Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Broken Homes and Broken Children ❯ Chapter 4 – The Supposed Date Part 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Of Broken Homes and Broken Children

Chapter 4 – The Supposed Date Part 2

Tara still had her hand in Leo’s hair, but now the girl was all bandaged up and was in Tara’s house, on Tara’s couch. Leo had asked Tara to bring her here and not to call her dad. Tara had said no at first, but when the girl had told her what her dad would do to her if she went home like this she quickly changed her mind.

So here she sat with a young girl, which was pretending to be a boy asleep on her couching, looking as if she was a fallen angle that had been through more danger then one her age should be through. Tara sighs and pulled her hand back from Leo’s hair, and got up from her spot beside the couch. Walking into the kitchen she made herself a cup of coffee.

Leo slowly sat up hissing a little in pain from her hurt side. Looking around she sniffed the air a bit and got up limping a little as she made her way to the kitchen. Looking up at Tara she smiled a little “Ummm hey, about my being a girl you can’t tell okay”.

Tara looked at Leo and asked “And why is that, you’re most certainly not a boy” Tara glared a little at Leo before softening her gaze when she saw the young girl flinch. Tara sighed before saying “Look Leo I am sorry this is just a whole lot to take in.”

Leo nodded her head before saying “Yeah it is, sorry to just drop this all on your shoulders…but, I am glad you found out.” Leo smiled a little bit bigger after saying that.

Tara smiled to herself as she watched the younger girl’s eyes lit up when she said those words to Leo. Reaching out she ran her hand through the girl’s hair a couple of times before moving it down her back to rub in small soothing circles.

“So Tara, about where I should sleep tonight” stated Leo with a blush as she fiddled with her fingers. She took a deep breath and Leo gently began to pull down her pants as she talked “If I am going to stay here and sleep in your house I think you should know the truth,” Leo then reached for her boxers as her to remove along the way with her pants as well “And the truth is up until this morning I was a girl just pretending to be a boy but now I am girl, that has something that going to either make your freak out and scream at me or make you faint.”

With that Leo’s pants and boxers fell down showing of her manhood which was half hard and hanging between her legs, Leo then lifted it up so Tara could see her balls and pussy “I don’t wish to lie to you so I am showing you my true self” Leo said as she watched Tara. Tara barely had time to tell Leo to stop before all she could see was the rest of Leo’s naked body. Tara wanted to scream and yell but she couldn’t. Something about the way Leo had talked to her as she stripped made Tara pause and take in the sight.

“Leo when did, I mean how did this happen I saw your charts it said you where a full fledged girl?” Tara moved closer to the girl and touched the member before grasping it for a second just to make sure it was real. Pulling her hand back Tara kneeled and got a good look at it before slowly pulling Leo’s boxers and pants back up and buttoning, and zipping them up.

Leo shivered and fought hard with herself not to blush as she got a harder then steel erection in front of Tara. When Tara was standing once more, Leo lead them back to couch, and set down with a soft groan on as her sore body had to bend once more. Once she was seated she started to talk.

“Well it all happened the other day Tara and I know this sounds crazy but when school was over I was getting ready to head home when this book came out of nowhere and hit me right in the head.” Leo told Tara the whole story from getting the book off of the road and taking it home with her, to when she had written in the book and made herself like she is now to when she fell asleep and woke up like this.

Leaving out the parts about her father, and the hot steamy action she did in the shower while thinking about the woman sitting across from her. Tara looked a Leo in amazement and asked “So where is the book now?”

Leo looked up “Well first off I need to get home before my dad or I am dead. Plus I need to go back and get my bike that we left at the school” said Leo as she looked out the window.

Tara nodded and helped Leo out and back out to her car. Once in the car she drove them to the school parking lot still thinking ‘Leo is keeping something from me, I mean sure the girl had a weird thing going on but there was no way a book could do all this.’

Tara waited for Leo to get on her bike and take off down the road before she set off and followed the younger girl home. Pulling up behind the bike she got out of the car and looked at the house letting out a low whistle. Leo looked at Tara and wanted to laugh the house may have looked nice but it was a nightmare for Leo.

Leo signaled Tara to follow her before unlocking the door and opening it slowly so as not to make any noise. As she walked into the house looking around she thanked all the gods that her father wasn’t home yet. Leo opened the door winder and let Tara in before shutting it and saying “Come on my room is this way. We can see the book in there”

Leading the woman all the way up to her room she unlocked the door and walked in before pointing to a couch “Go ahead take a set”, she then shut the door and walked over to her desk and put her school bags down before pulling out the book. Walking over to Tara she handed it to her and let her read it.

Tara couldn’t believe this reading the book, and looking at the picture Leo had drew. Her mind was a mess with thoughts before she closed the book and rubbed her temples “Leo, could I used the bathroom a second?” Leo looked at Tara before nodding and showing her to the bathroom.

Leo sat down on the couch while she waited and sat the book on the small table. Grabbing a remote she turned on some music. Closing her eyes and letting out a sigh she was about to relax when she felt a strong grip on her neck. Leo’s eyes shot open looking up at her drunken father then the bedroom door. She began to panic she had forgot to lock it. The only thought that went through her mind was ‘oh god no….please’