Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, I Miss You ❯ Chapter 1- Kunzite and Mina ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh, I Miss You
By Sailor DKC


Happy 25th Story!
CHAPTER 1- Kunzite and Mina


As Mina walked from Mako’s room to hers, she shivered in
excitement. “Tomorrow,” she sighed as she folded her hands under her chin.
“Kunzite will be home! I can’t wait to see him!” Giggling to
herself, she continued, “Oh, how I miss his stern voice, the way he
makes sure everything’s in place or order.” Passing by the teen
princess Chibi-Usa’s room, she slowed her steps as she thought of
something more intimate. “Of course, he’s nothing like that in the
bedroom,” she said, quietly, caressing her arms slowly, up and down.
“Oh, how I miss-“
Suddenly, Mina stopped for she thought she heard soft, breathing
sighs coming from the teen princess’ room. Walking over to the door,
she knocked. Then she heard a faint gasp. “Princess Lady Serenity?”
Mina called out. “Is everything all right?”
“Um, yes!” Chibi-Usa’s voice faintly called out. “Just doing some
breathing exercises before going to sleep!”
“Don’t be long! Your parents are returning tomorrow, and you need a
good night’s rest.”
“I know, Lady Mina. Thank you! Good night!”
“Good night!” As Mina resumed walking, she heard Chibi-Usa’s
giggling, then she paused because she thought she heard a deep
chuckle that followed after. After a while, there was no other noise,
so she shrugged, thinking it was nothing, and continued to her room.

After she entered her room and closed the door, Mina was about to
turn on her light when she heard a noise from outside the open
window. Flattening herself against the wall, she could make out a
tall figure climbing in through the window! The figure leaped to the
floor, crouched for a while, then straightened up. She could not
make out the face, but the hair shone pretty bright against the
moonlight which was streaming through the window.
“Stop right there!” Mina called out. The figure froze, turning his
around this way and that, looking for the source of the voice. Mina
continued, “You have intruded into the Crystal Palace, and that will
not be forgiven! I, Sailor Venus, will punish you!” She held up her
transformation wand and yelled out, “VENUS CRYSTAL POWER,-“
“Mina! Wait!” the figure shouted, waving his hands out. “It’s me!
It’s me!”
Freezing at the sound of his voice, Mina put her wand down.
“Kunzite?” She turned on the light. There in his general uniform was
her husband whom she had not seen in six months. By Venus’ shell, he
looked as handsome as ever. The way his gray eyes pierce into hers
as if he missed her so. The way his shocking white hair shone more
brighter with the light on. And his lips… “Kunzite! Oh, I miss you!”
Mina squealed as she ran to him, arms outstretched.

When the lights went on, Kunzite thought he never saw an enticing
sight of his wife, wearing a nightie that matched her lemon golden
single-braided hair. It was so snug on her showing her lovely curves
and nearly reached top-thigh and had an adorable slit on the right.
Her braid slung over her shoulder made her look so innocently
tempting. He nearly choked when she sprinted toward him. As she
slammed into him, they both fell backwards on the bed from where he
was standing at. “Mina-“ he started, but she was kissing all over his
face, making cute sounds as she did. Kunzite rather enjoyed the
position of his wife crouched over him ,her knees straddled at his
sides, feeling her small, delicate hands running through his hair. As
he started running his hands up and down her back, their lips met.
Mina felt his hand grasp the back of her neck and plundered his
tongue into her mouth. ‘Ohhhh,’ Mina thought, giddily. ‘I miss the
way he kisses.’
‘So sweet,’ thought Kunzite. ‘I nearly forgot how soft she felt.’ He
tingled all over as he felt her gently tug his hair and nibbled on
his ear. After a while of kissing and caressing, they slowly came to
a stop. Breathing hard, Kunzite sat up, taking Mina in his arms and
scuttled to the edge of the bed. As she wrapped her legs around his
waist, she encircled his neck with her arms and nuzzled his nose with

“When did you get back?” she asked as she kiss-pecked him. “You could
have let us know beforehand.”
“Today,” he replied as tenderly kissed her chin. “Actually, we were
supposed to wait till tomorrow, but the guys and I couldn’t wait to
see our beloved wives.”
“Everyone’s here?” Mina gasped. “Then let’s tell the other girls
“Shh, shh, shh, shhhhh!” Kunzite placed a finger over her lips. “By
now, they’re in their own rooms talking.”
“Talking?” Mina said, distractedly as she kissed his finger.
“Well, the king and queen don’t know we’re here. We plan to be back
at our post in a few hours. We just miss you girls so much so we came
here to talk and- ah!”
“And what?” She started nibbling his fingers.
“W- w-we only have a few hours and- oh!”
Mina licked up and down his fingers. “And you think talking will
cover all that?”
“The thing is we may not have time to…to…t-t-t…” Kunzite groaned as
she took his finger in her mouth and suckled.

Groaning inwardly, he watched her lustily as she suckled. Feeling her
pull on his finger, her teeth lightly scraping, and her tongue laving
all over made him harden. As she felt him, Mina let go of his finger
and started unbuttoning his uniform jacket. When it was done, she
caressed his chest, his stomach and reached around to touch his back.
All the while, kissing all over his throat as he threw his head back.
“Do you feel like talking now?” she whispered in his ear.
Breathing heavily, he ripped off his jacket and threw it on the
floor. “No, Mina. Hush.” Taking her mouth hungrily, he caressed her
all over until she felt him lower her nightie straps, peeling the
gown to her waist, baring her breasts to him. He squeezed their
fullness and gently tweaked her nipples. Moaning into his mouth,
Mina wrapped her arms around his neck again, snaked her fingers
through his hair, and rubbed herself against him, thrilling in the
feel of his hardness.

Growling, Kunzite broke the kiss and devoured her neck with kisses,
bites, and lavings. Mina threw her head back, letting out a
passionate cry, when she felt her nipple being taken into his mouth.
She clung to his head and held him there. The tug of his mouth on
her felt so good. How she missed him. She looked down to see him
switch to the other breast. Biting her lip, she watched him suckle.
Then he raised his eyes to look at her, and she licked her lips.
Releasing her breast, he captured her lips again as he took hold of
her waist. As he stood up, she unwrapped her legs from him and stood
before him. They stared at each other for a while.
“Oh, I miss you,” he whispered as he caressed her cheek. “I can’t
wait to be living with you at home again.”
“You miss me that much?” Mina murmured as she leaned forward to kiss
his chest. Closing his eyes, Kunzite felt her lips move to his
nipple, kissing, tugging, and sucking. He grunted when he felt her
pinch his other nipple gently with her fingers. “Yeah, I miss your
love, your enthusiasm, your vibrancy-AHHH!”

He groaned out loud when she undid his trousers, reached in, and
gripped him firmly. “Let’s find out how much you miss me,” Mina said
as she helped him off his pants and resumed caressing him. She
lifted her head to his and resumed kissing. She ran her hands up and
down his length, then moved them to grasp his firm buttocks. How
hard his cheeks felt as she smoothed them over back and forth.
Breaking off the kiss, she kissed all the way down from his chin,
past his neck, his chest, his stomach until she was on her knees.
“Mina, I- Ohhh!” Kunzite moaned as he felt her enclose her mouth over
him. Looking down, he beheld the erotic sight of her lovely golden
head, bobbing up and down, and feeling her pleasuring him. Clenching
his teeth, he took hold of her long braid and wrapped around his
hand. Then, with the same hand, he placed it behind her head and
thrust against her gently. As she looked up at him with her eyes, he
shivered all over at the sensation his wife was giving him.

Finally, he grasped her at the shoulders, making her gently releasing
him. As he stood her up, he kissed her once and whispered, “My
Sighing in ecstasy, Mina felt his mouth devouring her throat down her
chest between the valley of her breasts, pausing at her stomach where
her nightie was still draped at her waist. Kneeling, her husband
pulled it down so it pooled around her feet. As she stepped out of
it, he pulled off her lacy undies as well. Then he kissed her
abdomen, and went further down, parting her thighs with his hands.
Gasping, she grasped his head as she felt his tongue entering her.
“Ohh! Ohh!” she whimpered as he pleasured her. Undulating her hips,
she thrust herself against him, thrilling in his devouring of her.

Mina felt ready to explode when Kunzite released her and stood up. He
turned to pull back the covers on the bed, but she stopped him. She
maneuvered him to sit on the edge of the bed, then straddled to sit
on him, her knees on the side, planted on the bed.
“Shouldn’t we lie dow-“ he began.
“Shh, shh, shh, shhhhh!” She placed a finger on his lips. “Must
everything be in order?” And with that, she thrust down on him,
encasing him, and crying out in ecstasy.
Kunzite also cried out, feeling her tighten around him. “It’s been so
long,” he said, breathing hard. “How I miss you!”
She started moving up and down. It felt sooo good and sooo hot. He
grasped her waist and thrust upward, bracing his feet on the floor.
He took hold of her braid and draped it across her breasts. Placing
her hands on his shoulders, she moved faster and faster as he also
picked up speed. The moment was coming, and they held each other
tightly. Suddenly, with roars of passion, they came as one. With a
last few thrusts in each other, they both fell back on the bed,
breathing heavily. A few kisses were stolen, then normal breathing

“There’s still some time,” Mina said, snuggling to Kunzite. “Do you
want to talk now?”
He chuckled. “We got plenty of time to ‘not talk’. But we could talk
about how I miss you, how I think of you when I was away, and how
much I love you.” He kissed her along the side of her face.
Giggling, she exposed her neck for him to have access to kiss more.
“Then I can talk about how much I miss you, how I think of you when
you were away, and how much I love you. Now that’s what I like to
talk about.”
They stared at each other, lovingly.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
They talked into the night, and of course, they also ‘not talked’.


Next: Chapter 2- Zoisite and Ami

Happy Holidays!