Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, I Miss You ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh, I Miss You
By Sailor DKC


Happy 25th Story!


Four figures slipped quietly and stealthily around the Crystal
Palace. One by one, they leaped skillfully onto the wall ledges of
the palace walls toward three certain triple arch windows. “Are you
sure this is it?” a short-haired blond man whispered.
“Yes!” the brown long-haired man whispered back, nodding. He pointed
to the arch windows. “They have spending a lot of time in our room
since we’ve been away.”
“I can’t wait to see her,” sighed the long-haired reddish blond man.
“It’s been so long since we-“
“SHHHH! Quiet!” the shockingly white-long haired man whispered in a
firm tone. “We’re nearly there! It won’t be long now.”

The four men approached the triple arch windows and slid under the
sills. Then they slowly raised their heads over the sills and peeked
inside. Revealed to them was an enticing sight.

* As the stars twinkled and the ringed planet spun in the crystal
clear night, the Earth Generals looked in through the windows. They
observed the Sailor Soldiers in their nighties. Jadeite looked past
Ami’s arm to stare at Rei who was getting her hair braided. Zoisite
admired Ami’s back as she sat on the bed. Kunzite looked across the
room to observe Mina, sitting on a dresser stool, her legs in a
lovely pose. Nephrite admired the way Mako’s hair fell around her
shoulders as she braided Rei’s hair. *

The men sunk back down from the windows and leaped down a few ledges
until they stopped on one ledge near the ground and rested.
“Oh, man!” Jadeite groaned. “Rei’s more beautiful than ever. I want
to see her now!”
“Patience!” Nephrite panted, thinking of Mako’s beautiful hair.
“Let’s rest before we surprise our wives. We were suppose to arrive
“Who could wait?” Zoisite grunted, shifting on his seat. “After that
six-month diplomatic mission from one planet to another. It’s enough
to drive someone crazy with need!”
“It is our duty. We cannot ignore the orders of King Endymion and
Neo-Queen Serenity,” Kunzite pointed out, then he leaned back and
sighed. “Although I do admit, I miss Mina’s vibrancy.”
“I miss Mako’s gracefulness,” sighed Nephrite.
“I miss Ami’s shyness,” sighed Zoisite.
“I miss Rei’s fire,” sighed Jadeite.

Leaning against the wall, all the men relaxed, thinking of their
beloved wives. Kunzite then checked for the time and faced his
friends. “All right, men! We have a few hours to spend with our
wives. Then we head back to our post before the king finds us
missing. Remember, we only converse with our wives, nothing else. Is
that clear?”
“YESSIR!” the rest agreed.
“Good! Then we’ll start out as soon as the lights go out from
Nephrite and Mako’s room.”

Back in the bedroom of Nephrite and Mako, Mina sighed happily as she
leaned back on the stool. “I can’t wait for tomorrow!” she said,
happily. “Our husbands are coming home!”
“From a diplomatic mission for six months!” Ami said, then hugged
herself. “It feels like forever!”
“Why Ami! The way you’re talking, it sounds like you miss Zoisite a
great deal!” Rei giggled, poking her friend’s knee.
Ami blushed, folded her hands, and shrugged. “I just miss him.”
“Just think by tomorrow morning, we’ll be welcoming back our husbands
with hugs and kisses,” Lita sighed, wistfully.
“I wish Jadeite was here now,” Rei said, caressing her finished
braided hair. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Jadeite’s
“I miss Zoisite’s forwardness,” sighed Ami.
“I miss Nephrite’s gentleness,” sighed Mako as she sat next to her on
the bed.
“I miss Kunzite’s competence,” sighed Mina.

The girls were silent for awhile, then Mina jumped up, clapping her
hands. “OK, girls! I know it’s early, but let’s get some sleep. The
sooner we do, the sooner we wake up tomorrow to greet our husbands.”
“OK!” the girls chorused. They bid each other good night and left.
Mako dimmed her light to prepare to sleep.

“Look!” As Nephrite pointed upwards, the other men watched as the
light from the triple arch window faded. “The lights are dimming!”
said Nephrite. “That means Mako’s getting ready for bed, and the
others have gone to their rooms.”
“All right, men!” Kunzite pointed to his watch. “We meet back here at
this time. Understood?”
The four Generals went off in their own directions, climbing the
palace walls to their significant others’ bedrooms.


Next: Chapter 1- Kunzite and Mina

Happy Thanksgiving!