Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, I Miss You ❯ Chapter 4- Jadeite and Rei ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh, I Miss You
By Sailor DKC

Rated: NC-17

Happy 25th Story!
CHAPTER 4- Jadeite and Rei


All settled in her bed, Rei prepared to go to sleep. As she closed
her eyes, she thought about her husband, and how much she missed him.
“Jadeite,” she whispered. “I miss you so much. I can’t wait for
tomorrow! If only you were here now.” She imagined him, standing
over her, naked to the waist. Whispering his name, she raised her
arms and attempted to hug him…, then she opened her eyes and realized
she was grasping thin air. Sighing, she leaned back on her pillow.
“Just hold on, girl,” she said to herself. Tomorrow will soon be here

Suddenly, she stopped for she heard a sound right outside the window
a few feet from the bed. It sounded like someone was climbing the
walls of the Palace. ‘An intruder!’ she thought, quickly leaving her
bed. She started stuffing extra pillows under the sheets to make it
look like someone is sleeping. ‘It’s a good thing the lights are out
so it will be hard to tell,’ thought Rei as she grabbed her
transformation wand and ducked into the closet, which faced the bed’s
side. ‘If that intruder comes in here, he or she will be sorry!’
Holding up her wand, she waited for her victim. Her heart beat faster
as she heard someone crawl in through the window. Footsteps sounded
as the person approached the bed.

Jadeite peered into the darkness of his and his wife’s bedroom until
he can make out the bed. Smiling, he crawled down from the window.
Facing the bed, he could make out a sleeping form in it. “My wife,”
he whispered. “Rei, I missed you so.” Walking toward the bed, he
continued, “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.” He walked over to
the side of the bed where the closet was. Placing a knee on the bed,
he leaned forward and put his hand forward to touch her. “My love…”
he began, then frowned as he felt his wife,…or is it? Pulling the
sheet aside, he gasped at what he saw. Pillows! “What the-?” he
started, but was interrupted when he heard a cry from the closet.

“Intruder! You have invaded the Crystal Palace! That is not forgiven!
I, Sailor Mars, will punish you!” Whirling, Jadeite saw a dark form
bursting from the closet, raising a shining wand. “MARS CRYSTAL
“Rei!” he yelled, jumping forward and grabbing her wrist to prevent
her transforming. They both struggled in the darkness until he
backed her into a wall where the light switch is. Flipping it on, he
yelled again, “Rei, it’s me! Jadeite!” Both of them froze when they
stared at one another. Rei couldn’t believe that her husband is here
in front of her. She put down her wand. Stepping a foot away,
Jadeite held up her hands at elbow’s height so he can get a better
look at her. He was not disappointed. “You look as beautiful as
ever,” he murmured, taking in his wife’s nightie. It was pink and
spaghetti-strapped. Her top part ended under her bosom where her
knee-high skirt was split, revealing a mini-skirt, giving her legs a
peek-a-boo effect. Her dark braids were slung alongside her
shoulders and down her arms. ‘She is so tempting,’ Jadeite thought
as he slid his hands up her arms, over her shoulders, and down her
back, pulling her to him. Hovering over her lips, he whispered, “Oh,
I miss you.” He hungrily kissed her.

It wasn’t until the kiss that Rei realized that she was in her
husband’s arms. Raising her hands, she grasped the back of his head.
“Oh, Jadeite!” she sighed and kissed him back. Moans of pleasure
came from them as they continued kissing. Then Jadeite released his
mouth from hers and started caressing her chin, neck and throat with
his lips. Rei panted as she felt his hungry mouth feeding on her
skin. “When…when did…you get…back?” she asked, breathlessly.
“Just tonight,” he mumbled, as he nibbled on her collarbone.
“Oh,” she replied as she ran her hands on his broad shoulders and
down his arms, feeling his muscles through his uniform.
“Don’t…have… much time,” he mumbled again as he kissed downward and
all over her bosom through her nightie. “Just a…few hours…to be…with
you!” Giving her a long kiss, he pulled down her straps, baring her
to the waist to him.

As Rei closed her eyes, she felt him cupping her breasts. She pulled
him for another kiss as he squeezed them gently. After a while, she
broke off the kiss and guided his mouth to her bosom. Enclosing a
nipple in his mouth, he suckled greedily. Groaning, she pressed him
to her as his hand played with the other breast, gently squeezing and
pulling the nipple. Then he switched to give the other breast the
same treatment. A while later, Jadeite raised his head and kissed
his wife again, and at the same time, lifted her from the waist so
she would wrap her legs around his waist. Her arms went around his

Carrying her to their bed, he set her down, still kissing, on the bed
so that he laid down on top of her. Rei moaned as he caressed one
breast and slid his other hand to slip under her panties and caress
her. “Oh! Oh!” she cried in passion as he thrust his finger in her
and teased her mercilessly. She then unbuttoned his uniform jacket
so she can caress his strong, naked chest. Scratching lightly on his
nipples, then lightly rubbing them in circles with her fingertips,
she pressed her mouth harder against his. Releasing his mouth from
hers, Jadeite licked seductively on one side of her face down to
devour her ear. He felt her caress his arms, then slid down under
his jacket to the small of his back to press him against her. As he
felt his hardness against her softness and her naked breasts against
his bared torso, he growled and proceeded to devour all over her
slender throat and remove his finger so he could press harder against

Giggling mischievously, Rei then grasped his buttocks and thrust
herself against him feeling his hardness through his uniform
trousers. Then she felt her arms being thrown back above her head.
Gasping, she watched her husband loom over her, his hands pinning her
wrists down gently on the mattress. “You haven’t lost your fire and
the way it affects me,” Jadeite said as he played his lips against
hers, teasingly not kissing her. “But now, you’re under my power!”
Licking her lips slowly, she taunted him by saying, “I don’t need my
hands!” And with that, she hooked her feet over his calves and
thrust upward. Feeling her legs tighten around his legs which made
him press more snugly and firmly against her caused Jadeite to groan,
clenching his teeth.

“Release me,” he seethed, his passion rising.
“Oh, I miss you, and the way you boss me around like that,” Rei
moaned as she maneuvered her hips in a clockwise direction. “Make
Giving her a sexy, evil smile, he responded, “You asked for it.”
Bringing his lips down to hers, he let go of her wrists and shoved
his hands down between them and forced her legs apart, freeing his
legs. Gasping, she felt her husband withdrew from her, and the next
thing she knew, she was dragged across the bed by the waist to sit up
at the edge. She faced him, and he was kneeling on the floor before
her. The hot look in his eyes hypnotized her, and she placed her
hands on the mattress. Still staring, Jadeite reached up and pulled
down her nightie, still hung at the waist. As he took it off of her,
he also came in contact with her undies and took them off along with
her nightie. His wife helped him by raising her bottom up to slip
everything off. His hands then slid back under her, and she settled
down lightly on his hands. Then his fingers began pinching gently on
her cheeks, causing Rei to whimper soft noises.

She watched as Jadeite brought his head down to pleasure with his
mouth. Arching off the bed, she moaned loudly as he feasted on her,
gripping her bottom to keep her in place. She collapsed on the bed
as he released her, and moaned in ecstasy. Then she felt him
straddling her at the waist on his knees. She knew what he wanted.
Sliding her hands up his thighs, she squeezed and caressed them. In
slow torture for him, she caressed his hardness through his trousers
and took her time opening them and pulling him out. Raising herself
up, she caressed him with her mouth and hands. “Ahhh!” Jadeite moaned
as he held her head, moving her up and down, watching her long braids
swing furiously to and fro. Biting his lip, he thrust gently against
her until the moment started to arrive.

Making her release him, he gently picked up his wife and stretched
her out on the bed so he can lie on top of her again. Raising her
knees up to plant her feet on the bed, Rei wrapped her arms around
her husband’s neck, and sighed sharply as she felt him teasing her
womanhood with his manhood as if he was going to enter her or not.
“I love you,” he murmured. “You want me?”
She could feel herself wanting to take him in her and moaned, “Yes. I
do. I love you.”
He thrust and they both groaned. As he started to move, she wrapped
her legs around him, tightening him more in her. It made him move
faster, and she slid her hands beneath his trousers to grip his
buttocks and thrust more against him. As the moment came, they
grunted passionately as they stared into each other’s eyes, and cried
out together in ecstasy.

“So you’re going back now?” Rei asked, hours later, after they made
love a few more times. Her husband was fastening his trousers and
picked up his uniform jacket.
“If I’m late, their majesties won’t be pleased,” he explained,
putting it on and buttoning it up.
“Well then there’s nothing I can say or do to convince you to stay a
little longer?” She stretched out against the pillows, causing the
sheet wrapped around her to fall, revealing her breasts.
Finished dressing, Jadeite paused to look at the tempting display of
his fiery, passionate wife in bed. Strutting over to her, he bent
down and kissed her hard, while caressing her breasts. Reluctantly,
he stopped and drew away. “Don’t,” he whispered. “Or I’ll boss you
around again.”
“Given our situation now,” she whispered back. “I wonder who is
really the boss here?”
They both laughed.

Quietly, Jadeite slipped out the bedroom and walked through the
hallways of the Palace. He was nearing the hallway where the room of
teen Princess Chibi-Usa is when he heard a door shut. He quickly hid
behind a statue and peered to see who it is. A figure in white crept
from the hallway and headed toward the Crystal Palace Gardens. It was
dim in the hallway, but Jadeite can tell that the figure is not
Princess Lady Serenity! ‘An intruder!’ he thought as he switched on
his communicator to alert the other generals. After explaining what
he saw, he suggested that they should corner the intruder in the
garden maze. The other generals agreed, and, after switching the
communicator off, Jadeite went after the figure in white.

In the maze, the generals managed to block off the exits so the
person cannot escape. Knowing that they could trap the intruder in
the center of the maze, they all headed in that direction. As each
of them arrive at a different entrance of the maze’s center, they
froze in shock at seeing who was standing there in the center.
“YOU?!” they all shouted in amazement.
Laughing nervously, Helios, guardian of Elysion, bowed slightly.


Next: Chapter 5- Helios and Usa

Spring’s coming!