Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, I Miss You ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh, I Miss You
By Sailor DKC


Happy 25th Story!


For a long moment, Helios and the Earth Generals stared at each
other. Finally, Jadeite spoke up, “What are you doing here? You are
suppose to be guarding the Golden Crystal!”
“The shrine maidens, the Menards, are guarding the Crystal so there
is no worry,” Helios replied, calmly. “As for my being here, I was
visiting Princess Lady Serenity.”
“But it’s early dawn now,” Zoisite observed. “How can you visit her
so early unless…” He trailed off as his eyes widened in realization.
“Well, well,” said Nephrite in a disapproving tone. “It seems that
the guardian of Elysion paid more than a visit to her Highness, Lady
“I assure you all,” Helios stated, sternly and defiant. “I have not
taken advantage of her. Ever!”
“That may be,” Kunzite said in a strict tone. “But the fact remains
that no man should be alone with the princess in her room unless he
is her husband.”
“Yes, I know. It is the law that the king and queen created. But I
will be Usa’s husband. She has accepted my proposal, and I intend to
request for her hand today when everyone is present to greet you all
back from your diplomatic mission.” Helios then gave a questioning
look with a raised eyebrow and placed his hands on his hips. “How is
it that you all are here now instead of being with their majesties?”

The Generals were now quiet. And then they all started talking at
once. “Well, the thing is…”, “It’s like this…”, “We’ve been away…”,
“I missed her so…”
They stopped abruptly at Helios’ gentle chuckling. “Please, no need
to explain yourselves. I understand. What is important is that loved
ones are reunited.”
The men decided amongst themselves to keep this whole event to
themselves and went their ways to prepare for the homecoming. The
hours went quickly into the late morning as the Sailor Soldiers
walked toward the throne room. Princess Lady Serenity and the three
guardian cats, Luna and Artemis and their full grown daughter, Diana
led the way.
“Isn’t this exciting?” the princess said, happily. “The guys are now
home and so are Mom and Dad!” She looked over her shoulder to smile
at the girls. “You all must be missing them terribly so!”
“Well, I was, but not anymore,” Mina said, as a matter-of-factly.
“It seems as if I didn’t miss him as much I thought.” Mako shrugged
as she twirled her ponytail with her finger.
“Come to think of it, I felt pretty exhausted last night so I didn’t
get a chance to think things through,” Ami murmured, her head down.
“Well, I had a lot of pent-up energy before today, but this morning,
I felt satisfied,” Rei said, smiling slyly.
Usa looked at them, puzzled. ‘I wonder what’s up?’ she thought.
‘Last night they seem so eager to see their husbands. Now this
morning, they act like they already have.’

At the throne room, the reunion between the Sailor Soldiers and the
Earth Generals was happy and touching. Tears were shed, hugs were
exchanged, and kisses were stolen. Diana mewed happily, then looked
around. “Mommy, Daddy!” she said. “I think their majesties are sick
“What do you mean?” Artemis frowned. “I just saw them a few minutes
Luna rolled her eyes, remembering when Diana as a kitten telling her
about the king and queen’s ‘sick’ days. ‘Why am I not surprised at
all?’ she thought.

In a secluded corner outside the throne room, a couple was entangled
in an intimate hot embrace. “Meeting after meeting everyday,” he
whispered as he kissed her hungrily, running his hands up and down
her bare shoulders.
“Oh, yes!” she whispered back, her arms clasped around his shoulders.
She squealed as she felt his hands hike her long gown up to reveal
her legs. “It seems like the meetings would never end. Oh!” she cried
out as he stripped off her panties. Lifting her, he made her wrap her
legs around his waist and pressed her against the wall.
“We never got a chance to be alone,” he murmured as he undid his
lavender pants, freeing himself.
“Six months is a long time,” she gasped as she felt him nuzzling to
enter her, holding her at the waist. They kissed as he thrust in her,
and, after a while, they started to move, holding each other tightly.
When their moment was arriving, they released their lips and pressed
their faces side to side, panting and gasping. As they screamed in
the final moment, they slid down to the floor, exhausted.

King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity entered the throne room, arm in
arm. Everyone noticed something different about the royal couple.
The king’s mask looked as if he placed it on in a hurry, and the
queen’s crown seemed lopsided. Helios stood at the king’s side of
the throne while Usa stood by her mother’s, and they both watched
them took their positions.
“Mother?” Usa inquired. “Is everything all right? You look flushed.”
“I do?” The queen blushed, adjusting her crown.
“Your Majesty,” Helios said to the king. “You look exhausted.”
The king fixed his mask. “I, uh, guess I’m feeling a bit ill.”
“That’s it!” the queen exclaimed. “We are both ill! We should go to
bed and rest. Come on, Mamo-ch-…I mean, my king!”
As Serenity pulled her husband toward the doorway, Usa called out,
“But what about the party?”
“I have something very important to ask you!” implored Helios.
“Have the party now, and we’ll discuss that ‘something’ tomorrow,”
Endymion answered back as he and his wife dashed out of the throne
room. “Usak-…I mean, my queen and I need rest to recover from the
trip back.”

After they were gone, Helios and Usa looked at each other. “What was
that all about?” Helios asked.
“I have no idea,” Usa replied.
The Earth Generals and the Sailor Soldiers did, all smiling secretly,
as the party started.


Happy birthday to me! 5/25
Hope you enjoyed my story! Short stories will be back next month.