Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Only A Memory Away ❯ Sensing A New Evil ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: This is my version of when Chibiusa is older and is wondering if Helios will ever come back to her. I don't own anything except for the idea for this story.
Chapter 1
Sensing A New Evil
It's been a several years since Chibiusa has seen Helios. Chibiusa really misses him a lot. Chibiusa is sitting her classroom thinking about Helios. Momoko looks at Chibiusa.
“What's wrong?” Momoko asked.
“I don't want to talk about it.” Chibiusa answered.
The teacher turns around and looks at them.
“Chibiusa and Momoko stop talking.” the teacher said.
“Yes sensei.” Chibiusa and Momoko replied together.
The day goes by and now it's the end of day now. Chibiusa starts walking home and Momoko runs up to her.
“Will you please tell me what's wrong?” Momoko asked.
“I just miss someone who will always hold a special place in my heart.” Chibiusa answered.
Momoko smiled.
“Is this special someone a guy by any chance?” Momoko asked.
“Yes it is.” Chibiusa answered.
“Is he cute?” Momoko asked.
“Yes he's totally handsome but I haven't seen him in a long time and he promised that you would come back someday but he hasn't yet.” Chibiusa answered.
“Oh I'm sure that he will when you least except it.” Momoko said.
Chibiusa goes home. Usagi is clean up a bit.
“Hi Chibiusa.” Usagi said.
Chibiusa ignores her mother than runs up to her and than falls the bed burring her head in her hands.
~Meanwhile Usagi downstairs~
Mamoru comes into the house and wraps his arms around Usagi.
“Did you miss me Usako?” Mamoru asked.
“Yeah I did Mamo-chan.” Usagi answered.
Usagi sighed.
“What's wrong?” Mamoru asked.
“Chibiusa is home but when I say hi to her she didn't answer me.” Usagi answered.
“Do you me to go check on her?” Mamoru asked.
“Yes that would be great it you did.” Usagi answered.
Mamoru smiled than kissed Usagi on the forehead. Mamoru walks up to Chibiusa's room and knocks on the door. Chibiusa opens the door and lets her father in.
“What's the matter princess?” Mamoru asked.
“I miss him so much dad.” Chibiusa answered between her tears.
“Are you talking about Helios?” Mamoru asked.
“Yeah of course I am.” Chibiusa answered.
Mamoru and Chibiusa talk for awhile. Mamoru leaves and goes to Elysion.
“Are you here Helios?” Mamoru asked.
Helios suddenly appears in front of Mamoru.
“Yes I'm here King Endymion.” Helios answered.
“When you going to live to the promise that you made to my daughter?” Mamoru asked.
Helios sighed.
“The timing has to be just right.” Helios answered.
“Well she really misses you a lot.” Mamoru replied.
“Yes King Endymion I'm very well aware of that and I miss her just as much.” Helios said.
“Well you should go to her before she looses hope.” Mamoru replied.
“I would love to but first I need to tell you something.” Helios said.
“Which is what? Mamoru asked.
“I've been sensing a great new evil and the Sailor Scouts have be ready to fight it.” Helios answered.
Mamoru looks at Helios than suddenly he's back at his house that he shares with Usagi and Chibiusa. Usagi looks at Mamoru.
“Where did you go Mamo-chan?” Usagi asked.
“I went talk to a certain dream priest about when he's going to live up to his promise to our daughter.” Mamoru answered.
“Why did he say?” Usagi asked.
“He said that he wants to wait for the right time and he also senses a new evil so we have to be ready to fight.” Mamoru answered.
“A new evil? What kind of evil?” Usagi asked.
“Yes a new evil and he didn't say what kind of evil it was.” Mamoru answered.
Chibiusa walks into the room.
“What's this about a new evil?” Chibiusa asked.
“Your father found out that there's new evil.” Usagi answered.
Chibiusa sighed than leaves the house. Momoko is going for a walk too and she sees Chibiusa.
“Chibiusa.” Momoko yelled.
Chibiusa turns around just as Momoko catches up to her.
“Hi Momo-chan.” Chibiusa said.
“Did you that guy you like come back to you yet?” Momoko asked.
“No he didn't and I'm starting to think he may never come back to me.” Chibiusa answered.
Kyusuke walks over to Momoko and Chibiusa.
“What are you two talking about?” Kyusuke asked.
“It's none of your business.” Chibiusa answered.
Kyusuke looks at them just as Ruruna, Naruru and Sorano come over.
“What's going on?” Ruruna asked.
“Chibiusa and Momoko are hiding something.” Kyusuke answered.
Naruru looks at Momoko than at Chibiusa.
“What are you two hiding?” Naruru asked.
Chibiusa sighs.
“I've already told Kyusuke that it's none of his business and the same goes for the three of you.” Chibiusa answered.
Chibiusa sighs again and starts to walk home. All of a sudden Chibiusa finds herself the world of Elysion again. Chibiusa looks around.
“Could this be Elysion?” Chibiusa asked.
“It can be and it is.” A familiar voice answered.
Chibiusa turns around the find Helios standing behind her.
“Is that really you Helios?” Chibiusa asked.
“Yes my maiden it is.” Helios answered.
Chibiusa runs to Helios and wraps her arms around him. Helios wraps his arms around Chibiusa too.
“I've missed you much.” Chibiusa said.
Helios smiles.
“I know my maiden and I've missed you too.” Helios replied.
“Promise that you'll never leave me again.” Chibiusa said.
“I promise my maiden.” Helios replied.
Chibiusa smiles.
“I'm glad to hear you say that.” Chibiusa said.
Helios smiles. Chibiusa looks up at Helios. Helios tightens his grip on Chibiusa and than kisses her passionately. Chibiusa just smiles. A few minutes later they break apart.
“My pretty maiden I have to go now but I have given back the Clarion so that we can talk whenever you want.” Helios said.
Chibiusa suddenly finds herself in her bedroom. Chibiusa notices the Clarion on her nightstand and hugs it.
“Helios, please.” Chibiusa said.
Helios appears inside the Clarion as Pegasus.
“What is it my maiden?” Pegasus asked.
“I just wanted to see you again but not in horse forum.” Chibiusa answered.
Pegasus laughs a little than changes into human forum.
“Is this better my maiden?” Helios asked.
“Yes it is.” Chibiusa answered.
Chibiusa and Helios talk for the longest time.
“It's getting late my maiden and you need your sleep so I should let you go.” Helios said.
“Can we talk again tomorrow night?” Chibiusa asked.
“Yes of course we can.” Helios answered.
“I love you Helios.” Chibiusa said.
Helios's mouth opens in shock.
“Really you do?” Helios asked.
“Yes I do really.” Chibiusa answered.
“Well I never knew that you felt that way about me.” Helios said.
“Don't you feel the same way about me?” Chibiusa asked.
“Well I'm not really sure just yet.” Helios answered.
“It's ok Helios you can tell me how you feel in your own time.” Chibiusa said.
“Thanks for understanding my maiden and sweet dreams.” Helios replied as he disappears.
Chibiusa falls asleep dreaming of her future with Helios.