Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, I Miss You ❯ Chapter 2- Zoisite and Ami ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh, I Miss You
By Sailor DKC


Happy 25th Story!
CHAPTER 2- Zoisite and Ami


In her room, Ami drew down her blanket as she prepared her bed to
sleep. Wistfully, she looked at her husband’s side of the bed.
“Tomorrow night, Zoisite will be sleeping here by my side again,” she
said, then blushed and smiled a secret smile. “Well, maybe we’ll do
more than sleep!” Giggling to herself, she stretched out on the bed.
“Oh, how I miss him so! Even his forwardness! I mean, on hot summer
nights, he’d always slept naked. Ha, ha! I remember the first time
he did that in our first year of marriage. I thought he wanted me,
but he was just hot from the summer weather.”
Spreading her arms out, she caressed the bedspread. “That’s why I
love his forwardness. He always surprises me to a point of
disbelief.” Shivering, she hugged herself. “Well, thinking of him
is keeping me awake. A book from the library will help me drift
off.” With that, she got up and left her room. At the window near
their bed, Zoisite poked his head in to see that his wife had left.
“Surprises to a point of disbelief, huh?” he said as he climbed in
the room. Grinning wickedly, he went to turn out the light. “I’ll
give her a surprise!”

As Ami headed toward the Royal Library, she passed the hallway where
the room of teen Chibi-Usa was located. Suddenly, she paused for she
heard soft cries as if someone was exhausted. Quickly, she went to
the princess’ door and knocked rapidly. “Princess! Are you all right?
Should I come in?”
The cries stopped at once, then Ami thought she heard whispering.
Then Chibi-Usa called out, “Oh, no! No, no! It’s just a stomach-ache!
I’ll be fine in the morning!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes! I’m fine!”
“Well, all right. If you need me, do not hesitate to call for me, my
Princess. Good night!”
“OK! Good-night!”

As Ami left, Chibi-Usa opened her door a crack to peek out. Sighing
in relief, she clutched her robe tighter. “I don’t think she suspects
anything- Oh!” She went still and closed her eyes as she felt the
back of her neck being kissed.
“Shall we resume?” a gentle and deep male voice said as the pink-
haired princess felt her robe pulled down at her left shoulder,
baring it for a strong finger to draw sensual circles on it. “Let’s
hope we won’t have any more interruptions.”
Moaning, Chibi-Usa closed the door.

Ami found a book and returned to her room and entered. Then she
noticed something strange for the room was dark. “That’s weird. I
didn’t turn off the lights when I left.” She flicked on the switch.
As the lights went on, she beheld a new sight and gasped loudly,
dropping her book.
“Hi, honey! I’m home!” Zoisite drawled, lazily, as he laid on his
side of the bed, propped on one arm and naked, with only a sheet
draped up to his hips, his covered leg in a bent upright position. He
took on the sight of his lovely wife, wearing an adorable two-piece
nightie. The top was soft blue and ruffled around the edges, making
her bosom look full and nice. Her bottom part was a mini-skirt, also
soft blue and ruffle-edged, and it reached the top of her thighs. She
looked adorably sexy. “Oh, I miss you,” he said, his voice thickening
with desire.

Ami blinked a few times until she realized that this was not an
illusion. “Zoisite? Is that really you?”
“In the flesh. Literally, of course!”
“When did you get home?”
“And the others?”
“With their significant others.”
She was still in shock until her husband spoke up. “Ami! Don’t you
miss me?”
Snapping out of it, she gasped, “Oh, I do!” She quickly went to the
bed and sat on her side leaning over to hug her husband and kiss him.
After a while, they stopped kissing, and he held her face in his
hands. “What?” he asked as she looked at him, intensely.
“It’s just that I can’t believe you’re here.” Her eyes brimmed with
tears. “It’s been six months. Oh, I miss you!” She hugged him
“Hey, hey! It’s OK! I’m home, and I’m here!” He hugged her back.

Finally, Ami realized that Zoisite is naked in bed. Blushing, she
abruptly pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, her back to him.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He sat up.
“Oh, it’s just like you to surprise me like this!” she retorted,
trying to sound angry, but she was really smiling to herself.
Chuckling, he slid up to her and started kissing her neck. “And it’s
just like you to act shy even though we’ve been married for years!”
Ami squirmed, trying to resist his sweet, moving mouth against her
skin. As he snaked an arm around her waist to pull her closer to
him, she felt his naked hip press against the bare part of her back.
Gasping, she stood quickly and walked a couple of steps from the bed.
Following her, Zoisite got up from the bed, the sheet left behind and
stood behind his wife. Crossing his arms around to hold her arms in
place, he started caressing her neck again with his mouth and tongue.

“Why are you acting this way?” he whispered, thickly, in her ear and
pressing himself against her bottom. Ami caught her breath as she
felt him through her nightie skirt.
“Zoisite, you’re naked!” she whispered, loudly.
“I’m your husband yearning to hold you like this for six long
months!” he whispered back as he then started to nibble on her ear.
Then he let his hands roam freely around her body. Cupping her
breasts, he groaned as he felt their fullness through her nightie
top. As he squeezed gently, she sighed in ecstasy, and he smiled as
he gently rubbed his cheek against hers. His hand then slid down to
her thigh and went under her skirt and caress her through her
panties. She let out a soft moan. “It’s just that-“ she gasped.
“Yes?” he breathed in her ear.
“You’re so forward! Oh!” She nearly buckled as his finger snuck
beneath her panties and caressed her intimately.
“But that’s what you love about me, huh?” He kissed across her cheek,
used his other hand to turn her head and kissed her mouth.

After a while of caressing and kissing, he stopped and turned her
toward the wall so Ami can place her hands to brace herself. As he
resumed caressing her body, she whimpered softly as her husband
rubbed himself against her. Then Zoisite turned his wife so her back
was to the wall. Kneeling, he reached under her skirt and pulled down
her panties. As she stepped out of them, he raised her skirt, parted
her thighs, and found her with his tongue.
“Ah! Oh!” Ami cried out as she felt him teasing her in circular
movements. Looking down at him, she watched him as he devoured her,
eyes closed. At one point, he opened his eyes and stared at her
intensely as he pleasured her. Blushing, she shut her eyes and let
out a cry of passion as she thrust against him. Finally, he withdrew
and stood up before her. Kissing her, he grabbed her bottom and
pressed her against him. “I want you,” he breathed. “Do you want me?”
“Yes, I want you!” she breathed. “I love you!”
“I love you!”
He was about to lift her when she said, “Wait!”

Puzzled, Zoisite looked at her as she made him let go of her and
placed his hands on the wall on either side of her head. Giving him a
kiss, she murmured, “Your turn.” She started kissing him from his
chin to down below. As she passed his stomach, he realized where she
was going.
“Ami, Ami…Ohhh!” he moaned as he felt her enveloping him into her
mouth. Looking down, he braced his hands on the wall as his wife’s
bouncy, short, blue hair slowly move up and down. It was an
incredible view. Moaning again, he thrust against her gently.
Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore and took hold of his wife’s
shoulders. Ami released him gently as he stood her up before him.
He started to pull down her skirt, but she stopped him. “No!”
“What? What is it?” he asked, huskily.
“Undress me under the sheets, please?” Amy turned red and looked

Zoisite gave his wife an incredulous look. “You’re kidding, right?”
“I can’t help it if I’m like this!” She darted her eyes this way and
that as if trying to find something to focus on. Her husband stared
at her, then chuckled heartily.
“That’s what I miss about you. Your shyness.” Holding her close, he
kissed into her hair. “All right. We’ll do it here.”
“Huh? What do you mean- Zoisite!” cried out Ami as he picked her up
and pressed her against the wall. He took her legs and wrapped them
around his waist, causing her skirt to hike up. Gasping, Ami felt him
touching her intimately.
“What?” he asked, softly, holding her at the waist and teasing her as
he nuzzled his hips against hers. “Don’t you like it?”
“Ummm, mm-hmm!” She closed her eyes and opened her mouth in ecstasy
as he continued teasing. Then she opened her eyes widely as she felt
him enclose a covered nipple in his mouth and suckled. Looking down,
she watched him laved with his tongue all over the material over her
bosom. Breathing hard, she drew down her straps, baring her breasts.
Growling, he took hold of a nipple with his teeth and nibbled
furiously, and at the same time, he thrust up into her. Crying out,
she felt him fill her, and he grunted in ecstasy as he felt her
tighten around her.

“I miss you!”
“I miss you, too!” Moans filled the room as they made love. Then they
felt the moment coming and prepared for it. Gritting his teeth,
Zoisite thrust his last thrust into her and let out a shout. Ami also
shouted and felt herself go limp. Gently, her husband held her as he
withdrew from her. Carrying her to bed, he laid her down and
undressed her. Slipping in beside her, he drew the sheets over them
and started to take her in his arms.
“Zoisite, what are you-?” she said, weakly. He kissed her to quiet
“Now we’ll do it naked in bed, just like you want to,” he murmured.

Later, Zoisite stirred and awoke to find his beloved wife asleep in
his arms. He kissed her awake, and they smiled at each other. “So
what do you wanna do now?” he asked.
“You have some time left before you go back to your post. We could
read the book I brought from the library,” Ami suggested.
“Ok.” Jumping from the bed, nude, he walked over to where the book
lay and picked it up. When he returned to the bed, her head was
turned away. “Shy as always,” he laughed as he climbed back in bed.
“Forward as ever,” she giggled as she drew the sheet over them.
Cuddling together, they read the book.


Next: Chapter 3- Nephrite and Mako

Happy New Year!