Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Broken Homes and Broken Children ❯ Chapter 3 – The Supposed Date ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Of Broken Homes and Broken Children

Chapter 3 – The Supposed Date

Leo looked at Tara for a moment before saying “Ummm what” her face burning red. Tara smiled at the boys innocence and said “Well there is an art fair this Saturday and I wanted to take you to it, that is if it’s okay with your father and you.”

Leo took a deep breath before saying “Yeah okay, I know my father won’t mind. What time do you want to meet?” Leo looked at the older woman and felt her loins heat up and her abs flex. Tara smiled and ruffled Leo’s hair “How about six does that sound fine to you?”

Leo nodded his head yes and watched Tara walk away giving a soft sigh he went to sit down when a shove from behind sent him to the floor. “Aww did somebody fall here boys lets help him up,” Leo looked up and saw the school jocks all around her. There were six all together but she didn’t know any of them really.

Giving a whimper she just knew that they heard her and Miss Tara, and now they where going to hurt her more than normal. The boys picked her up and dragged her into the boy’s locker room.

Once inside the boys hefted Leo up against the lockers with a loud slam as her back hit the lockers. The leader of the group sneered and said “Hold him tight don’t let him go, the little maggot deserves this.” He then pulled his fist back and began to beat Leo, hard. Each punch making it harder for her to breath, her lip was busted and she could feel that he had broken her glass because some of the tiny shards where stuck in her chest.

When the bell that signaled the end of class went off The boys smirked let her drop before moving about to leave. Once all alone Leo began to cry a little. She may have had claws but they were hidden and she didn’t have to time to think about bringing them out, and she didn’t have super strength so it would still be the same.

Soon she stopped crying and slowly started to get up when a soft gasp from behind made her freeze. Turing she saw Tara standing there hand over her mouth, eyes filled with sorrow and tears. Tara ran over to Leo and looked him over “Leo who did this to you?”

Leo looked at Tara for a moment before saying “It was the boys, they are always mean to me,” she didn’t sound like she wanted to say that, it just made her sound so weak. Leo struggled to stand, when soft hands helped her to her feet.

Tara smiled “Come, lets get you to the nurse’s office, you have been in here too long, school is over for the day.” Helping the younger charge down the hallways was easier then she would have thought, Leo was fever light and weighed next to nothing. Once she reached the nurse’s office she helped Leo over to the small bed and laid her down.

Walking over to the filing cabinets she began to look for Leo’s charts. Once she found the folder she flipped it open to see what Leo could take and make sure he wasn’t allergic to anything. When her eyes fell upon the notes, they showed that Leo had been noticed with many bruises before she was even in high school, and that she. Tara stopped on that line looking at the words. She couldn’t believe Leo was a girl.

Tara turned to look at Leo before pushing the thoughts about this new turn of events out of her mind as she went to help the younger girl. Moving to picking a pair of small medical tweezers she moved to pick the glass out of Leo’s bleeding skin.

Once the glass was removed she went to take Leo’s shirt when hands grabbed hers. Looking into Leo’s soulful eyes that where full or worry, pain, hurt, and fear she said “Don’t worry Leo, I know, and I don’t hate you for being a girl.” Tara gave a soft smile and ran a hand through the soft feathery hair.