Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ The Girl Who Leapt Through Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome, to the sequel to `Her Battle.' This story won't be as angst filled as `Her Battle' and won't have quite as much fighting, but there will be a little of each (just not as much as in the prequel). I explained this at the end of the last chapter in `Her Battle', but I want to say it again, I just hope I can get this right. It may sound weird, but it's easier for me to write a story without any of these characters together. I will try to make this have some comedy elements since the previous story was lacking for the most part until the very end, but that was for good reason. I will address everything that wasn't fully addressed in `Her Battle' namely: Chibi-Usa, Minako's feelings, informing their respective families about their relationships (Luna included), and other things.
One thing I strongly suggest is that if you haven't read `Her Battle' I suggest you do. A lot of things discussed won't make much sense unless you have read the `Her Battle' prior to reading this because I'm writing this with the assumption that everyone knows what happened in that story, so do yourself a big favor and read that first if you haven't already. If you read this before reading `Her Battle' it will ruin the most pivotal parts of that story.
I don't think I need to bother explaining this is shoujo-ai, but I will anyway. Shoujo-ai / Yuri is relationships between girls, or literally girl-love. The same relationships from `Her Battle' apply here: Rei/Usagi (featured), Ami/Makoto, and Haruka/Michiru. The new relationship I'll be adding into the mix is….Hotaru/Chibi-Usa. As for Minako, well that's a surprise ; P
There's one more thing before I get started; Chibi-Usa…I won't likely be able to answer any questions regarding her. Feel free to ask them or speculate anyway though.
A couple things I can say is that, this story will be more balanced, character-wise, though this first chapter really only features three characters. I had heavy focus on Rei in the last story and this one still portrays her as the main character, but I'll flesh-out the other characters a lot more.
Without further ado, here is chapter 1 of my sequel to `Her Battle', `Our Future'. Hope everyone enjoys it and if you're one of my reviewers from `Her Battle' reading this, thanks for all your support and this is for you :)
Chapter 1 - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
“Run for it!”
“We'll hold them back!”
“Get back to the palace!”
“Inform your mother and the Sailor Senshi!”
Though a dense fog filled the area as far as the eye could see, someone's hard running could be heard clearly, as well as the person's heavy breathing that went along with it. The path the person ran cleared away some of the fog, though it didn't do much to increase visibility, however it made the person running visible. Her hair stood out more than anything, it was a bright pink and was done up in two high buns on either side of her head. Her hands went up to her eyes and quickly wiped them clear. She shook her head as she continued to run.
`I have to get away…but I don't know where I'm going…' the young girl thought as she slowed her run until she came to a stop. Her left hand reached up to her neck and pulled on the golden chain around her neck, until she revealed a small key that was previously hidden beneath her dress. She grabbed a small object and held it tightly in her hand. She remembered the small key glowing just a short time ago, just before she arrived in her current location. It saved her, she knew that, yet she was still leery about the object, mostly because she didn't know what would happen if she were to use it nor did she know the woman that gave it to her…
“Keep that with you at all times, but don't let anyone see that, not even your parents.”
“Who are you and what is this?” The pink haired girl asked as she looked up from the `key' the woman had just placed in her hand.
The tall woman simply smiled and said, “When the time comes that you need a path opened for you, simply hold that in your hand and pray to Chronos that the path of light be opened for you.” She began to walk away as soon as she was done talking, but was stopped by a hand on her arm.
“But who are you?”
Again the woman smiled warmly at her, “That is unimportant at the moment. Just know that I'm a friend of your parents and I would never hurt you, Small Lady.”
The young Princess' eye's widened, `How did she know to address me like that and not Princess Serenity?' She continued to stare at the woman and opened her mouth to voice her question, when she stopped because she heard someone knock on her bedroom door.
“Is there someone in there with you Small Lady? I thought I heard talking.”
The young girl turned to the door quickly; “N-No, it's just me!” she called over her shoulder before turning back to the woman, only to find that she'd vanished.
Small Lady took a deep breath and closed her eyes. `That woman wasn't a bad person and this thing already saved me once…' She thought and dropped to one knee. “I pray to thee, God of time Chronos! Please open the path of light for me!”
She remained still for a short time afterwards, expecting something to happen, but she didn't notice anything. She opened her eyes cautiously and looked around. Sure enough she was still in the same spot. She looked at the `key' in her hand, `Did I do something wrong?' she thought to herself. She didn't want to be trapped in this place forever; she didn't even know where it is that she was.
Suddenly the fog around her began to subside and just a short distance from where she knelt she could see a large set of doors that stood by themselves, without a wall to support it. She stood up slowly and walked over to the doors just as slowly. When she reached the doors, she walked around them and sure enough there was nothing behind them or around them, they were just a set of doors standing by themselves. Once she was standing in front of them again, or at least what she assumed it was the front, she examined the two doors. As peculiar as they already were, there didn't appear to be any means to open them, they had no handles. What good was a door if it can't be opened?
As she continued to stare at the doors a thought occurred to her. She slowly reached out her hand and touched one of the doors with the palm of her hand. As soon as she touched its surface, it began to glow causing the pink haired girl to jump back in surprise. After a few more seconds passed she could hear a creaking sound and before she knew it the doors had opened themselves fully to her.
She looked into the entryway, but couldn't see anything. It was pitch black beyond the doors, which made her leery about stepping through them. `What am I doing? I don't even know what'll happen if I go in there.' She thought and looked around once more, but there didn't appear to be anywhere else she could go. She didn't have anyone she could ask for help, she was separated from everyone she cared about; she was alone in this unknown world. There was only one means of escaping and that stood in front of her. She stared at the darkness past the doors and took a deep breath. She took a couple cautious steps forward, but stopped right in front of the entrance. She waited a couple moments longer before closing her eyes and running through doorway. As soon as she stepped past the archway, the doors sealed shut behind her.
“The Princess has escaped!”
“What did you just say?!”
“She escaped our ambush and fled somewhere. We aren't able to trace her whereabouts.”
The large figure punched the wall to his left, causing it to crumble to the ground, “I don't care what it takes, find her! Set loose a tracker, immediately! She must be captured at once! All of our lives hinge on it!” He watched his subordinate run off before he began pacing back and forth. He needed to report back in soon and he needed to give a good report especially after his last mission failed. `Where the Hell could that brat have escaped to?!' He thought to himself angrily.
In Tokyo, a good size shrine sat atop a rather large hill, its name Hikawa Jinja. Currently only four people were at the shrine, but two were in the process of leaving the building and it's those two that would soon find themselves drawn into yet another conflict…
The raven haired girl looked up thoughtfully, “You know there's a small ramen shop just down the street, do you want to try them?”
“Sure, that'd be fine.” The blonde haired girl chirped.
As they reached the exit to the main shrine they stopped. “Usa, do you think we should…you know…act…normally in front of Jii-chan?” The darker haired girl said awkwardly.
“Because he doesn't know about us yet?” Usagi questioned.
“…Yeah.” Rei said quietly and paused before adding, “I mean…I want to tell him, just not yet…”
Usagi removed her arm from around her girlfriend's waist, “I understand.” She said with a smile.
Likewise, Rei removed her arm that rested cross Usagi's shoulders. Instead, she took her Princess' hand in hers, “Thanks.” With that the two girls walked out of the jinja, not noticing a young man step out of a room near where they stood moments before.
Once they stepped outside they spotted Rei's grandfather in the courtyard. “Jii-chan! Usagi and I are going to grab some lunch, okay?”
The elderly man looked up to the two girls, “All right, don't stay out too late though.”
“We won't.” Rei promised. Afterwards she squeezed the hand she held slightly prompting the other girl to look at her. “Let's go.” She whispered and they hurried toward the stairs that would lead them to the street below. Before they knew it they'd reached the bottom of the steps, but before they could proceed any further, Rei froze. “Oh jeez, I forgot my money in my room. Wait here, I'll be right back.” Rei said and sprinted up the stairs, two at a time, back to the main shrine.
Usagi leaned against the large torii that marked the entrance into the Hikawa Jinja at the base of the stairs. `I hope Rei hurries, I'm hungry.' she thought and then heard a loud boom that sounded like thunder, but the sky was clear. Usagi looked up hoping to find an answer above her head. Usagi's eyes widened when she saw someone falling out of the sky, and heading straight for her. Usagi yelled as the `person from the sky' collided with her.
`I know I left it in here somewhere' Rei thought to herself and smiled triumphantly when she saw the money sitting on her dresser. She quickly grabbed it and shoved it into her jean pocket, when she heard a loud boom from outside followed by a girl yelling. `Usagi!' Rei thought as she ran from her room as fast as she could.
“Ouch!” exclaimed the person on top of Usagi.
“I think that's my line!” Usagi said as she turned her head to see exactly who was sitting on top of her. When she saw who it was though her eyes widened and she couldn't seem to find her voice.
A girl that appeared to be in her early teens with pink hair done up in similar style to Usagi's looked down at the person who broke her fall. The pink haired girl smiled and waved sheepishly at Usagi, “Hi mom.”
Just then, Rei came running down the steps of the shrine, only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight at the bottom of the stairs. Rei found herself in a similar state as Usagi; she was speechless and couldn't seem to move. Rei opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't get anything out other than a few indiscernible words. The girl at the bottom of the stairs must have heard Rei's pathetic attempt at speech because she turned her attention to the raven-haired priestess.
The girl's smile grew even wider when she saw the woman that was half way down the stairs, “Mama!” She exclaimed and quickly got off of Usagi and ran to shocked priestess.
“Oof!” Usagi groaned as the young girl roughly got off of her and ran to Rei. The pink haired girl ran up the stairs to reach Rei and when she finally did, she collided with her and threw her arms around the priestess, nearly knocking her to the ground.
“Um…?” Rei said after finally finding her voice.
The young girl looked up at Rei with the same big smile on her face, “Yes Mama?”
Rei looked at the girl in total shock and honestly, she felt a little light headed, “Ma…”
“…Ma” Usagi, still lying on the ground, finished with the same shocked expression as Rei.
Rei looked down at the girl holding her with an astonished expression. She never actually admitted to Usagi, but her biggest worry about telling Usagi how she felt, other than rejection was jeopardizing this girl's life. Yet here she was clinging on her, something Chibi-Usa had never done to her before; to Mamoru sure but…Chibi-Usa called her something she had never called her before, `Mama'.
Usagi finally made her way up the stairs to where Rei and Chibi-Usa were. Rei looked at her love for answers, but she was just as confused as Rei. Not only were both girls shocked to see Chibi-Usa, they were also shocked to hear how she addressed them. She'd never called Usagi `mother'…never. Even though both knew she'd be her mother in the future, they always separated the two, her future self and her present self.
The silence was unnerving the pink-haired girl, `They could at least say something. Aren't they happy to see me?' She thought to herself. She looked up at Rei with a sad face, “Aren't you happy to see me?”
Rei looked down and met Chibi-Usa's gaze and when she did, she could see the hurt there, the hurt she had unwittingly caused. “Of course we're happy to see you. You've just taken us by surprise, that's all.” Rei explained.
“I'm glad; I thought you might be upset with me.” The young girl said in a relieved voice.
“Why would that be?” Rei asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“Well, it's sort of a long story...” The young girl said and took a step back from the dark haired girl. When she looked at the woman before her again, she realized something was off. She didn't really examine her before running to her, because she knew what she felt, this was her mother's aura, yet now that she looked her she could see that she looked younger and she wore clothes she never seen her wear. She looked over her shoulder to the woman behind her, but the same was true of her. She turned forward again, “Where am I?” She asked uneasily and unconsciously took a step back from the dark haired woman. She must have forgotten she was on stairs because when she took her step backwards, she lost her balance and began to fall.
Reacting quickly, Rei reached out and grabbed the girl and pulled her against herself before she could fall down the stone steps. “Hey, be careful.” She cautioned gently.
The pink haired girl held on to Rei tightly, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, she'd nearly fallen but she was saved. The longer she stayed in the other girl's arms, the surer she was that she was being held by her mother, but she didn't know what was going on. As soon she felt her parents, she immediately thought she was transported back to the palace, but that definitely didn't seem to be the case anymore.
Usagi stepped closer to the duo and examined the girl, `Could this really be Chibi-Usa? Is it somehow possible that she was still born?' She questioned herself. Usagi's heart swelled with joy at that realization. She'd already thought about a couple ways that would allow her future daughter to still be born, but to see her in the flesh gave her the reassurance that everything would really work out in the future. The only noticeable difference between the Chibi-Usa holding Rei's waist and the Chibi-Usa she met before was her eye color. Instead of being the red, she remembered her eyes were now a deep blue; a color that fell somewhere between Usagi's blue eyes and Rei's amethyst ones. Chibi-Usa seemed to have aged somewhat since she'd last seen her as well; she had to be at least 13.
“I-Is that re-really you Chibi-Usa?” Usagi asked somewhat cautiously.
The pink haired girl loosened her hold on Rei and faced the blonde haired girl. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at Usagi strangely. “Who's Chibi-Usa?” She responded simply.
Usagi's smile dropped at hearing that, if she's not Chibi-Usa who was she?
Rei let go of the girl and knelt down on one knee, so she look the young girl in her eyes, “You're not Chibi-Usa?”
The pink haired girl shook her head `no' slowly and watched the two women's crestfallen expressions. She looked down sadly. She didn't understand what was wrong or who Chibi-Usa was.
Rei tilted up her chin slightly, so she look the girl in the again, “What is your name then?”
“My name is Usagi Small Lady Serenity.”
“She's not lying, Usagi.” Rei said and looked over to her girlfriend.
Upon hear that name she remembered hearing it once before, when Chibi-Usa first came to the past. “That's her full name in the future. That's Chibi-Usa's full name in the future!” Usagi exclaimed.
“What?” The miko blurted out without thinking.
The younger girl looked between the two women, confusion clearly written on her face. `What does she mean in the future? Where am I exactly?' She asked herself before focusing back on to the dark haired girl she was closest to, “I don't understand. What about the future?”
“You don't remember how you got here?” Rei asked.
Without thinking she was about to pull out the `key' that she was given to her when she remembered the words of the woman that gave it to her. She wasn't supposed to show anyone. Instead, she just shook her head unsure how else to explain how she arrived where she was, wherever it was.
The dark haired girl put her hand on the other girl's shoulder, “It's alright, we'll figure this out.”
Usagi walked up the steps and stood one step behind the pink haired girl. She tapped the younger girl on the shoulder, prompting her to turn around. Almost immediately she was met with a warm hug, “I'm really glad to see you again.” She said and held her a little tighter, “I was afraid…”
The young Princess was about to question what she meant by that, when Rei spoke before she could.
“What do you say we go somewhere else and talk for a bit?” Rei said as she saw some visitors coming up the stone steps.
“All right.” Usagi agreed and stood up; extending her hand to the girl she was just holding. The pink haired girl nodded her head slowly before taking the offered hand and being lead down the steps with the two women.
The hulking figure sat at a makeshift table and stared into a monitor-like device as he spoke, “My deepest apologizes. I sent out a tracker to determine her whereabouts…” before he could finish a voice interrupted him.
“You are completely incompetent! You have until the sun crests over the horizon to find her…” with that the screen he was speaking into became fuzzy.
“Damn it!” He cursed loudly and punched the table he sat at. “Where the hell is that bastard? Haven't we gotten word back yet?!” Just then he saw someone running up to him, “What is it?”
“We believe we may have located where the Princess went!”
He stood up quickly, “Good. Where is she?” His companion stepped forward and whispered something in to his ear. “How is that possible?”
“I don't know sir. Do you wish me to send a Shade to verify?” He asked.
“Yes, I must know for sure before reporting anything in.” He said and motioned for his subordinate to continue.
The three girls walked down the street and when they reached the end of the block Rei looked down at the girl between Usagi and herself, “Do you think we should get her something else to wear?” she asked and looked over to her blonde haired companion.
Usagi looked at the younger girl for a moment, `She is dressed very regally especially compared Rei and I.' she thought as she looked at how they were dressed in comparison. Rei wore a pair of boot-cut jeans and simple short sleeve form fitting black shirt. While she wore a knee length white pleated skirt and a short sleeved pink polo.
The pink haired girl looked at her dress, “What's wrong with what I'm wearing?” she asked, sounding a little hurt. She was wearing a one-piece white dress with puffs of sheer white fabric on each of her shoulder and accented with several golden circles across the bust, which is traditional attire for a princess.
“Nothing is wrong with it.” Rei stated quickly before adding, “It's just a bit too formal.”
“She's right Chi…” Usagi stopped mid-sentence, drawing the attention of her two companions. She walked in front of them and bent forward slightly, “What does everyone usually call you?”
“Usagi, that's a little rude saying it like that.” Rei chastised.
The blonde haired girl stood up fully and looked over to her girlfriend, “I didn't mean it like that. I just want to call her by a name she's comfortable with. I don't want call her Chibi-Usa if she'd rather be called something else.”
“Usagi, that's still…”
“You can call me Chibi-Usa if you want.” The pink haired girl interrupted the little squabble, forcing both girls to look at her. She looked down and quietly added, “Everyone usually calls me Small Lady.”
“Are you sure Chibi-Usa is fine?” Usagi asked, causing her to nod her head in response. “All right, let's get you some different clothes, Chibi-Usa.” She said and extended her hand to the younger girl. She quickly took the offered hand and offered her free one to Rei. The raven haired girl took her hand and they continued walking again.
Haruka stepped out of her car and paused for a moment before shutting the door. She looked around as though she was expecting someone to show up out of thin air.
“What's wrong, Ruka?” Michiru asked and shut the passenger side door.
The sandy blonde closed her eyes for a couple seconds before looking at her lover, “I'm not sure…I thought I felt a strange wind just as soon as I got out of the car.” She said and closed the car door.
“An enemy?” Hotaru asked as she walked around the back of the car and stood beside her guardian.
“I'm not sure. It might be something else.” She said, her brow creasing in thought.
“Can you sense anything, Michiru?” Hotaru asked, looking over to her other guardian.
She closed her eyes for a short time and when she opened them once more, she shook her head. “I don't sense anything.”
“It might just be because of the changes happening right now that I'm feeling the change in the wind.” Haruka said and shrugged her shoulders slightly. All three girls started to make their way to their house afterwards, the youngest of them trailing behind slightly.
Rei walked over to Usagi, who sat in front of a dressing room curtain. She leaned against the wall beside the blonde and asked, “Is this real Usa?” Usagi looked over to Rei fondly and smiled. She reached over and gave Rei a quick pinch on her exposed arm, “Oww, what did you do that for?” Rei asked and rubbed the small red spot on her arm.
Usagi smiled wider before answering, “I'm just proving to you that this isn't a dream or anything.”
“You couldn't have thought of a less painful way?” Rei asked, still rubbing her arm.
“Sure.” Usagi said and smiled sweetly. She then proceeded to take Rei's arm in her hands and rub the reddened area, before planting a feather light kiss on it. Rei could feel her cheeks warm at Usagi's displays of affection. Even though she always wished for Usagi show that kind of affection for her openly, she still felt a bit embarrassed. She hadn't really had anyone in her life she could call her `significant other'; she only had her dreams until now.
Just then a hand reached from behind the curtain and tapped Usagi on the shoulder. The blonde looked at the still drawn curtain and asked, “What's wrong?”
It took a couple seconds before a reply came, “Can I have some help with the zipper?” She asked quietly.
Usagi smiled again and answered, “Sure.” She stood up, “I'm coming in now.”
Rei waited patiently waited outside the stall. As she stood by herself her thoughts drifted off to the young girl that had interrupted Usagi and her, `Did something happen to make her forget? Or…' Her thoughts were cut off by a voice behind the curtain, it was Usagi.
“We're coming out.”
A couple seconds later the curtain was pulled back and out walked Chibi-Usa followed by Usagi. The pink haired girl's cheeks had a hue of pink to them as she modeled the dress she wore. The dress was a white one-piece with several red flower patterns all over the fabric. “The clothing here is weird, but I like this.” Chibi-Usa said as she turned around for Rei.
The raven haired girl smiled, “You look very pretty.” The younger girl blushed slightly deeper and smiled brightly at the comment. Rei looked more serious as she sat down in the chair that was previously occupied by Usagi, “Can I ask you something?” Chibi-Usa nodded her head slowly in response. “When you arrived at the shrine…you didn't realize you'd traveled back to the 20th century, did you?”
`I went back in time? Is that why everything is so different? I hope everyone's still all right …' Chibi-Usa thought to herself. She shook her head slowly, “No, I didn't know.”
Usagi knelt beside Rei, “Did something happen in the future?”
The younger girl was about to say something when a sales associate came over and asked them if they were all ready.
The miko looked up and smiled, “Yes, we are. Do you mind if she wears it out of the store?” She asked as she stood up.
“That would be fine.” The sales person said and smiled before adding, “Right this way.” She then began walking towards the front registers. The three girls followed after her and just a short time after that, they were leaving the store.
As soon as they stepped outside, Rei turned to her companions, “Let's go Ichinohashi Park to talk. It should be pretty quiet right now.”
“Are you sure?” Usagi questioned, as she thought back to the last time she was at that particular park.
Rei nodded her head, “Yeah. We can't let unpleasant events in the past affect our lives now.”
The Moon Princess smiled and nodded her head as well. After several minutes of walking they arrived at the park. Chibi-Usa was the first one to the entrance and ran into the park before Rei or Usagi could. She'd never seen anything like this where she came from.
“Hey, don't run ahead! You don't know your way around here!” Rei called.
Usagi inched closer to her girlfriend and whispered, “Do you think she has amnesia or something?”
The raven haired girl watched the young pink haired girl a little longer before glancing over to her right, “I don't know…but if I were to guess, I'd say she's the way she is because of us.”
A curious look crossed Usagi's face, “Because of us?”
She nodded her head, “Yeah. Because we chose…” She paused and looked around. After a moment her eyes became fixated on the ground ahead of them, “Usagi, transform now!” The other girl nodded quickly, she didn't know what was happening, but she could hear the urgency in Rei's voice.
“Moon Crisis, Make Up!”
“Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!”
Chibi-Usa looked around, `This is really nothing like home.' She wasn't familiar with this world nor was she entirely sure how it was that she traveled to past. She did realize that the `key' around her neck was responsible for sending her where she was, but she didn't think such a thing existed. She touched the fabric on her chest, where she felt the small object, `If it could send me here…perhaps it can send me back as well…' She thought and turned around, but she was surprised by what she saw, `Why did they did they transform?'
Mars looked out and scanned the ground, `Where is it going to come from?' A couple seconds later eyes focused on Chibi-Usa and her eyes widened, `It's not us…” She quickly darted toward the pink haired girl as fast as she could. Moon was about to say something when she felt the ground start to shake. In seconds, she swiftly picked smaller girl up and ran away with her in her arms. Barely a second later, a large monster sprang up from the ground exactly where Chibi-Usa was standing moments ago, sending concrete and dirt into the air.
The pink haired girl's eyes widened as she saw the monster erupt from the ground, just barely missing her, thanks to Mars. “T-Thank you.”
Mars looked down at the young girl, “You don't have to thank me, I'm just glad I reached you in time. Can you transform?”
The young girl's eyes suddenly filled with tears as she looked up at Mars, “I'm s-sorry, I-I…”
Mars sighed inaudibly, “It's ok, you can tell me later.” She said quietly. She looked over her shoulder to Sailor Moon to see how she was doing, she was dodging the attacks thankfully, but she didn't know how much longer that would last. Mars ran behind a large tree and gently put the pink haired girl down, “I have to help Usagi, will you be alright here?”
Chibi-Usa nodded, “Yeah, I'll be fine.” She said and saw Mars nod back to her before running over to Sailor Moon.
As soon as Mars was far enough away, she took out the key that hung around her neck, `I'm sorry, I have to go back if I can…I have to make sure everyone is still alright.' She dropped to her knees and held the key tightly in her hand, “I pray to thee, God of time Chronos. Please open the path of light for me.” She kept her voice down, so as not to draw attention to herself and remained still, waiting for something to happen. She mentally kept track of how much time passed in her, several minutes had gone by and nothing happened. She stood up and looked at the key in her hand, `Am I stuck here?'
She couldn't ignore the sounds of battle just beyond where she was, so she turned to how they were doing. As she watched Mars and Moon fight her mind drifted back to her parents, she'd never seen them fight before. She'd heard the Senshi tell stories, but it was different seeing them actually fight. They were strong together; they were pushing back the demon even without knowing its weak points, but they wouldn't win like they were fighting, they'd run out of energy… `I have to help them…I can't let them lose here.'
Mars threw a punch in what she assumed be his stomach region. The youma appeared to see the strike coming, but he made no effort to move. Mars' punch remained true, but much to her horror she was the one grimacing in pain, not the youma. Mars saw the youma rear back his large arm, seemingly to swat her away, but she quickly back-flipped away from the creature. She landed a fair distance away from the youma; in fact, she now stood beside Sailor Moon.
“Are you alright?” Moon asked the concern noticeable in her voice.
Mars looked at her knuckles and made a fist a few times, she cursed inwardly. Her fingers and knuckles were torn up pretty bad, not to mention how much they stung, but she'd been through worse. Mars looked up to see Sailor Moon staring at her, the blonde's eyes were traveling to her injured hand but Mars hastily lower into her side, away from Moon's line of sight. “I'm fine, but what on Earth is that thing made of?”
“Rock. It's a rock demon.”
Both senshi turned to the pink haired girl at the same time. “What?”
“It's a rock demon: it has a strong outer defense. They aren't intelligent but they are strong and hard to take down.” Chibi-Usa explained.
“That would explain why my attacks haven't been of much use against that thing.” Mars stated.
“How do you know all of this?” Sailor Moon asked.
The younger girl hesitated for a short time before answering, “I've seen one before.”
“What do you…” Moon started to say, but heard the youma growl behind her. She turned around and saw a large rock heading at her. She gasped as she felt someone collide with her and knock her to the ground. She felt someone on top of her and when she looked, she saw Mars' worried face looking down at her, “Thanks.”
“Usagi don't completely forget about the youma.” Mars whispered and pulled herself off her girlfriend. As soon as she stood up, she offered her hand to Sailor Moon and brought her up with her. She turned her attention to the youma before looking at the girl behind for a moment, “He must have some kind of weakness though…”
“He does…” The young girl started to say before diving to her left, barely avoiding a large rock flying in her direction. The two senshi turned their full attention to the monster, which was currently lowering one of his bulky extremities.
“Usagi, make sure Chibi-Usa is okay. I'll keep this thing busy.”
“Are you sure that you'll be okay?” Moon asked quickly.
“Yes, just check on Chibi-Usa.” Mars said and ran at the youma.
Sailor Moon nodded and ran over to the girl that was just attacked. As soon as she reached her, she knelt on the ground beside Chibi-Usa, who was still lying on the ground. “Are you okay?” The younger girl nodded her head, even though she was still shaken, she wasn't hurt. “How do we take down that thing?”
Chibi-Usa sat up, “It has two weaknesses. Its eyes and throat are its weak points. If you attack them, you can defeat him.” She said and saw another of Mars' fire attack hit the monster in the chest, but have no effect on him.
“How have you seen that thing before?”
She shook her head, “That's not important now. Please help her, Mama.” She pleaded.
Moon nodded her head, “All right. Stay out of sight until we take down that youma.” She said in a protective tone.
“I will.” She replied and ran back over to where Mars had originally hid her.
Sailor Moon ran over to where Mars and the youma were fighting. As she approached she saw the creature rear back his arm to strike Mars, so she quickly grabbed her tiara and shouted…
“Moon Tiara Action!”
The golden disc left her hand and sailed through the air until it collided with the youma's arm, halting its progress, but not cutting through his tough exterior. Once Mars noticed the youma wasn't going to attack her, so she leapt backwards, landing near Moon. She dropped to one knee, breathing heavily. Moon dropped to her knees beside her and looked at her with concern, “Are you okay, Rei?”
After taking a couple more deep breaths she said, “Yeah, he's just tougher than I thought he was going to be. I can't hurt him even though I'm targeting the same spot every time I attack. Is Chibi-Usa okay?”
“Yeah, she also told me he's weakest around his throat and his eyes.”
Mars nodded her head, “He's strong but he doesn't move very fast, so I think I can get behind him. You can still use your tiara to blind things right?” She asked and looked over to her Princess for confirmation.
She nodded her head, “Yeah, but what are you going to do when you get behind him?”
The raven haired girl smiled and simply said, “You'll see, I've got something in mind.” Mars stood up afterward, followed by Sailor Moon doing the same. Mars ran toward the youma, taking a wide angle to get to him, but before she was too close she called to Sailor Moon, “Give me some cover!” Moon nodded and touched the crescent moon on her tiara before calling out…
“Moon Twilight Flash!”
Mars closed her eyes when she heard Moon complete her attack phrase, but continued to run at the youma. When she felt she was close enough to the youma, she leapt at the creature. She landed on the youma in such a way that she was straddling its neck, with a leg on each shoulder. “Open wide!” Mars yelled and pointed her hand at the youma's face. He opened his mouth, be it because he was going to say something or merely growl as he'd mainly been doing rather than talking, it didn't matter because Mars took the opportunity to put her hand in the creature's mouth, “Thank you…”
“Mars Flame Sniper!”
She let go of her attack and quickly removed her hand, but the flaming arrow effected the youma sooner than she'd expected. She was about to jump away from him when he unexpectedly exploded, sending her through the air for a few seconds until she collided roughly with the ground.
“Rei!” Sailor Moon called and ran over to the raven haired girl as fast as she could. When she reach her, she was laying back on the grass laughing, “Don't ever do something like that again!” Moon yelled.
Mars looked over to her girlfriend and gave her a half smile, “It destroyed the youma didn't it.”
“I don't care about that! I don't want you to do anything so reckless ever again.” Moon covered her eyes with a gloved hand before adding in quieter voice, “What if you got hurt in that explosion?”
Mars sighed softly and walked over to her upset girlfriend. She placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, “I'm sorry Usagi. I didn't mean to worry you.” After apologizing, she wrapped her arms around the blonde and held her in a tender hug.
The young pink haired girl stepped out from her hiding place and stared at the two women in an embrace. She looked at the ground for a couple minutes, before lifting her head and running towards the couple. It seemed she didn't have any way of getting home, which meant she'd have to hope everything remained all right. She wasn't sure if she should tell them about what was happening in the future, she had read books that had time-traveling in them after all, she'd read how a simple of the tongue could have bad repercussions. She wasn't sure how much in those books was true, but she didn't think she wanted to risk anything like that happening. One thing she was sure about, she could depend on them.
End Ch. 1
I don't expect the next chapter to be forth coming very soon, but anyone who stuck with me through `Her Battle' knows I don't update very frequently, but I always do eventually. It does feel good to write again after such a long break. My intention was to finish my unfinished SM story, but this one really ended up typing up much faster, which is good for this story though. I hope to hear everyone's impressions about this new story. I'm at least satisfied with the beginning, which is good. Anyway, that's all I've got to say, so I'll just end this so I can upload this. :)