Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Arthur: This is my new story and I hope you like it. It's kind of depressing and it will be descriptive on child abuse.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story so don't sue me!

I lay on the cold tiled bathroom floor that connected to my bedroom. I was lost in my own swirl of thoughts, locked in my safe place yet a dangerous place as well, my mind. I had blood coursing down my face from a gash cut across my forehead. My clothing was ripped in some places and was wrinkled and sloppy looking.

There was blood trailing down my wrists and dripping to the floor. I had been cutting myself again with my trusty razor blade, trying to escape and block out all of the pain. I could feel the numbing pains from my body where 'he' inflicted pain upon.

'He' came home tonight, drunk as usual. I could hear him stumbling his way up the stairs muttering out a line of curses. I held my breath, as I heard him come by my door. He suddenly turned and went towards his bedroom where my mother laid asleep.

I could hear the ruffling or the covers before I heard my father yelling at my warn out mother. I could hear the blows as his hands made contact to my mother's flesh. Suddenly my little brother woke up screaming in his pitch black room. I wanted so badly to go into his room and hold him in my arms, to tell him that everything was going to be okay.

But I couldn't. I was too afraid to move. I continued to hear my brother's wailing. I could hear my mom crying and begging the bastard to stop.

I climbed off my bed where I had been sitting and sat in a corner of my room. I covered my ears and clenched my eyes closed. I began to rock back and forth trying to block everything out. A few moments later, everything went quiet.

No more yelling, and my brother stopped crying. I opened my eyes and took my hands off my ears. I sighed in relief; it was over. But to my horror I could hear 'him' coming to my bedroom. I could hear the clanking of his belt buckle as it bumped against his thigh.

I could hear his foot steps coming closer. My breathing began to quicken as I heard 'him' get a hold of the door knob. I saw the door knob twisting and I couldn't turn my eyes away from it.

Suddenly the door was thrown open. 'He' stared at me in the doorway with his belt clenched in his hand. His bloodshot red angry eyes stared at me with hatred. His clothing looked ruffled and sloppy. He gave me a sickening smirk that I despised, as he took a few steps into my room.

My body began to tremble as I anticipated what was to come next. I closed my eyes for a brief moment. When I reopened them, my drunken father stood before me with his belt raised high. He reached down with his free hand and wrapped his hand around my throat. He raised me to my feet and struck me hard with his belt.'

I snapped out of my reverie and shook my head a bit to get rid of the memory that had happened not so long ago. I stared up towards the ceiling and looked at the dimming light in the bathroom. I suddenly sat up and winced as the pain of my beating ran through my body.

I gritted my teeth to stop myself from crying out and stood to my feet. I looked into the mirror and grimaced at how horrible I looked. I turned on the water from the sink and dipped my hands into the water and began to splash it onto my face. I took a wash cloth that was on the counter and began to clean the blood from around my face.

I too washed the blood from my arms. When I was finished, I dried my face and arms and looked into the mirror to see my reflection. I looked at my long shoulder length blonde hair. My eyes the same as 'his'. The same gorgeous green eyes that catches so many people's attention. The only difference between mine and his was that his held a twisted look and mine were devoid of all emotion.

I was a pretty good looking girl with a good figure and stood at 5'4 inches. I turned away from the mirror and walked into my bedroom. I came towards my window to see if my fathers was still home. I didn't see his car which meant he wasn't home. I felt relief wash over me. I walked away from the window and went towards my door. I opened it up and stepped out into the hallway. I went towards my baby brother's room and opened his door.

I was met by darkness when I entered and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I saw my brother's silhouetted form in his little crib. I walked over towards it and looked at his five month old figure. He looked so much like my father. The only difference was that he had blue eyes like my mother.

I ran my fingers through his brown unruly hair. I leaned forward and kissed his cool forehead when I heard some one crying. I turned around and looked towards the door. I walked out of the bedroom and walked towards my mother's room.

I knocked on the bedroom door, but received no answer. I opened the door and peeked my head inside. I saw things knocked over and broken. I saw my mother in the corner with her face resting on her knees. I walked over to her and crouched down in front of her. I touched her shoulder and she shrunk away from me.

"Mom," I whispered with tears building up in my eyes. My mother lifted her head and I could already see a black eye forming. She grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into her lap. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into the crook or my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her too and felt warm salty tears of my own trailing down my cheeks. We stayed in that position crying and comforting one another for the rest of the night.

Arthur: So That's the end for now. I have the next chapter done already. Please review me. The more the reviews the faster the chapters come. Well I'll try to make that happen. Anyway c ya later. Sorry couldn't proof read the story. I hope you enjoyed.