Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Sorry for the wait. I just recently got a job >< and had to deal with graduation test, plus projects and other "normal" school tests. Man, I'm just so occupied now. Anyways, thanks for the reviews. Hope you enjoy the Chapter.

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters in this story.

Elaine sat on her front porch, a blanket draped over her shoulders. Her eyes were blank, tears slowly rolling down her pale cheeks.

She did not shed a tear for her husband, no, the bastard deserved his fate. Though, those tears that fell from her eyes, were for Serena. She knew that her daughter was the one that had killed Ken, and she didn't blame the child for doing it.

The police surrounded her home and an ambulance was parked outside as well. All the neighbors were standing outside their houses, whispering amongst themselves. She saw an officer walk out of her home, with a large bloody knife in a zip-lock bag, she then saw the paramedics roll away her husband on a stretcher in a body bag. She glared at it. "This is all your fault." She whispered. "All your fault."

She jumped, feeling a hand rest upon her shoulder. Looking up, she saw that it was one of the officers who was investigating the crime scene. He handed her a cup of hot coffee, taking a seat down beside her, giving her a sad smile. "I'm sorry for the lose."

Elaine turned away from the man. "It wasn't much of a lose…he deserved what he got."

He looked at her in surprise. "I beg your pardon?"

She turned to him. "He deserved what he got…after all the hell he put us through…after what he had done to my baby." She put her hands up to her face, sobbing brokenly.

The officer looked at her in confusion. "Your baby?" he looked towards Sammy, who was being entertained by several officers. "Your son?"

Elaine shook her head. "No…my daughter. My 14 year old."

The officer cocked his head to the side. "Mrs. Tuskino…is she the one who did this. Murdered your husband?"

Elaine nodded her head. "Yes…she had every right too."

"What did your husband do to her…do to you?" He said, eyeing the woman closely, seeing the large ugly cut on her forehead that was surrounded by dark black and blue bruises. He as well saw the black eye that surrounded one of her eyes that looked to be a few days old.

She sniffled, wiping away some of her tears. "He hurt her…us."

"How? Tell me what he did?" He asked, already sensing what was…had been happening.

"He would beat us…" She looked at him. "He raped her last night." She looked down at the ground. "She snapped I guess."

The cop nodded in understanding. This wasn't the first time he dealt with a case like this. A child killing their parents because they couldn't deal with the abuse anymore. Such a sad sight to see. A very sad sight to see.

"Look Mrs. Tuskino, your daughter will have to go down town and…"

Elaine's eyes widened in horror. "No! You cant take my baby away from me. She didn't mean to do it! She didn't know what she was doing!" She begged. "Take me instead!."

The officer felt his heart crack, but he had to do his job. He stood to his feet. "I'm sorry Mrs. Tuskino. I have to do my job."


"I have to go back" whispered Serena.

Darien looked at her, grief stricken. "You cant! They'll take you to jail."

Serena shook her head. "There's nothing else for me to do."

"We can run away together…you, your mom, and your brother…"

"I'm sorry Darien…I must do this"


A black car suddenly drove up, which Elaine immediately recognized; Darien. Darien pulled into the driveway of the Tuskino residence and exited, Serena doing the same as well. Serena looked around, seeing all the cops and neighbors staring at her.

She spotted her mother and ran towards her. Elaine took her into her arms. "I'm so sorry mom…I didn't mean to do it. I swear."

Elaine rubbed her back. "I know."

The young teen held onto her mother tightly, then looked up at her with her large green eyes. "Are you mad at me?"

The older woman shook her head. "No, I'm not mad." She kissed her daughter on the forehead and reluctantly pulled back away from her. "I'm sorry."

Serena tilted her head to the side in confusion. "For what?"

She felt someone take a hold of her hands from behind and place them in cool metal heavy handcuffs. "You're under arrest for the murder of Ken Tuskino. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, the state appoints one for you free of charge if you wish."

The office dragged away Serena from her mother and her home and was placed inside the police car, and it seemed as though everyone in the world was watching. Time seemed to have frozen. Once placed in the car, Serena looked out the window, seeing Darien looking at her solemnly and Elaine staring at her in disbelief. Serena mouthed out "I'm Sorry" before she was whisked away down the street.


A week had gone by since Serena had murdered her father, a week from wince she was arrested, and one week and a day since she had been brutally raped. Ken had an autopsy done and the results showed that he had been stabbed repeatedly 13 times in the chest, throat, and abdomen. Serena had also gone to the hospital to be checked out for evidence to see if she indeed had truthfully been raped. Not only did the results come out to be positive, but to Serena's horror and on a more disturbing note, she was pregnant. All of which was used during her trial while she was in court.

The Jury still hadn't come up with a hearing and sent Serena home until they've made their decision, which was two days ago.

It was a quarter past 11p.m. Elaine and Sam had long ago fallen asleep. Though, Serena was wide awake, sitting on her window sill, unseeingly staring out of the window. She had her knees pressed tightly to her chest, arms wrapped around them. She had her cheek resting against her knees and her mind was clouded with many thoughts.

She thought about the child that was growing inside her. She deeply frowned. She knew…deep down inside, she would not be able to love this child, no matter how hard she would try too. She just couldn't. The mere thought of birthing this child to the world made her queasy with disgust.

The father of this child was her own father. It's sickening and disturbing to think about and Serena didn't want any part of it. She closed her eyes, she wanted to make this end. She wanted to make the pain stop…and she knew just how to do it too.

She climbed down from the window sill and quickly, but lightly, her feet padded across her bedroom floor. She went to her closet and slipped on a wind breaker jacket and a pair of old white sneakers. She walked out of her room and went into her mother's room.

She entered the darkened room, her shadow climbing up along the walls. She made her way to the silhouetted figure on the bed; her mother, and sat next to her. She leaned over the sleeping form and brushed away her mother's blonde bangs from her forehead. She sighed slightly. "I'm so sorry mom…I never meant to hurt you." She bent forward even more, kissing her mother on the cheek. "I love you" she whispered, then silently got up and exited the room.

She next went into Sam's room. She entered his room, seeing his crib. She walked over to it and peered inside. He was asleep in his cradle, lying on his stomach, arms on either side of his head, hands bawled up into fists. Her fingers traced along his jaw line, then through his soft brown hair. She lowered herself down in the crib, so she was hovering over his sleeping form, she kissed him on the forehead. "I lover you Sammy."

She gave him one more kiss and an lingering look, before she turned and walked out of the room. When she made her way down the stairs, she stopped at the spot where she had murdered her father. The very chair that was his death bed. Blood still stained the carpet, as well as the chair, though Elaine did a very good job cleaning the walls and such. She gave one more look around, then exited her home…for the final time.

She walked through the city, hands stuffed in her coat pockets. She looked up at the sky, which was lit up by the stars and the crescent moon…though they didn't seem as bright as usual. Serena figured the moon and stars reflected her emotions…dim.

She made her way to a secluded beach, walking along the cool sand, leaving behind foot prints. She got close by the water, letting the cool salty waves brush against her shoes. She stopped, looking up at a large cliff above her head. She stared at it long and hard, giving off a heavy sigh, she advanced towards it.

She made her way up the large cliff, then slowly made her way to the very edge of it. She leaned over slightly, barely bending at the waist, looking to see below the cliff. She saw large pointed rocks and large hand like waves crashing against the rocks, looking as if it was summoning her to it. Her knees suddenly felt weak and she felt sick to her stomach.

"It's much higher then I expected…"

"Then don't jump."

Serena heart skipped a beat in surprise, then whirled her head around to see her Senshi; Sailor Pluto. She was clad in her normal Senshi attire, holding her long staff tightly in one hand. Pluto took a step forward. "Princess…don't do this."

Serena glared upon the Senshi of Time. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to stop you."

"Well you're wasting your time."

Setsuna took another step forward, causing Serena to take small step back. "You don't want to do this princess. The Senshi and I can help you get through this."

The moon princess shook her head in denial. "You cant help me now."

"Serena!!" Serena and Setsuna saw Darien somewhat running his way up the large cliff.

"Darien?" whispered Serena.

"Don't do this Serena…' wheezed Darien, holding a hand to his chest, trying to calm his breathing. Serena didn't say anything and kept her gaze to the ground.

"We can make this work."

The young teen shot her head up and looked at him, eyes narrowed dangerously close. "Make this work?" She gave a bitter laugh. "There is no way to make this work."

"Yes…there has to be." said Darien desperately. "You can move in with me…I'll help you raise the baby."

Serena shook her head. "No. I don't want this baby. I'll never love it."

"Serena…?" said Darien.

Serena shook her head once again, eyes tearing, taking another step back , feet at the very tip of the cliff. "We cant make this work. I murdered my father. Everyone looks at me differently now. I cant walk down the street without someone staring at me, pointing at me, and whispering hurtful things about me."

Her tears rolled down her cheeks, making a small puddle beneath her feet. "My pain is far more deeper then any of you could ever imagine. I've been beaten mercilessly…raped…have a baby growing inside of me…created by my own father!" She paused. "I mean, I've tried to deal with my pain," She rolled up one of her jacket sleeves, exposing her gruesome cut marks.

She angrily wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm the sovereign of light, the next heir the to the thrown of the Moon Kingdom. I'm a murderer…you think anyone wants me to be queen? No! I cant take this anymore. I just want this to end, I don't want to feel this pain…I just want to make it stop."

Setsuna stood paralyzed, looking upon her princess, as Darien took a hesitant step forward. "Serena…don't do this."

She gave one more glance at Darien and Setsuna. "I'm Sorry." She leaned back, the wind blowing, throwing her hair around like a wild fire. She closed her eyes, and fell back all the way, her feet eventually no longer touching the edge of the cliff.

Darien shot forward, trying to grab her in time, but missed her by mere centimeters. He fell to his knees and watched as the love of his life plummeted to the rocky ocean below. He watched in horror as he saw her being impaled by an sharp pointed rock through the abdomen, immediately killing the child within her.

Serena, who was surprisingly, yet terrifyingly still alive, but barely, looked up at him with pain and sorrow filled eyes. Blood ran from her eyes, making her look as if she was crying tears of blood. She gurgled up blood, slowly raising a hand towards him, mouthing "I love you," before she was swiped away by a hand of a wave.

Darien heart shattered into a million pieces, and he cried for all that he was worth. He felt incomplete, like a part of him was dead…Serena was his other half, a part of his soul, and she was gone. He will forever feel the emptiness, because no one will ever be able to fill it. He looked up at the crescent moon and stars, seeing that they had dimmed greatly, as if they too were crying, mourning for such a great lost.

Setsuna stood in silent bewilderment, eyes wide, gripping her staff tighter then before. This wasn't suppose to happen. Serena wasn't suppose to kill her father…wasn't suppose to become pregnant, and she sure as hell wasn't suppose to die. What had gone wrong?

The Senshi of time felt tears burning in the brims of her eyes. It wasn't fair and she blamed herself. She wished that she would have stepped in, and stopped the rape incident. All of this could have been prevented, she had foreseen that Serena was going to be great, rule as a great queen. Now it was not meant to be. Setsuna had failed her duty as a Senshi, a guardian…and a friend. Now she knew that everything wasn't set in stone.


*3 Days Later*

Today was day of Serena's funeral. The remnants of her body was scrapped up from her ocean grave, and was placed in a casket for a proper burial. The sermon had gone on by quickly, and the casket was placed in the ground.

All of Serena's Senshi had all blamed themselves for what had happened, especially Setsuna, Amara, and Michelle. They were all put in a state of befuddlement They couldn't believe that Serena, their Moon Princess had committed suicide…it was just ethereal.

There wasn't a dry eye during Serena's funeral, for she was loved greatly, and would be deeply missed. Though there was an exception with Elaine. She hadn't shed any tears, just stared blankly ahead, slowly rocking her baby from side to side.

Elaine now was kneeling in front of her daughters grave, her baby boy held tightly in her arms. Mrs. Aino came up behind her long time friend and crouched down beside her. "I'm so sorry Elaine…"

Elaine slowly turned her head towards the older replica of Mina. "I just want to be alone for a little bit," She looked down at Sam, who had fallen asleep. "Can you take Sammy for a little while?"

Mrs. Aino nodded, taking the little boy from the Elaine. Elaine grabbed onto Mrs. Aino's arm suddenly startling the woman. Elaine looked deadly serious. "Hey, if something were to happen to me, you'd take care of Sammy for me wouldn't you?"

Mrs. Aino was taken aback by the question, but quickly answered. "Of course I would. I'd raise him as if he were my own."

Satisfied with the answer, Elaine left go of her friend and smiled at her. "Thank you"

"No problem." Mrs. Aino stood to her feet, walking away from her, leaving Elaine alone with her deceased daughter. Elaine shoved a hand into her pocket, pulling out a piece of paper. It look like paper that would come out from a diary.

Elaine looked at it closely, then began to speak. "You know…I found your diary in your room, the day after I found out about your death." Her voice stung with tears, but fought the feeling away. "I found this poem of yours Serena…maybe if I had read this sooner…just maybe, this would have never happened."

She lost her battle and tears spilled down her cheeks. She held up the paper, and began to read it aloud:

Dear Diary,

I don't really know how to vent out my anger and pain right now, so I wrote this poem.

It's called "My Monster"

Hidden in my room with fright
The evil monster is home early tonight
Wrapped up in my blankets wishing to disappear
My mind being consumed by a terrible fear

Screams and loud noises
Mixed with terrified voices
Hearing the crying and the screaming
I only wished that I was dreaming

My eyes held a look of dread
Praying that my mom was alive and not dead
As I hear the evil monster coming closer to my door
I immediately got off my bed and went to the floor

Crawling to a corner of my room
Already knowing and preparing for my doom
The monster bursting through the door, face holding a look of anger
My mind howled in alarm for I was in danger

Becoming paralyzed by fright
The evil monster smiled in delight
Loving to see me in this state
I stare upon this monster with a terrible hate

Lunging at me with his belt
Lashing out on me, my tender skin forming new welts
My skin burning with this painful sensation
As the monster yelled false accusations

Biting down on my lip, blood flowing down my chin
Asking God what did I do to deserve this…what was my sin
Finally it was over, he was done
His breathing was heavy, he had his fun

A smile formed on his lips
Walking away with his arms swaying tiredly by his hips
My body consumed by shivers
My lower lip racked with quivers

Lying upon my floor, staring blankly at the ceiling
Reflecting over my feelings
Thinking about the monster
Who is an imposter of my father

Rolling onto my side, hands holding tightly onto my shoulders
Feeling as though the room has gotten colder
Closing my eyes feeling weary, overwhelmed by sleep
Not making a sound or uttering a peep

For if I do, the monster will be back
To unleash a brand new attack
My mind cant seem to comprehend
That one day this will finally end

For I pray that it will
Before I loose my control and kill
The imposter of my father
Who is my evil monster

When she was done reading it, she folded the paper back up and placed it in front of her daughters tomb stone. "You've been planning this I see…" She shook her head, digging into her pocket and pulled out a .45 magnum.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Hold on honey, mommy is coming to join you." She took the gun and aimed it at her head and pulled the trigger.


The gun fire rung through out the cemetery loudly, and Elaine's lifeless body fell languidly along her daughter's grave.


Author: I've FINISHED!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! I wrote the poem a while back, and thought that it fit the story, so I found a way to put it in ^^ Hmm…I had fun writing this. *sighs* I know I know, not a happy ending…but this idea came to mind…and it sort of stuck to me ^^ so I wrote it. I'm ready for your rants hehehehehe. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Please Review!