bubblebod bumblebee, and his belly was swinging from left to right at his every movement. This cat was indeed way beyond overweight.

"Forget Darien, your Romeo's on his way!" She snickered.

The flabby poor excuse for a cat was indeed approaching their direction, but it wasn't going for was heading towards her dish of gourmet tuna! With the movements of a ridiculously overweight and out of breath lion on a manhunt, the cat pounced at Serena's dish, successfully pushing her out of the way.

Serena hisses back as that balloon bodied creature began to devour her meal.

"This thing's not going to get away with this!" Serena whispered heatedly to her buddies.

And what followed next was an all out kitty brawl. Silvery white cat vs. Overweight flashy orange and black striped cat. It all began with one deep scratch compliments of Serena, then the two cats just went rumbling down the lawn, their furious hissing and high pitched angry meowing echoed to their respective masters.

Serena felt as if she'd been scraped all over again and again. For a flabby cat, he sure had strong scratching power! Shutting her eyes, Serena braced herself for another clawing...

...but it didn't come!

Instead, all she felt was the sensation of being lifted into a warm protective body.


Darien was yelling and dodging the Mr. Jumbo cat's heavy clawing directed at him and Serena.

"Cuddles my widdle baybeee! What did that bad man do to you?"

Mr. Cuddle's snooty mistress has finally arrived and gathered all of its overweight glory in her arms.


"MY CAT! Your cat started everything LADY! Your THING tried to steal my Serena's food!"

"My Cuddles wouldn't do such a tewible thing!"

"Give me a break!" Darien sighed. "And you should rename your cat..." Darien carried Serena and promptly left the Pet corner. " him Glutton or Flubber, that aughta suit him more!"

"Why of all the nerve!"

Stopping by the buffet table, Darien proceeded to grab a plate and filled it with crackers topped with beluga caviar, salmon and chives and watercress sandwiches.

"Don't worry about it Serena, this is food that it better suited to your gourmet taste!"

Serena purred in delight as Darien continued to fill the plate with some more gourmet goodies.

From another corner of the buffet:

"What an extraordinarily beautiful cat! I've never seen a white one with fur almost silvery in color."

"Maybe because its master is as beautiful as it is Norma." Her companion replied. "Only beautiful people get beautiful things."

"I heard that he babies that cat too much."

"And where did you hear that from Babs?"

"From Kory Anders, you know the diplomat's widow. Well she and that man used to have...a juicy affair!"

"You're joking!"

"No, from what I heard, she couldn't get enough of him. He's a terrific lover!"

"Well...what went wrong with the affair?"

"Let's just say that a furry little feline got more attention than she did."

Grayson Estate Lakeside:

"Poor little Serena all scratched up!" Serena licked herself clean as Darien wiped the scratches with a moist handkerchief.

"There're all clean!"

Serena nuzzled Darien's palm affectionately.

"You little minx! You just wanted me to cuddle you!"


Understanding the cheerful answer as a yes, Darien wrapped his arms around the feline and nuzzled her soft fur.

"I am completely under you spell!" Darien laughed.

"Now I won't be able to love real women!"

Darien sighed as he thought about the business trip with the Professor. In a few days he would be busy helping the Professor acquire new research equipment. He was also excited to be able to see his mother again, but he wished that he could have brought Serena with him.

"I will truly miss you during my trip." He said as he continued to pet Serena. He was worried about leaving Serena, but thought against it because the cat was in the capable hands of his cleaning maid, Ms. Perez. It would be even better to have Lita stay over the apartment while he was away. Not only will he have someone trustworthy watch over Serena and his home 24 hours a day, the set-up would benefit Lita as well since she won't have to travel back and forth to her home at East of LA.

*********************************************** *************************

Thursday Morning: Paris

The sound of the doorbell rattles a quaint little townhouse in the heart of Paris.


"Someone special!"


The front entrance was quickly opened to reveal Darien looking every bit of a gentleman in his white three-piece linen suite and a matching hat. Darien gave his mum a rakish smile as her face was filled with excitement.

"I see that you haven't lost that naughty smile of yours!"

"And I see that you look even more beautiful now than when I last saw you mum!" Darien teased and gave his mother a kiss on her cheek.

"Flatter!" She smiled.

Darien's mother, Weybridge born Linette Bixby, did indeed age beautifully. She was a 56-year-old English rose who happened to appear like she was 10 years younger. Instead of haggardness, the lines on her face showed beauty of her wisdom, her once raven hair is now bobbed and curled to show her silvery tresses to advantage, but her statuesque height and svelte figure could still catch a gentleman's eye.

"How long will you be staying?"

"2 days." He answered as he watched his mother lead him through her Louis the 16th styled home. His mother had a taste for the classical French style.

"2 DAYS...Heaven's me! Couldn't you give your dear mother a week's worth at least?" She scolded.

"Sorry mum, I'm here in Paris as a side-trip. I'm helping the Doc with some equipment, but he thought I was worthy enough to be given a break to visit you."

"Well next time he decides to give you a break tell him that you owe your old lady a month's worth!"

Hours later:

"And that's your father when I first met him at that Annual fisherman's feast in Liverpool. I still remember your grand dad fuming mad when I got back home at the crack of dawn!"

"What happened?"

"Well...I sneaked out to go to the dance going on at the festival!" She giggled while trying to remember her old girlish memories. "Your Grand dad never did like it when a proper girl like me sneaks out of a posh community like Weybridge only to mingle with dirty Liverpudlians!"

"But Dad's an American!"

"Yes but he was staying at Liverpool...anyways your Grand dad didn't approve."

Glancing back to the black and white photo of his dad and mum in their younger days, Darien couldn't help but smile at the proud dashing figure his father had presented. Looking every bit of handsome because of Romanian ancestry, Aaron Shields stood tall and heroic in the best suit that he can afford while the beautiful and delicate Linnette stood next to him in her lacy Sunday's best. Darien's mother and father was a truly beautiful couple.

"Did you ever regret marrying pop?"

"Of course not! I love him with my whole heart and he will live in there forever even though he passed away during the war." Darien and his mother exchanged meaningful glances at each other. The battle (Wold War 1) that was quoted as "The war to end all wars" was very much a disaster for all. It took so many lives and unfortunately, Aaron Shields was also one of the casualties of war. Darien could still vividly remember the day his father was buried and was awarded a medal for being a hero. He was just a young boy then.

"Before I forget, your cousin Ambrose is a new proprietor of a nightclub in the Montemarte, maybe you should pay him a surprise visit tonight." She suggested, taking a sip from her tea.

"Good ol' Ambrose!" Darien smiled. "Haven't seen he ol' sport since he joined Vaudeville, God how 10 years just flies by!"

"It is a formal party, there's supposed to be a list of interesting people in attendance tonight."

"Where is it again?"

"At the Montemarte, the club is called 'Le Rendezvous'."

*********************************************** *******************************

Back in Los Angeles:


Serena was trying her best to get the maid, Lita, to leave her some time alone.

"AY Dios Mio!" The pretty brunette was amazed at Serena's appetite. "You are one hungry cat...but a cute one." She smiled then quickly left for the kitchen to get Serena something to nibble on.

"Thought I'd never get rid of her!" Serena sighed, as the coast was clear.

Grabbing a pencil, the furry creature dashed for the mahogany desk where Darien's notes are scattered around.

"These are all WRONG!" Serena whispered to herself as she corrected some of the observations written in the notebook.

"Absolutely absurd! We NEVER did THAT!" She squeaked as she encircled the wrong part and corrected it at the side.

"Basing Etruscan culture from Roman information is just not right!"


Caught like a criminal, Serena turned her head to find that Lita fainted on the spot.


************************************ **********************************

Le Rendezvous Club at the Montemarte':

"All that Jazz"

(From the Musical Chicago)

C'mon Babe
Why don't we paint the town?

And all that Jazz

I'm gonna rouge my knees
And roll my stockings down

And all that Jazz

Start the Car
I know a Whoopee spot
Where the gin is cold
And the piano's hot

It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl

And all that Jazz

Slick your hair
And wear your buckle shoes

And all that Jazz

I hear the father dip
Is gonna blow the blues

And all that Jazz

Hold on hon
We're gonna bunny hug
I bought some aspirin
From the United drug

In case you shake apart
And want a brand new start
To do that...


"Mum was right, this club is really packed with the crème de la crème!"

Everywhere Darien looked a famous individual was always in sight.

There at one corner was Greta Garbo decked in a magnificent crystal gown smoking her cigarette while pretending to stay amused with Pola Negri's pointless banter.

"So here I was teasing Coco that her designs where for the poor, I told her that the material she chose looked no better than a peasant's rag wear then suggested that she design them into these fabulous that's how she got her magnificent suits thanks to me! Pola chatted happily.

"Really." A bored Greta Garbo eyed Pola with annoyance. "And I suppose that you were the one who really came up with the infamous Chanel Black dress than it being Coco's original idea?"

"Don't get me started on the little black dress..."

At another side was Ernest Hemingway busy brooding my himself while an animated Francis Shwartz and Picasso discussed about Shwartz' new film.

"Metropolis...I like that name! It sounds so modern, nouveu! Don't you think so Ernest?" Picasso asked the brooding writer.

"Leave me alone!"

"I really liked the idea of having this rich man fall in love with a working class girl, then at the same time have this working class man fall in love with the girl too...then the rich guy has this robot replica of the girl created for his lustful needs!" Francis chatted. "Do you like that idea Ernest?"

"Leave me Alone!"

The center of attention at the whole club was the beautiful Josephine Baker, happily flirting with a dozen of her admirers tempting them with her exotic beauty and elegance.

From left to right, all Darien could see was one famous face to another. Thespians, Dancers, Starlets, Poets, Writers, name it, the club's got it! But there was still no sign of cousin Ambrose.

"Are you lost little boy?"

The deep, sexy drawl caught Darien's attention. He turns to his back to find the most striking he had ever met in his life. His eyes heatedly examined her exquisitely long legs, her curvaceous body sheathed by her shimmering knee length fringe gown, her bountiful breasts and finally to her bewitching eyes with the color of red wine. He poker-straight ebony bobbed hair was entwined with a glittery gold headpiece and shined like silk.

Hot desire immediately filled Darien's body. This woman was truly a temptress.

"Cat got your tongue?" She asked, taking him out of his reverie while giving him a coy grin. She knew that he was looking at her with intense sexual desire in his eyes, she'd seen the same look in plenty of men's faces before. This handsome man was no different.

"I'm sorry!" Darien blushed as he stammered. "I...I'm looking for someone, my cousin actually!"

"There are too many possible cousins in have to be specific!" She teased.

"His name is Ambrose!" Darien made a cool comeback at her flirty banter just to show that two can play that game. "He is the proprietor of this nightclub."

"Surely you don't jest!"

"Do you not believe me?" Darien asked, controlling his mind from wandering to lascivious thoughts.

"You don't look anything like him." She drawled.

"And THAT is a problem?" Darien smiled.

"OF COURSE!" She winked and slowly approached. "You are too innocent looking to be related to such a weasel!" She whispered seductively to his ear as her jeweled fingers caressed his face.

Darien felt like melted mush next to her. He was acting like a hormonal teenager again and he hated that.

"What makes you think I'm so innocent?" He asked as he let his free hand caress her bare back. He smiled inwardly as he felt her shiver.

"I guess I was wrong afterall."

She smiled as they were both face to face, aware of the sexual tension surrounding them both.

"DARIEN! I can't believe it!"

Darien regretfully let the interrupter pull him from the temptress' inviting arms.

"DARIEN! It's been too long lil' sport!" He roughly hugged him, further embarrassing Darien.

"I see that your timing is still as bad as usual!"

"MY LIL' BUDDY ALL GROWN UP!" Ambrose continued to embarrass him further as he ruffled his hair the like he was still that young boy from back then. "Ten long years buddy...just too long!" Ambrose laughed.

"Look," Darien said, straightening himself up, " as much as I'm happy to see you right now, I don't really want to miss the opportunity to make a new 'acquaintance' tonight!"

"Oh HO! The lady you were just with! You sure did learn a lot from me!"

"Well thanks to you she's gone! I don't even know her name."

"Ol' sport, you have just had a very close encounter with the 'SETSUNA'!" The redhead grinned.

"That was Setsuna?" Darien asked in disbelief. "The actress Setsuna Fontainbleu?"

"The one and only!"

"What is she doing here?"

"Darien, this is a popular club you know! COME ON! I'll introduce you to some very interesting people tonight!"

The rest of the evening went very smoothly for Darien. He chatted with Francis Shwartz about Metropolis, discussed about surrealism with numerous artists and poets answered everyone's questions regarding the Etruscan project. By the end of the evening, Darien was drunk with wine and at the same time delighted to find that even amongst infamous friends like Greta and Josephine, Setsuna had her eye on him all night long.

************************************************** ************************

Back in LA:

"I had to put her to sleep for now because I didn't know what else to do!" Serena nervously explained to her protectors as she looked at Lita's sleeping body.

"Great going princess, couldn't you have waited to review Darien's notes AFTER she went to bed!" Ray fumed.

"OKAY! What I did was a stupid thing, getting caught and all, BUT WE NEED TO FOCUS ON NOW...SO WHAT SHOULD I DO?"

"How about a memory spell?" Mina asked.

"Too dangerous!" Serena sighed. "Too much or too little doses can cause severe problems."

"Besides, where can you find Mandragornia root in this BLASTED land!" Rei goaded.

"How about she wakes up and someone tells her that she accidentally hit her head on something?" Serena suggested.

"Good idea!" Mina agreed.

"Yeah, but who's gonna tell her that she hit her head and all?" Rei argued. "She'd get into even more conniptions if either an invisible Mina or I talked to her!"


"WOW! Look at that postman!" Mina beamed as she studied the hunky looking mailman approach the building.

"This is NO time to be MAN WATCHING!" Serena sighed.


"Got what Rei?" Mina asked.

"POSSESSION!" Rei smiled. "I can possess his body and pretend to be the one who found Lita unconscious, then explain to her what happened so that she would forget about all that malarkey of a talking cat!"

"Rei you are so great I could kiss you!"

"Don't even think about it Serena!" And with one POOF, Rei disappeared and quickly possessed the mailman's body.

Lita felt as if she was in heaven. She remembers seeing a talking cat, then blackness all over. Now she was face to face with the handsome postman she'd been spying on ever since she started working for Darien Shields. What good had she done to deserve this? What good had she done to be rewarded with such a heavenly gift?

"Are you alright miss? Senora?" The mailman asked.

" feel okay...what happened?"

She stared at him with adoration while he brushed his short curly chestnut-brown hair to think of an answer.

"You were lying on the floor when I got here." He said. "You must have slipped by accident and hit you head on something hard?"

"This may sound strange...but I saw a talking cat!"

"You mean that cat next to you miss?"

Lita turned to find Serena nuzzling her arm and purring softly.

" must have been, eh...imagination?" She giggled s she gave Serena a gentle pat. "Thank you so much Senor!"

"Don't mention it miss!" He winked.

"This is surprising, you went to third floor just to help me when this is no normal thing for your work Senor...what's your name?"

"My name?"


"My name is...well...ahhh..."

'NATHAN!' Mina whispered.

"NATHAN! My name is Nathan ma'am!"

"Well Senor Nathan, why did you go up here for me?"


'Because you care for her idiot!' Mina whispered.

"Because I CARE for you Lita! Now excuse me but I must go...deliver the rest of! Goodbye!" And with a smile, the hunky Nathan exited the apartment leaving behind a blushing Lita staring back at him.

"He's so gentle! He called me ma'am with respect even if people like him look down at people of my race! He cares for me...he CARES for me!"

*************************************************** ******************

Pelican Inn Pub in London:

"We've been overloaded with work lately and still we haven't pinpointed a definite version of the legend of Serenetinemia!" Prof. Orenstein groaned as he played with his bit of sausage.

"No mythology is ever definite Orenstein!" Fellow colleague Professor Welling added, pushing his thick black spectacles to the top of his snowy white hair as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Information takes so many years to discover, you cannot get a definite report on the Etruscan society with just a year!" Prof. Welling added, eating a forkful of his fried potatoes.

Darien was seated next to Orenstein, watching his Doc and the older Welling discuss the presentation of their findings. In truth all Darien could really think about was how his Serena was faring and how great it would be to bed Setsuna.

He guessed that Setsuna would probably be a very good lay and if they ever got intimate, they could probably last the whole night, or maybe she was just all show and no play in bed when it comes to the real thing. There were women like that afterall. Clara Bow and her nympho the hell did Gary Cooper handle such an animal? Tallulah Bankhead, Millicent, Bubbles, Norma, Mimi and the list goes on.

"Darien, it's about time you settled yourself down...with a good girl!"

He remembered his mother saying those words at his recent visit to Paris 2 days ago. Maybe it is time to settle down for a family...BUT NOT JUST YET!

Glancing up, Darien caught a familiar figure sitting by the window.

...It was Setsuna eating her breakfast...alone!

"Will you gentlemen please excuse me for a minute?" Darien asked while standing up.

"Where are you going?" The Doc asked.

"I need to attend to some unfinished business!"

"I guess that you can take the day off since we're done with all the purchases on equipment."

And with a wave of a hand, Darien was out of their table.

"What sort of business did he need to attend to? I hope that we weren't boring him with our talk about mythology, dating, the different periods?" Prof. Welling asked.

"Oh...I don't think that's it. His unfinished business has something to do with the fact that women should never be left alone without a male companion." Orenstein smirked.

"Well hellooo...hellooo! Didn't expect to find you here!" Darien smiled as he took a seat next to Setsuna.

She looked very stunning in the daytime, especially in her dark forest green knit suit and a cloche hat matching the color of her eyes.

"If it isn't the devil with the face of an angel!" She beamed. "Have you been following me?"

"Maybe it should have been me who asked you that question!" He smirked. "I am here on a business."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I am an archaeologist and those men behind me are my colleagues." Darien waved at the Doc and Setsuna was surprised to see Orenstein wave back.

"That's the Professor Orenstein...that would mean that you are involved with the Etruscan project!"

'Finally she was impressed!' Darien thought.

"Then you must be Darien Shields, the one who supposedly looks like Rudolph Valentino according to hearsay."

"Yes I am Darien...but I don't know what to say about the Rudolph Valentino comparison."

"Tut...tut!" She moved closer and whispered to Darien's ear as she placed her gloved finger on Darien's lips. "Rudy was a good friend of mine and you are DEFINITELY NOT LIKE HIM!"

"I'm not?" Darien asked, a little disappointed.

"No, definitely not!" She winked then leaned closer to him, her lips pressed intimately to his ear. "While you can compete in looks, you can definitely not compete in sexual preferences...Rudy is attracted men, while you are definitely not!"

She leaned back on her seat and smiled at him.

"I'm glad." Darien started. "About the difference that is."

"I'm glad too." She smiled both of them never taking their gaze away from the other.

"Maybe you'd like to go for a walk?" She asked, grabbing her fur coat.


************************************* ************************

That evening:

Ms. Susan, AKA Setsuna, Fontainbleu proved to be very enjoyable company as Darien found out. She had a delightful personality, she liked practicality, was interested in anything modern, loved new written works by authors that Darien liked as well, had a very quick and sarcastic wit and intelligence. She went around with interesting famous crowds. She was a wealthy woman of thirty five years, fiercely independent as any modern woman of that day and age, always fashionably elegant, beautiful, smart and can get any man she want as Darien had learned. She talked about all the interesting men she'd been with, from royalty to Hollywood, artists, painters, wealthy men to poets and apparently his cousin Ambrose too.

She was truly amazing; you'd never run out of things to talk with her.

"I ran away from home when I was 16." She smiled. "I hated being treated like a prisoner, my parents barred me from everything, from boys, activities...EVERYTHING! They sent me to a strict all-girls-school run by nuns who made my life a living hell!"

Darien nodded his head for her to continue.

"I hate being cloistered...I wanted to be free! So I ran away. Actually...I ran to my Aunt Camille because Papa hated her for being so scandalous and worldly. That's what I wanted to be, so I ran to her, lived with her for a few years then when I learned how the ways of the world goes, I flew out of her nest...or should I say free love/opium den." She laughed.

"I hope I'm not boring you Darien."

"Amazed is more like it! You have a very colorful life!"

"That is because I only want one thing out of life and that is pleasure."

They both stopped and glanced up to the entrance of the Ritz Carlton.

"The night is still young, why don't you join me for a drink?" She whispered huskily to his hear.

Catching on to what she really meant, Darien groaned at the thought of what was to come.

"Yes...a drink would be great!"

Darien was brimming with lustful thoughts throughout their elevator ride. He wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and bury himself within her.

Sensing his eagerness, she continued to toy with him even as they reached her hotel room entrance. She was taking a lot of time playing around with the keys, stalling for time before she opens the door. As soon as the door was open, Darien felt as if he was waiting for an eternity.

"Are you sure that you really want to come in?" She asked, entering the lush luxurious room.

"Setsuna...I'm not a SAINT, and I really would very much like to sleep with you!"

"Well come in then!" She pulled him seductively to her and locked the door shut.

"This is going to be a magnificent evening Darien."

"I'm glad that I'll be spending it with you." He whispered.

"Naughty boy!"

The rest of the night was spent in erotic splendor.

To be continued:

To my dear readers who oh so patiently waited for me to update...Thank you thank you thank you so much for putting up with me! I really had a hard time and I couldn't update as often, but that doesn't mean that I won't stop writing this fic. I've gone through hard times graduating college and looking for a job and it's really hard! I'm a Media Studies major specializing in Video Production, scriptwriting etc, the works on anything television and film. I've also had a lot of intern experience but still no job! Dang it I should have gone with my first love---Art and animation. Well at least I still draw and write.

I have most of the plots written down, I just need to fill them in with dialogue. Also I recommend to you readers the musical and play:


I just watched the movie and I loved it! It reminded me to update this story more often.

As for the 'From Girl to Mistress' readers. I will have to place that fic on hiatus. It isn't allowed in this website so I will have to find a way. Email me at and for questions regarding the story.

Thank you to all!

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