Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Not Without You: a reimagining of Episode 110 ❯ Part Three: Burning Bridges ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Obviously, I don't own Sailor Moon or any of her companions. Also, this is intended to use the names and situations from the North American dub, not the original Japanese. Thus, I have used the NA names, not the original names. So please don't get on my case for the use of the NA dub names - that was done deliberately. I actually wrote two versions of this story - one using the original names and relations, the other using the dub names and relations - and prefered this version to the other.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have taken some creative license because this is how I feel the episode should have played out. Obviously, some of the things that happen here aren't in the anime; they're little plot elements I've thrown in. I've tried to limit it to things that could have happened, had the "camera" stayed in place long enough. As the subtitle of the story suggests, this is a reimagining of this episode: it's my take on how I think the episode should have been, in addition to what it was.

A reimagining of episode 110 (North American dub)
by Joanne Calypso Blessing (sirbartonslady)
first published April 2002 PART THREE: BURNING BRIDGES


Serena Tsukino stared ahead sightlessly, her mind whirling at warp speed, as the voices of her friends raced through her head. Two days ago, her friend Mina Aino (Sailor Venus) had been victimized by a Heartsnatcher. Serena had chased after her, and caught the Heartsnatcher, Eudial, trying to make an easy snatching. Eudial had unveiled Doorknocker to see off the escape routes, and Serena had discovered that her older friends Amara Tennoh and Michelle Kaioh had somehow gotten in just before Doorknocker slammed them in. It had been then that she had learned they were the mysterious, sometimes-callous Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. She had suspected it before, but still she'd been stunned to learn the truth.

But even more shocking was what had happened the next morning when, shortly after school had let out, Serena and her four pals had run into Amara and Michelle at the coffee house, and Amara and Michelle had made it clear all ties were severed. Now that identities were no secret, even as civilians they were enemies until Uranus and Neptune's mission was completed--succeed or fail.

Lita had perhaps taken the break the hardest. She had looked up to Amara, nearly idolizing her, and Amara had flatly shoved them all away.

Serena had to admire their ability to put their mission first. Dedication was a virtue in them. But still... Despair racked Serena's heart. She was a once-and-future princess, and Uranus and Neptune were her once-and-future subjects. As Sailor Senshi, they all shared the same ultimate destiny. Serena loved Amara and Michelle no less than she did Mina, Amy Mizuno, Raye Hino or Lita. She couldn't bear this battle that was waged.

Serena closed her eyes. Uranus and Neptune were a part of her Senshi family. No matter what, she would support them. Whether they liked it or not.

Amy (Sailor Mercury) had taken the split philosophically.She reasoned that if they stayed out of Uranus and Neptune's way, sooner or later they would all end up in the same line, fighting for the same cause. But it was hard to believe that.

"Meatballhead, phone for you," her brother spat disgustedly. Serena opened her eyes. "Some girl called Amara's calling for you."

Serena sat bolt upright. Amara? She hurried out to get the phone. Little Rini-- a relic from the future Moon Kingdom--wandered by holding Luna-P. As Serena reached for the phone, Rini looked at her askance.

"Amara?" Serena said breathlessly. She barely noticed Rini's eyes widen a bit and then narrow.

"Twenty minutes. Top floor of the Yakamoto apartment building. Come alone." Click. The line went dead.

"I didn't tell you about my dream, did I," Michelle said softly as Amara stared at the fish schools careering by, her mind clearly in orbit with her guardian.

"You don't have to, Michelle. I know."

"No, I don't think you do--I saw us die, Amara. I saw you die slowly, while I went quickly and virtually painlessly!"

Amara froze.

"And then, I saw an angel. Do you suppose she's the Ambassador?"

"I don't know," Amara said, looking down. "I saw a woman with flowing black hair. She held a garnet orb. One of the talismans. She looked like a Senshi, but I can't remember. She was bathed in a green aura."

"I saw her too! I didn't see the talisman, but she banished the pain--and then the alarm clock went off, and we had to get up."

Amara buried her hands in her pockets, looking very disturbed. "That's funny. I thought she was one of those Heartsnatching witches. D'you suppose she is a Senshi?"

"She might be. Do you think the crystals are in the hearts of Senshi?"

"That's ridiculous, Michelle. They've all been Heartsnatched already and none of them had the ones we're looking for."

"I know. It was just an idea."

"It would make perfect sense," Amara reasoned. "We have to give selflessly. Moonface and her peanut gallery think we're selfish and callous, but that's only because they don't realize the penalty if we don't succeed."

"They don't know about the Silence. They think these Heartsnatchings have nothing to do with a greater, more ominous problem, don't they?"

"There's more here than meets the eye. They don't understand."

"And they condemn us for it," Michelle said heavily.

Amara stamped a foot in frustration; "Damn them. I wouldn't care so much what they think, if it didn't make so damn much sense! I wouldn't care what they think of us, if I didn't think deep down that they're right." That thought was treasonous to their mission, and Michelle was alarmed that Amara admitted it.

"There must be another way, Amara--"

"No! Don't you see? They don't know, or care, about this planet--they want to reinitiate the Moon Kingdom, and the hell with Earth and the rest of the Solar System!"

"Amara, I think you're jumping to conclusions."

"I probably am, but that doesn't change our mission."

The elevator ding!-ed as it arrived. Amara and Michelle fell into mutual, somber silence as the doors open to admit Serena.

"Wow!" Serena said appreciatively. "I never knew you could have an aquarium this big on the top of this building!" She turned, face alight with a radiant smile. "Could I bring the other girls next time?"

Michelle could almost hear Amara's thought: Oh no. She's not mad at us. This makes this all much harder.

Serena looked at them expectantly. Amara stared straight ahead at the fish, and Michelle kept her gaze carefully to one side of Serena. After a moment, "Moonface" (as Amara and Michelle called her) prodded; "Would you mind?"

Amara took a deep, measuring breath; "Listen, you'd better not get in our way again, or else....Sailor Moon."

"Or else?" Serena asked, as if dismissing it. "Why not? We all share the same fate as Sailor Scouts! We could all join forces in our fight!"

Anger boiled in Amara's blood, and she schooled her face into passivity as she strode up to Serena, using her height as a form of intimidation (a lot of people were intimidated by a young woman who was just short of six-feet tall, especially if she tended to don masculine clothes). "Our mission," she sneered, "is not a game for little girls, and we won't let you interfere with our plans!" With a quick darting hand, Amara reached for the transformation brooch, but Serena seemed to sense her intent and tried to twist away. She begged Amara to not do this, but Amara had steeled her insides to take this.

"Please, you have to stop searching for people who have pure heart crystals!" Serena pleaded as Amara turned, having apprehended the brooch, and returned to Michelle.

"That's enough." Amara snarled. "I'm not going to tell you this again. If we ever meet again, Serena Moonface-girl--" she paused dramatically, "--you'll regret it!"

Then Amara tucked the brooch away and pulled out her transformation wand.

Serena stared at her friends in morbid fascination as the lights of transformation swarmed their figures. From one instant to the next, Amara and Michelle were replaced by steely- faced Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.

"We've been looking for the crystals that are found in pure hearts. If we can't get our hands on three of them, the world is doomed," Uranus said forcefully.

"The eternal Silence threatens this world. The end of time is getting near. The only one who can prevent it is the Sovereign of Peace," Neptune continued.

"Sovereign of--Peace?" Serena gaped at them. So they were on the same team! But why--

"Nevermind, it's none of your business." Uranus sneered as a doorway opened to reveal a helicopter waiting, its engine running and its blades whirling. With that, Uranus and Neptune turned and strode over to the helicopter. Serena then broke from her temporary paralysis.

"AMARA! MICHELLE!" She screamed after them as the helicopter took flight. Staring up at its retreating form, Serena felt a deep sense of doom. They were headed somewhere, and weren't likely to come back. She just knew it.

She became aware of footsteps.

"Will you try to save them?" A voice inquired out of the darkness. Serena turned, to see a woman approaching in a purple college uniform, with black hair that hung almost to her knees. "They're both heading to the battle that will seal their fate. This time, they're risking their very lives." She stopped some twenty feet away.

"Who are you?" Serena asked.

"My name is Trista Meiou. You could say I'm an old friend of theirs."

"It's true, then--their lives are in danger?"

"Think you can save them? I think not! Now you can't transform yourself; you might be in greater danger than they are."

"Please," Serena begged, "tell me where they went--I have to be there for them!

Transformation or no; they're my friends!"

Trista was silent a long moment.

"Please, Trista. In a way, they're my family."

"They won't thank you for it if you interfere. But if you are intent on helping, whatever the risk to yourself, they are headed to the Marine Cathedral. I will guide you if you need it."